A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

kekekek.. the pillow thingy is my hubby's idea...
that time he was so upset the spermie leaked out cos my butt was not high enuff... so he always make sure I have it. hahahahahah....

I didnt sleep just now... dunno why couldnt sleep....:p

I'm doing well... don't know the gender of my bb yet. All my family and friends (and myself!) guess I'm having a girl! Will update once I find out!
I'm not familiar with PTU, can't help you! But yes, I remember you said you had a premonition... so spot-on ah! Just know that your body's metab is slowed down now with the meds... so don't eat as freely as you used to!
Yes Elmo, so u and Cookie will have to monitor yourselves very carefully after birth, since very likely to have relapse! But no big deal lah, just pop pills lor...

Cannot take carbomazole if preggie, but can switch to another med, PTU, its safe lah...
I have not gone back to see my own doc for the thyroid..... :p
after I see bb, I will try to get an earlier appt to see her...
Ya, Dili, remember to update your frens here hor!
Do u wish for girl or boy... okie now everytime i ask this qn, MTBs always give me a very politically correct phase: "Boy or girl also never mind!" So is this your answer too?

Not premonition lah, say until like i got 6th sense like dat? I just recognise the symptoms lor, like weight loss, quick pulse, and heart palpitations... yeah, thanks for the reminder!!! I must try to remember that i can no longer burn off fats without exercising liao, heehee....

Wonder how u look like now?? The 1st time see u, think u said u just started having slight MS right? so still very slim and slender then... now tummy round round already hor?
think u shd be fine ba... Heard Cookie say that during pregnancy, thyroid will improve leh... its AFTER birth then may relapse lor. But no harm doing to thyroid bloodtest to confirm everything's fine!
hey hey, elmo how come u not sleepy?? I think the sleep bugs came over to people like me and Daisy ah, heeheehee... 45minutes to go b4 knock off!
hi elmo and naturally,

thanks. Have been taking carbomizole for a couple of months b4 i informed my doc that i want 2 try so he changed to PTU (but he still tells me not to TTC 1st leh). Have been taking PTU for a few months already. Condition's better now compared to last time.

Have gone for quite a no. of blood test but thyroid still haven't go back to normal. sigh...

anyway, does anyone knows whether using lubricant such as KY jelly will affect conception? Just read an article that it will affect the mobility of sperms. don't know true or not.
this thread highly recommends Pre-seed, heehee, a lubricant very good for ttc... just ask Elmo! Hers is a Preseed baby!!
Available at Pan-malayan pharmacy, cash only, located at the junction of jln sultan rd and north bridge rd, diagonally opp OCBC... if u dunno how to go, ask OCBC!
Pre-seed is also available at selected polyclinics, but which ones i dunno, must ask the other girls here...

Back to hyperthyroid... *pat pat* No worries, u're on med, sure will improve soon!
Do take care of your diet, eat more healthily and eat more... cos we tend to have nutritional problems... But of cos once your thyroid levels are normal, better dun eat too much in case balloon out oh!

How come i dun have a flat tummy despite being hyperthyroid???

hi naturally,

now looking for the threads containing pre-seed. m staying in the east so trying to look for one that is near my place. think my ttc attempt this month will go to waste. anyway, just started ttc this month and so din realise abt the side effects of ky jelly.

Used to be thin but after having thyroid, no longer thin too.
hmm, u mean the meds made u put on weight? Good wat, shows that the meds are working!

Just realised i'm so "hyper" in here... my goodness i didn't know i posted so many postings today... must control control, tmr cannot like tat liao...
hi lyn,

thanks. m going to check with my sis to see if she can get it for me at kkh. just saw that u're pregnant, congrats.
now convinced that pre-seed is tried and tested. just read that elmo, valerie also managed to get pregnant while using preseed.

can i still try on CD 14 (that is supposedly during ovulation rite?)will it be too late cos gynae told me to try 1 or 2 days before O.
oh, Lyn is another dai4 yan2 ren2 of pre-seed, heehee...

i have something funny to tell u all, i think u all sure laugh at me... i also used pre-seed, but not the usual way.... i applied abt 1 hr after bd-ing, hhahaha... cos i forgot mah... it was an afterthot, i thot maybe can give the spermies a better environment to swim, and perhaps lie in wait b4 my eggie comes out, heehee... So if this time i strike, it will be so damned funny, hahahhaa... but i think no way lah, heehee....
erin and nat...
No no.. I did not use pre-seed... I read a lot of success from pre-seed! Almost gonna order pre-seed to try next cycle...

