A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

I'm back again..didnt managed to sleep.... and a bit hungry liao. :p

you so bad!!.. you know I cant run u still wan to chase me with cane. sob sob...
kekekekek.... I'm still on bed... using laptop beside my bed.
ya lor.. you also cannt run leh....
kekekekeke... ok okie.. I will be good gal and not move around so much.

you also rest rest..... last night I didnt have any injection.. cos after just took one...
now I'm taking injection twice weekly liao....
pain siah.....:p yap yap.. gynae also say injection doesnt stop bleeding.. it's just to secure the pregnancy....

no no drinking.. ren yi ren...

kekekek.... paiseh for making you gals worried mah... :p

I've been sticking my butt to my bed most of the time liao.. :p Just that lying down too much is giving me headache. :p and I cant take any pain killer.....so sit up once in a while....
*hugs hugs*......

Hi Sandy
CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! kekekeke... it such a relief and blessing to be able to tell everyone..

*hugzzz hugzzz* Stay positive...I know it's difficult to not to worry... but keep praying and leave the burden to God. There are things beyond our control, at least not stressing ourselve out is one we can do...
keep praying, I pray that thigns will be fine and stable for you...
thanks..me and bb are doing fine, altho there are certain umcomfy preg. ailments i am experiencing, but bopian...just gotta bear with it. ya..so amazing, maybe HSG does sort of "clear the passage" inside the vagina so makes conception easier hor? hehe...

To the rest of the ttc girls, please dont give up ttc, I believe that every woman is meant to conceive and WILL eventually succeed if she perserveres. It's only a matter of time.
Lotsa lotsa lotsa baby dusts to all of u here!
me too... longest time I ever stayed in house.... :p
bo bian... just ren yi ren..... my head a bit heavy from the rest... hiaz.....
kekekek... I'm trying to be a lazy pig liao...kekekek.... sleep and eat. :p
guess I must enjoy it while I can... hahahha... maybe bb wants me to rest cos knows that very stressed up with work.. so keep scaring me.... :p
when I think that way, I feel better.
indeed, now looking forward to my IUI. Already made appt to start the scanning next Monday. Hope that this time round, everything will go smoothly and will suceed on first try. Really praying very hard, and have to leave everything in God's hand liao. It's really beyond my control.

Actually though I was all prepared to see red this cycle, I still couldn't help but breakdown to cry. But I only allow myself to be depress for a while, after crying for a few minutes, must still pick myself up and continue to hang on. I told myself that I should look forward and not dwell on the past too much. There will be a better tomorrow!

So to all gals who are still TTCing very hard, do not let the temporary failure affect you too much. Cry and just forget about it and move on. We'll have our dreams come true someday. Let's all jia you together and encourage each other. We'll make it!
Mashy, elmo,
Oh dear, has ur spotting stop alr? Rest more n eat well.

<font color="ff0000">Congratulations to u</font>

Don't give up hope, is ur BBT on the high side?
Be positive n think on the brighter side. ok... I know how you feel... When I did my 1st scan, already bad news.. I dun know what to think . Just went home and cry....

Tho I dun know you.. congrats....
Can I ask a question? Did you have regular mense cycle?
blue_rabbit, my cycle length is 27 days. Today CD28, AF due one day liao. My temp as below...
CD25 - 36.55
CD26 - 36.54
CD27 - 36.77
CD28 - 36.22
Vey sad....
Sandy, CONGRATS! Wish you a smooth pregnancy!

Elmo, take care and rest well. If can rest now better rest liao. When baby comes no time to rest liao....too busy changing diapers and feeding!

Take it easy...me too..

tis mth hv high hopes when i saw a bit of pink spotting...then BD when i saw got eggwhite kind of dischrg...got very backache n poor appetite tis mth which usually dun experience...

then end up all r false alarm...very sad
hee... thanks for your encouragement! Also very admire your positive attitude too! Now what you have to do is just to rest, rest and rest more. Continue to be positive and talk to bb more. Take care!
Chikako, try to test a few days later.
Friends told me best is AF due date+7, then will get accurate test result. Stay positive ya!!
don't be sad. Cheer up ok. Stress is no good for u. If AF still don't come tomorrow u can try testing again.
Thanks a lot..
U too will strike soon and be a proud mommy of 2 and more

go and take a bath when U have headache.. dont sleep too much.. U can sit up on yr bed to watch TV or surf the net.. dont remain in a bend/curve position for too long, ok?

ya lor.. feel much better after 'confessing'.. ke ke.. you too must take good care of yourself.. dont over-work yourself at work...

