A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

I totally agree with Hopeful's advise, I would do the same too. Get my HB to talk to MIL if we are of same wavelength...

yah, i wanted to see Ling's gynae at first, but she dun have my history, so dunno will she let me do HSG this cycle or not??? wat if she want to check this check that, then ask me to delay HSG, then how?
hee... i sound so gan jiong!
So i thot i'll just go back to my current gynae for this HSG test first lor. If by June/July still no news, then i'll go to Ling's gynae for help.
<font color="ff0000">Hi Dili_Mum</font>
Welcome &amp; Congrats! I think you are really heng!

<font color="ff0000">Wendy</font>
Tks for ur info. I will ask u for more info when i m preggie.. meantime will work hard. You are also damn heng. Strike first time right!! very good.. and yes, saw ur baby gal photo.. v cute and big eyes ;) so are u trying for your second??

<font color="ff0000">hopeful</font>
Yes let's pray hard that all the gals in the 2WW will strike... then we can all set up the Dec thread together..

by the way, one qn. when we are in 2WW, can we ML? will it dong le tai qi if we are preggie and we dun know? anyone?
oic... that is also my concern when I wanted to change gynae. Anyway that is a good move, hope that you won't need to see Ling's gynae then.

I have ever asked my gynae this question, he said that we can still ML in 2WW.
thanks dear!

sure can ML in 2WW, in fact, during pregnancy also can... unless u belong to the high risk group (touch wood!!!). Somebody has a book on ML positions during preggie... hee, who ah?
ah! sneaky,
can tell your MIL tat now a bit too cold for the bb... say that she might catch a cold easily cos not used to it?
Might work?
naturally, Jenny &amp; hippee,
no lah, not "jia lu hao men" lah ..... so so only lah ..... jus that they really loves their own daughter alot lor and will give her many things ......
ummm, I dunt stay in landed ....... i staying wif HB enjoying our privacy in a small apartment ......
I seriously dunt think my IL will love me as much as their own daughter tho' I know that FIL will definitely give FD in my BB's name lor (to be fair) ..... I also dun't think MIL will help look after my BB since she's already occupied with her own daughter's bb ..... I've tho of getting a nanny (my own mama also refused to help me since she said she doesn't wanna get tied down) .....

I also wan my stomach to zheng qi but after 7 cycles .... still nothing .....
I told myself, i'll try another 2 more cycle before i seek professional help ....
hi all ladies, thank for your compliment on baby Nicole.

Hi hipee,
the subsidize i refer is the medisave deduction of up to $300 / day. all ppl will have this.

u r welcome, feel free to ask me anything i try my best to help. I'm "heng" only wif the help of the ladyies here. 1 thing is my mense is very accurate, 22 day cycle only. Now after birth mense go "wild" still did not have a proper mense yet.
NO NO still not ready for No.2 have not recover yet. I also have not start BD yet cos no gut to do scare pain.
so ladies do enjoy your BD now as much as possible and "er ren si jie"
we did not BD since the day i found out i pregnant so now almost a year alry really pity my poor hubby
u are rite dun give up as me &amp; all TTCs ...

hv u heard abt chinese sinseh.. WOuld u like to get help in another way? my frd also tried for 1 yr &amp; no news &amp; saw a sinseh &amp; got a baby liao last wk.. hhe that sinseh very famous cos alot of pple see liao most get preggie..
Hi Wendy,
U did Caserian or natural birth??
i thot ur bb is so big already?? u havent recover? U mean ur wound? must see doctor leh..

Poor hubby ar also.. hehehe
i have let me search for it..
It at Jurong East leh. but i heard must go early early one cos one day oni limit see duno how many pt lor. heard my frd say she very "li hai" ar..
Can i have ur email to send u the details?? i need to dig from my yahoo mails. hehe
I found &amp; i would like to post all to share..

