A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yuying.. i do understand y so many "why" in ur head, as i was oso llike that when my sis is preggie with her 2nd boy.. coz i was like.. y she can get preggie so easily.. later on then i realise that.. gettin preggie is really very hard..


it's not easy to 'kan kai',

i keep telling myself that originally i didn;t even want kids...and now when hubby wants one so much, we still can't have one.

sometimes, things happen when they happen and there is no reason why some things happen the way it happens. so it's no point asking the whys and finding fault with oneself.

it only makes this journey harder to bear.
i'm not so good fortune to xiang3 fu2... not directed at me one... i dun dare to ask MIL iron my clothes... hmm, maybe one day i shd try, just to see wat kind of reaction on her face?! hahahaha! But better not better not... cos she sure use hot iron on my clothes, argh!! Anyway, doesn't matter whether MIL iron or not, in the first place we already have a part-time helper, heehee... perhaps i sound ungrateful? But i'm really angry dunno why she so stubborn, and then her son actually allowed her to stand for 5 hours, make her until so tired, aiyo can't stand both of them lah!

believe it or not, yes my MIL irons her precious' underwear and every single piece of clothing before he moved out... But no way in my house, no way i'll let her do something so ridiculous!
My hub plan to go back his hometown during National Day. I told him I am not READY to go back with him. I dun know how to face the situation (surrounding with all the pregnancy topics). My hub angried. I felt so "xin ku".
Dun worry abt not being able to kan kai just yet, i guess it takes time!

Sorry but have u mentioned b4 whether u had gone for any checkup? Your hubby too? Maybe u can distract yourself from these feelings of hurt, by seeking medical help?
aiyoh.. your MIL a bit " Jie Pi".....
aiyah..... I bochap liao lor... if MIL wants to do let her do lah...... why dun you tell her dun use such high heat?
ya nat.. so surprise that ur MIL dote onur hubby so much leh.. btw ur hubby the only son?

u know wat.. i have already prepare tampon in my bag le.. hahahaha
try not to think so much. if they ask, jus say still trying lor. skarli they give u lotsa "bu", lagi better for u also?

i admire ur MIL man! i dun even bother to iron. my hubby & i wear crease-free clothes. now dat he dun need to wear shirts, even better for me... think i haven't iron any clothes for more than a yr liao. the only time i need to iron a dress, was for someone's wedding, cos my mum was ironing hers, i asked her do for me also. haha! avoided the task!

my tampon in my bag for more than a mth liao. sianz! bring than cannot use...
Nat, yup. I did checkup b4. Everything was fine. I think I will go back and see the gynae if I fail again this cycle. But my hub dun like to see the gynae. He want to try naturally. I dun know what to do.. Every month I am the one who anxious whether good news or AF.
yuying, your hubby also fr Penang? don think so much lar..the more the think about it the more stress u give to yourself.

Like this morning my boss also told me she might not able to save me to stay on to this company till I deliver. To me, I already be prepared the worst..so I told her nvm, if u try your best to save me then I'm glad, otherwise, I'll see what I can do then.
wah! so now waiting for chance to use tampon ah?

neber mind wat ur hubby say abt visiting gynae. if he dun like, maybe u visit the gynae & see wat he/she say first?

how come ur co not pro-family one? btw, is ur co the one relocating to shanghai?
apple.. hw u feelin nw?? ya.. as long she did try and u have prepare for the worst then ok lor..
dun be too stress hor
dun worry so much ya? mebbe u can relax at home first or find those easy temp job to pass the days & earn a bit income?

not kiasu lah. skarli AF come, then "luan shou luan jiao" mah... better be prepared
Mei2, juju,
today i can use my tampon liao...

dun stress the poor postman, he's coming soon, heehee!

yes she dotes on my hubby a lot...
But too much for his own good, i feel! I think she ought to care for herself more! Her son is not as filial as she thinks...

how can i teach my MIL how to iron clothes? When she keeps saying she is very quick and good at ironing??? I rather she spoil the clothes (not mine anyway, hahaha) than to spoil my relationship with her...
err... if cannot then dun let her iron liao...
my MIL also iron clothes for me... but I cannot complain... cos she does a better job than me at half the time. :p
but sometimes other things I will ask her whether can "like this or like that or not"....cos if not I cannot tahan also....

just this cycle only. the pain is so bad that can wake up in middle of night in cold sweat.

saw a gp on mon, he gave me some painkillers and told me to call the gynae if it persists.

today is thur and still painful, though the pain is not as bad as until nausea and cold sweat.

i called the gynae just now but he's busy operating - kinda feel like my issue is eh not major compared to someone who has to under an operation, so didn't leave a msg for him to call back.

think menstrual pain shd not be a big issue rite?
i know, u want me to grow more chubby, heehee... i'm trying!
Tat's why now i will hide all the clothes, cannot let my MIL see, heehee... last time was dirty laundry (i stuffed into washing machine in a feeble attempt to hide, but she found out, hahahaha, hence the remark that too much smelly clothes will spoil the washer!

ya lor, like i told u! Once temp drops, sure AF will pay visit... aiyo today i blur, go and use the slim kind of tampon, then so fast must change, feel wet lor... haha, so gross!
Ya, i'll call the clinic shortly!
Yuying: the more you looking forward and trying hard, the more one wont get it. be real relax... gng back to his hometown makes u feel uncomfortable to face the pregnancy topic? darling girl, we are all human, who does not face this topic? After one gets pregnant, the next topic is boy or girl... well tts life. Maybe you are too stress, but you should be real relax. You should prepare and head back with him to his hometown... if anyone ask, well... tell them, you too wanted to have one... but it not the right time yet.
Take things a step at each time... while taking this time to really BU you body and your hubby's body too.
Jia You..