Ovulation is not exactly on CD14 sometimes.. It may varies... I follow a schedule my gynae gave me... BD on CD12, 14, 16, 18... haha.. tiring ah...

hahahha... really very funny...
Oh yes.. my predicted ovulation is CD15. But I think this cycle I ovulate on CD17 instead. I am not 100% sure also... Gotta let my gynae see my BBT...

oic. hurray, that means i can still try. forgot what gynae said but something like try on BD 12 ... can't really remember. thanks a lot.
u mean u also strike with Preseed? Hee... I'm also using at times when not lubricated enough

is it true that hyperthyroid people should not take too much seafood?
Gals, just to update u for Hopeful

It's perfect timing, her scan shows a follicle at 21 mm and she'll be doing IUI tomorrow at 6 pm!! So happy for her that she is in time for ovulation
No... I strike on clomid... two months ago, I got to a point everytime very dry... Then gynae said clomid can help with that... and it did
I was about to buy pre-seed already...
yes, cos seafood is rich in iodine and tat's supposed to trigger more thyroid hormones... but i love prawns... i love seaweed... However elmo says she binged on seaweed and she recovered shortly?! So maybe can yi3 du2 gong1 du2???

Ya, so happy for Hopeful too... i hope she'll take some bu soup tonight, warm up tummy... perhaps can "incubate" eggie, heeheehee!
must hurry ask hubby eat more bu, I think proteins, like eggs, prawns, meat, oh yes oysters also!
also ask him not to wear briefs...cool there.
good Luck!
The PTU you gals talking about is it PROPYLTHIOURACIL?..chim ah... anyway if it is then I was taking it for past 1 yr +++ or so.
I was seeing this specialist from TTSH, when I told him I wish to try for baby he switch to this PTU and he said this drug is well torlerated during pregnancy so no worries.
Bascially when 1 suffer from hyperthyroidism, 1 will has higher metalbolism rate and tend to lose weight even you were at rest. After on medication I suppose the metabolism rate is regulated thats why we gain weigh.. probably gain what was lost earlier.
I did not noticed any side effect while taking PTU and was very blessed that I conceived when my blood test show I was in normal range.

My doc told me to go back to see him if I get pregnant, so I went back to see him last mth and my blood test is still normal ( THANK GOD!). I'm gng back to see him next week hopefully result remain good.
Based on the Doc, he said pregnancy will improve Hyperthyroidism condition, in most case in the later trimester, one may not require medication at all. Like you have mentioned before... yes after pregnancy chances of relapse is there.

I did ask if my condition will pass on to my BB but I think the doc mentioned my... "something" is very low so chances of passing to BB is not high ( Thanks God again!). SO if you are concern, check it out with your doc.

Oh then my doc mentioned all his patient who recover have managed to conceive successfully and healthily... so I'm relief to hear that.

Elmo >> since u recover for a long time, not much to worry but good to get it check again.

Hey since u preggie... do you find you can feel your pulse very prominently or obviously? I did! and it was one of the sign of my initial hyperthyroidism... but then I read somewhere that during preggie, metabolic rate will go up and as more blood is produce so heart beat is faster.... I hope my signs are in the good directions....

Nat and erin00
when taking medicaton to control hyper condition must be careful, an overdoes may cause one to turn from Hyper to Hypo which will affect fertility.
So make sure your doc monitor you closely.
Check out the signs for Hypothyroid to ensure during your medication u dun encounter those signs as precaution.

I loli losoh... talk so much... Good Nite Take Care.
Val and Nat,
Both HB and I wish for a girl! BUT definitely healthy baby is most impt!
I've only put on 2kg... and I still look the same like before... just with a little hump in front!

I won't come in so often... but would be nice if Val you can let me know how you're doing every now and then, feel free to sms me! And Nat must inform me of any good news on your side!

Cheers! and baby dust to all!!
Thanks gals for your advices! ;) hmmm...seems like watery stool may not be one of the symptom but still bought the test kit to test it out..heehee..will go for my 1st test tomorrow morning... =P
Good Morning gals!

