A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ha ha ha... can understand lah... now it's the durian season and durians taste so good!
But it's high in sugar, so eat moderately lor... Also it's very bu and heaty, so drink more water. I ever fell sick having sore throat and fever after eating durians cause didn't drink enough water, it was terrible....

Ok, got to go liao, talk to u tomorrow


I couldn't stop laughing when I saw ur earlier postings.

hmm... maybe tomorrow I'll check out the toilets at KKH see which one is more quiet then I'll sneak in and help my hb.
morning hopeful!

i still slept at the same time last night despite sleeping thru the whole afternoon. can't believe i can sleep so much. bb must be doing a lot of work inside.
Hi elmo
I tried to be more relax this cycle. I really hope that experiencing the lower right back pain on CD 21 is a symptom of pregnancy not AF. My cycle is 30 days. Am I asking too much or it is impossible.

relax. back pain could be due to anything. could b a heavy box u carried. don't think so much. symptoms are not accurate esp in early preg. just be patient and enjoy your 2ww.

talk abt lower right back pain. have u checked whether got kidney stones? i've also got lower right back pain, but it seems like forever already. keep suspecting that there's something wrong with my kidney. but i find that drinking more water helps.
Hi mashy brainz
Thanks for your encouragement. I have this symptom for the past few month and that is the reason why I feel so upset. I went to see a chinese physican and he said that I have poor blood circulation.
Hi Peacy,
Back pain can be caused by several things. Urinary tract infection can also cause back pain. Back injury, strain, kidney stones, etc... can cause back pain...
Good luck!

My AF still not here. I am feeling very nauseated since this morning
It's getting worse...
So tired, but cannot fall asleep...
Later will go buy the digital clearblue when I go out...
How come this am only have 9 postings?? where's everybody??

I'm back from gynae's, i gotta take meds again, my thyroid level have gone up again. But this is a small issue lah... Dr says the protocol upon detecting a blocked tube, is to investigate further thru lapro. But i decided to go ahead with IUI first, going to start scannings next cycle, to give my right side a chance to prove its in working order, hee... Dr says its up to me, but emphasized that its my "informed" decision to go ahead with IUI without completing protocol... hee, she doesn't know i like to gamble!

And oh, my hubby's SA tests came back, all normal. Aiya, no chance to nag him into quitting cigarettes again... So now i know, only a dribble bit of semen is needed for the test, ha!

are u back from your hubby's test? How how, u manage to sneak into forbidden grounds or not?

are u ard?
Dun be worried by my case hor! Remember that mine is confirmed blocked on left, tat's why Dr thinks a lapro is necessary to find out whether got tube disease or anything like tat, which may spread to my other good tube! But for yours, perhaps your HSG is really not properly done... so u may have good tubes after all!
lyn, be +ve ok? rest for a while and when u got chance, test your fisrt urine tomorrow morning

maybe with the relax mind, the HPT will show BFP ler
just try to stay calm hor, dun think so much... just listen to your body, and eat watever makes u happy! Durians are very nice wor... but must drink buckets of water after eating, okie? I think u shdn't try to take cooling stuff to combat the heatyness of durian, no no, no liang teh or barley or watever cooling stuff okie?
Hi gals,
today so early was becos got a meeting at 9am. hee... but when I came back, the messages doesn't seem to move too much leh.

so did you do a scan today? You know which side you ovulating this cycle? Hope that next cycle will O from the right side so that you can try IUI.

AF not here yet? Hope that it won't be here for the next 9 months also. Good luck!

elmo & val,
both of you ok? didn't see your postings today.

can know how much is your hubby's SA test result? percentage?if you mind it is ok...my hubby very bad ...4months ago only 1% hope next monday second test wil have beter result...

my AF here lah...dun worry!!confirm not preggie!
wish me luck on my HSG!
Val is alright, i yahoo her just now.

Nope, i did no scan! Anyway this cycle too late to do anything lor... i'll start the scannings next cycle... meanwhile, i dun care liao... now responsibility is with the doc, heehee, if she can't make me preggie, i'll just go find another doc lor!

I hope u will succeed this cycle... jia you gal!
not sure wat % are u refering to... i looked at the results again (just now never take close look), hey, although my hubby has good count, the mobility and morphology is quite low leh! But dunno why Dr say his result is normal??? Normal morphology is only 3% (normal range is supposed to be above 14%), and then motility only 2% rapid, the rest are sluggish/non-progressive/immotile! Aiyo...

oh...me also not sure how see...but according to my gynae my hubby has 1% norml sperm lor..and he stress if a man can have 3% to 5% healthy and normal sperm considered good liao!!!!

Lucky you!!so u will sure have good news for us!!
i just got up and eating lunch now....

hi mashy,
you 8/9 weeks liao right?
your bb busy mah... must grow up...
kekekek... good to sleep.... dun feel paiseh to sleep ....

hi peacy,
I know you hope you preggy... but I hope you dun get too caught up with it that you start to analyse every symptoms...
I know it cos I've done it. *guilty* :p .. in the end get very frustrated and stressed up... which is what I hope will not happen to you.. cos it's very impt to maintain a relax mood during 2WW.... cos stress might just ruin everything....
it's not wrong of you to hope for the best but dun dwell in it too much.. *saiyang*.... just relax more..... have faith....
still got chance... dun think about the 1% but rather think that you still have good sperms to work with.

Must be positive....

