A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Sorry to hear that the hateful AF showed up. Nevermind, let us all jia you together to fight the AF from showing up the next cycle!!!!

Hi All
Juz posted in the wrong thread above. Me long time never come here to chat with you all. Hope everybody to doing well.

Take good care of yourself. Try eating smaller smaller meals....

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 15 Jul 04
melody ......... CD 03
gebbera ........ CD 03
jenifur ........ CD 04
rikku .......... CD 05
joice .......... CD 08
lina ........... CD 13
yippy .......... CD 13
classy ......... CD 13
dawn ........... CD 14
oreo ........... CD 14
tidyfairy ...... CD 16
mrstan ......... CD 20
tuffy .......... CD 27
stupid ......... CD 34
funny .......... CD 35
ENJ ............ CD 37
ribena ......... CD 38
jamci .......... CD 38
wennia ......... CD 52
maya ........... CD 53
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05
lbs ............ 14/03/05
KC ............. ??/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
haha, gebbera, i'm still around, reading &amp; getting to know more abt u ppl.

why, u are so lonely / moody huh?
anything u want to share ?
hey Geberra &amp; Yippy,

if u girls bored, can go to the archive postings of this thread and read...i tell u, there are so many pages of it, cannot finish reading one! And u can also see how each one of the girls progress in their ttc paths...from TTC-ians to Graduates. And u will realise that they used to be like us ttc too.
oops..forgot to introduce myself.

Me 26 this yr and got married last december.been ttc wif no protection since May but "aunty" still come everymonth w/o fail. just consulted gp and he suggest me go see a gynae to do a u-scan.
Hi mrstan,
yah... i'm reading the archive of archive... where Linda first started this thread. till now, have not finished reading yet. hehehe.... very interesting and funny conversation of them.

Hi Yippy,
hehe... typing your name makes me feel better.... yippee yeah yeah... heehee....
me feeling bored at work. task completed early in the morning and everything going on very smoothly now. (oops.... touchwood)

thread seems so quiet and everyone seems not actively involves in BD-ing these few days....
so long never hear from stupid liao... wondering how is she now. yoohooo.... stupid, wanna come in and chat with us??? hehehe.... maybe stupid preggie liao... thus happily celebrating out there. hehehe.... very wu liao... me entertaining myself.... ~sigh~

hello stapler,
i'm also quite new in this thread.... i've never meet up with a gynae yet... thus, cant help you much. maybe gotta wait for awhile more for the more expert ladies to come in....

yawn.... felt so sleepy after lunch.... somemore the weather is so good outside now. yawn.....
Haha, seems like today have 4 of us here!

hi Gebbera, mrs tan &amp; stapler.
whr do u stay? how old r u? how long have u trying? lets share some of our personal details here first lor?

Hi Stapler,
ya, think its better to see a gynae first b4 pregnant. the gynae will do a u-scan for u to make sure everything is alright. i always tell ppl that this is a MUST becoz when i first went to a gynae when i was pregnant, the gynae scan and found a BIG cyst in 1 of my ovaries!!! this was really a SHOCKING news to me &amp; my hubby. And the gynae suggested to remove the cyst during my 12+ pregnancy. of coz we were very scared and worried that such thing happened. Luckily everything was alright after my surgery and now my girl is already 20 mths!!

So remember, my advise is better make sure everything is alright &amp; in "good condition" b4 getting pregnant.
hi Yippy,

okie, let me start the ball rolling.
I stay off Holland Rd area... I am 28 this year... TTC since March this year....and the rest of u ladies?
hello lbs/seiko/wendypooh:

managed to retrieve some useful informations for you...

Abdominal Pain
To relieve sharp pains or cramps from stretched abdominal muscles and ligaments, particularly when sitting or lying down, use a warm heating pad. Regular exercise will strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. If muscles become separated, contact your health care provider for abdominal stregthening exercises.

Keep your weight gain under control with proper diet and exercise. Avoid taking analgesics; instead, use a heating pad to relieve pain. Special exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles can also help reduce backache. Wear shoes or shoe inserts designed for pregnant women, and avoid high heels. Don't stand for long periods and don't stretch to reach high places. Sit straight without slouching, and whenever possible, sit with your legs elevated. Sleep on a firm mattress. Be careful when lifting heavy loads - especially children. Bend at the knees, keep your back as straight as possible, hold the object or child close to your body, and raise yourself slowly.

Breast Discomfort
Wear a bra that gives your enlarged breasts proper support. If your breasts leak small amounts of fluid or colostrum, use nursing pads in your bra.

Dizziness and Faintness
Slow down when you stand up or get out of bed. Dizziness when you rise too quickly from a sitting or prone position is called postural hypotension. If you're in a crowd and start feeling dizzy, step away and get some fresh air; if possible, lie down with your feet elevated or sit with your head between your knees.

