A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ya..1 cot already takes up alot of space, be it 2nos. my sis put her bb on a mattress to sleep at nite, while in the cot during the day time.

Nik, think Ivy Lee gone thru C-sec..not natural birth. I think most ppl having twin dr will advise go thru c-sec straight to avoid any complication.
Hi Nik,
Congrats! It's a good surprise for you right?
kekekek... dunn say too early... scarly... bb very cute.. you wan to have another one...
Nik, I need when it's time. gynae will advise you... think it depends on the size and position of the bb also... so dun fret...
Choo, no raw, uncook, half-cooked food... which means no half-boil egg, no medium beef... only totally cooked beef. No pineapple, cabbage, radish (white carrot), young coconut..... no "Liang food", "Chou4 Dou4", broad beans, swordfish, sharks fin
Cut down on bean sprout, tuna, cucumber.
That's all I can think of for now. Remember to take your folic acid everyday. 5mg enuff liao. Most impt drink lots of water, sleep more and dun walk around so much....
Mashy/Val, I know....just cant help it.
hiaz! Maybe it's depressing to eat those food...cos I cant eat much and I'm beginning to get sick of it. :p I've never have to eat so much "Bu" before... everyday also feel hot and sweat alot cos of the food I take.
Maybe the stress plus the depressing mood is getting to me...
Sat I'm going to see the chinese sinseh again... see what he say.

YES madam!!will have to forgo a lot of my favourite food include jack place black pepper medium rare steak,sashimi,uncooked cockles(yummy!),sharks fin...
young coconut can only eat at last trimester right?

thanks for compiling the list!


dun think too negative now ok...build up your health and you will soon strike ok!
I think it's good to wait and see what you need. cos you might not need to get 2 sets of everything.
It must be exciting!!!
Oh! 1 thing very impt is to ensure you have enuff help esp during the confinement period, as 2 bb might be too much to handle... so make sure you have lots of help...
Choo, that time my gynae say no more than 2 cups of coffee per day ( that also includes intake of caffeine products). If can, try not to drink. If REALLY REALLY REALLY cannot take it, then take half-cup.... and cut down on the strength.
no... not just last tri... can only take starting 1 week before delivery..... before you eat anything...check first if not sure.
No harm..... try to cut down on cold stuffs if possible... drink more water...
be positive ok?
ur turn will come soon

so will u be gng to ur sis gynae,
hee..Dr Eunice?
or u gng to ur own gynae?

cofy!!oh no!!i already very obedient liao...before ttc was taking 5cups of cofy per day...then after ttc only 2 cups...but now 1/2 cup only?? will try will try......must try!!

oh cos my younger sis ate coconuts during the last two months of her pregnancy and had a smooth delivery...yesterday when i show her my test kit...she was very happy for me...made me regret i shdn't treat her so badly in sept last yr when i knew she was preggie before me(in case anyone here still remember i was very very upset that period and had a great fall due to that)but now this is over...i adore my niece so much that I want to cuddle and carry her every time i see her...she is such a sweet angel


wow you have such good memory!!
remember my sis's gynae same as you!think will most probably see Dr Adrain as I am rather comfortable with him...and his clinic is very near my hse and has night clinics
Choo, kkekkeeke... you take half cup 2 times lor... then you wun feel so deprived.... best if can dun take lah... but I know sometimes very difficult to control.... so just cut down... will get used to it after a while... You Can Do It!!!
Congrats! Finally hear good news from you. Wow, so happy for you! Take care and have a smooth 9 months!

I went to Dr Fong's Paragon clinic to scan on Sat and took the injection on Sun. Went for IUI just now and was totally impressed! It was totally painless and over even before I realised it has began. When Dr Fong stood up to leave, I gave him a surprised look and asked him, it's over? kekeke.... I was made to lie down for 20 mins on a tilted bed. Overall, this time was so much better than my first experience.

