A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

dili: KOK KOK KOK KOK..... waliew! u steady! never freak out very lucky... u better talk to ur bb more. kekeke.. shh shh.. i only put on at week 20... whaha 1 kg hor.. whahahahaha

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhh....
movements?!?!?!? i felt kicks... she soo STRONG!.. during the detail scan.. she super noti... bend her legs n push, her head hits the side then got this sound, bong bong.. aiyo.. super noti...
dili.. u scare me u know.. bleedin and some more blood clots..
thks god.. bpth fine
dun be playful liao huh
implantation only happen after between DPO 7-10 days, rite. i also got dip lei but it's only during DPO4. i think i hv to discard my chart cos the chart n interpretation dun match at all. u got do fertility chart not??
you only felt it when you did the scan or before that? and only put on 1kg at wk 20... ok I'm more reassured now!

I really kick myself thinking of what could have happened. Cos mine didn't even started out with spotting... it was bleeding straight out. I think if anything had happened, I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life.
dili: kekek... u will put on as time goes by..whahahaa... no i feel it everyday.. just dunno wat she doing inside.. so the scan, she do it to show us.. whahahaha.. so funny.

well if things goes wrong.. i will be the first to kick u.. kekeke
Hi all,

I have been following this tread quite closely but hardly post a message. This tread is hyper active, sometimes the posting a bit too fast and I couldn't catch up.

Same as all the TTC sis here, I have been TTC since last year Oct to no avail. I was tested negative few days back, very dissapointed. AF is visiting soon cos I already have some early symptoms of brown discharge.

I was thinking of consulting a gynae. Please advise if my hubby have to be there together during the 1st consultation? I wanted to go alone cos I scared the problem lie with me.

How much is the 1st consultation and what are the test involved normally? I M thinking of Dr Adrian B W from TWC. What do you gals think?
<font face="Calisto mt"> Okie,

I think Dr. Adrian dun hv v gd feedback leh. U can ask confused/carrie for more comments. My fren said he quite impatient</font>
i'm good nw.. haha :p
i didnt cook leh.. no time leh.. hhabut took DOM only lor.. keke and took seasem oil "pig heart" haha..
u strike after ur M/C rite??

u anyhow do and strike or got pinpoint ur O??
<font face="Calisto mt">Mei2,

Ya I strike immed after M/C, supposed to rest but then cannot resist
so ML twice, nv tot will strike.

I nv pinpoint O, anyhow do &amp; anyhow strike one. Both HB &amp; myself felt v stress when I test w OPK &amp; monitor BBT 4 e 1st 3 mths so we gave up. But also v tiring cuz gota try to BD more since duno when O
okie: i too like u started in Oct, dun give up.. its all abt timing. maybe like others, use a kit to help u find out ur Ovalution period.

SO far Dr Adrain's seems to be a less detail person. u may wan to give others a try.
Hi ladies,

For those who are interested in pre-seed, following is the list of places you can get it from:

1) KK women &amp; Children's Hosp
2) Nishino Pharmacy (Shaw House)
3) NHG Polyclinic pharmacies at AMK, Bt Batok West, CCK, Clem Ave 3, Hougang Ave 4, Jurong, Toa Payoh Lor 8, Woodlands &amp; Yishun Central.
Hi Okie,

Personally I dun recommend Dr Adrian Woodsworth. He is very fast with his consultation and din even do any scan for me. It is when I go to another gynae then I found out that I have cyst and RU.

If I have not change gynae, I think I am still in the dark of not knowing my condition.

Think you try other gynae.
kekekeke... I heard that bb tends to sleep when mummy is moving... it's just like when you are in a bus.... all the movement feels like rocking chair..... so makes you sleepy....
so bb sleep too much liao in the day mah... kekekeke... at night must play kicking liao cos must move mah.....:p

I think your bb is gonna be a bubbly bb...
Hi Jenifur,
Any gd recommendation (gd gynae) for fertility test? I M staying near CCK area.

I have been using OPK to detect O, BD on my fertile period yet still no news...haizz...
poshbb ~ Try talking to ur gal.. ask her kuai kuai dun kick kick leh.. mommy pain pain or will hv a fright suddenly ar.. kkekekee

I think ur bb is same as u so hyper ar..
I think u have to find a gynae which u are comfortable with first cos gynae is most impt... then have to follow the gynae to the hospital they deliver in lor...
Hi Okie ~ Carrie &amp; I are seeing the same gynae. His name is Dr Fong Yang. His clinic is @ tiong bahru or paragon. He is a very patient doc &amp; explain thing clearly to u. he is quite fully booked also. If u want to see him have to at least call 1 wk in advance.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Okie,

Sorry cannot help u w gynae. My Gynae, Dr Lawrence is gd 4 inital fertility tests &amp; when u preggie but if u require more help on fertility issue then he's not really e guy.