Get a full night's sleep and rest with your feet up for at least 15 minutes several times a day.

Leg Pains and Cramps
Wear support hose during the day, and elevate your feet when resting, if possible. Use a heating pad or gentle massage on the back of your thigh to ease scatica. When a leg cramp hits, straighten your leg and slowly flex your ankle and toes, massage your calf, or soak your leg in hot water. You may be able to prevent night cramps by limiting clothing with elastics, keeping your feet elevated and having a banana and glass of milk before bedtime. If painful cramps persist, ask your health care provider about calcium or magnesium supplements.

Morning Sickness
You may feel nauseated at any time of the day, typically in the first trimester. Try eating frequent light meals rather than three full meals. Keep your diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates, and low in sweet and fatty foods. Drink plenty of fluids, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in water content. Try 50 mg of vitamin B6 three times a day. Antacids sometimes help, especially if heartburn is part of the problem. In general, try to minimize stress in your everyday activities.
Hi mrs tan, wow, u r fast man! u not working?
i am oso 28 this yr. living in yishun. haven't really start but planning soon.
Maybe try fm next mth. hee hee..
Hi gals!

Been busy tis morning. Somemore raining tis morning, really feel like

We are all here to share info n motivate one another..
Me staying woodlands. working in jurong area. 26 this yr and got married last december.been ttc wif no protection since May.
hi Yippy,

of cos! haha i always refresh my pg and check for new postings one! I am in office now, but can multi-task one. wah so we same age lah? mine in August, urs?
hi yippy,

cyst in your womb ? sound scary man..what did the doc do to remove the cyst ? is it painful ? how long u nid to rest b4 doing "it" and get preggie? frankly speaking, i quite scared to go for the u-scan, worried about the result if really sth wrong. btw how much u pay for the consultation n u-scan fee in total ?
Okie, my turn to introduce....

i'm 25 years of age this year. staying in bishan.
have not really tried ttc-ing yet, just hoping to strike when we go unprotected sometimes.... would be more than happy if i can officially start ttc-ing.

Hi mrstan,
sama sama, i also always refresh my page to check for new posting....

Hi Yippy,
saw your baby girl's photo in the other thread. your girl is very cute and sweet. can i call her "xiao tian tian"? hehehe.....
hi Stapler,

wah u very youung leh. I jealous. hhmph...

hi Joice,

welcome back...ya lor me also eyes closing liao...wonder how am i gonna get thru this afternoon man...

Oh btw, I am working at Central Plaza, tiong bahru
hi all

me back again, feel so sleep and tired.
i'm 26 staying at punggol

hi gebbera
thank for your help in finding those info.
last night i feel so bloated and nearly throw out a few time. most of the time is wind coming out
woh all doing self-introduction ah..

Im 25 tis yr, staying in bedok..

Hi mrs tan,
ya lor.. so lazy to get out of bed tis morning..
Hi wendypooh,
dont mention it. sometimes when i'm free, will log on the net to read up on pregnancy, then will think of sharing with you gals here....

seems like seiko, lbs and you are having very bad MS. poor you.... hope all of you will feel better soon....

yesterday you told me you are currently in your 18th week, thus, am thinking if you wanna know how to keep track of your baby's movement? let me know if you are interested loh.... then i'll post it here for you.

all mothers-to-be, do take care hor....
<font color="0000ff">hi gals!</font>
Been busy whole morning.. should be more free now to chit chat with you all ...

Wah.. topic now on location and age...
Me also paiseh.. think i'm the oldest here already.

<font color="0000ff">stapler</font>
You started trying from May, which is less than 3 months. The recommended time to see a gynae is after a year of trying.
But i personally think that it's good to go for a pap smear check if you've been sexually active.
Charges varies. Usually it cost an average of abt. $80-100 for consultation, pap smear and u/s for private gynaes, not sure abt. KKh though.
I don't have the breakdown of the charges off-hand, maybe some of the ladies here who have gone for gynae checkup can help?

Procedure wise, not painful lah.. The gynae will just scrap some of your vaginal discharge for the pap smear check. For u/s, the gynae will insert the u/s device inside your vagina.
hi melody

oh is it which blk ar u in me in 128.

hi gebbera
thank for the care and concern. feeling great talking to u leh. thank to mrs tan for her encouragement so tat i have the courage to talk to a few newbie here.
u have the info on bb movement? i really lookign forward for the day to come. can email me at [email protected] or post here.
u really very hardworking leh start to learn motherhood now. but i rather forgetful nowaday forget thing easily. last time i do lot of research but now cant recall alry. btw i a food &amp; nutrition student in my poly day but i alry forgot my fact alry heee... very bad student hor
hi wendypooh,

aiyoh please lah, dont mention it. just make friend make friend lor.

hi stapler,

like wat oreo said, better to have papsmear done if u sexually active. not pain one and its very quick.
hi melody

wow so near, next time the new shopping mall up then we can meet they for kopi. tink there is a few more ppl staying in punggol here but forgot who

mrs tan,
ya lor now i chat with gebbera more often alry and now realise melody staying so near to me. more coming heehee
hi oreo,

may i suggest tat we add another column to the chart to identify those mummy from ttc. so tat ppl morale higher see the graduate &amp; mummy list getting longer and we will not forget them lor.
u remember giggler, she had given birth to a bb girl in may and she is our first mummy
<font color="0000ff">melody</font>
This is the 1st time i heard of ppl actually missing their preggie days??
I thought most women hated it??
Me no experience yet so dunno what is like...
but can imagine, if preggie, got excuse not to do housework already!!!