Congrats again for your boy and gal twins!
Choo, better dun eat so early cos everybody's body is different. In case, too liang for you... once bb is safe to be born can start taking liao... I guess that's about 34 weeks bah....
before that, dun take...

will try!!i am sure i can do it!just that initially you will see me not able to concentrate well cos not having my 2 cups of cofy daily....(sound like drug addict)hehe
glad ur IUI went well!!

I pray that u will succeed this cycle

Nat, chk today looks promising too!

most impt thing is u feel most comfy wif ur gynae
hee...can pop in March MTB liao
choo, normally very early pregnancy, do blood test only.....cos might be too small to see anything. some can see sac about 5 weeks.... so, maybe you might see something next week or so.
dun think i lose wt leh...
cos me jus apply on my arm n thigh..
can sense my arm reduce abit size lor...:p

u lose wt har??
tats good news too... hehe
loving, I dunno whether it's becos I've been drinking the red date tea... that seems to help get rid of the bloatedness I had.
My weight seems to have gone down by 1 kg...... but I'm not sure if it's due to the cream...:p
anyway, I wil "Nu Li" use the cream for another month or so.

so happy for you!!! looks good that you will strike this time as Dr Fong is really such patient and experienced gynae!!
keep you in my prayers!!!


i use those on line calulation shd be edd April 06...so now no April thread yet..but pai sey join march 06...
Choo, i noe u adore ur niece, but it's not a good time to carry her. U must be extra careful, ok?? I have a pair of twins cousin. Not from my hb's side. When my in-law heard tat i'm having twins, their 1st question is, 'she got twins relative meh?'

Elmo, ya, most of the things need to be double. Headaches... If i wan a no 3, it would be at least 4-5 years later lah. Can't cope...I gotta 'give n take'. My hb dun wan me to breast feed either. So, i manage to convince him tat i wan to try to bf but i go c-section loh.
no headache no headache.... you will be able to deal with it when it comes.... just buy the bare minimum can liao... the others can wait and you will know what you need.

I think it's good for you to try bf..... but you must remember to rest well cos you will be feeding 2 bb, so it will be physically more draining for you... so make sure you have lots of rest.....
congrats. Long Feng Tai. so good. zhen1 xian4 mu4. all at one go. no need to suffer labour pain again.

good luck 4 this round.
Congrats for having "long feng tai"!!!
must take good care & eat well, so dat u can take care of ur twins well!!!
Oh! this time round I got chance to try your "Bai Feng Wan" concoction liao... :p I hope I survive. :p kekekekek.,.....

just kidding...
choo: coffee is not hard to kick it off... i always have a cup of coffee inthe morning.. now i dun even touch it..
things u like before pregnancy dun mean u will like it during pregnancy..w hahaha... not joking... i love durian. now i hated it.. i hate water, now i drink alot! kekekek... u staying at CCK area?!?!?!

Hopeful: congrats to your smooth IUI! all the way manz!

oh can't carry my niece cos of myself and not cos 'pantang'right?cos i got one friend very pantang one leh...that time when her hse want carry her boy,she ask me if i preggie cos if not can't carry her boy if not he will be 'cranky'....

ok ok i see how it goes....will kiss kiss her more if can't carry...


yup i live at cck..more to yew tee....
okok!hope i will HATE cofy!
ya. dun carry bbs or small kids cos afraid "dong tai qi". when my SIL knew i'm ttc-ing, she dun let me carry her bb or play wif her sons. she say scared something happen.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>,

Mayb u can try to switch to decaf coffee or at least cut down to 1 cup

Cannot carry ur niece cuz it's e same theory as cannot carry heavy stuff mah</font>
I just came in to view the posts and happen to see ur good news! Congratulations, really happy for you and glad that you've resolved the problem with ur sis. Take good care and think positively. Have a smooth 9 mths

all the best

have u done the IUI?

congratulations in having a 'long fong tai'! Blessings
