A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

lol elmo,

i know what you mean about staring at pregnant women. LOL my hubby caught me doing that yesterday while we were waiting for the lifts at the shopping mall.

then he confess that he also does the same. lol. i dun know whether to be mad at him or not.

can u PM me too?
my hubby loves drinknig cold ice water,
is a concern for me

Miracle gal,
thinik u better rest more lar
extra job will give u extra stress leh
think it's a gd idea u delay ur IVF
I PM already leh! I'll re-route the mail to that account.

aiyah... your HB got no uric acid problem lah! Drinking cold water is not a problem at all... don't worry!
I wrote a long mail leh... now I can't find it!

If you can't get it... I'll mail you again when I get home.
hee... nono, only me trying to send u email! Dili wants to email val and miracle...

i still hvn't receive your PM (i will get it thru email, then i will reply to u via email lor!)
i do understand wat U mean.. if u really feel that U r not ready for IVF yet, no harm in delaying it for another 1 or 2 months till U r all ready.. we too have been spending a lot on gynae's consultation, medication and tests.. i find this all worthwhile lor.. cos end result is U will get conceive soon with your very own bb..
oh isit?
hee...okie, cos all along he LOVES drinking cold plain water instead or normal water
for me opposite, i prefer drink warm water becos of my womb
warm my womb mah...
gingseng n Bai Feng Wan good to strengthen womb right?
Naturally, i receive ur PM oredi...but I still will go for the two decimal points...dun really agree with wat u all hv said...cos if tis two decimal wont make a significant change...in the 1st plc, we wont be seeing ppl recommending u purchase this special thermometer.....

anyway if temp if we compare 36.21 n 36.23 of cos the temp diff is not big...but if u compare 36.21 and 36.29, this 0.08 diff is significant enuff whereas a normal thermometer will juz remain at 36.2 througout this 0.01 - 0.09 changes
helo ladies, can i know what is clomid for?

valerie, no lah my complexion not beri good, different standards ah hehee. i just feel dun need go karen for now loh. but i am still using her products...
okie, besides CD, whats AF and PCOS and clomid?
sexxy: change nick to spy on u. kekkkeke....

sunny: fertilization is by the Quality of sperm, not the thickness of semen. have thick semen but low Quality sperm oso cannot..

xiumin: Welcome!!!!!!

kekkekek i just got back from my Sakae Sushi.. yum yum.. kekkekekeke
sunny: no idea... i hope the semen here means the sperm.... there is lots of reason to why watery... but to increase the "libido" try oysters or shell food... it helps
poshbb: what's 'libido'? other than oysters or shell food, got other alternatives? 'cos we can't take these.
Hi xiumin,

Of course, you are welcome to join us??

Hi Dili,

Thanks. Hopefully this 2WW faster over so that I know my result. It is like taking exam and waiting for results...hehehe
better take good care of yr health cos it's impt to build up yr health b4 ttc so do b good to heed doctor's advice n take proper meals ok?
36.29 shd be rounded off to 36.3...

U brought up a very good qn abt why such BBT thermometers are on sale despite having no real advantage over a normal thermometer... i believe it is cos BBT instructions are included in the package?
Hey, i'm not against buying BBT thermometers hor, dun be angry with me hor!
Of cos u can still use your BBT thermometer... its the same lah!

I do know the disappointment of having a temp drop... we all do...
ling, so good appetite! i can't think of japanese foods now, it make me breathless.... i feeling terrible, just unwell! :-(
r u meeting me? u got to remind me to bring the OPK, sms me...
thanks gals.

I've tried for so many months liao but everytime when my menses is here, i'll cry. btw, how to use the thermometre to gauge the O. Low is better or high? I was told b4 O (after the menses came) the temp will be low and coming to O the temp will be high. am i right?
how did u knw ur hubby gt uric acid?
huh? coldwater will affect ah?
I mean sperm quality

Welcome Xiumin!

since u mention u try for many mths,
did u go for pre conception chkup?

Af means auntie flow(menses)lor
how long is ur cycle?
PCOS is a kind of ovary cysts condition
u go for pre conception liao?
Hi Naturally/Beary/Valerie/Carrie,
Maybe I shd try to forget about the TTC thing, then no stress..... maybe can be successful that way.
Guess what you said is right.... shd see the positive light in everything than tis world will also be more beautiful.....
I'm ok lah....

Will try to take it easy....
Good afternoon ladies,

Was sick for the past few days, so did not login.

Welcome to all new comers!!

Now the time of the gathering change to 5pm liao, I dun tink I can make it le.. so sorry. Initially the gathering time was mentioned at 3pm rite? I need to accompany my hubby to attend his fren wedding in the evening. However, I will ask my hubby if he can go by himself.. kekekeke.. If can, then I will drop by..

naturally, elmo, miracle,
My wedding lamp also did not last through the night leh! At first tot of using Energizer batteries, but afraid it will be too powerful and cause the bulb to blown. So we just use other brands.. in the end, it get dimmer n dimmer.. haiz..

So have u decide which gynae to visit? That time my hubby went to TMC for SA, he also "do it" in the toilet leh! kekeke... the nurses told him if want to have a room, have to queue lor. So he choose the toilet. :p
u visit Eunice liao?
I dont hv wedding lamp even, hee....LOL :p

ya, be positive n who knows
u will strike with this clomid
Naturally, no, dun worry i not angry...is ok tat u say ur point of view....cos each of us is bound to hv diff in view at times....

juz like debating....

You need to take care of yourself. Drink more water and bu.

Still have not decided. Now I have 2 choices, either go to Sandy's or ling's gynae.

I think my hubby cannot do it in the toilet leh. Will be very hard for him. I think is the worst nightmare for him.

How is your visit to gynae. Is she more detailed?
alamak, your wedding lamps too?! Aiya, dun take it too seriously... lets work harder to prove these myths wrong!
Oh, now i remember, think dunno who tell us cannot use energiser, cos scared power too strong for bulb, end up dunno wat kind of lousy batteries were used... hey, i got a new excuse liao... next time if my MIL ask me again, i will pretend to be sad and "confess" abt our wedding lamps, heeheehee.... (got photo evidence some more!

At least at TMC your hubby had a choice of room or toilet (btw, if room, got provide porn or not?!
), at RH the nurse just passed hubby a container and told him toilet is over there... he got no choice leh... haha! So funny...

oh just now u ask me abt RH right? No lah, that was a long time ago... in early 2003. He can claim annual medical checkup mah, incl spouse, so i go and book health screening at RH lor. I still haven't decide whether to see your Dr Thong... aiyah, i dun want to think so much, wait another 2 mths then see how!
good good, just debate only...

The midstream type is the most ex lor, but u'll be paying for convenience cos no need to collect urine in a container. The second type is cassette type, it comes with a dropper, u need to collect urine first, then put 1-2 drops onto the cassette test kit. The 3rd and cheapest type, is the strip, where u dip the strip into urine collected in container. All 3 shd be accurate, provided instructions are followed.
good to hv more rest b4 resume work...

how wanna part time job har?
dunno u keen on every mth can earn $6k or not?
u can pm me....

i put my ttc plan in relax stage...
now concentrate to earn this $$$ 1st....
NKF checks are not always accurate... my colleagues say when they went to polyclinic to re-check, the poly nurses complain: another one from NKF! Hee... apparently sometimes they make mistakes! I'm not saying your hubby for sure dun have uric acid, but he shd get a proper doc to check...
