A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

oh dear yeetay... have u seen a doc on that yet? isit a junction? did the taxi driver taken the youngster driving license? any P plate?

i speak too fast liao, now the cramps are kicking in...

the hsg was not as scary as i thought of. the most crampy part is when they blowed up the balloon to expand my uterus. the contrast spill freely through the right tube straight away but left tube tried 2 times then managed to flow through.

according to the doctor, my uterus and right tube was good but left tube abit tight but in the end still managed to open up. but my question now is the right has big anount of spill at the end but the left only minor spill. i still worried that the left end tube is blocked at the end part.

i expected something wrong at my left side as during my infection 2 yrs ago, the pain all came from the left.

but what is happy is at least i know my right side is good so still got 50% chance. anyway the detailed report will only be out when i see my gyna in 1 week time.

now only very very mild cramp.

yup at the juction. the cab was turning right and the opposite car was going straight at amble light. i think both of them are at fault. the cab driver should wait for the green arrow before turning and the car driver should already stop when turning amble.

they reported to their respectively insurance agencies immediately. the car no p-plate. the guy be around 18-20, student look. his girlfriend kanna chest pain.

now waiting for my hubby to come back from work then go see doctor.
naturally, my leg hit on the centre box between the 2 front seats (don know wat is that called) then my head hit on the window pane.

the moment i saw that both the cars cannot cannot brke in time, i closed my eyes to prepare for the worse.
i hope the dye had cleared the path in your tubes and will make u more fertile...

"Da4 nan4 bu4 si3, bi4 you3 hou4 fu2"

I kena a similar accident, was sitting in the back, middle seat, in my fren's car. Then drizzling lor, and dunno is it my fren new driver, or too happy chatting to us, anyway never brake in time... then my right knee banged into "centre box", watever its called, i only felt my knee got huge blue-black, but only when my fren told me dunno why that box was also spoiled, then i realised, oops, my knee actually hit that box so hard...
Good afternoon ladies,

Oh.. kopi session at sembawang ah.. me tempted to join also leh.. but hor I seldom contribute message here.. paisei leh..

Wow.. such a scary experience. Thank God you only suffered blue-black. Any headache? You must really go pray pray liao.. when u saw both cars going to crash onto one another, u closed your eyes ah?! Alamak, faster grab to the hand holder on top la, then maybe your face wont hit the window liao.. but I know when things happen suddenly, you cant react immediately. Anyway.. take care!

Hope your IUI went smoothly..
Btw received your HPT yesterday liao.. thks!
glad ur hsg went quite smoothly.
and yes, pls listen to the gals, if u feel any discomfort, go see doc. u r very lucky!

join us lah, if u dun feel sun plaza too far away for u...

hot tea/ milo, all can? if nothing, warm water also can help. if u got medicated oil, rub some on ur abdomen.. effective for me
if it's unusually painful, it's good to see gynae... then again.. everyone has got different pain tolerance level... so you are in a better position to judge if your pain is abnormal or not..

call and ask gynae...
back from lunchie

yeetay.. remember to see doc when ur eyesight is blur and havin nausea hor.. dun play huh...

sunflower.. do join us
dun need paiseh lah..
kekekekke... no lah...I dun mean that....hahahhahahah......
aiyoh, then a bit difficult to hide from your MIL right? :p then let her be lah...
initially is 2 weeks after medication... after that will be 1 mth then 3 mths...
just wan to make sure your dosage is correct mah... so doc need to check.

kekkekeke :p
oh dear.... you ok or not???... if you feel unwell.. must go see doc immediately.... yah... cannot play play....cos sounds quite serious.
I think you should complain to the cab co... cos in case you dun feel well afterwards.... then got to sue the cab co liao...
actually yesterday I nearly "Long Ga" with a cab also while on my way home after checkup... cos that stupid cab tried to over-take, he abruptly "squeeze" his way in and break suddenly cos he's trying to do a left turn...... luckily I brake in time!... gave him a loud honk also!!...worse thing is I dun understand how come he cannot go behind me and must "Ngah Ngah" overtake me when there's no car behind me at all....
dun worry, i always let her be... just tat will still feel a bit upset whenever she tries to meddle with things in my house... i haven't told u all abt how she rearranges my canned foods and things in my fridge, etc... heehee, now she stop liao, maybe she realised she can never get me to do things her way, so sian liao, heehee... but dun get me wrong, i still try my best to be a dutiful DIL to my eh, "interesting" MIL...
anyone know whether the chances to conceive in the 1st month after hsg is higher? read from somwhere that some ppl got pregnant after the procedure. is it conincidence?

I know lah... I also dun like it if my MIL comes and re-arrange my things.... cos I wun be able to find them next time... I guess it's like that since DIL and MIL not used to each other style mah...
I know what you mean... not tat we dun like them...just sometimes dun like the things they do....
:p cos cant get used....
err.... you mean that time your bleeding only last 4 days then all clear liao... now is the 1st cycle after that is it?
some drivers just like to bully lady drivers lor... yah man, HONK him! HONK HONK HONK!

Last time i always think it is very rude to honk... but nowadays i think i getting more and more short-tempered, even when hubby never honk, i'll tell him, HONK that driver!
I think that cos cab-drivers are under a lot of stress to earn money so that they can pay off the daily rent and being on the road for many hrs makes them more sub-sceptible to impatience.......
I hardly honk.... cos I think honk also no use.... the other party also continue... so I just let it be lor... unless dangerous situation... so far I've only honk 3-4 times due to being angry. :p

ya.. that time I went china... was in a state of shock when I heard so many people honking... in the end I realised that they are telling the rest of the drivers to beware... so dun anyhow change lane....
elmo.. ya actual bleedin last for 4 days, b4 bleedin already got spottin le and after bleedin still got abit spottin abt 2 days lor..

after m/c, my AF still haven come yet..
hmm....my gynae say that the next cycle will start about 2 weeks after the bleeding stops leh... so how long liao since it stopped?

I'm sure you wun lah... kekekke....
juju, yea..our core biz move to Shanghai regional office. So no choice lor..if they got valid reason to terminate me then I gottta accept it lar. Let's find out, some friends told me company r not suppose to terminate preg staffs else they have to pay the staff till maternity ler. If like that better, i shake legs at home..wahahaha
my boss is career woman..single and early 40s'. off course not pro-family lor.
when i told her about my preg, her face turn BLACK immediately!!!
those who bully us women, we have every right to be fierce to them, u got it? But of cos lah, must see who is the other party, if its a big burly man, then better run, hahahha!

Erin and Babymaking,
try this: laughing! I think my cramps are better after i laugh at myself leh!
yes... co not supposed to terminate preg ladies... you can go MOM and sue them for the maternity leave..... but it's the period before you give birth that you cant work liao.....
elmo.. mine is diff coz i didnt took any med to expel it out.. it juz drop itself
its been CD64 today since the day i bleed
"If the notice of dismissal is given without sufficient cause within the 3 months before the employee's delivery, you are still required to pay your employee the maternity benefits that she would have otherwise been eligible for."
