A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Lots of bb dust to you.. Pour on you!!! :p
make sure strike har.. no sian.... dun waste my bb dust. :p hahahahhahah......
really lar.... take it easy.

dun give up,
I pray that u n Hopeful will strike next cycle!!
both of u doing IUI next cycle so chances are v high!!
be psotive n visualise that u wil O on right tube!
will pray for both of u n hopeful

my body is v lategic
hee...nw mornig cant wakeup so early
so request to come work at 9am
gd thing boss understanding since she knws I am pregnant
ya lor, i think too much liao, so dun give me funny ideas leh, hee... hey recently i only dreamt of little boys, all along i dun like boys one, in fact i was worried if i really have a boy, i might dislike him! haha... (sorry sneaky and manuka and all those carrying bb boys now... pls be assured i will be a nice Auntie to all your boys, heehee, dun siam me pls! :D) But then recently in my dreams, little boys dun seem that bad leh, ha, my dreams are making me accept boys liao, wat a crazy idea?!
Or maybe i resist the idea of having boys too much, until the stock bearing my boy fly half-way, then u-turn give to somebody else, heehee... Methinks me going bonkers liao...

do u remember if u had crazy wild dreams while u had hyperthyroid??? I used to have such realistic dreams b4 i was diagnosed.... its a symptom u know...
naturally: u think too much during the day.. tts why at nite so many these rubbish dreams.. relax girl... u are gng to be ok under Dr Thong.
if u dun trust ursefl.. at least trust the gynae.
Hi bb,

I'm about the same weight & height as u!! N u know what, I have been on slimming pills for over a yr, though i don't see any drop in weight. Sigh ... I am truly going to stop now cos we are ttcing. Bo bian, must try to eat more healthily and try exercising for the sake of ttc.

Let's jia you together ...
For the BBT, only take in the morning le. Nite temperature is usually higher than the BBT. BBT means basal body temperature. Basal refers to at rest. So to take temp accurately you will need at least 3 hrs of sleep before taking the temp. The temp first thing in the morning will be more accurate.

Joylee, hopeful, elmo, val
Thank you
I am hoping lor... and gotta prepare for the worst just in case...

Glad that your spotting has stopped
. You still gotta take good care ok?

My temp before O was around 36.4degC. My temp increased to 36.6 on CD15, then 36.9 CD16, 36.7 on CD17, then 37.0 from CD19-23, 37.1 CD24-25, today 37.2 CD26. Fertility friend says I O on CD17 le... Can trust or not?

U got hope....
I still have a number of those cheap HPTs left. I am very tempted to test le... kekeke...
Heh... next Tues AF due... hopefully wun report...

Maybe you have been thinking about baby, that's why got the dream...
hi elmo,
i was thinking if i go & see dr t c chang, & if i hv to re-do hsg again, i will hv to go back to the same place doing under TMC & who noes i may get back the same radiologist again?? :p
agreed with poshbb.... slimming pills dun make u thinner... in fact it will make u much much fatter than before

i hv tried taking for 0.5yrs but only lose 2kg, once stop, my weight increase by 8kg...
I think to slim down, cut down deep fried food, especially fast food. Less oil, less meat, more vegetables and fruits. Following this rule does help
. Less carbohydrates too. I used to be quite fat and everyone called me fat... but now I slim down already
Just follow these rules... Another tip is: if you wanna eat vegetables, do not add any sauce, best to eat raw vegetables.
can i check with u, right now ur right side of the tube is fine so do u usually monitor every mth by ultrasound so that u will noe that every mth the egg is at which side to ovulate?
I think digging into more vege is quite difficult to curb hunger... cos vege very difficult to make us feel full. Meat and carbohydrates do make us feel full. So have meat for lunch, and carbohydrates for dinner, or vice versa. Of course, limit the amount too. Maybe start by two tablespoon less everyday.
Otherwise, it's really very difficult and might end up "bao4 ying3 bao4 shi2", which is worse.

Are you limiting your food intake during meal times? I think you might be... cos there's a higher chance of snacking if you did not eat enough during meal time. If you want to snack, eat fruits instead... Or get a cup of fruit juice with no ice, no sugar added... It might help.

Cham ah... I feel like eating durians again...
melissa... hahaha u so funny.. makes my day man.. :p

lyn.. keke me didnt take BBT coz no "zhun" for me.. u test lah.. haha who knows can see a faint line.. keke BFP!!!

apple.. hmm had a miscarriage last mth.. nw waitin for a new cycle of AF lor..

ladies.. juz nw went lunchie hor.. very "suan" leh.. siao liao lah..
hahaha... Melissa... so funny...

but I think if done too much can lead to anaeroxic ah... My sis almost anaeroxic and she started to hate food and cannot eat... cos she wanna lose weight and told herself "I am very full everytime she felt hungry." Need a balance...
yes, u/s is the surest way of telling which side O-ing... when my right side O, only then i can go for IUI.

