A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i ask my gynae gt the cream ,she she no leh...
so no choice gt t oask hubby to jab me lor :p
Eunice actually say my womb is irritable n get infection quite easily, something like dat :p
the 2 jab we bring hm is only $48 leh
well butt no capillary one, all flesh mah
so v easy one :p
thk God, I am nt afraid of needles :p

u hv spotting?
be extra carefu okie?

err...i think so
well, I heard that low or problem wif placenta will cause bleedin to
will ask her abt it on wed
u better stay put in bed n dun move too much
maybe she dun carry?
have leh... cos that time got once I got very bad cramp/numbness for many hours after the jab... immediately after the jab I feel numb liao and cannot walk properly....
the next time I ask gynae... he say cos our butt is like a map of capillaries...so got "trap" and cannot be seen..... so I happen to ganna that time and that's why so pain. :p
$48 for 2 is much cheaper... I pay $38 per jab now....:p
morn mashy
yup sort of.. still in the transition period cos hven really shift my barang barang over. only stay during weekend.

i m down with acne problem. so sad
with my oubreak. juz start some treatment for my face. hope to cure by end of the mth lor. me tryin to do all those 'harmful' activities tis mth eg. x-ray etc. ask u hor, can extract widsom tooth when preggie not. i m thinkin whether to do this mth not...

i m goin for another trip in early aug so not ttc-in this mth. and the best thing is that week of my trip is my fertile period
hope i can strike there... keke. wish me luck and i need lots of baby dust from u gals mtb to bring over... hehehe
irritable womb?
then got ways to prevent or not?
you rest rest liao har...
try not to put the laptop on your lap leh....

why? Your wisdom tooth giving u problems? I think the dentist will need to xray your teeth. That's no no lor. Other than that, i'm not sure whether can or not.
Hope u strike during your trip. Usually easier to strike when away coz less stressful!
Wow... 4 slices of bread! I woke up before the sky gets dark this morning... then cannot fall asleep already. Dunno why.. I feel pain in my lower abdomen. Only on one side... And the morning sickness also. Now only drank some fresh fruit juice

Take care ah... Hope you spotting will be gone soon

No more spotting already
ya irritable womb
no way to prevent
just medication n jab to sustain til 1st tri over lor
ya, my gynae dun carry the cream

hang on, 1st tri over soon
u will free frm jab
not a good idea...cos you need anesthesia and anti-biotic so better not be preggy when you do that....
kekekekek..... give you lots and lots of bb dust....
no la... tooth not giving problem. but dentist recommend to get them extracted as they are quite diffcult to clean. anyway, my extraction is paid fully by company so thinkin to do now.
if later preggie, n got pain.. how? anyway i will check with my dentist.

u feelin better? so shiok u gals can 'shake'leg at home.. keke
kekkeke.... I hungry mah.... :p
is it sharp pain or dull pain??? if it's sharp pain and persistent... must get it check out... if it's dull and on off.. then it's normal....

aiyoh.. then you take care and try not to have big movements.
you monitor.... maybe you dun need the cream after all.
sad to say... I'm not really enjoying myself cos I cannot go out at all....... and cannot walk /stand too much.....
I dunno what time I woke up this morning. I only know it's still dark and I went toilet wee wee lor... Then cannot sleep already. Keep turning here and there to find the most comfy position. My pain is at a particular side only. *touch wood* *touch wood*... but I scared ectopic ah...

It's dull pain... I think as long as no bleeding then ok bah...

the only solution for that is for u to see gynae and get an ultrasound. That will confirm whether got ectopic or not.