Apple: sounds like ur CO very anti family. maybe after leaving the job, consider another after you due.

I see tummy bigger each day.. and getting dunno excited or worried... dunno wat to expect. But i wish to spread all the baby dust to all our TTC friends here... Jia YOu, but always stay relax... Both yk and myself are rather sure tt we will be holding a 1st mth bb celebration... will invite all the Auntie(s) here to gather n carry little Clarisse and spread all the bb dust.
mei2: tomolo i gng u know.. kkekeke come come come.. kekeke... cham.. this time i only know hopeful.... i dun have all the numbers.... okok.. some sms me when u all find a plc to sit n coffee. ok? 93669005 - Carole

loving: i am trying to get my car back... if can i send u home..
tts not a problem.. if i have car... how abt MJ? MJ u wan u can come... i can send u home after i send loving.. onz bo?
Dear Erin,
how are u feeling now? Got cramps bo... i dun have leh... but better dun say so soon, in case later kena cramps, hahaha! I'm going for another bloodtest on my thyroid, its a bit crazy to test only after 2 weeks of medication, but its doc's orders! U leh, when u are due for next bloodtest?
oh dear, such bad cramps?? u took clomid already? Can't be the clomid hor??? But anyway gynae will be monitoring u this cycle again, so u dun worry... try lying on your back, do cycling in mid-air, or just take the day off and go home to sleep!
hi naturally,
got cramps. u so lucky ah. no cramps. hope it remains this way for u.
i'm going for blood test in 2 months plus. just went 2 weeks ago. now stop med. PTU too strong for me. caused my T4 to fall too. actually, i shd take carbimozle (wrong spelling)but that's not gd for bb (if i managed to conceive) so now no med. will see how then.
i suspect PTU is not so suitable for me too! I dun feel so well after taking it... last time when i took carbomazole (i also dunno spelling?) no side effects at all, and then my TSH went up to normal levels within 2 mths... think i better feedback to doc... but wat to do? If want to have bb, must take this PTU lor... otherwise it can be very bad for us to have hyperthyroid and to be preggie at the same time...
so happy to use tampon ah? dun blur blur use wrong size leh...

painful menses not to be taken lightly. dun be like me, ignore the pain & now, hard to ttc
i know but doc said dun take. anyway, he says if i'm pregnant, must make an appt to see him within one week so he will advise me on wat to do.

u seeing the doc at ttsh or sgh?
thanks for offer...

but me not able to join u all tml. forget i need go back my hb hometown tml nite, need take long travel again.. fainted..
i'm not seeing a specialist for my thyroid... just my gynae at RH lor, i hope the side effects are normal, else maybe really have to see specialist... btw, i made a mistake, i'm not supposed to do my thyroid test on CD2, hee, shd be CD12 do bloodtest together with ultrasound scans to prepare for IUI! ha, all of a sudden i'm feeling excited that maybe i can do IUI very soon! heehee... siao liao!

Erin u're seeing a specialist, so guai guai listen to him okie?
Hope all goes well with u... maybe after u're off PTU, your thyroid will decide to behave itself?? heehee!
oic. good luck. hope u can do IUI soon. will guai guai listen to him. hoping that my thyroid will be guai too.
poshbb, I dun have a very good relationship with his family. I dun like the way his family members talking. A lot "hidden" words.
dun care those 'hidden' word. jus shut down both of ur ear will do. if ur hb insist wan to go back, u jus follow lor..anyway jus few day stay there only.. tis is wat i do always lor.. i also dun like go back my hb hometown, although my relationship wif his siblings very good, but still feel uncomfortable..
but no choice, still need do my part since not everyday must go back..

if u really dun wan go back wif hb, jus let him know wat's ur real feeling.. dun think too much.. cheer up..
yuying: just like wat juju said... act blur.
Surely i understand why hub is angry when u voiced tt u dun wan to go back. but i seriously felt you should. dun be bothered abt the hidden words. just have a smile adding to all answer.
hi gals,

just came back from hsg today.

then a very 'sway'incident happened... while taking a cab home just 2 streets away from my home, met with an accident, the cab i am taking crash into the opposite fast coming car drove by a youngster with his girlfriend. kanna a big swellen blue black on my leg and forehead. must go pray pray. really down on my luck.

so how was your hsg? good?

u're so fortunate to escape with only blue-blacks... but then, remember to see doc immediately if u feel nauseous or see double-vision, cos that means concussion leh... dun play play!! u did hit your head right?

Can escape serious injuries is already a blessing, yes shd go pray pray...
