A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hehe posh...you've got mail tooooo!

siew peng

looks like you may have to go for the checks on your own first. how long have you been trying actually? statistics have shown that couples having some problems, it's 1/3 woman side, it's 1/3 guy side and 1/3 both side got problems.

how keen is your hubby about having a bb? if he's keen, maybe a little easier to persuade.
hi siew peng,

maybe can get some articles on SA for yr HB to read..or bring him to TCM, the chinese doc might be able to persuade him to go for SA.
dodo - do wat i do.. test everyday!! i bot the cheaper ones.. so i dun mind doing tt.. haha.. u wanna buy too? i buying from ryes.. cheaper if can order more i think.. =) made appt w dr chua liao.. waste money again.. i spend alot alot liao!

i was thinking...maybe you can see TCM to put on weight...cos i think it's really quite dangerous if you get preggie if you are underweight...it may be harder to successfully carry the bb too...\


about the HCG jab...i had it when i was in my week 6 and had a bit of spotting..for my case, it was to support the pregnancy...

i think juju and louie had the jab to ripen the egg and force it to ovulate.

one thing i know tho....very painful! *ouch*
caitlyn - wah.. test everyday ah! guess tt will be very exciting for me... hee... yup, i bought from ryes also...
maybe i will start doing likewise after my AF over this month...

it's ok... go n consult her to find out more...i also very heartpain.. but no choice, all these are for our own good... take care gal... dun think abt tt too much k..
so sorry for the late replies... been told to change my whole report format, now very pissed off wif da boss... somemore wan me to hand in by today... siao char bor

zenia, msreal, posh, dodo, jesmine,
thanks for the good luck...

gotta monitor O, then take hcg jab 1 day before actual O day. mine cost $140... very pain for me

do u noe which CD u took ur test? or roughly estimate ur O date, so we can estimate which dpo...

i don't know the exact amount. cos i took the HCG jab together with the progesterone jab. buttocks one side one jab hor!
but i think it's about $100 plus like what juju said.
juju & kermit,
thnx for the info. dunno if i go see Dr Heng again, she will think i mad not, $$ too much!! sigh!!! no egg aso headache!! got egg, but trapped also headache!!

you mean monitor the eggie big enough then can take jab am i right??
i go to CARE @ Paragon... no gynae yet
LH hormone tested via blood test - $40...

once confirm preggie, i'll be seeing yvonne soong @ tmc
i see, thnx for the info. very useful to me. now either i wait out for AF or see Dr Heng & see wat's happening!!! by the way, i have PMed you. check when you are free.
dun worry... u can ask as many qns as u wan...

btw, how many cd & dpo r u now? i think i forget liao...
saw ur pm, will let u noe again
sure, anytime. i am in cd45!! can die right!!! this cycle super hay-wire!! even after M/C also never have such a long cycle!! but i know haven't O yet coz this morning hand itchy take BBT still at 36.1 lor!!!
juju - i was having bleeding when i saw her.. sld be CD28.. i tested +ve on OPK tt day.. so may have been e day before O.. if e bleeing not considered as AF..

dodo - my cycle like urs.. very very irregular so no choice gotta resort to checking everyday lor.. haha..

kermit - i now forcing myself to drink a bit of soy bean milk everyday.. ard 2-3 sips enuff to make me puke.. but still try n try.. as for TCM.. sld be my last resort.. or i'll see wat dr chua says..

*pat pat*

see the TCM for gaining weight..not for fertility issues. you are quite young, once you get the desired weight, shouldn't have too much problems getting preggie. your hormones could be haywire now simply because of your weight.

there must be a reason why Dr chua is refusing to do further checks and all on you and only wanting to see you only after you have gained weight.
u are likely to be the next graduate liao. Congrats... hee.. I'm seeing a gynae this friday. hopefully can help me get preggy soon too. Test a few days later and update us again ya?
i dunno whether there's any test that can be done to test can O or not, other than taking OPK & BBT to confirm. but from wat i understand from juju, can monitor the egg, then with HCG can help it to pop. some have no eggie, so nothing to pop, some have eggie, but cun pop, so need assistance to pop. sigh...... i may be either one of it now.
posh - huh? i dunno leh.. i dun take milk so i just try to drink soy milk for calcium n hopefully weight gain..

kermit - maybe i shall do tt.. actually not only becoz i underwt tt dr chua doesn't want to do tests.. another reason was i feel pain during intercourse so she worried tt i'll be traumatised if she were to do e v-scan.. now not so bad liao.. keke.. i guess i'll just go n see her n ask her abt my test results and see wat she says.. i dun mind not conceiving like now now.. but i really hope to be 'normal'.. my greatest fear is i take one yr to gain wt.. then still cannot conceive then how?

