A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

valerie, i tried cooking the cereal prawn b4. the oat very nice but prawn no taste. dunno wat went wrong. if u want can pass u the receipe.

Ling, the prawn paste chicken sounds easy to make.
will go try.. but the Lee Kum Kee sauce nice? Then i must go kidnap my MIL deep fryer, else whole house oily oily... Hehe
But hor, must really salute u got the mood to cook... for me, this morning i prepare simple sandwich for me and my husband i soooo tired already. cannot imagine i wip up a meal! hahahah
har? Mine ask me to try 50mg first...cos I did ovulate when I started the 50mg dosage.....
u wan to try mine?
i've got some balance leh...if u need it, i can pass it to u first lor since u dun know when yr opk will reach you......anyway, i've stopped testing liao for this cycle!!
thanks for the offer.... will let you know if I run out.... Kum siah Kum siah!!

I think I have about 4/5 left.......
you got experience flies flying in when you use the paste or not? cos that time I wanted to try making, but hubby refused to let me cook that dish cos he said that time his fren make while in US and alot of flies came thru the window. :p
I told him that is ridiculous cos that time my fren cook I didnt see that.......
milo: cook and eat urself lor.. like me o nmonday i made homeade claypot rice keke. .my hubby scold me why i never cook let him eat. whahaha

Val: the cerels stir fry with oil then set aside.. put enough oil in the pan, and make sure the oil is very hot then add in the beaten egg to make the crispy effect, but always musy keep stiring to make the crispy eggs becomes little brown pieces... then set aside. deep fried the prawns with the stir fry cereals then add in the crispy eggs last.

milo: marinate the prawns first.. add corn flour n soy sauce and set in fridge.

Manuka: the paste is good for lazy ppl like us. kekeke.. no need to add other ingredients n taste excellent.. kekeke..
see wat sandwich u make lor.. Egg mayo? simple, just make the nite before and set in fridge for the morning..
elmo: u mean the prawn paste chicken? marinate in a plastic bag or container.. seal it n pu tin fridge then no flies lor.
thanks for offering me your gynae, hee... but my hubby is arranging me to see his fren's dr wife... i tried to say no (cos i couldn't find this gynae's name anywhere in KKH website), and then he grumble this grumble that, say i never appreciate him, pour cold water when he was just trying to help, blah blah blah... urghhh, no choice, if i want peace in the house, i have to do wat he says...
wat cereal to use?
how much oil to use to fry the cereal??

my SIL told me before that she uses the red beancurd (tou Fu Ru), but must be the red one.....
for the prawn paste chicken...... she say very nice.....but I neber try before......
naturally: normal to have such things happening.. cos xmm ask me for my gynae's contact i give her, then her hubby ask her go see his friend's wife gynae. kekekek. usual lor.. as long as a good gynae see who oso ok ... oso to have peace in the house. lucky my yk dunno any gynae.
kekekeke.... try it out lah.... if no good... then scold your hubby... :p..... joking only har....wait your hubby see tis he tink I "Tiao Buo Li Jian" :p kekekekekekeee.....
elmo: fry the cereal with abt 2 tables spoon oil enough.. how much. depends how much u like.. one small cup is good enough. maybe u follow Milo's recipe. kekee..
Ling... i think my mum tried to make Cereal prawns. end up the cereals don't stick to the prawns one! hahahah... end up like eating fried prawns with cereal! Kdkekekkeke
By the way, same with elmo, what cereal to use? the Quaker one ah?
thks for the receipe!
hee...cut n paste liao
will try to cook over the long weekend

ya Milo,
as what Ling said, must marinate the prawn 1st
that's what my mum told me too
she didnt succeed 1st cos the cereal did nt stick with the prawn
this is the essential part
after that she succeed liao

so Elmo n Milo,
let's try out this weekend for this dish!

making sandwich is fun leh for me
Quaker Cereals...

beary: no recipe for Prawn paste chicken leh.. keke Lee Kum Ji Prawn paste + chicken only.. kekeke..

cal: u have to stir fry the prawns n cereal together in oil add little water corn flour to make it stick. not too much
yalor, Manuka
ur mum same as my mum, cereal did nt stick with prawn, i will ask her how she do it this weekend

think cereal paste
can buy those ready made packet one
Hi gals,
I'm quite busy with my work these days and I can't come into the forum as often. Thus, have to pass the update of the TTC list to someone else. And naturally has kindly agreeded to help me take over. So tomorrow onwards, please update naturally on your CD. Thanks!

