A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Mei2
Ya lor that is the kind of HPT..

I just got a call from the gynae..did a blood test last nite...doc say it was a miscarriage..

Haiz...fated lar...

Dear zhuzhu,
Sorry to hear of your loss. Know i can't be of much help but just want you to know i care. We will be here to support you. Take care and try to take some tonics to 'tiao' your body back. Will pray for you.
Thanks Erin00 !!

Any idea what sort of tonics i need to take??
Actually if I did not take the HPT...i would have assume that my AF came late..
Now the cycle is all messed up...duno how to start to calculate my ovulation period again..
to everyone,
i have a question on BBT. Does it drop a few days just before AF comes? or on the day itself?
i'm just starting to measure my BBT...
hi zhuzhu

do take care, hard to console u though, the TTC-ians FRDS here is all very supportive when i mc too...
Do drink some DOM, black chicken Soup when u AF is over.. and chicken essences too...
Hi Zhu zhu

Sorri abt yr loss...stay positive tat yr next preg wil b a healthy one...okie???!!!...rest well...n take care...
Thanks Mei2 & Fizz

I guess there will be a kind of worry whether this will happen for the next preg o not...
Hi all

Just came back from KKH 24hrs Women clinic.... my wifey say she got a few drop of blood on her undie..... and she is very afraid, she nearly burst into tears.... to put her and my mind at east, I send her to KKH... after doing urine test and scan, the doctor say that this is known as spotting and very common... with strong heart beat of the foetus, chances of miscarriage is only 5%. So long it is not a heavy flow or a very bad abdominal pain, it should be okay, but of course got to be very careful. She was given a jab too to stablise the foetus..... thank goodness she and the foetus are okay.... frankly, I am already preparing myself for the worst, cannot imagine how my wifey will react if it is bad news...... Thank God Thank God........
hi Zhuzhu,
sorry to hear about your loss... now it's very impt for you to tiao your body so that your body will be strong enuff...

If you can go to Chinese sinseh and ask for "Sheng1 Hua4 Tang1"... it's to be drank after giving birth to remove all the "dirty blood".

Please abstain from any cooling / cold stuffs from now for the next 1 mth. No crabs / prawns.
Just take more tonic and more ginger. Dun drink water. Drink red date, "Gou Qi Zi", Dried black Longan, "Dang3 Shen1", "Bei3 Qi3" and some ginger. Boil for 30-40 mins and drink as water.
It will help to get rid of the bloatedness, "Bu Qi", "Bu Xue", and "Ming2 Mu" - good for eyes....
it's very impt for you to take all the nutritional stuffs and also to get rid of the "wind" in the body. That way you will be able to nourish your body well.

1) Everyday drink the red date tea mentioned above like water. Dun drink water.
2) Morning drink a bottle of chicken essence on empty stomach. After 10-15 mins take your normal breakfast
3) Lunch/Dinner, mee sua with soup or tonic soup with rice and veg. and remember use lots of ginger.
4) drink DOM before you sleep every night.
Your body is in a very good state to absorb the most now. So, dun let it pass.... take as much as you can.

E.g of tonic soup.
1) "Dang Shen", "Bei Qi", "Huai Shan", Gou Qi Zi, black dates, add half/whole black chicken with 1 bowl of water and 1/2 cup of martel.
You can chose to fry some ginger slice with sesame oil and then add normal chicken followed with martel before pouring into slow cooker with the herbs to boil.
2) Fry ginger with sesame oil and fry some chicken/meat. Can add mushroom is you wan. add water boil and add some salt, pepper and soya sauce... after water boil add mee sua.
3) "Pao shen with Chong Chao" and gou qi zhi , black date with black chicken.
However, I have chosen to mill "Pao shen and chong cao" into powder. Can take 2-4 everyday during this period.
Remember to ask for "Lao Pao shen". It must be warm in nature. Not those cooling Pao shen
4) Fry ginger slices with sesame oil, add chicken dice, add mushroom... stir fry... add some seasoning, add 2 tablespoon of DOM and fry... then add a little of the mushroom water used to soak the mushroom. This also quite nice. Very sweet.
5) Remember..After your blood clear Totally, can drink "Dang gui bu xue Tang", "Ba Zhen" and "Bai Feng Wan" with black chicken
Hi Elmo
Wow..that is really a long list of things to eat...I was still thinkin of taking the easy way out..just drink DOM..
Dear Zhuzhu
I'm indeed sorry to hear abt your loss too. I think since it's a chemical pregnancy which u had earlier suspected too, it's not a full m/c but a missed one that occured before Wk 5. You can just take smaller portion of those 'bu' stuffs recommended by elmo.

