A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi ladies good morning, yesterday i was on mc.
Oreo, today is my due date for AF and it still have not come yet. But i tested this morning and still showed negative leh. Sort of disappointed.

My breast felt sore and watery when i touch it. It's seem to me that they're starting to produce milk
Don't laugh at me lor...cos my breast used to feel hard and sore whenever i had my AF. Only this time, my breast felt different.
Thus...think i got to wait for my AF now...since my test showed negative.

gd morning gals,
Im bck to work.. How's everyone??
Im still having flu but yippee tmr is a holiday

I've called Dr heng last evening again.. Her nxt available appt will be on 16 June, I have not confirm yet cos its my mum's birthday tat day so maybe celebrating w her...
hi lbs, mrs tan
I TOTALLy agree with u guys. The more stress we are the more difficult for us to get preg. So, this time round, I dun even bother to do anything, cos I have also missed out my last chance of getting a monkey baby....Now, if can get preg, oredi a gift to me, so it doesn't really matter if it's a monkey or rooster, or if it's boy or gal (even though prefer a gal :) )
hi jamci,
mayb ur HCG is still low.... Since u feel some differences, still have some hope. Still better than me, never encounter watery breast...Haha...only sore...
Hi jamci
Did you take your temp this morning?
You might have chance??

Hi joice
How are you feeling now? Wow, that's quite sometime from now.. Who knows, you will be tested +ve by then...heheee...

Hi stupid, i also hope so. Think i better relax now....don't think too much. If my AF really come, i'm already mentally prepared.
hi lbs,

sure, dont mind.
u know what? we are both same year then. born 1976 right? me in August, wat abt u? I also want to have at least 1 kid b4 30, but sometimes these things are not for us to control. It seems we 2 have lots in common hor? hehe..at least i know i have companionship during this trying period.
btw for this month, I intend to BD on alternate days of CD10 - CD18 becos that is the time we are most fertile.

hi stupid,
aiyoh...why u call urself stupid ah?
u are rite, as long as the baby we have is healthy, we should be thankful already. Thats the most impt thing mah... how long have u been TTC btw?

hi jamci,
i hope to hear good news!! keep us posted ok??
hi ladies...

just wanna ask a rather private question, everytime u BD with hubby, do u need to reach orgasm, so as to increase chances of conception? cos my fren who already has 2 kids now, advised me that MUST reach orgasm then confirm can get pregnant one. But I've read that it does help cos of ur muscle contractions.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 01 Jun 04
mrstan ......... CD 02
catepillar ... . CD 03
lbs ............ CD 06
maya ........... CD 09
jara ........... CD 09
tuffy .......... CD 09
lilac .......... CD 11
westbb ......... CD 13
dawn ........... CD 15
amberlyn ....... CD 18
stupid ......... CD 18
classy ......... CD 20
funny .......... CD 20
oreo ........... CD 20
huggie ......... CD 22
joice .......... CD 24
kissbb ......... CD 28
ENJ ............ CD 29
ribena ......... CD 29
jamci .......... CD 32
wennia ......... CD 36
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

aa ............. CD 80
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
tubby .......... ??/01/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Please click here for common terms used</font>
Hi Mrs Tan..

Yeap..yeap..so you are a month older than me..hehehe...btw, I got married last September..so, you can imagine my anxiousness after so many months of unprotected sex &amp; 3 months charting, still with Mission Failed! <sigh>

I read abt orgasm can help the soldiers to swim faster to 'destination...also, there is a grandma tales of saying that if women reach orgasm before men, chances of getting baby boy is higher since it helps the 'Y' to move faster..

But I never heard that need orgasm in order to conceive ler...
Hi lbs,
it aint no gramdma tales, bcoz it is true that being able to reach orgasm b4 ur hubby do, does help the soldier to swim faster as organsm helps to lubricate the passage way for the sperms to swim to the egg... and "Y" is a stronger swimmer but with poor staminar, therefore with the help of lubricant, it can go faster b4 running out of fuel....
Hi Ibs,
Im feeling better... thx! aiyo tis mth i only chart a few days then stop liao... not really very hardworking in BD, so tis mth chance very slim..
I've been married for 1 yr plus liao.. but only recently then start to plan for a baby..

