A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

How come so quiet recently ah?? I admit i aso nv often come in n post cos i see nobody here lei...Miss u all lei...

Melody: how r u? wow guess ending ur 1st trimester. mine in 2wks time

me too been coming in on and off but nv see u all... guess Sasa, feifei all in 2WW thread le~ here so quiet~
Kea : Im fine..On n off still feel like puking especially morning time when i brush teeth..how about u?
Cheesycake :1st trimester is 12wks right?? yuppie this week is my 12th week..kekeee..oh i see, all "migrate" to there liao le....U still have any MS?

me brush teeth oso wan puke lo..then naueos on n off during morning oso....tired hor....me gg dental to9...my gum keep bleeding when brush teeth.....urs gt bleed mah?
thanks melody and worried 79 for your encouragement.

really hope more pple can spread the baby dust ard

everyone jia you!
Cheryl : saw u post your bb photo in yr 2007 thread aso..heheee...Gynea said mayb is boy boy huh?? How's your MS?
ya maybe boy boy. but cannot be sure yet....
my ms almost gone... except drink milk will make me nauseous but the rest ok....
Hi ladies
I am new here. Very disappointed today cos my mense just came. We have been TTCing for 8 months and went to see gynae for countless times cos i kept having water cyst. Finally, the gynae recommended that we do IUI. We did it last month and I was quite hopeful because gynae said my condition was good then; no cyst, lining has thicken, can see my egg from the scan and my hb's sperm count was good and healthy.

Sigh...but last few days, I started having pink colour discharge and yesterday, experience brown spottings and very bad cramp. And today, I think my mense came although is very light. Really disappointing and I feel bad for depriving my hb for having a baby.
sorry ladies... i dun mean anything. sorry if i make u all uncomfortable.. if there is moderator ard, pls remove the scan picture...

btw, trying to conceive people can drink this skyjuice... both ladies n man can drink. my mum say can help ppl get pregnant. maybe can help u all...

dun be sad... try again... try to relax...
Scrumpee : Dun give up...keep trying n u will succeed de since gynae said u n your hb is okie to concieve so jia you okie!!
Hi, Im helpless..........can anyone advise me wat 2 do? im been seeing a tcm since last nov til now....still no news of preg? she advises me to buy clmoid to aid pregnancy?? shd i go to a gynae or go polyclinic for referral?? wat kinda tesy or scan will e gynae do and wat r they charges like??
JM, u can get from gynae. but gynae will do a blood test to see if you are ovulating or not. if you are not ovulating, then u will be prescribe with clomid
hi ladies, me and DH have been TTCing for a few years now. Still news. Lately started to seriously see gynae and found out that my ovary lining was think so on hormones medication which makes me feel sick and not too good.

Anyone had this condition before or now? Will this condition seriously affect chances of conceiving?

I will be going for my laproscopy soon. Doc say will laser off the lining for me so that I can have a window period to try hard before the lining thickens again. So, pray hard will at least succeed within the window period after the surgery.

Cos DH also has not too good quality sperms. Now on medication too. So, hopefully will push up our chances.
hi ladies, me and DH have been TTCing for a few years now. Still no news. Lately started to seriously see gynae and found out that my ovary lining was thick so on hormones medication which makes me feel sick and not too good.

Anyone had this condition before or now? Will this condition seriously affect chances of conceiving?

I will be going for my laproscopy soon. Doc say will laser off the lining for me so that I can have a window period to try hard before the lining thickens again. So, pray hard will at least succeed within the window period after the surgery.

Cos DH also has not too good quality sperms. Now on medication too. So, hopefully will push up our chances.
hi all,

I had married for 2 yrs. Just went for a checkup with gynae and realise my hormone level is not normal resulting in irregular menses. Hence a bit tough to get preggie.

The gynae says i can take some medicines for 6 months to try but hb n mum do not encourage. So any TCM to recommend?
Hi Apple,

May I know how did the doctor check if your lining is thick? What kind of test does the gynae perform to determine?
Last time got 1 TCM sinsei said that my lining is thick too but I didn't go for further check up with western doctor.
I just leave it. (getting tired with all the TTC)

Hi bluey,

I got a friend whose hormone level is not normal too. She tried Evening Primrose Oil and got preggie after taking for 1 month.
You can also try Bai Feng Wan, it helps to regulate menses as well.
But then, depend on individual, works for someone might not work for another person.
If gynae is prescibing Clomid, I suggest why not try other methods 1st. I took Clomid for 1 cycle and it delayed my menses from 35days to 50days. I thought I was preggie then but sadly I wasn't. It was just giving me false hope.
Well, I guess it also depend on how one's body react to the medication.

Anyway, all the best to all TTC kaki!
bluely: i took 2 cycles of eu yan seng bai feng wan before preggie in july. i got regular menses but my fren advice me to take as it can strengthen our womb. im wondering whether izzit BFW helped me to conceive. no harm trying as it also can help to regulate ur menses. if ur menses report on time after taking it, then its easier to cal ur ovulation date. thus can plan ur BD session close to O period. Good luck!
Hi Apple, cheesycake,

Thanks for the advice.

For bai feng wan, how often do u take? once a week?