dodo - actually i quite okie lah.. i more sad tt i not normal then anything..
oic... if OPK show +ve and BBT got increase and dip then these shows that we actually ovulated right?
im likely to be one of it also, coz im diagnosed PCOS, dr chua told me due to the presence of those cysts/ water bubbles, may hinder the release of eggs loh... sigh~
caitlyn - i understand how u feel... im also depressed when dr chua told me i have PCOS... i dun mind take longer time to pregnant, but i mind im not normal... i very worried what is PCOS actually, how does it affect me, will it affect my baby when i preggie, why am i suffer from this, what's the cause... keep torturing myself wi all these ques...
hee... ok caitlyn! will control all my sighing.. :p
life is still very beautiful as we have very understanding and caring hubby...
dodo - me too.. must ctrl my sighing.. i seriously agree w u abt the 'not normal' feeling.. but def i appreciate my hb alot alot coz he kept emphasizing tt we will go thru this tog.. n how i cannot hide anything frm him.. keke.. he even told me his nose n eyes got suan suan feeling when i told him my test results coz he felt sad coz he noes how much it means to me.. and my hb is usu tt kind of blockhead type.. so very touched..
caitlyn - yes... we are very fortunate to have such good man by our side
my hubby also assuring me that he will always there for me, sometimes when i feel very down, tends to vent my anger on him, behave unreasonably, he will give in and take it all... he then try to let me cool down n sayang me... i shd cherish him more, shdn't throw tanthrum at him coz it's not his fault at all... im the guilty one to let him suffer of my bad temper... shd really do some self-reflections...
This is the first time that I write in this thread, I have been following this thread for quite sometime,just wonder is there anyone who is trying to conceive for 2nd one? I have been trying for 2nd one for almost a year, still not successful, not sure what's wrong. My first one was conceived on the first try.
hcg jab is only needed when u need to force-release a mature egg from the ovary, OR when help is needed to support a pregnancy

dat means it's 1 day before O? cos after test +ve on opk then will release egg mah... SO, it is OK for ur progesterone to be 0.5 on dat day... if u r more than 8dpo now... maybe u can wait till the next 8dpo to test ur progesterone level

thanks. i will update again

dodo & posh,
another way to monitor O is to go for v-scans... i only saw dat i was going to O on my 3rd or 4th v-scan
but it wld be good if ur gynae got scanning pkg, cos at least need 4-5 times per cycle, can be quite shiong on the wallet

i also have pcos... dat's why i also scared.

+ve opk & bbt dip shld mean ovulation, but it wld be good to do v-scan/ 8dpo progesterone blood test to confirm dat eggie had realli been released
juju, thanks for the info!

so did u sign up a scanning package? seems like quite a variety of ways to detect whether ovulation hor...
received your mail.

juju, think we gonna congrats you soon!! Seems very likely for you leh!!last time my GP recommend me to the gynae (yvonne soong) but she thought she was still at KKH. I took the referal letter there to found out there yvonne soong is no longer with KKH, that's how my gynae was changed.

bettle_bug, * HUGZ * maybe posh can remove you from the table but pls dun be dishearten yet ok? Do keep TTC but don't think that the purpose is to make baby, try to enjoy it. It may be so that u will likely strike easily!

unknown, how old is your first one? Are u still BF?
haha... thanks thanks... i jus hope the line wun disappear like last cycle... very scary & stressed
i hv a fren who sees Yvonne Soong, dat's why i noe she's at TMC... heard she's very friendly & nice
i may consider tt if still no good news from me by year-end...

dun stress dun stress... we pray for u k... try to distract urself wi other things in the meantime k..
hi ladies... juz in case someone missed my previous msg :

hi all... a fren of mine & her sis also tried for 4yrs & 7yrs for their 2nd child. they only managed to conceive aft taking some supplements. even tho they both hv cysts in their womb. the rationale is sometimes the body is too 'acidic' or the zinc in men is not enough to up the sperm count. so the supplements helped to prepare their body to the optimum to conceive. i'll be happy to share w u their stories if u are interested. pls pm me. i've also got 2 articles fr the straits times tat talks abt getting preggy. pls also pm me if u like to hv them.
rac's mummy,
pardon me... but u seem to be promoting some products or someone's services... this is against the forum rules... hope u dun mind...

just happened to drop by and saw that u have a faint +ve. good luck and lots of baby dust to u. hope u have good news to share soon.
take care.

i suspect so too.

rac's mummy,
thought you could just share the stories openly if you are really willing to do so. Guess most of us here are trying hard to conceive and are eager to know what are their success stories. Instead of asking pple to pm you and then response back by questioning our health history, why not just be open and dun keep saying that it's your so-so who is the one with the success story and u dunno how they did it.
