A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi all, me too diagnose with PCOS. But my gynae gave me Clomiphene 50mg instead of clomid and metformin. Anyone out there know abt this medicine. My gynae asked me to eat CD2 and go back to him on CD10 to do scanning.

Hi Jaslyn, I have taken clomid for 2 cycles last year...but didn't strike.
This medication helps to stimulate you to ovulate. while metformin controls the PCOS syndrome...by supressing the insulin resistent condition. I have not tried both medication given together but have heard quite good reviews on them. But u must take note u shouldn't take clomid for more than 6 cycles.

ok, me going to zzzzzzzzzzzz now!
Can anyone answer this question:Does your OPK turn darker (though not as dark as the reference band and still quite pale) towards your ovulation day?
Hi Daisy,

Good morning!!! Me have taken all the necessary tests for the past 8 years. I have even done laprosopy. Doc prescribed metformin but seems like I am oso not responding to e medication. Hiaz. I am consider the slim type and have been excersing regularly too.
Hi Hui

SO-IUI is a Superovulation & Intrauterine Insemination (SO-IUI) programme done in KK. Two to three eggs are stimulated and brought to maturation and ovulation. Then they usually combine with intrauterine insemination in which the prepared sperms are placed directly into the uterus.

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis.

Fertility drugs are given for 10 days or more to produce between two to three mature follicles. These drugs may be either injections (gonadotrophins) alone or a combination of tablets (Clomiphene) and injections. Ultrasound scans are done at intervals to determine the number and size of the follicles before another injection (HCG) is given for final maturation and subsequent ovulation of these follicles.

On the day of the insemination, the couple has to bring the husband's semen sample to the hospital. The semen is prepared and the motile fraction is then placed into the uterus using a fine catheter through the cervix. Injection is more expensive, costs more than $1K per cycle.
hi Jaslyn,
Serophene/Clomiphene is clomid. These are just the brand names.

I was also given only clomid and not metformin.. I think gynae will based on your condition to prescribe the medication.
Dun worry too much ok?
hi Cat, You might/might not see it getting darker... I ever encounter it getting darker and then lighter...after that positive...
hihi Elmo,

Hehe, actually Dr. Fong is the Fourth gynae I go to. First one was CT Yeong from KK, e second one was Rosalind Chong at Mount E, third one is Cordelia Han from KK too. All ended up with SO-IUI as their next procedure. Most probably will start IUI with Dr. Fong in sep when I take medicine to induce AF in mid Aug.

Hi everyone,

Do you guys know what is the difference between KK's SO-IUI and DR. Fong IUI? I think because my hubby's sperms are healthy so he only suggested IUI? Read from another thread that a lady strike on her first cycle of IUI, despite her failure to response to clomid and metformin. That is encouraging for us eh?
Hi Elmo,

I went to Dr Fong oso. He just use v.scan and say i have PCOS. But i forgot to ask is it both ovary the same. But i dun understand why i dun ovulate every month since i have regular menses. Actually what shd i do if i dun ovuate every month. That means i hv to see Dr Fong every CD10 to check whether will i ovuate? My frenz ask me to go JE sinseh. Sorry for being blur blur.....
morning babes

dawn.. diff ppl reacts to diff med lor.. no choice.. me strike on my last 3rd clomid..

jaslyn.. its the same clomid and clomiphene :
Hi Ladies,

I'm also trying for a baby for the past 6 months.

I wonder how long will you be able to detect your pregnancy with the pregnancy test kit? I had missed for AF for almost 1 month, today at CD57. My usual cycle is at CD45.

I took a test on 25/7 but was negative. I have been having weird symptoms such as nausea, stomach cramp and was extremely tired. I understand that these could be signs premenstrual signs too.

What should I do next? I was thinking of going to GP but I feel they will also asked me to use the pregnancy test kit, so I feel it will be quite pointless leh.
hi Jasmine,
I suggest you take another test. As you are quite late, maybe you can test now... dun have to use 1st urine test.
then faithfully complete the antibiotics. Don't ever stop halfway or next time (*touch wood*) may not be effective. This is something beyond control, don't think too much.

thanks for ur advise, will try to control myself and reduce cold drinks intake. I love green vege and have been taking a lot. I have tried the position u described (missionary position) but felt a bit painful. Find it easier with doggy and heard that it's a deep penetration as well, so hope one day can strike.

is ur lifestyle very stressful? After laparoscopy, ur gynae diagnosed only PCOS? Were ur hormone blood tests normal? Do you have heavy and painful menstrual cramp or sometimes come with big clots? Mine is endometriosis which can also affect fertility. However, let's hang on and don't give up.

good luck and hope to hear good news from u in 2 weeks' time
And you too, Hopeful
chensing, so far my luteal phase has been quite constant... unless there is some changes I guess. If not, should be constant.

ok.. then you chart for a few more cycles.
Morning gals.

Hi dawn,
thanks for your encouragement!

Hi daisy,
ya lor, got to finish the antibiotics, no matter what. Haiz...really beyond my control, what to do, just have to take things easy lor and don't think so much....
hi morning gals,

thank you abt the info about the cost of the trigger shots from Dr FY. i'm sorry to hear about your infection. try not to worry too much about it. right now everythng is in the hands on the one above.

clomiphene and clomid are the same medicine. usually will start at 50mg (1tab) and progressively move up to max dose of 200mg (4 tabs). Please note that clomid can be taken up to 6 cycles consecutively. and you shd be monitored for ovulation at the same time.

some GPs and gynae do not do monitor ovulation even if they prescribed clomid. but it is recommened that ovulation monitoring is done as only then the doc can see whether your ovaries response and at what rate they grow to the medicine.

