A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hee, thank u and pls help me thank your hubby for both your concern!

Frankly i dun really care if he continues to smoke or not...
This is just my morbid thinking lah, that since everyone has to die one day, might as well choose to enjoy fully before your time is up! At least he is happy now, even though he may kena cancer or watever later on, tat is his choice lor. I'll just let him be! Who knows even if i dun smoke, i may also die early leh? heehee... ok ok, enuf of my nonsense!

But one thing is for sure, if i shd get preggie, i won't allow myself to breathe in any cigarette smoke lor. After birth, also won't let kiddo come into close contact with smokers. In fact i will teach my kids that cigarettes are drugs (tat is a fact), and papa is unfortunately a drug addict, so we must gently coax him to quit, if cannot, then we must sympathise with him lor.

cos i nvr go back already cos tis round she wanted me to do SO-IUI..bt i nvr go back to her since my AF came for this mth & me & hb wld like to try for a few cycles 1st & see how...dunno leh, i jus feel tat she is not very thorough...till now i had nvr done a single blood tests at all...even the most basic one..tats y i was kind of lost oso...:p
Then can i noe did dr thong tell u how much will the lapro cost?
i didn't ask anything abt the lapro, hee, i dun want to know yet!

u stick to your plan to try a few cycles more, okie? Who knows happy happy strike leh?
frankly speaking, i really admire yr courage...u r those happy-go-lucky type.. u dare to try out IUI..actually, i dun really dare to take up the "challenge" in doing IUI cos i'm afraid tat it might not succeed..i dunno whether can i take it or not leh...wait i go bersek...haha~~ :D

I agree with you that Nat is a very cheerful and positive girl!
I admire her 'never give up'attitude!!


why do u go to IUI so early?have u try long enough? You do ovulate regularly right?now that your hubby SA test is alright,u dun want to try
nat has tried long enough, as long as me.... So sad, whenever bring this up, reminded me I'm one of the older batch of gal here still trying....

if you have tried very long without success, trust me, you will be willing to take up any challenge as long as it gives you a ray of hope. I forgot how long have you tried liao, but if you are not ready to take the step, then just continue to try naturally first lor.
i'm not so sure if i'm really like wat u all say... never give up? I've given up asking my hubby to quit smoking leh... I've more or less given up hope that i will conceive NATURALLY without medical help (once i've joked to sandy and val, that i must change my nick if i strike with IUI, heehee)
dun be sad ok, cos there r still other jie mei here accompany u...

me been trying since dec 04..at 1st tot tat TTC is really nothing cos my fren striked at 2nd cycle..bt now really feel very demoralise at times..
don't be stress, ok. You have only tried a short time compared to me. I'm sure you'll get preggie within one year of trying.

Weekend coming lor, let's throw away all the sad thoughts and enjoy! Time to play! Yeah!
monday u're starting the scannings hor? good luck good luck!! Weekend u go and eat bu tang okie, make sure follicles grow fat fat!
ya, very scared dunno whether will I be in time to catch my ovulation a not. Think I better start testing OPK tonight to be sure. Hee.. ya, thanks for reminding me to drink bu tang, didn't thought of that.

I wish you all the best!!relax ok!
be positive and continue to have faith!you will have good news for us VERY SOON!!

I didn't sneak into the male toilet
... I let my hb do it on his own, haiz... my hb said the hospital toilets can't make him fantasize n he only managed to produce a little bit
... dunno KKH will make him do it again or not...
Val: every visit now got test for sugar. the last time i have slight... this time.. dunno. haiz.. i love sweet thigns
think you just cut down on sweet stuffs you should be fine... dun worry.... just control now shd be ok....try asking for less sugar... go without whenever possible....and drink more water...
I heard having bb gal will make you crave for sweet stuffs...
Good morning gals... Anyone in here today?

My sore breasts no more very sore already... Today I am feeling much better. Not so much nauseated.

I tested using clearblue digital. It shows "pregnant". So far only my hubby knows... I am not sure and a little scared too... dare not pin too high hopes... cos the symptoms that I had for the past few days are subsiding. No more cravings for durians already... In fact last nite, smell durian, feel like puking.