Ai yah, Feb MTBs can proceed to Feb thread to talk abt preg stuff? else the others don't come in to talk anymore.
take good care, was worried when I read ur posts this morning. Glad that the spotting has stopped, try to rest more. Happy to hear that u can detect bb's heartbeat liao
If you have IBS, try not to eat too spicy and oily food

thanks for ur advice, I'll bear it in mind

ke ke ke u r so sweet, describe urself like very pittiful
Cheer up, soon u will be in 2nd trimester

think usually the symptom is constipation instead of diarrhoea but if you have gastric problem as ur symptom, then may be diarrhoea will accompany the gastric pain. However to be sure, u can test using a home pregnancy test (HPT) kit on the day ur menses is due and you can purchase the HPT kit at any Watsons, Guardian Pharmacies, etc. Wish u good luck!

you can wait till u see bb's heart beat before u tell ur family the good news if you feel more comfortable that way. I'm sure they will share ur joy when they hear the good news
In the meantime, have lotsa rest and don't move too much

are u still resting at home? No wonder feel very bored but try to watch some pregnancy programmes or books to pass time, ke ke ke at the same time can learn what to do during delivery in future
eh, i dun think anyone here has done IVF yet, yah u might want to check out the IVF thread tat mashy mentioned... but i think u're just affected by your fren's failed news right? Yah, this sort of thing no matter how high the success rate, will never be 100% lor... so sad for your fren!

Mashy, elmo,
looking at the 2 of u, its really not easy being pregnant... but glad that u are coping well, take care hor!

how are u?
Sorry to hear that u kena the dreadful MS, hee, i was just thinking in the car this morning, cos i was a bit carsick due to the traffic jam, that how nice if this is "hai xi" rather than motion sickmess, heehee... but then when it really happens to me, cham, i think i will have to take the MRT, cos my hubby driving terok, sure make me puke in car, heehee!
Hello Daisy!
seldom see u here so early?

U ask abt when will i do my IUI... i dunno leh! U gotta ask my right ovary, she's the boss, she decides when she wanna work, heehee!
But i will sure announce loud loud if i finally can do IUI, hee!
or you can ask ur gynae to do a blood test (Beta-HCG) for you, can tell from the results whether it's ectopic pregnancy or not *touch wood*. The test is run urgently, so u can know within the same day after about 1 - 2 hrs. However, the symptoms with ectopic pregnancy is very bad one, so I think urs not, so don't worry ok?
I went twice to my gynae for last 2 cycles, I have been ovulating at my right ovary, a bit worry if my left ovary is not working cause it burst before. So we opposite ah...
Anyway, u just bd, don't care whether ovulate from left or right, sometimes things are just unpredictable and the impossible can happen too, so stay positive
if you have jabbing sharp pain... must go and see gynae immediately even without you dun have bleeding.
as you wun be able to know if you have etopic preg until a bit later... any abnormal thing you experience... must check with gynae ASAP.
sob sob...yes, still confine to bedrest. :p
Can't put my mind to read leh... cos still a bit worried about bb. Cant help it.....:p

yes... sob sob... I will...for bb sake I will be strong and positive.

I'm going to rest rest liao...in here too long liao. :p
Ya Daisy, this cycle i can't really tell left side or right side O??? So BD anyway, first time i use pillows to prop up my buttocks after BD, heehee, siao liao, i've become a desparado, heehee!
Val ~ glad to hear that ur bb is ok.. phew. thanks ur god..

Hey how u gonna jab for uself? not painful meh? & jan where ar???
Morning gals!

so happy to read about your news this morning. Congrats! Wish you a smooth 9 months ahead! Take care, ok. if any spotting *touch wood*, pls go to see your gynae. Don't make us worry for u ok.
oops, hahaha, so i'm not the only siao one, heeheehee! I felt so silly with the pillows under my butt, but i cover with blanket so hubby couldn't see, heeheehee... but hor, straight after BD i went to the loo leh, i forgot mah! haha, then when i realised wat i've done, quickly came back to bed to put pillows under my butt, hoping at least some spermies in still inside, hahahahha....
it's natural lah, just keep ur mind occupied with something else whereas body resting on bed

hee hee.... sama sama... I use pillow and turn towards my right when I knew it was the right side that ovulated. Hai... but this cycle I ovulate earlier and started bd late, so only bd 3 times and ovulate liao... a bit scared wasted liao

u meant u elevated vertically ah? Neck got to support right, then not aching? How long did u stay vertically?
morning babes

so many good news within these 2 few weeks
so happy..

me didnt went gynae appointment on sat coz overslept.. haha change to 30th July :p
so bad of me hor.. AF still not here yet leh.. sianz

Not thinking abt IVF just curious abt it.