Hi Nat,
kekekekek,,,,yes, mine is a pre-seed baby.....
actually I didnt really need it cos it's my fertile day and that cycle was good.... but we used it anyway.... since bought liao.... :p Ks hor...

about the seaweed thingy..... what happened to me was I suffered a relapse (2nd time) of hyperthyroidism and doc ask me whether I wan to try radio-active iodine or surgery or not cos for relapse cases, chances of future relapse was high....but I didnt cos scared mah....I continue to go on carbomizole for almost 1 yr or so until one day.....I skipped treatment...cos I missed the appt accidentally and it's difficult to get back on the appt list cos the waiting list is 3-4mths. :p...anyway was supposed to continue wih 5mg of carbomizole for another 1 yr (as a maintenance phase)...... then I stopped for 6 months or so before going back to my doc... when I did, doc says my thyroid is normal liao (during the time lapse, I was taking the seaweed from the Yong Tau Hu store, always 2 pcs once to twice a week and lots of sushi... esp handroll.......cos my mum used to have thyroid and someone told her to eat seaweed.....so she asked me to do the same lor..)...... that continue to hold for another 9-12 mths (normal) and doc say she wans to discharge me liao... but she told me to go back and see her the moment I'm pregnant cos she says 1st trimester very impt must monitor cos chances of relapse is high....after 1st trimester, some people will recover from it.... but some will continue to have it.
actually I dunno mine got relapse or not... but I think I will try to get an earlier appt (mine is in aug now).... once I see bb..

During the period, I also prayed alot for God to cure me...maybe it's really a miracle from God.....
no leh.. but I find that it beats faster and stronger now... but not as much as when I have hyperthyroidism.... so I think I'm ok....

yes...metabolism will go up.... but I still put on weight... kekekekke... :p I think I ate too much liao..
morning ladies!!


Congrats to you!Have a safe and blissful pregnancy!!

Yesterday went TMC for my hubby's 2nd SA test and my first,long awaited HSG....Actaully the whole morning I was pondering if I want to back out cos really very nervous and scared.....

The procedure was quite fast..just that the waiting time was quite long even though it was a monday afternoon!

My tubes are pretty fine and uterus normal....really PHEW...as i kept imagning I have blocked tubes hence took quite long to conceive...then hubby put on a 'sad sad'look say so he is the one who is at fault cos of low sperm count...

I called my gynae to inform him of this good news..he was quite happy too said at least one hurdle down!!then i asked him if can still BD this cycle he said'yes please go ahead'.....

really a load of my mind now that i know my tubes are fine!!

thanks sandy once again for her story...if not I might freak out....as I have been delyaing for so long for HSG....
thats a very good size!!!! good chance!!! this time i strike, my follicle was also 20mm and more....
good good...tell her to jia you!!!!
hi choo,
congrats!!!! You will be alright... cheer your hubby up also... you just need one!!!

Good luck for this cycle... jia you!!!
hi cookie,
Yah, we're talking about Propylthiourcail. I think u r rite about us gaining weight after taking the medication. actually, mine was sub-clinical (hypothyrodism. TSH out of range but T3 & T4 ok) at first. Gained 8 kg within a few months even tho'I din change my diet. After that, it changed to hyper. doc also confused so referred me to specialist. specialist confirmed it's Graves Disease so gotta take med. So i suay suay gained weight during hypo & hyper. Don't know when will lose weight.

You're so lucky. blood test normal. M praying that i'll recover fast. waiting for my consultation next week too.

thanks for ur reassurance. Glad to see so many thyroid patients managed to conceive successfully and healthily.

Not so worried about overdose cos i'm those forgetful ones. will only forget to take. thanks for your concern.
hi choo,

saw ur msg. congrats. all the best. hope to 'hear' some good news next month.

hi gals,
have been taking my temperature. heard temp supposed to go down on Day 14 (if cycle is 28 days) but mine din. mine went down twice earlier before day 14 but the rise subsequently isn't that steep. heard temp will rise drastically during ovulation. is something wrong (I din ovulate or what) or could it be due to my restless sleep? Just feel very hot.

is it possible that i could have regular AF and yet not ovulate? but went for scan earlier but everything normal leh.
Hi ladies,
Can i check with u gals, anyone here had seen Dr ong frm maple clinic before for acne problem? heard tat he/she is gd so wld like to try out..

temp will rise after ovulation. Not during. So when u see temp rise. too late already. So just BD until temp rises. :p

just went to see her 2 weeks b4. So still using her products. Haven't seen much effects yet though.
Ah Lyn.... u r so blessed ke ke ke

Naturally, I also like seafood, have never tested whether I have thyroid problems before, what are the symptoms then?