Hi all,
tis is my first time hearing tis theory... so it does help if woman rch orgasm first... Hmmmm mus take note of tat liao...
Hi Nobody, wow this is the first time i heard of this leh.

Mrs Tan, I do agreed with you totally! I guessed we are too anxious, thus causing stress to ourselves. Haha, seems a lot of ppl married last Dec. Me 2 years younger than you, moi 26 this yr.

Let us all relax! Have an enjoyable holiday tomorrow
emm Nobody
Really? So, is not a myth lar...must take note too...

but, truly, as long as we are blessed with a healthy baby, shall be very contented already...

Hi joice
Remember angelia always said? The surprise will come when you least expect for it!!
hi all,
oh so means wat my fren said carried some truth in it lah! it does make sense actually, cos with orgasm, ur muscles contract so in a way, helps sperm reach the egg faster too.

Hi Jara,
as for how to reach, i understand there are 2 ways to do this. 1st is vaginal orgasm (which is usually quite difficult) and the other is clitoris orgasm (which is done by stimulation with finger) You can ask hubby to help u or alternatively, can DIY ie. masturbation lor.
wahh...I like so expert like that hor? hehehe...
but it is so hard to reach orgasm while BD-ing with hubby leh...how to do? so busy man....hahaha
hi nobody,

so that means must reach BEFORE hubby does? is it becos of the vaginal arousal liquid that will aid in the swimming of sperm? So no need to come SAME TIME as hubby rite? aiyah...so kang kor one... thot as long as hubby comes inside can already, still got so many things to do one.
Haha, thats what I think so... I have also read that women are hard to reach orgasm while BD-ing... So I'm here wondering how to?
hi Jara,
ya lor precisely, like so many things to concentrate like that. not easy lor. Are there any successful mothers out there who conceived without reaching orgasm? Care to share with us?
Emm..very interesting topic...

agree with Mrs Tan &amp; Jara...think not easy to reach orgasm most of the times when BDing, right?

But I guess, whether there is an orgasm or not, shld not hinder the chances of getting pregnant, right?

If really like that, very very kan ko ler...then got to learn from kamasutra liao..guess, if tell hubby abt this, he will sure roll his eyes again!!hahahaaa..

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Kind of agree with you lor..
Besides, it takes a longer while for us to reach orgasm compared to most men.
And you would need to foreplay to reach that.
I don't think orgasm is needed to get preggie.. but it does help the sperms to travel up faster, i think.
Usually, my hubby will get it over and done with since we started TTCing. I don't even get a chance to reach orgasm!
maybe u should try doggy style so that "His" can feel your G spot. Don't know why i always felt good when my hubby did this....
maybe it is orgasm.
actually it's quite true that we (women) are very hard to reach orgasm. Like oreo said that we need some foreplay in order to achieve that.
I got one ang mo lady friend who told me that she and her husband do "oral" on each other to achieve orgasm. My eyes almost pop out when i heard it cos it's something new to me at that time when i was young.
Hi oreo
Yea..yea..I think men can reach orgasm easier than us...hehehe..actually, I dun know how to categorise as orgasm for women ler? I mean for guys, it is when they release, right?

I do feel good sometimes than some other times lor...emm..that's orgasm huh? But I dun feel like what describe from some novels.."Earth Shaking Sensational Feeling"..hahaaa

aiyoh....from TTCing, we have skewed our topics to Orgasm...
Hi jamci
Personally, I feel 'yucks' for hubby to do oral on me ler...I think he wont mind, though...hehee

But hor, if do oral to reach orgasm, then how to ensure hubby release in you when you reached? Wow...that's a lot of "coordination work" involves ler...