Any ideas is evening primrose oil can be taken together with bai feng wan?

thanks gals.
bluely: for me i take after my menses cleared for 3 days and another wk take again. can take before menses/ after menses. it quite ex IMO, 6 bottles $40+. if can, best is take 1 bottle per week. but remem not to take during menses.
Hi Cheesycake : How are u?? Seems like many of us are missing from this thread liao...U shd be in your second trimester liao right?
Melody: im fine... how abt u? me today 13wks liao. u? so fast hoh already into our 2nd trimester. how's ur wedding photoshoot?

ya loh feifei, apple, sasa all in 2ww thread~
Hi all,
Have you all tried different position after the sex. Cos I have been TTC for almost a year and one day I heard my colleague said she long time ago also TTC for long time and when to see specialist to find out that she has inverted womb. So the doc suggested her to lay flat on the stomach after sex.
I tried that laying flat on stomach for that month. And bingo I got pregnant. Maybe I have inverted womb too? I dunno. but for my next TTC I going to use that position again. I will tell you all if it works for me again.
BTW I miscarriage this time.
hopefully, i m sorry to hear dat. But dun feel sad k coz there is saying dat a woman is most fertile after m/c. I also had a chemical preg in aug

sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Do take care of urself.

I only found out from a gyne last yr that I had an inverted womb...which seems to be a norm for a no. of women. I only found this out after I already had 2 kids...and I didn't do the laying flat method for my first 2. My this current 3rd, I am sure I didn't use the flat method either. But then, no harm trying...it might work for someone else. =)
Cheesycake : sorry now i seldom come in liao, so now then see your post. Heeheee..Mi in my 15wks..yah lor time passes very fast wor..N my AD is only ard 1 mth away only, very anxious for that day lor..Yup i have finished my photoshoot, luckily bb corporate with me on that day..I have a fun day..kekeee..U have any email? i can send some of my unedited photos for u to see, but i must say my files are quite big..
Melody: its okie. i know u're bz... wow really fast ard in ur 15wks. can see bb gender le ma? mine cant at 13wks, next appt will be 17wks liao. by then can le~ ur bb very guai coporate with u, glad u enjoy ur photo shooting
i got email, but if the files too big will take long time to load and send ya? y not, upload it into online photo album?
Hi Ladies,

Ive a clear blue digital ovulation test 6 pcs left (bought 7pcs @ $69.90) on end april 07, Expiry date: 07-2008. Would like to exchange for bb gift set or voucher worth $50.

Exchange to be done at Yew Tee Mrt.
Hi Apple Lee,

Doc ask me to do a hormone test during day 2 or 3 (can't rememer is which one) of menses to see how are my hormone levels. And the result cam back to say one of my hormones was not normal thus meaning ovary lining is thick.
hi hopefully,

thanks for sharing the position thing with us.

i shall try it the next time too as i have inverted womb too. hee....
Apple Lee, did your sinseh say that this condition will affect TTC a lot? I wonder about the severity. Cos doc say will affect the release of ovary, but i do ovulate... so... hhmmm

also, taking the medication makes me tired and no mood to BD.... i very worried that it will affect our chances too. haha... no BD means no chance at all. hee
Hi Apple,

Hmm... you have been saying ovary lining. I think I've misunderstood what you were referring to and different condition. My sinseh say I have bulky uterus, don't know what exactly it is but I think it's call Endometriosis. Research from the web said that it will affect TTC. Sigh....

Hmm....Ovary lining thick? Is it saying that egg very difficult to release from ovary since the ovary lining is thick?

BTW, what kind of medication are you taking now?

I think TCM oso helps... I went for TCM and took their prescrib pills and was pregnant 4mths later... now i've given birth to a healthy boy coming to one mth old.

So i'm here to cheer for all MTB who are still working so hard to get pregnant... Jia You!@!!
Hi Apple Lee,

I see.... Yeah.. I heard from others that endo does affect a lot. But miracles do happen. I have a friend who had very severe endo and after op, doc only gave her 2 months window period to conceive. if she doesn't conceive, then cannot conceive as she will have to be on long-term medication to control her endo. and she did manage to get pregnant during the window period and is a proud mom of a girl.

Yeah, doc mentioned something like diff to release the ovary. But i also don really understand. Just continued to take medicine. :p as long as it helps. But i do notice that after taking the medication, i have much lesser blood clots during menses... wonder if the medicine helped?

doc gave me hormone pill. as one of my hormone is not to normal level so have to take pill to regulate.

have you gone to see any gynae for your condition? i think doing a lap will help. doc told me too. about 10+% of endo is detected with this op. i'm going for it soon in Nov. hopefully everything will be alright. and doc say he will help me laser the ovary lining so that i have about a year's window period...
bb4339, congrats on your newborn!!! must be very happy... :D

i'm also thinking to go TCM too. but prob after all the necessary has been done on the western side. then i can concentrate going for TCM... hee...
Hi Everyone, I am new to this Thread. Hope to learn more from you. I just started to TTC 2-3 mths ago but already start feeling sian & disappointed, when pregnacy test shows negative.I have friend who tried 2wks only and ot preggy. I dont seems as easy as I thought.

I have not approach any gynae cos I m still considering whether I should seek TCM help. I heard about clomid, may I know in what occasion will a gynae give clomid?
I saw someone who recommended a TCM call Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall at Jurong East. She claimed that she ot preggy after 3 mths and recommended some friends. They all got preggy within 3 mths..So I feel like going there.Have any of you tried the place?
Hi all, i have graduated to MTB, EDD in Apr 08. Its been a long journey for my TTC, 22mths. Pass all bb dust to all ttc'ers. Don give up hope! It comes when u least expected it.