Hi oreo, yes i missed it soooooooo much! hahaha..well, i had a smooth pregnancy to start with and plus all the privileges u get.
I was enjoying my pregnancy.
And I can tell u, the feeling of the little one inside u when it moves..I simply adores tt feeling! haiz...now the little one is so notti and can be a handful at times..hahaha..
hi melody,

wonder they have mac there really hope have so that i can have good bf. hopefully can open before dec, so that during my confinment mth i can get thing easily.

hi oreo
i still doign hsework leh cos hubby help a lto arly oso. anyway good to exercise a bit oso
hi wendypooh,

not too sure though..who will be doing confinement for u? or getting a confinement nanny? during confinement, u r not to go out leh..must get ur hb to do it. and a lot of food also cannot eat. I HATE CONFINEMENT. hahaha...
hi Oreo,
haha... your picture so cute and funny... i like it very much. seldom see you in this thread nowsaday. very busy at work? i wanna see more cute icons from you leh.... dont underestimate these icons hor.... cos i'm always smiling to myslef when i see it.... (colleague even tot i "siau" liao) heehee....
Hi Mrs Tan, so i am elder than u, me april one!

Hi Gebbera, think u did not "catch" in my message. I was already pregnant b4 i realise that there was a cyst inside. During my first ultra scan with gynae then discovered. so gynae suggest to wait after 12 wks until the bb is stable then do the laparoscopy operation. I was in the hospital for 2 days then.

ok, for normal check up ( u scan / pap smear ) think its ard 150+. consultation is abt $60, then u scan abt $60 and pap smear abt $30..

diff gynae have different charges, maybe u can call &amp; enquiry b4 gg.
OPPS, sorry Gebbera think i got u &amp; stapler names wrongly..

my message to u shld be to Stapler one. Pai seh!

Hi Gebbera, so u staying in bishan, very near to my mom's pl ( in AMK ). Ya, sure, sure u can call her xian tian tian...
hi melody

my mil doign confinement for me.
last time i got strong feeling my bb will be boy boy but ppl say after 16 week still cannot see mostly is girl girl and recently my instinct change to girl girl alry leh .
hi wendypooh,
here it is.....

Baby Movements
Bubbles. Butterflies. Gas. These are all words used to describe what a baby's first movements feel like to a mother.

Quickening is defined as the moment during pregnancy when the baby is first felt to move. This is a long anticipated event in every pregnancy.

If you are expecting your first baby you can expect to feel your baby for the first time between 18 and 24 weeks gestation. If this is not your first baby you can expect to feel your baby a bit sooner than you felt your first. This is usually said to happen because you know what you're feeling for and your uterus is more stretched out than it was the first time around

There may be reasons that you are not feeling movement as early as you are expecting to feel it. Many of these are normal occurrences, including your body weight, your baby's position and the location of the placenta.

The second big milestone is when others can also feel the baby move. Your partner might be surprised by a quick thump here or there, after many weeks of patiently (or impatiently) waiting. A sibling might get a quick bump on the cheek or hand and be very excited about the reality of the new baby.

After the joy of feeling these first movements happens fear sets in. Is your baby moving too much? Not enough? Medical studies have found that by doing fetal kick counts after the 28th week of pregnancy is actually one of the better predictors of fetal well being. Charting is safe, simple and inexpensive. All pregnant women should keep track of their baby's movements. Any sharp decreases in movements should be reported to you health care provider.

Kick Count Charting

To do the count:

Choose the time of day your baby is the most active and begin timing fetal movements at about the same time every day.

Lie down on your side or sit in a comfortable easy chair. Do not watch TV or carry on a conversation. Pay attention to the movements of your baby.

The first time you feel your baby move, check the time and write it down on the graph. Count every movement or kick until your baby has moved ten times. When you feel your tenth movement, write down the time and put an X in the box corresponding to that time.. Bring your graph with you to your clinic visit for your health care provider to review.

Notify your health care provider if your baby has not moved ten times in two hours, you have not felt the baby move all day (12 hours) or you notice a significant change in your baby's activity.

Week # ______________

Hours: M T W Th F S Su

wow... so long passage hor....