Val, I'm also excited for her, think she can't conc in work today liao ke ke ke

Joyin, so have u tested? Hee keep us updated

Elmo, I've sent Hopeful an sms to pass her ur msg liao. Think she will be happy to know that

Erin, you may have an early ovulation. Although theoretically for a 28 days cycle, one should ovulate on day 14 but it can range between day 12 to day 16 in some cases. Hence, to be sure, usually you can start testing with OPK from the day u notice some cervical mucus usually around day 10 for 28 days cycle and then when u see double lines on ur OPK, it means u r going to ovulate within 24-26 hrs' time. If u feel hot now, most probably u may have ovulated liao. Do u have fertile cervical mucus? If you have and ur BBT shows increase in temp after ovulation and see double lines on OPK during fertile period and scan is normal, most probably u r alright, so not to worry lor
so happy that ur HSG is clear!
so now just pray hard one gd sperm will meet ur eggie

is ur husband still under medication?
be patient, ur turn will come soon
oh if u really eager for bb nw, can try IUI?
ask more details frm ur gynae
so happy for you now

okie will sms u abt my update

u here? we are all excited and praying for ur success IUI tonite!!
hi gals good morning.

hey nat,

managed to see the gynae last night. was so tired after work, almost fell asleep in his waiting room, didn't get to see him till almost 10pm.

anyways, got 10 days of med to induce AF - and hopefully this time round, it will come and onto 2nd cycle of clomid.

this time round with ovulation monitoring. thks elmo, i didn't know that they do that until i came across your experience.

cross fingers for this cycle. will know if it works by 20 Aug. starting counting down already :p

yup cheer hubby up liao!!
ask him since the hurdle is down for my side...so now left one hurdle only...
will continue to be positive !!


thanks!!really very relieved that my tubes are fine..was praying on sun night (though I am not a christian) that my tubes are fine....

Now only a bit worrying is that I have finished my 6course of clomids...and hubby finished his 3course of andriol but now he is taking mega men....u see lah..i always do things at the wrong time...shd have done HSG when just started clomid so that i know i will ovulate..now it is like'on my own'...to see if i can ovulate on my own...now just have to leave everything to God...hope my hubby one very healthy sperm can meet my egg(if i can ovulate on my own)....

will try naturally for next few cycles....

how are you feeling? so exciting to hear bb's heartbeat!must rest well and eat well!


So happy for you!!jia you!!we will hear good news from you soon!!
Morning gals,
didn't have a chance to log in last night. Really thanks for all the well wishes.

Actually really must thank God for such perfect timing, never expected to just scan once and then can do IUI liao. Saved a lot of cost, thank God. Was really surprised to see my follicle so big yesterday, cos last time I ovulated when my follicle was just 19mm. This time 21mm and still in time. Also never expected myself to O so early, today only CD12.

recieved your SMS, thanks. I'm on leave today, don't think I can concentrate at work, so might as well don't go. Have to be at GlenE later at 2 plus also. Today more settled liao, not so gan chiong already.

that's great! At least you cleared, less one hurdle. Don't worry, you'll strike soon after HSG. God bless!

I would like to ask all sisters in Christ for a prayer request. Please pray for my IUI to go smoothly, let my hubby's sperms be in abundance, open up my womb to recieve his sperms and that I can get pregnant. Thanks gals!

i think u'll have to tell her you're ttcing. I'm preggie already, so cannot take retinol A and some products. Definitely no oral medications coz' they contain high level of Vit A. Can lead to fetus deformation. A lot of products cannot use lor.
hi elmo,

now having hyper. change from hypo to hyper. now hyper for quite a no. of months already.

hi daisy & mashybrainz,
thanks. din use OPK so dunno if I've ovulated liao. anyway, my hb telling me not to get so worried about the temperature thingy. so trying not to care about it and let nature takes its course.

Hopeful dear,
sure will pray for abundance good sperms frm ur husband
so ur IUI start at wat time? 2 plus?

it's ok even it's late u do HSG nw,
at least give u a peace in heart
God will bless u a bb in His timing