Mrs Tan
I do believe that HSG clears away those minute mess inside our tubes for us to conceive more easily..

blue rabbit
thanks a lot..
continue to jia you jia you!

U know me la.. thru here lor.. hehe

thanks a lot..
my AF is regular 28 days..
yes, u need the very 1st morning urine to test.

I very ks, I went to buy a couple more watson's bbnews plus cos got discount mah, but no desire to test leh.
wish you good luck for your IUI, have faith and believe

have read your baby's miracle story... Feel like crying too, so happy for you
Glad that you are moving to ur 2nd semester soon. Wow, you, Juliann, Elmo &amp; Val all together, only a difference of a few months ke ke ke
Take care yah?

I will
that ur AF will not arrive

could you be experiencing some cramps? Sometimes I also feel ache at my ovary during menses. Don't be discouraged, like most ladies here say, you will strike when u least expect it

rest well and take care. Yah, baby thinks u too active liao, so u lie on bed and sai yang bb ok?
Hello ladies, Im very new here. My situation is something like Unique0909's. Had pinkish spotting with discharge and feeling really queasy in the mornings. But I did the home test and showed Im not pregnant

Been trying since January this year and it's been really demoralising when it's been false alarms for the past three months. (I know it's still very early in the TTC stage). Can't help but cry everytime the test proved negative.

But the funny thing is my period has always been regular. Every fourth Tuesday, sometime in the morning and there's my menses. Last 3 months of false alarms, I've been a week late. This month Im 2 weeks late but as said, pregnancy test showed negative.

So depressing. But Im glad to find this forum/thread

It's common that your menses will go a bit haywire once u start TTC... Me too.

U hv juz started TTC less than 6 months, be patient n stay positive.
blue_rabbit, I have backache, bloat abdomen and light cramp cramp, no appetite on certain food.. Hope it is not a false alarm. Actually, last cycle I also have these symptoms. If based on OPK, today is my DPO16.
I am not in the forum often but I do get some discharge whenever my AF coming. Stress will delay menses and you didn't experience late menses last time because you weren't TTCing and may be not that stressed. How many days is your menses cycle? You should count that way instead of remembering it to be every fourth Tue as some months are shorter with 28 (feb) or 30 days whereas some months are 31 days lor.
The best is to go see a gynae to have a preconception test and a scanning to ensure everything is alright. If not, try to test again a few days later
ya lor, try testing again on Sat/Sun if AF still don't reports. Good luck!

Ur nickname abit too long to type, can I juz call u lace?

Did u try using OPK (Ovulation Prediction Kit)? It's a good indication to tell u when u hv ovulate n then u can ML on the days that u tested +ve. It'll increse ur chance of conceiving. U can get those cheap OPK from the internet.
actually preggy symptoms can be very similar to AF symptoms and sometimes will cause false alarm one but don't keep reading the symptoms and don't think about it, cheer up ok?
I'm good, still ttcing lor... have been waiting so long to have good news but every month bad news till I immune to it already. I'm going to get my key next Wed!!
How are u doing, in ur 2WW?
yep, i'm in my 2WW. Tomorrow my hb going for his SA test, hopefully.... aiyo... I also don't know what to hope for. Hee.... juz wait to see results lor.

I bet u must be feeling excited abt getting ur new house keys.
Hv u found an ID?? What theme u want for ur new house?
ooh, tmr is your hub's turn, heehee, my hub did his last friday, hee...

wah so fast get keys... so Piper also right? First time get keys to new flat, very very exciting one, heehee!
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Daisy</font>,

How hv u been, busy w ur hse reno huh? Btw did u get my email re e fengshui contact?</font>
blue rabbit &amp; daisy,

lace is cool
This thread is a wealth of information, isnt it? I learned two new things today: buy OPK and the need to truly count my cycle. Never thought about it that way (maybe because I naively thought 'au naturel' conception is easy - scrap that!)

I shall heed your advices. Will update soon. Thanks very much!

actually I got my hubby to do a SA test too, think problem does not lie with him but still do to make sure lor. Getting results in July but also hope for the best, you too, don't worry too much

Very excited, in fact, I screamed in office when I saw the appt date. Yah, already got an ID and theme is Jap concept

Whatever it is, nothing is as great news as discovering being preggy and I'm hoping for that day ke ke ke