I will see my gynae next Saturday. If have, then good, can see a little bump...
My gynae told me before that if I do get preggie, I will have to go down for injections to support the pregnancy. My breasts lumps are still there though... I hope I dun get those fibroids back...

I am getting ugly fat tummy when I wear my skirts... Feel so fat... Later I will be going to do some shopping. Will stop buying clothes already... Just buy some make-up and accessories

Have a nice weekend...
Juliana and confused,
Thank you

Yap... I will take it as fated
I will see gynae in a week's time... If still have, then it's fated...

I am very calm now
Perhaps its the soothing music that I am listening to is helping me to stay calm
hi lyn,

wow....congrats!!! so happy for u

must be the DCC rite? kekeke.....

u better cancel ur Bintan trip ar, now got such a great gift waiting for u

Pls pls spread the baby dust to us ar
Thank you, Flora.

Hi jcml,
Thank you...
haha... my hubby never do SA test before. Maybe DCC helped his spermies...
I will get confirmation of the pregnancy next Saturday when I see my gynae
. Then I will spread babydust to all of you
. heh... prob will ask my gynae if I can go to Bintan.
Usually I go to Bintan just to relax... so still not so bad. heh... maybe it's my last chance of wearing bikini and still looks nice :p
Dear Lyn,
u still here?

Hey, dun do shopping lah! This time must must be more careful... rest rest rest!!!

Hee... i knew your durian cravings meant something, heehee, normal people where got eat so much durians one?
But i dun dare to say anything until now, hee... u dun worry too much eh? Must maintain happy happy thots, yah i know its hard for u not to be paranoid after wat u've gone thru, but u gotta try try try!
Hi nat...
hahaha... Now no more durians craving oo... like smell durian become so smelly already...
After doing housework, now feel so so so tired. K, I gonna go and rest already

Have a nice weekend!
finally ur effort did nt put off
so ur craving n abit if crankiness is due to ur pregnancy

hey, be careful meanwhile
walk slowly, go shopping must make sure ur hubby wif u okie??
so happy another graduate!!
Lyn ~ I heard from jcml abt ur pregnancy. So immed log in to congrats u.. hey u very lucky leh.. i very happy for u.almost wanted to cry out for u.. congrats & have smooth 9mths. Be extra careful for this cycle. Pass ur bb dust to all leh.. i want to hug u ar. so hapi for u.
Congrats..... pass baby dust to the rest of us.

Last night I met my with 2 of my ex neighbours. one of them came back to s'pore with her 14 mth son. She is now living in Japan. Then another neighbour brought her 13 mth son also..seeing them with their sons.. I so sad
. I was thinking to mysef, if not for my MC, my son/gal will also be abt 4 mths old... sigh
both of them ask me if i was trying.. told them yes postively. but deep down in me, I was feeling hopeless... not sure where all this ttc is going to end..
Lyn: Congrats!!!!!! so Happy for you....

Hi girls,
I went for my mthly check up today! kekeke..
Latest Update:
Mummy put on 2.8kg, kena trace of ++ Glucose in Urine.
Clarisse is now 537gms. looks like no more space for her to swim.

Those who are on TTC List.. dun give up... stay relax, stress only make BD worse.
Cheers... Stay cheerful.
congratulations!! So happy for you... Must take good care from now onwards
I know why u don't like durians now cause u have been having too much and now, baby is sick of durians ke ke ke
May be u get a jab to stabilise before u go Bintan if you really wanna go. If not, u can always go after ur 1st trimester
I think ur breast lump comes with ur pregnancy due to increased hormones. I know a friend who is like this too. Usually such breast lump is harmless. Enjoy your hubby day

aiyo... really must cut down sugar intake liao but some females also have increased glucose during pregnancy, could yours be this case? Anyway, take care. Can u feel baby Clarisse's movement already? It will be a magical moment

cheer up, don't give up. You were pregnant before and surely will again, just like our Lyn. Keep ur faith and baby will come ur way very soon


<font color="ff6000">CONGRATULATIONS TO U!!!!!</font>

U r an inspiration to us... never say give up n keep on trying.

<font color="0000ff">poohmum</font>,
Don't be sad, one day, ur dream of hvg a baby will come true. Juz like lyn...Stay positive ok?