You're right... got affected by it. BUt I'm sure all of us will strike soonest... keep positive and less stress that's what all of us should do, right?

Good morning everyone..


Please don't walk or shop too much, try not to drink fruit juice that contains pineapple, watermelon for the time being..

Stay cheerful and happy thru the 9 months..

Glad that you're well and fine.. Rest well at home and eat in small portions if U still feel nauseous..

Just bear with your MS for awhile more and it will be over.. when i was having bad MS, i kept telling myself that MS is a good sign that BB is growing well inside, so I dont mind all the vomitting.. ke ke... take care

Mashy & Elmo
please rest well like Val.. and take good care of yourself..

if after the jab, u feel hot or numbness at the injection area, do apply a hot towel over it for a couple of mins and it will make U feel better..

Try not to force out yr bowels during 1st trim.. drink more water or prune juice if U experience constipation..
do u think... u could be... ???

u went clubbing and drank hor? i also drank a little on sat, at fren's place, dunno if tat will make my eggie mabo, heehee!
Wish you all the best for your IUI this cycle.. I will pray that your follicles will be big and fat enuff for your IUI and your hubby's sperms too are strong and fit..

are U better now from this carsick? if not go and drink some lukewarm water, ok?
All TTCs:
if you girls detected a BFP, always have to be extremely careful during 1st trim, as this is when most Miscarriages occurs... its not a joking matter.

All MTBs: pls take care lahz.. aiyo.. u all...
thanks gal!

hi hi, I'm good, now waiting to ovulate. you have to take care, ya. Ren yi ren, very fast this MS will be over and you'll get to enjoy your pregnancy. Take care gal.
when u starting ur IUI?
feel so excited for u, n pray for u too
God is faithful

been eating small meals liao
thks mummy, muak!

just BD lar
me hor worse than Nat,
the cycle that i strike was by doggie position
i stay for 1 hr even till backache!
hee... I also think u may have chance leh... try testing next week again if AF still doesn't arrive, good luck to u!

I read somewhere that the more times one tries IVF and not successful, the more difficult to conceive naturally or even by IVF next time, that's why gynaes always put IVF as the last resort. At most I think 3 tries for IVF lor... and each time only 3 embryos allowed according to Singapore medical protocol...

Sandy ma ma,
how are u? Must be eating and feeling good now that u r in ur 2nd trimester. Take care ya
U and Poshbb are experienced enough (since over 1st trimester liao) to guide our new MTBs...

u doing IUI today right? So excited for u

so it's true doggie is a good position for conception. Wah... u are very strong leh, I also use doggie position but I always turn over and place a pillow below my back after hubby ejacuated ke ke ke the backache was all worth it!
If I don't strike this cycle, I will use ur method, then may be get hubby to massage my back ha ha
nat / daisy.. keke ya.. drank and dance on last fri.. cant be BFP lah coz tested in the Morning and its BFN mah.. thats y went ahead.. keke

i think i O late leh.. me ML on the thur and fri nite ard 10+pm i went toilet and saw a very long and strectchy EWCM, but i cant confirm is it onot lor.. mayb its spermie... keke the length is more then 5cm leh.. can pull until 10cm i think.. keke
thank you, I will try
Anyway, I don't know why I can't take missionary also, will feel pain, doggie is better for me

I think ur AF sometimes delay, some can't be sure if preggy or not since the Monday u tested could be still early. So to play safe, no more drinking for u ok?
I think it's mucus leh cause spermie more watery one. U still continue to bd when u saw the stretchy mucus?