Take care of yourself!!
Hi, I am new to this thread...would like to find out more info on "trying to conceive". :p

We just started trying out for bb in Oct (after my menses) and my menses is late for Nov, 9 days till now.

Any special symptom whether I conceive now? I got sore breast and stomach cramp. But, these are my menses coming symptom also. So, I am kinda worry and dare not to test with any pregnancy test kit, scare is a big disappointment to me.

Can share with me? Thanks.
Hi Wisteria
Ya lor..i guess I can just drink DOM...maybe take chicken essence(but i dun like the taste leh)..
Not to worry..i pretty over it now..just that it had been a roller coaster week..

Hi bottle
Is ur mense very accurate? if yes, I think you can test already since its 9 days late..
kekeke... it's just some suggestion on the food to take... dun have to take all.
Cos confinement food rather boring mah... so need some variation... try to take min 2 weeks.
Hi Elmo,
Thanks for your reply!

I'm getting symptoms like slight cramps and heavier breasts like what i usually get when AF is coming. But my BBT is still high and AF is not yet due to arrive for at least another week.

Hope the high BBT holds (*fingers crossed*). But my cycle very erratic, so also hard to say... will have to wait a couple more weeks to get better picture.

Sigh...don't like the waiting part...
Bottle: Since u r already 9 days late, u shd buy the HPT to test liao. Find out earlier so that you can check for any signs of instability.

Choco: I'm so envious that you BBT is high. Mine is dropping to 36.28 but AF is still not here yet. Not much high hopes on this cycle... I guess it's one of those late menses for me again
Hi wisteria,
Mine still too early to tell since AF not due yet...my BBT was 36.91 today. Will just have to wait n see...

Hi zhuzhu,
Sorry to hear about your loss...Must have been very emotional time for you. The most impt thing now is to take care of urself.
Anyone has this situation before?

Menses late for more than a month already. Breasts feeling tender, and feeling very tired. But when I went to a GP to test, the result is negative. (Actually by right should trust the GP, but I heard that the kit should test early in the morning but I tested in late morning, and plus the GP didn't seem very professional and knowledgeable).

So I am here to seek your advice, should I do a test again myself or should I save the effort and money (and spare myself the disappointment) to just wait for my menses to come?

My menses used to be VERY regular until recently (or rather after I got married few months ago). I find it very strange. My sister says that because I am getting old (I am 29 this year. Is it true?
Hi Choco
Did feel sad when the doc told me..but then come to think of it..if I did not take the HPT..I would not have know...

Oh well..the world still goes around...

Hi Lanoras
Do you want to go and see a gynae? Not true that your menses will not be regular as u grows older wat..
Hi Zhu Zhu

Glad tat u r getting on n lookin fwd...build up yr body constitution...so tat u'll hv a healthy bb the next time rd yah???!!!...we r all tryin...

I used to hate chix essence...now I luv it...try tinkin it as chix soup...

Hi Wisteria

Dun give up...jia you okie???!!!...jus relax...mabbe u'll anyhow do anyhow strike...like many of the former TTCians here...

Hi Lanoras

If u r worried abt it...y dun u go for a pre-conception checkup at the gynae...shld b able to pinpt yr cycle stage...it may jus b due to stress as a result of yr new lifestyle...my AF used to b very regular till I hope tat it can jus come once every few mths...n jus when Im ready to TTC...my AF extended its holiday visa n refused to come bac...my breasts were also experiencin tenderness on n off...till I was so confused...n I wasnt preg...in the end...I induced my AF...n my BBT showed tat I wasnt ovulatin...
Hi Choco and Fizz: Sigh too bad, BBT dropped to 36.15 this morning liao. And I saw a brownish spot on my panty just minutes ago
Waiting for the full blown this afternoon...
Hi all,

I had a scan done on CD15 and my gynae mentioned that my follice was still non-mature. I was put on 50mg clomid. Does anyone out there whose follice mature at a much later CD?

Cos the nurse was telling me some gals' follice mature at a much later CD.
Hi Zhu zhu...

No lar...Im not hvg confinemt so I drink oni once a wk...started recently...so tat I cld bu my body a bit...my hb's drinkin twice a wk...

Hi Wisteria...

Look on the brighter side...at least u hv a chance cos u r ovulatin... =)

Im hvg very bad gastric flu now...chills...diahorrea...nausea...n gastric pain...dunno whether issit the TCM med which I took last nite...my TCM not ard at tis hr leh...

CD15...still neg on OPK...sigh...
Actually, I used to have irregular menses, can even late for 1 month. After marriage, I find my menses is more regular, lesser menses cramp.