But u are going to try naturally for these 2-3 cycles right? Then u just make sure u cover all your fertile days lor... may not be a good thing to u/s every mth, 1st is the $$, 2ndly might affect your mood too if u know u O on wrong side. So might as well dun care, be happy?
lyn, you mentioned you have cheap HPT strips. test lar!
cos I have a question which I need answers. That is, if positive would definitely see 2 lines, if negative would definitely only see 1 line? or would the test line gets darker and darker after minutes due to evaporation?

I used up 3 tests already, CD28 1st urine use ClearBlue, 3rd urine use B Sure. CD31 1st urine use BB news plus.
I have been wasting on average 3 HPT every month le... heh... I scared finishing too fast so must "ren" lor... kekeke...

If positive, sure got 2 lines. If negatives, not even a faint second line can be seen... hehe.. cos my used HPTs all only one line, and not even a hint of the second line...

Eih, you got two lines when you test ah?
lyn ~ put a plastic cup in ur MBR toilet lor. so when u enter the toilet u must lightly will remember lor. remember leh. put on top of the toilet bowl there. beside the flush button.kekkee
melissa.. if within 10mins then consider BFP

lyn.. scare leh.. wait till sat.. must lun.. :p haha dunno can lun onot.. :p
hahaha... dunno my hubby will think I crazy or not ah...
Last nite, I notice my nipples again... ooo... getting bigger
quite ugly le. My sis oso can notice when I din wear bra and walked to the kitchen...
For my case, at first faint, then the test line gets darker and darker after 2 minutes, 5 minutes....

I think yours quite user-friendly, mine very confusing. Cos I read about evaporation line which will appear after the reaction time. So the results should not be read after reaction time. SIgh!

Mei2, really ah, 10 minutes.
You might be pregnant already le... cos you got a faint line at the beginning... If not pregnant, a faint line cannot even be seen. Not pregnant is really no second line at all.
Mei2, knew that u got m/s last month, but after your D&C, u start trying?? Some ppl said after m/s shd wait for another 3 months then ttc rite?
Hi Naturally

Me oso come in to wish u all the best for yr test(s) tatz to come...n may yr bb wishes come true...

Me oso had a dream last nite...dreamt tat i'd a pair of pre-school children...one ger n one boy...but i tink they came fm a mud pool...their PAP uniform were stained wif mud...

Cant wait to ttc...my gp doc said tat i shld wait for 6 mths b4 ttc after my chix pox vac...my gynae said tat i can ttc immediately...the cdc (communicable disease ctr) stated 1 mth in their webby...i oso dunno who to believe...me itchy hand...dunno go n take chix pox vac for wat...now kenna stuck oredi...
Fizz, is it because you intend to travel that's why u took the vac?

Safer to wait at least for 2 months before you try. You won't know what the drugs has effect on a tiny embryo.

I read (in a foreign forum) that someone let his husband try use the ClearBlue. Turn out positive. She got a refund from the company.
lyn ~ why u say ur nipple getting bigger leh?? got pblm one meh? get bigger. mine also lidat initially leh. i think my hb during foreplay will play with my nip leh.. then getting more hard also leh. kekekke so paiseh to post here.. hehheehehee
yeah, so far last few mths is always on left side only 1 time on right side....& the time on right side is on the mth which i had done my hsg...BUT i did not strike...& tat mth, i was so sad & i cried....

anyway, i stopped going to my gynae liao...mentally & physically very tired cos almost every mth hv to go down to TMC to u/s seem like i pregnant leh...:p
haha.. ur description very cute.. keke

jia you
think my AF will report tomm. my god, this mth 32CD. so long. last mth only 29.
Hi Melissa

I took the vac cos I've not had chix pox yet...understand tat the older u r the worse the pox marks...vain lor...n oso in case (yah...at tat time is oni IN CASE) I get preg but shortly after the 1st shot (2 shots in total)...my hubby suddenly wanted a bb...then came the discussions...the tests...the results...the nid to ttc soon...

Hahaha...hubby can get "preggie" using clearblue!!!...
apple & melissa.. its ok
feelin good nw.. keke :p

apple.. me dun have D&C.. gynae says no need..

heard ppl says fertile oso.. but see how lah

haha.. lyn.. DUN NEED TO WAIT LIAO.. confirm BFP keke coz ur nipple getin bigger... hahahahaha

melissa oso.. think most prob u BFP le.. coz got faint line and gets darker within 2 mins