Consultation Hrs:
Wed to Sun : 6.30am - 4.00pm
Public Holiday : 6.30am - 12.00noon
Ms Tan Lee Kee, chinese physician
Blk 202, Jurong East St 21
Tel : 6897 5655
naturally: the maid is to stay at home to take care of her 6mth old baby...don't forget, we have 2 maids...1 is solely for her use and the other one is to do housework and sometimes look after her children in the absence of the other...i have never carried the kiddo since i got to know i'm preggy and will not until i give birth and am well...thanks for the adv and for the good words about my MIL

XMM: sorry hor...it's not their daughter...it's their eldest DIL...we're all staying under 1 roof...everyday already face the kiddo and now go tour also must face and take care of her...really sickening!!!

jenny: besides my IL, my HB, his cousins and 2 other colleagues would be going...however, they are all on official trip for an exhibition except MIL &amp; i...sometimes, i just feel like telling SIL, your child's 1st trip in life shd be with her parents mah...why grandparents...bring her along during your trip lah!

hopeful &amp; cookie: i told my HB...he said "sekali mother likes and doesn't mind bringing her grandchild along? it all depends on how she thinks." i kena sai loh...straightaway zipped up....

ling: i can't just stand there and not help my MIL if she cannot manage, right? she's so nice to me...she met me on the staircase just now and asked me how was my consultation just now...she said she must make birdsnest again tonight...see, how to not help her?

elmo: SIL didn't talk to me directly abt her wanting her child to go along...she talked to MIL over the dining table and i heard...how to contribute??? maybe if SIL ever mention again tonight, i'll just hint by talking about the weather loh...sekali she say, it's okay...i'll get her enough clothes....i PENGZ

hippee: thanks for finding out the temperature...i hope they get my hint if i ever mention it...
<font color="#0000FF">xxm</font>
i m seeing fertility doctor in kkh in early april.I am a bit kiasu...didnt try so long...but still make appt to see . Do check up first lor.save time.

<font color="#FF00FF">wendypooh,</font>
were u referred by ployclinic to kkh? can u choose gynae? hows the stitching? i m quite keen in kkh..but not many pple go kkh in this forum...so I am not sure...

hahahha i m so kan cheong..not even preggie and ask this advance qn!!

<font color="#008000">jenny,</font> tks. If this cycle didnt strike, will go see him.
Sneaky.. u realli have a good MIL must must respect..... ya try again tonight if she is to mention again. wow ur IL are so kind &amp; caring even though is not their own daughter leh.
If she mention tonight during the dinner again try to say in a good way manner lor, heheh abt the cold temperature lor. Else seems like no way to reject liao leh
hi jenny

mine was normal birth, but i dare not try yet cos heard ppl say 1st time will be very painful. so hubby say let me recover fully first then BD better or later hurt the wound will be bad.

hi hipee
no not refer by polyclinic, my friend recommended to me. i oso dare not go KKH until they recomend tis doc to me. I start from GlenE, switch over at week 12. His stitches is good, i can sit up after he stitch me. a group of my friend all see him so i think he should be good. there is a thread on him here. He is Benjamin Tham.
Good afternoon everyone...

glad to hear that you have nice colleagues..I m sure you will settle down soon with yr job.. Take care..

glad to hear that you're fine.. take care my dear

glad that yr HSG went well.. so now U have to relax and continue with yr TTC plan.. our BB dream not very far from us...

we're on the same CD, so can remind each other to BD and jia you together..

welcome back.. Good to hear that U have enjoyed yourself.. well deserved break.. rest well and jia you too.

Congrats to you! Have a safe and blessed 9 months..

when U going for HSG?? dont worry, U too everything will be fine ..
hi hi

re sharing my experience on chinese doc in Jurong.
i used to see her once in my school day and she commended tat my sis &amp; I must see her on long term cos our body not strong will have difficulty on conceiving. From then we stop seeing her. but my mum see her once in a while, my sis rtn to see her 2 year back and she diagnose my sis have PCOS, but my sis alry have 2 kids so never take tis to heart. So I find her diagnose is a bit funny.
Above is only my personal opinon, hope will not affect ladies here.

hi sneaky,

glad to know u fine. after your week 13 maybe u can drink some cordcepy "dong cong cao" to strength your self and bb. my mum prepare tat for me weekly thruout my pregnancy.
Hi Wendy what is PCOS???
My sister also saw her be4 &amp; she also say my sis have abnormal growing ar?? "fa yu bu zheng chang". i also dunno what she meant but we will be gg to look for her soon lar. hehee my sis want to get conceive so try lor. cos my frd got a baby after seeing her also.
jenny: yes, she's a wonderful MIL...i love her a lot...well, as for the weather thingy, i'll have to do it tactfully, else other people would think i'm bitchy...

sandy: yes, i will!