thanks gal!
hi elmo,

thks for yr reassurance, eh, actually i already wanted to change gynae but then he's within walking distance to my place (thinking long term) and he's quite a nice guy, though often busy and eh quite absent minded - he always ask me for medical history (as if he never record one)

will stick with him for the clomid cycle and then see how. most probably if need to, will see DR Loh SF at KKH. saw him the other day at KKH and he's quite a precise and approachable gynae.

do you know why vision blur? i;m curious as to what cause it.

naturally: my gynae started me off with 100mg also, first cycle. so far so good, tomorrow last course of medicine. no major side effect except for blurred vision which my gynae write off. *arghs*

I dunno... cos I've not tried.... this is recommended by some of the gals from tis forum....
I think each session is 1 hr....

goldwellness need you to sign package, so more ex, but aisah is about 6 I think.....
I dunno....I guess due to hormones bah....
I only asked gynae why I have hot flushes after I completed the course.... he told me it's due to the suppression of estrogen.... so it's normal... maybe I ask him on the blurred vision when I see him tommorrow.
Manuka and sexxy,

Tks for answering to my question, coz AF due in a few days time and so sad when I experience the cramping which I usually experience before AF ... thinking no chance for this cycle ... now still got a little bit of hope .... 8) ... no sore breast though ...only notice fuller breast before AF ..
helo!! aiyoh now i beri paiseh liaoz...
, thanks for all the welcome. got shining glittering welcome somemore hehehe..

wah, all the talk about food is making my hungry!!! going parents plc to have dinner today. u girls sure know how to cook. thanks for the cereal prawn recipe! if i free i will try it. sounds yummy.

naturally, ur hubby so nice, went to help you find recommendation for gynae.
u can go check see check see. if you dun like her, can always find another one hehee....

sorry, but i still dunno what is clomid?? and u girls saying take 100mg or 50mg, whats that?

i din know grapefruit juice helps in CM? or EWCM? eerr....what EW stands for? i used to drink a lot but keep having diarheao hahah so stopped liaoz. we also buy the big carton florida's natural ruby red. last time we always monitor price, once less than $6 buy 2 cartons are one go one...hehhee.....
hi naturally..

can u pls remove my name from the TTC list..

will be giving up TTC and let nature take its course.. dun wish to think anymore of TTC liao.. juz anyhow do and anyhow strike lah..
focus on other things / work 1st
but will drop by to post lah.. keke and see got any good news onot

thks hor
hello! hee... logging on from home...

like tat call nice meh? hmm... no wonder he scold me say i'm not appreciative, haha!
But really strange lor... how come cannot find that gynae's name anywhere?? Went to MOH website to see... out of the 261 gynaes in sgp, none is the one my hubby mentioned?
Ask him, he cannot answer, just say he has made arrangements liao... cham... if i suddenly disappear one day... u all know why...

Here is wat clomid does...
In brief, clomid is supposed to help eggie mature better and faster. It is the most common fertily drug that gynaes dish out... 1 pill is 50mg, max is 4 pills a day (200mg), and must take for 5 days.
wah... now i know hopeful's job really not easy... i haven't officially kai1 gong1, already got work to do, haha...

okie, mei2 and dawn, noted!
Good morning gals,
Seems like i am 1st to post today.

Yday was my CD14. But using the OPK, the line is still very faint.. oh my god.. i feel like giving up the whole thing after 2 days of trying manz..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 28 Apr 05
dawn ........... CD 02
bookworm ....... CD 07
hipee .......... CD 08
naturally ...... CD 10
hopeformiracle . CD 12
milo ........... CD 13
mashybrainz .... CD 13
sugarbun ....... CD 13
luvflower ...... CD 14
december ....... CD 14
jenny tan ...... CD 15
busybumblebee .. CD 16
sunny .......... CD 16
chikako ........ CD 18
verone ......... CD 20
tulip .......... CD 20
confused ....... CD 20
matilda ........ CD 23
yasmin ......... CD 26
very_free ...... CD 26
meijia ......... CD 29
ttc2 ........... CD 32
chern .......... CD 33
loveluis ....... CD 40
poohmum ........ CD 41
angie .......... CD 45
aspire ......... CD 56
beautiful ...... CD 59
aps ............ CD 60

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05
nik ............ 01/12/05
sexxy .......... 12/12/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