KKh only does SO-IUI (super ovulation + IUI), if you are already ovulating well, then IUI will be enough. SO-IUI is only when one does not ovulate or when one does not ovulate well.
good morning everyone

dont worry and think too much my dear.. God is still in control and cast it to Him for He will lighten this load for you. Have faith! Be diligent in taking the anti-biotics together with yr hubby.. God bless
hopeful: take things easy ok..
hope to have some good news form u too.. and keeping our constant prayers for u.
hopeful: Don't give up and try not to worry too much....

Hubby has low morphology (2%). anybody has the same problem? Will SO-IUI help the situation?
Hi piggyMUM,

Try going to the chinese physician @ JE. Also, Pine Bark Extract supplements help male fertility. Hope this helps.
Hi ladies,

I am also using the OPK from babywishes. but although the test line is as dark as the reference line around O day, but it is not as thick as the reference line. just wondering whether those who are using this brand notice the same??
Thanks gals for all the consolation! I'm really touched by all your concerns.

my hubby also has low morphology, if you have no problem ovulating, IUI is enough to help you. SO-IUI is for those with problem ovulating. I read before that if you react too well to SO-IUI, you may produce too much egg and cannot go through the procedure, will have to either give up or convert to IVF.
Hopeful, thanks for the info. will ask hubby to repeat the SA test. If the morphology is still low, will consider IUI...

going to see Dr Fong soon...

Your position hor.. the one missionary, but with legs on hubby's shoulders..it help me get pregnant last time.. so quite effective!! i intend to try again, since i unfortunately m/c..

Daisy.. okie,
will add you in.. i think i just go ahead to order liao..

still have 40 strips extra.. who wants?
current status for ordering OPK from baby wishes:

1. Jasmine Lau (20 strips)
2. erin00 (20 strips)
3. Daisy (20 strips)
4._____ (20 strips)
5. ____ (20 strips)
Thanks. I was just wondering if I am reading too much into it. I am so frightened that I am not ovulating.

It's very weird. I bought clearplan and they claim to be able to test any time of the day. I bought another brand. Think it is sure and easy. they recommend to test only from 10 am ---8pm and not to use morning urine. I have been using my first urine in the morning for my test with clearplan. Anyone can share their experience?
cat.. OPK cant use 1st morning urine.. try usin urine between 10am - 8pm
but dun drink water 2hrs b4 testin hor
hope it helps
Hi Pekochan,
apparently, when we ovulate, a hormone can Lutenising hormone (LH) is released.. so the OPK detects this hormone.

I used b4 clear & easy and clean plan OPK.. but i didn't detect that i was ovulating and i still managed to get pregnant last time.. (but i was using the first morning urine leh).. the TTC gals advise us to test with 2nd urine of the morning..

Daisy (Daisylove),

I need a way to PM you so that i can contact you when the strips arrive..

Maybe you can PM me instead with your Mobile No.? That way, i can sms you and keep you updated.
Baby making, thanks for your explaination.

Daisy, may i know how do u know that u have endometriosis. What kind of test do you do. Any diff between PCOS & endometriosis? Dun know why nowadays always got pain around left side of my ovary and when urine i saw blood (a little bit. I'm very scared. Last month same thing, and Dr Fong said is because of ovulation take place. Dun know want to see gynae pertaining this. Thanks
hi jaslyn,

u seeing Dr Fong? me too

i went to see him on Mon and told him i got some spotting then he also told me im ovulating...when he scanned for me my follicle is only 15mm and he said very strange that i have spotting when the follicle is still quite small, makes me worried...
Hi jcml, I went to see him on Tue (2/8).
So did you ask him why? btw, which day are you when you hv spotting?
After he has done the scanning, he told me i hv cysts around my ovary then he told me that he cannot really see my follicle, therefore mayb will not ovulate this mth, so tell me just try .... and now kenna this spotting... now really make me worried. Do you think i shd go back and ask him why?
you mean you used the 2 brands that I mentioned. You did not detect ovulation but you became pregnant??

Anyone else using clearplan and sure and easy OPK???
The gynae didn't prescribe any medicine for my hubby. He even told me that morphology is not sth that can be improved easily. It has sth to do with the genes...what he suggested is to improve on the volume so as to increase the total fertilizable sperm count. My hubby's volume is within normal range, but not at the high side...BUT i have read from other forums that morphology can be improved by changing of lifestyle and medication etc....

I had similar experience. I had regular menses. The cycle is about 30 days and do ovulate most of time. But since Feb this year, I started to have spotting on day 11-15. The spotting lasts one day or two. I went to see GP and was told that it is due to ovulation and not to worry about it. But it started to get worse from spotting to light bleeding so I went to see gynae. He did a scan and found out that the follicle was still quite small when I started spotting/bleeding, in another word, I haven't O yet. Then the gynae told me that the spotting or bleeding is not due to the ovulation. It is actually due to the hormone imbalance. Normally, the uterus lining will come out only during the menses. But for me, due to the hormone imbalance, the lining actually comes out earlier. That is why I have spotting and bleeding even before ovulation. Just to share with you the experience. You may want to ask Dr in your next visit.

I thot I saw someone asking about ovulating, but I cant seems to find that posting liao. :p

One thing I need to say is that... it doesnt mean you are Ovulating regularly if menses come every mth... menses can come even without Ovulation... as menses is just shedding of the womb lining if there is no pregnancy... but it doesnt mean that there is an egg.....

if you are worried... see your gynae... gynae will be able to check for you if you are ovulating regularly....

so dun worry too much...