wendy: can drink that ah? okay, maybe i'll ask either my mum or MIL to cook...
hi jenny
i dun really know oso tink is "polytic..." anyone can help? something to do wif conceiving.
but i dun really see her lor cos i find her diagnose a bit funny.

i drink tat from week 12 together wif birdnest. u ask your mil or mum thye should know.
now must eat lot of tonic then abt 8 mth to delivery drink some "liang" to cool our body
wendy: oic...but i scared those tonic will hurt bb...i think i'd better eat quality and nutritious food, if i can accept them...i know it's good to drink coconut water when about to give birth...so that the mummy won't feel so heaty...
oh i tot can spare 1 maid to travel with u all... cannot har? okie... that's a headache...

Perhaps u can casually ask over dinner how's the weather in shanghai... wait for someone to answer (haha, so that it's not so obvious u got motive! *lol*), and then tell your SIL, oh, so cold ah, must pack flu medicine and panadol for her daughter... if she's a responsible mother, sure heartpain when hear that! And hope she gets the hint!

At most if really must bring the kiddo along, ask your hubby to help take care lor...
naturally: cannot spare the maid lah...your idea is great...i may use it..kekeke...my HB cannot help cos he's gonna go for the exhibition with the rest...only MIL &amp; I will be tog most of the time...
sneaky: dun worry too much.. i guess ur MIL will think again abt bringing the kids along if she remember u are pregnant.. bet ur MIL loves u alot.. kekeke
your MIL is very nice to u .... i think u talk to her properly, she'll understand .... but i think u got to be very tactful since u dunt wan her to think that u r being political ..... old people dunt like to be pushed .....&amp; i'm sure they also dunt like to create conflicts.... so got to "man4 man4 lai2" ....
frankly speaking, i think it makes good sense to ask her to pay for the maid to tack along (air fare + hotel)to take care of her bb....

but very strange hor, your SIL got such a thick skin ...... never encounter before .....
at 1st i tho it's own daughter, so it's understandable for such unreasonable request .....

I wish u all the best in your reasoning .....

please keep us informed about your health &amp; the reasoning outcome .....
ling: i hope it's just say say only...just now SIL asked her kiddo not to eat too much grapes in case she coughs, her kiddo refuses and she started asking "you're going shanghai, you know? you want to get cough?" my MIL straightaway change subject by saying "i can't seem to find the detergent for washing the kids' clothings in Cold Storage" then, the topic was never brought up again...

XMM: i did not have the guts to mention it leh...instead, i walked out of the house to breathe fresh air instead after a while, MIL came out to join me...i really don't know how to start...indeed, she damned thick-skinned leh...a bit bueh tahan...thanks...i hope i'm not playing politics by thinking this way...i just hope MIL relax with my company...this is the 1st time i tour with her...whereas SIL had been on a tour with her before she gave birth...i think it's not too much to ask for just this once...
i pray.....i hope......
i think it's best u wait till it's convenient and casually ask her if she really intend to bring the BB along ..... then bring up the concern over cold weather in shanghai since now u r preggie u r not able to help look after the bb ..... also since it's only for a few days so will be very hectic, it's safer to leave the bb in spore after weighing the pros &amp; cons .....
do u think the above sound reasonable?
Thanks Sandy and TTC2! I believe everyone can graduate, it's really just a matter of time. CHEONG AH!

Talking about travelling... I just booked my honeymoon tour at NATAS... ONE DAY before I got a BFP! I wouldn't have booked the tour had I known it. Now counting the days... I'd be Week 12 by May... can anyone advice if it's ok to travel? I'm going to Japan for about 10 days.
hi dili mummy,
congrats on your pregnancy...by week 12, you're already into the "safe" period...that's why my gynae said to me...don't worry as long as you don't engage yourself in streneous activities...
dili mummy, it's better to avoid loh...better be safe than sorry...next time bring your kid for the ride loh...better idea, isn't it? both mummy &amp; bb experience for the 1st time...
loving &amp; cookie.. keke we all worked nearby leh.. yeah got lunch kakis le.. me @ gateway

congrat dili mummy.. happy for u


SIAN... was so bz these days leh.. aiyo so tired
will try to pop in tomolo in office if i can..

We all try to get in the Nov/Dec MTB thread ok
"jiayou jiayou jiayou"

nite nite ladies
Good morning!
How's everybody today?