hi all...
oops so sorry..is my fault cos i was the one to digress the topic from ttc to orgasm..No lah, cos i was just wondering if it really had to do with ttc mah...its good for us all to know anyway rite?
actually, no harm trying then, girls...since it hhelps in conceiving.
ok ok..now let's all go back to discussing ttc.
Ibs, maybe we got to wash ourselves clean first so that we don't feel "yucks"

mrs tan, never mind lah. at least we learn something new to enrich our marriage life.
Hi jamci
yea, but still I think women tend to have funny smell discharge?? not very nice for hubby to swallow accidentally ler..(sorry for sound so 'yucks'!hahaha)
Phew, boss was around the whole day, dun have chance to read the thread. Finally, he left hahaha...
Last mth, I almost thought I success during the first trying... ended up... hee hee... to gan cheong also... Hubby even went to buy books on motherhood to read, and books on names to explore.
sometimes it's good to sway a little from the main topic.. if not we'll all be very stressed mah!
I think in the process of TTC, we forgot about enjoying each other company sexually.. only think abt. doing it in the fertile period to catch the egg.
Dunno if your hubby feels this way.. but mine feels like he's been used by me. Sometimes, i joked with him.. saying that i only need his sperms, or when he's done inside me, he jokingly ask me for money for mission accomplished.

Well.. at least he understands why we're doing it more often during the fertile window.
haha...aiyah u girls ah..all no mood to work liao ah? anyway only 1 day holiday, thurs still must go back to work, sian also..
well, its normal to have a funny smell for girls, even guys also have it mah. but he's ur hubby and u're his wife, wat is there to be ashamed of? come on...must enjoy each other mah! (sorry, not trying to sound so explicit here)
husband and wife are closest to each other so nothing to pai seh abt...like what Jamci said, just have to wash first before doing it lor.
Ibs, think i cannot advise you further cos we didn't try b4 unless i ask my ang mo friend
...hee think better not ask, so pai sey to ask her "hey how does it taste like"
kekeke, oreo, your hubby so funny... but ladies, do take note of this. Cos hubby will really feel being used. I did ask my hubby, he told me to forget abt calculate the days and just do when feel like to. In fact, I started to note down when we BD. Then I realised hor, we usually don't BD more often during my fertile period.
hahahhaa...my hubby sometimes also feel he is being used by me ler..hahaha..he always say why i so 'garang' during my fertile period..the other day, he saw me noting down which day we have BDed last cycle...he nearly fainted...He always thought I only chart my temp...kekekekekeee
Cannot lah, if dont calculate and just do when feel like it, sure will miss the egg one leh! and its only 1 chance per month, isnt it such a pity if u miss it? then must wait 1 whole month again to try??
okie..everyone...I am leaving now...

tak boleh tahan liao...my head nearly hit the keypad!!

Have a nice holiday...those in fertile window, Happy BDing...Those in 2WW, good luck!!!

Actually, we can do all these charting/recording, but don't have to tell hubby ... if not, will make him lagi more stressed!
Usually, i'll tell him 1 wk in advance that he's got to work doubly hard the following week as it's my fertile period.
If he miss, then we have to wait for another month.
So far, he's been very obedient leh!
wow lbs so good, can leave for home so early, envy leh.
joi*ce, your couple picture so cute. Today cannot rape hubby liao... we BD on Sun midnite, Sun Morning and yesterday night. I told him cannot tahan him. Seems that he so "loaded" during my menses period kekeke..
tmr holiday so show some cute pic for relaxation...

Woh jara, u BD almost everyday ah... some more midnite follow by morning... *pei fu pei fu*..

Baby dust to all including me....

Hi joice, no choice leh... hubby wants lor.. So tiring cos Sat nite got guests at home, ended up clean up almost 2am... then he wanted to BD... The next morning around 10am, hubby wanted again... so tired man!

hi Mrs. Tan,

Way to GO!!! my gynae told me to BD from CD 10 to CD 18 (alt days, assuming if u hv 28-days cycle) if i wanna conceive... so perhaps u can try &amp; BINGO for this mth... Good Luck!!!

hi oreo,
finally i managed to see my bb sac thru' ultrascan yesterday &amp; my EDD given by the machine is 28 Jan 2005...

U r now in ur 2WW rite?? all the best... keep my fingers crossed for u...

Harlo Tiny,
i'm so HAPPY for you, CONGRATZ!!! sorrie for my late reply.. so is ur EDD in Jan 2005 as well?? hope to see u in the new thread...
Take care...

to the rest of ladies...
JIA YOU!!! *spreading my bb dust to you*