If u stay near AMK then I suggest TMC. U can see those gynae like Dr. Eunice Chua or Dr Kee Wei Heong who hv their own specialist clinic in TMC. </font>
Good afternoon everyone..

yr BB is juz like U so hyper-active.. when U r going to sleep, tell BB that she too must sleep or else Mommy will have pandan eyes next day.. btw, when is Malcolm big day?

sorry to hear about yr lost. Dont brood over the matter, God will bless U with a healthier bb soon.. Nourish yr body well to prepare for the next battle.. Jia You!
hi jenifur,
thanks for the info. any idea abt their rates?
do they do fertility tests too? (if i need help in that area)
<font face="Calisto mt"> Juliana,

Dun mention. Think Val or Mashy will b able to help u w Dr Eunice's rate since they r seeing her.

As 4 Dr. Kee, u'll hv to call e clinic @ 6253 6011 to check. My frenz recommended him.

If not u also can see Dr. Ho from Mt. A, heard he's v gd too. Think elmo is seeing him</font>
Hi All, what are the tests included in the fertility test? I made an appointment to see gynaed next week. This is my 1st time visit regarding ttc issue. Pls advices what are the things/tests the doc will do.

my gynae is Dr Eunice Chua
erm..her rate recently has increases
she is fertility specialsit too
think consultation fees is 120 excluding V scan
Good afternoon ladies!!

Congrats to those who have graduated!! Wish all have a smooth 9mths ahead.

See! I bet on hum jing pang and true enough yours is a gal.. Haha.. congrats, your dream finally come true. :p

what cd will it be when u seeing ur gynae?
well, most prob they will take bloodtest n do a v scan for you
if u gng during ur O period like Cd14, u will be able to see follicles during V scan
some gynae will ask quest abt ur AF
Previously I was seeing Dr Kee Wei Heong in TMC, but I seen him for nearly 1/2 year no good news and at times, he is very quick with his consultation..

I would recommend U to Dr Fong Yang (which is my current gynae), same as Carrie and Jenny. He is a fertility specialist for male &amp; female.

When I compared Dr Kee with Dr Fong, I find Dr Fong to be more compassionate, understanding and willing to listen to his patients... unlike Dr Kee is more $$ minded.. (that is just my personal view of Dr Kee). Even my hubby also prefers Dr Fong than Dr Kee..
Hi Val, CD11.. able to see follicles? What is the bloodtest for? What are questions that I should ask? because I blur blur one, sometime dun know what to ask and what to say..
Hi Carrie,

You call up all the pharmacy to check whether they sell pre-seed or not ah? Anyway thanks for putting the list. when i was in Pan-Malayan, I ask the lady and she told me only certain doctor have and when I ask which doctor have then she say dun know. seemed like she dun want to tell me ler... make me all they way go down to Bugis waste my lunch time only
Hi Okie and Juliana,
My Gynae is Dr. LC Foong from Gleneagles. He is a very gentle doctor and always listen and explain to my question. He is fertility specialist as well.
Sandy ~ I Agree with u totally. I remembered last wk when i accy my cousin to see Dr Fong, i cancelled my appt with him but still go in accompanying my smal cousin to do u/s pelvis scan lar. i also shoot alot of question even i din get my card out for consultation leh. he also answer me slowly &amp; listen to me patiently.
My boss is always around in the office these few weeks, so was unable to come online during office hours. However I do glance through the messages when I'm at home, but hor.. feel abit stress when coming up here.. kekeke.. so I will only come up in every few days time. :p

I ovulated quite late this cycle, at CD23. Now just started my 2WW.. sian..
Hi Sunflower,

I send an email to Pan Malayan and they reply me very fast stating all the locations that sell.

Now very convenient, can get from Polyclinic pharmacy, no need to purposely go down to North Bridge road.
cd11 ah, shld be able too

hmm...u gt any quest in mind now?
like maybe can ask ur gynae for supplements opinion, any ML position to increase chance
describe ur AF cycle etc....
this is ur what cycle of trying?
n who will u be seeing?

u O on CD23, isit today?
me cd23 today
I think i also Cd21 leh....
today temp still 36.5
how u knw u O late?
did Eunice prescribe u any clomid?

Tks Jenny &amp; Carrie for the gynae info. How much would be the 1st consultation cost together with the fertility test? I understand we have to go back for subsequent visits. How much would all those subsequent visit cost us? Just hope to have an idea rather to get a shock after visiting the gynae.

Jenny &amp; Carrie, can you pls share w me the address for Dr Fong at Tiong Bahru? Many thanks