I hope u dunt feel sian again ...... cheer up!

dun't worry too much, jus enjoy yourself but dun do those adventurous ride, hor!
anyway the Q for those rides is so long that it'll put u off .... on average, got to wait for about 30min to 1 hr for your turn and if it's school holiday in Japan, the queuing time could be worst ............

I hope to be able to make it to the Nov/Dec MTB thread since judgement day is this weekend ..... but i dunt think i can be so lucky ......

I hope everything will turn up well, maybe u've to try talking to MIL before your SIL bought the air-tix, else it'll be too late liao ......
so sianz...i keep falling sick
today voice so horse, think igng to lose voice liao

hmm....ask u all, shld I rest this cycle cos I hv been taking medicine since 26th of feb, after our dinner at Village till now actually :p
firstly had stomach flu n diahorrea, took medication abt 1 week then recover
then 8th March, becos of wisdom teeth, took 2 types of antiboitics, so a week too
then last week, around 17th, sore throat, took antibiotics again
finsh liao but hv nt recover yet so pek chiak, nw voice getting worse, guess later will go off during off hr to see doc again
hiaz...i am like 'yao4 tong2' nw

so shld i TTC this cycle?
AF gng to finish soon......

I thot of resting , want to detox my body leh....
wow wow... u work along beach road too! that great we can meet up for lunch liao

From the impression I think your MIL is a very nice person... hmm...she is probably too nice to reject your sickening (oopss..)SIL ( I was cooking last nite and think abt your case, felt so buay tahan abt your SIL...kekeke) even if she dun like the idea becos this round that SIL not going but u are... so like not nice too to reject the bb comes along...
Hmm... but if you talk to her tactfully without your SIL around, maybe u can give her some courage and reasons why she really shouldn't bring along the BB.
Hope this issue will be resolved smoothly soon...
sorry to hear that you've been sick for so long .... please take good care of yourself ....
regarding TTC, I guess u got to let your body decide, if u feel like BDing, then do, if not just rest .... but dunt have to push yourself too much since u r still quite weak...
i hope the above suggestion is fine wif u ...
Val, if u need to see doc again (but i hope not!!), tell doc u are ttc-ing and ask for medication/antibiotics which is safe for preggie. Like that no need to skip this cycle lor!

hmm, do u think your MIL changed the topic because she dun want your SIL to scold the kiddo, or is she re-considering bringing the kiddo to shanghai??? Aiya headache hor? Why not forget it, just leave it to your MIL to decide, u dun fret over this lah, just relax and concentrate on the little one inside u!
Honestly, who cares if your SIL insists on her kiddo going shanghai to catch a cold?!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 23 Mar 05
naturally ...... CD 03
bookworm ....... CD 03
loveluis ....... CD 04
valerie ........ CD 06
sandy .......... CD 06
jentan ......... CD 07
elmo ........... CD 07
badgirl ........ CD 08
december ....... CD 08
juliann ........ CD 08
angie .......... CD 09
sugarbun ....... CD 10
mei mei ........ CD 12
dawn ........... CD 13
verone ......... CD 13
snowball ....... CD 15
bea ............ CD 19
ttc2 ........... CD 22
xiao mao mao ... CD 24
happybride ..... CD 24
meijia ......... CD 24
aps ............ CD 24
hipee .......... CD 26
hopeful ........ CD 26
cookie ......... CD 27
hopeformiracle . CD 27
nik ............ CD 28
sunny .......... CD 35

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

Morning gals!

From what you describe, seems to me that your MIL may not want to bring the kiddo along too, but is just too nice to reject your SIL upfront, so she's like avoiding talking abt it.

Why not have a talk with your MIL like what you will do to your own mother. Ask her, "Mother, you really want to bring SIL's kid along with us?" or something like that. I feel that usually MIL without daughters will treat their DIL like own daughter. So try talking to her like what u would do to your own mom, it will also bring the both of you closer.

Hope everything turns out well for you.
I agree with xmm, just do it as and when you feel like it and when your body can take it. No point forcing when you feel so sick and weak. Your health is more important. And also make sure that you get the doctors to prescribe TTC safe medicine. Pray that you get well soon!

yah, i usually reach office very early since HB drop me before he goes to work,
I enjoy being early since can clear most of the e-mail effectively without anyone disturbing ...