Nat, that's good....maybe you use other incentives to ask hubby to cut down smoking... it's veri tough to tell them to quit, but easier to ask them to cut down as a start.....*grin*... then slowly.....and hopefully quit in the process:p
but must give lots of support....cos when they quit they will get veri sick cos part of withdrawal symptom and there is great motivation for them to pick up again......

thanks for your comforting words...anyway hope hubby's 2nd SA test next mon will show improvment as he has been diligently taking megamen!

how are u now?much better?be positive ok!
i think the SA results is not very conclusive leh... it only tells us certain % is normal, and certain % is healthy... but i dunno how many % is normal AND healthy??? I mean, wat if all the normal spermies are unhealthy, or wat if all the healthy spermies are abnormal??? Like tat cham liao ah... dun tell me must look for donor spermies liao ah??

i've gone thru that already, didn't work. Now i just leave him alone, no point we quarrel everyday right? He is an adult, and i'm not his mother! But i will make sure my future kiddos DO NOT smoke EVER, will never allow them to smoke their lives away, not after wat i've gone thru in order to have them!!!

actually i also saw some part of hubby's first SA test result not bad...but in conclusion still 1% normal sperm...alamak..why they must do it so chim??!!but we must all bear in mind that we just need ONE SPERM to get preggie!yeah!
Nat: really gambling.. kekeke.. gamble queen.. keke.. i am anxious... i am waiting my turn to see her tomolo.

i am worried abt my sugar content now.. kaoz.. i shant have taken Tao Suan & Teh Si just now.. haiz
Hi Naturally

I believe one of the factors in the SA is also the percentage of viability...it means the percentage of sperm which is "alive" as opposed to ""dead"...then the percentage of rapid or normal sperm will be a factor of this...my hb SA report shows that only 35% of his sperm is alive. Of these, only 8% are normal...and the gynae said that his result is not good. This may be viewed as opposed to a man with 75% viability but 3% normal form. The absolute number of normal sperm will still be greater.
I know... guys are like that.....they dun listen one... then let him be lor.....dun quarrel and spoil your relationship......

why you worry about your sugar? did gynae detect any sugar in your urine or something?

did your hb agree to quit when you're pregnant? Maybe that will be a gd time to get him to quit. Look nauseous & vomit a few times in front of him when he smokes. i think he'll definitely think twice before he lights it up. :p
Hi elmo
For now, I try to keep myself busy with work. I will just leave my fate to god. No point having high hope coz the more hope I have the more disappointment I have.
chey, he will just walk further away to light up lor! Dun care him lah, i'm more concerned abt myself now, since the onus is on me to produce good eggies now!

yup yup, i just let him be lah!

u've got a very good point! Perhaps tat's how Dr analyse the results lor... ha, i'm no doc so i shd stop trying to analyse the statistics!

why leh? u worry abt your sugar level? Last mth got check or not? At most cut back on sweet stuff lor... tell bb guai guai, dun make u crave for sugar!
ya lor... only 1 good spermie is needed, but these numbers will still frighten us hor?

good, make sure u keep up this thinking ah!!
hi hi, i'm here!!

is it necessary that for those having blocked tubes for 1 side will hv to do the lapro?
really confused leh...anyway, i will wait for another 2-3 mths & see how. bt for tis mth, i dun tin i will strike cos my hb was sick when i O on tat day....

cannot! i wan bb whether he quits or not!! By the time my man succeeds in quitting, i'll be lao kok kok already!! So how to wait for him??? Suppose one day we discover his spermies cannot make it, then i'll get a donor sperm lor, ha, serves him right eh?

Besides, now there's nothing to suggest smoking is impairing his fertility, i mean his health reports are still alright... which is a good thing of cos, i'm not complaining!
Tat's Dr Thong's opinion... she say in case watever's causing the blockage spread to the other side too... but i will do 2 IUI first, if still cannot make it, then i'll guai guai let her cut me lah!
may i noe who is yr gynae & how much does she charge for IUI? can u explain to me wat is lapro actually? :p (paisey!) thks thks!!

so my hb's right. You're more motivated to have a bb than him.

Unless u can find something that will motivate him to quit smoking, he will never quit. Eg, bb got lung infection when born, then he will quit. But of course we won't want that to happen right?

Nevermind, u can still try to fake nauseousness whenever he smokes. Continue to do that when u smell it in his mouth after he finishes smoking. Do that for your entire pregnancy. Even if he doesn't quit, he would have at least reduce the number of sticks a day.
though nw u cant nag ur hubby to quit smoking,tell him CANNOT smoke infornt of u when u pregnant n kiddo cannot smell smokes when born!
so yue1 fa3 san1 zhang1 1st

But IUI can stimulate alot of follicles right? really only on one side ah?

u did GTT test liao?
GD is nt fun, be careful of ur diet

i'm seeing same gynae as Ling lor, Dr Thong from raffles hospital. She say actual IUI is $300+, but after adding in the scans ($60 each time) and consult fees ($80-90 each time), and depending on how many scans needed to determine when i O, i guess it'll cost $900+ for 4 scans, or $1050+ for 5 scans, or $1200+ for 6 scans and so on lor! Oh must add in $20 for clomid also. But i dunno if i need to take injections to induction O?? Tat one Dr never mention and i also dunno how much...

A laproscopy is where small holes will be made on your tummy, and a little scope will be inserted to view the insides...

See, i was afraid i'll frighten u... if your doc never talk abt lapro at all, then good for u lor!