After we started trying for bb in Oct, my menses is late for Nov till now. So, I am kinda worry and have not test with any test kits till now. *praying*

Any recommendation on pregnancy test kits and how to use? Sorry, 1st time, no experience.
Just to check, can I drink chicken essence now or do I have to wait till the bleeding is over? I know DOM had to wait till bleeding is over then can drink lar..

Hi Bottle
I think those watson or guardian brand pregnancy test kit will be good enuff...
i went to my pap smear last week, and went back to the doctor today. doctor have advice me of this month making baby dote, then next month go back to him, see whether pregnant or not. but i really don't like this doctor, so i check myself whether i pregnant or not, if yes, then i go to the other doctor?

any recommand gyne at jurong west area?
Hi Bottle..

Yes agree with you. After the start of TTC, menses started getting longer cycles. Like mine, went from 23d cycle to 24d then now 26d.

My gynae says it's alright. In fact, it is better to have a 28d - 32d cycle to get pregnant.

How's yours?
Hi gals!
Din logged in for a few days cos pc was down.

glad u r taking things positively. Take care!

actually any brand is ok but most pple tend to trust clearblue.

took my temp today. also high. 36.89. am hoping that it will stay high too
Good luck!
Hi All,

I'm preggie! Thank you for all the advices & knowledge from u ppl... I'm so grateful that all of you have taught me the ways to conceive... I'm in my 6weeks, feeling very sleepy & tired!

Wow, good news. Congratulations. I have read your posting before. Me have been TTC for quite sometimes but AF comes every month. So disappointed. How you do it? what have you tried? can share?
Hi zhuzhu,

I had a biochemical pregnancy 2 weeks ago and menses last for a week. I have been TTC for a year and this was my first pregnancy. I am taking chicken essence every morning.
Hi frens here,

I am new here.
I miscarriaged Feb this year.
Now TCC too. Kinda stressful

Can anyone help me?

My temp this week hv been above 36.5' but below 37'.
Does this mean I have chance this month or no?

Appreciate and thanks..
Hi Ladies

Anyone seeing the chinese sinseh at jurong east currently? My colleague recommend me to see her to "bu" my womb...

Hi Mayling
Sorry about ur loss....that was also my 1st pregnancy...so u intend to take the chicken essence for how long? Do you take DOM?
Hi Cherry

Thanks! I tried the ovulation kit but that doesn't help for me though.. But someone in this thread told me to put a pillow under my butt after sex for the sperm to flow in with my legs high up! I only tried for once & BINGO!! I started folic acid every morning too.. not sure if that helps.. Let me shower you with some bb dust!!

Thank you!
Hi zhuzhu,
I should be taking chicken essence for at least month. I don't take DOM bcos me sensitive to alcohol. My friend also did recommend me to chinese sinseh to "bu" my body. But I will decide later after my next visit to my gynea.
Hi Fruitee

I have tried to place pillow under my butt after the session but still no use ler.... Do anyone of you experience after BD, the next day while walking, have feel that the sperm is flowing out? I have this, is this normal?
Hi sunrise_o, now I have regular menses after I got married, around 30d cycles as compared to last time, very irregular.

Hi Fruitee, congrats!

Hi Cherry, I also have the same experience as you leh...should be normal.. not sure.
Hi zhuzhu,

It's good to see chinese sin seh to bu your body.
I started to do so after I m/c.
I can feel the improvement in my health.
Take care.
Try holding a little longer! me too in the beginning try cannot then I tried abit longer & I got it!
I have the same experience too.. It's normal! My friend told me it's those unsuccessful sperm.

Hi Bottle

I dun really which is the right day to BD, how many days after after AF, my cycle is should be 21days, can anyone here advise me. Do you think that I should take DOM every night inorder to "bu" my womb?
Hi Lyn
U seeing which sinseh? Can recommend?

Hi Cherry
Its normal to feel the sperm flowing out the next day...me also have dat
Hi ZhuZhu,

You can go to the JE one, it's quite famous.
Quite a few recommended JE one to me too.
I went to the sinseh in JB.
Hi Fruitee

OIC, is 16th day. All the while I thought was 12th day after the 1st day of AF. I will try again cos I just send my AF back.

I not sure if you can drink DOM or not, you better get advice from the experience ones... Most important for you now is REST and RELAX.
Hi Erin,
Good for you! My temp today also high...37.08...

keeping my fingers and toes crossed...

But the Omron BBT thermometer i bought can't remember the temp, so if i fall asleep after taking my BBT, sometimes i can't recall the temp exactly when i finally wake up...keke...

Do you have the same prob?

Hi ladies,
i'm new here.
i start myTTC from last 2 months,but unsuccessful leh, will try this month.
i had see doctor and he has advice me the day of make baby, but will it better to use the ovalution test?
because i didn't use thermometer and ovalution test......
