A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Salon one
i also went to salon one to do my eyebrows...every good except they dun change their gloves after each customer. i am very particular with this cos the ink + blood is stained on the gloves and it can pass ???? while doing. so i always ask her to change new glove before she starts.

yes those are the levelled books i am refering to.

i bought it for $39.50 today. the fair only lasts for a week and tomm is their last day.

me U turn and went back to grab the levelled books after some thoughts

so happy with my trip to popular today! found 4 quality CHINESE books for zy. one book for right brain and one for left brain, $8.55 ea. i like it cos it is very colourful, nice illustrations and include some interesting activities.

most books esp chinese is so boring. only DO DO DO DO DO.....
will bring kiddos back for afternoon nap......will feed them before coming home so only need to bath them and SLEEP....
C is so adorable! i really lol when she called u a 'tiger'! N loves to watch all our tots' videos when i hv chance to show her on my pc...she'll smile & try to imitate them at times hahah

N oso knows abt Mas Selamat cos she asked abt his posters then whenever we take a bus when i pick her from cc. When we saw his poster in Batam immigration recently, she blurted out "Bad man, piang piang!" Omg! I was really afraid that she will point out that any Malay man there is Selamat hahah.

thanks! N's much better today already. Her ulcers in her mouth also hv subsided a lot till i had difficulty spotting them when i shone the torch into her mouth but there r still some spots on her bum & legs though. She's been so bored at home these few days...i will sometimes find her climbing up & standing to look outside the windows wif a forlorn look. My conversation wif her yesterday...

Mummy: N, r u bored at home?
N: cannot go to sch
M: Why? Why can't N go out?
N: It is too hot outside? (looks at the sky)
M: hmm yes it's hot today but what other reason?
N: Papa not home so cannot bring us out?
M: But mummy brings you out alone too rite?
N: Nikki has DISEASE!!! (exaggerated tiger like roaring expression! hahhaha)

So many mummies here also uses amy! didn't observe the gloves ley. Hmm when i go for touch up, must insist they change gloves.

I ended up doing eyebrowns, upper and lower lids and LIPS! Cost me less than $800. If I do it at comfort space, gotta pay close to $2K. Beautician was saying I have kinda done the full set, except on my nipples! I told her no need, more than enough liao haha. Lips is more painful than the rest but very bearable. Now I can look sui sui for cny liao keke. Very happy with the results.

Yes yes, sometimes the way to express certain words are really comical.
They will feel better once the ulcers are subsided. So funny when N says piang piang. Did it come with the gun action? C so far has not learnt any words for shooting yet.

No need to feel guilty cos with a second kid, not easy for you. Celest is in cc liao, she is learning too. Kids who know more or advanced may not be the ones to excel next time. I yet to try facial at the salon. Have a few packages everywhere in SG and yet to complete! Still have 30 over facials in Mary chia, 15 facials in comfort space, 3 at Slimming sanctuary, @ at Chrysalis spa, etc. Think can last me another 7 years.
u know why i notice ?? cos i am super scared to get AIDS because of that! even when i go for facial, i make sure NEW needles are used.

wow u did LIPS too...i am keen to see your NEW look. how long can it last? hmm...wah now u can save time whenever u go out liao. no need to do anything, just sunscreen only.

btw, why need to do on nipples?
i oso did my eyebrows decade ago. It has faded but din change colour. Urs painful? heheh yaya i'm oso curious abt why nipples? only heard of those cream that's supposed to make nipples look lighter in colour...ur tattoo place draws them???

yes, it's wif the gun shooting action! i bot N 2 guns when she was younger & we'll play shooting in the house! I wanted to expose her to toys for boys too but she still loves her dolls most! hahah
v natural & nice...can u sms me the contact & how much for eyebrows...do upper eyelid looks natural or not? painful? heheh i think if i dun need epidural for childbirth, should be able to tahan this pain rite?
ya, cos i told her she's having Hand, Foot & Mouth disease so guess the word disease sticks wif her somehow...told her oso that if she doesn't try to keep her hands away from her mouth in future, these ulcers will b her good fren & will visit her again since they know where she stays now. hahahah of course, i told her that when she's in a good cheerful mood, not when she's in pain etc. Also hoping to make use of this episode to wean her off her bottle since she's drinking her milk from cup these few days.
missed out your post earlier...

i bought mainly Pelangi books. me also prefer this brand ....hahaha

C and listen thruout the whole storytelling? wow the story is so long! she has very high concentration level!!!
the beautician told me some do on nipples! So that it will be rosy pink, then look sweet sweet. Hmm, I will nebber do that lah

Oh yes, i remembered i was at hua hin, thailand and was so worried after the trip because I did mani and padi there, scared to get aids. thanks for reminding me, I should be more vigilant really.

My lips are turning dark and I hate to wear lipsticks. the procedure is very fast , less than 30 mins. Mine took this long cos I hv a lot of dead skin on lips so she took time to scrap off. Actually lips are not obvious, just like wearing lipsticks only.

c is not 100% grammatically correct, but she will use her am , is, are, has, have, prepositions decently. Quite common to see tots say, "I angry", " what papa doing?" If the caregiver corrects them, they will do better ya. Are you still hunting for playgroups?
oh please...on the nimples to look sweet, i can't believe wat some will do. maybe cos i still bf so i can't accept colouring our nimples.

Anyone wants to kiss me?
$15 please to subsidise my splurge

The colour will fade 50% in 2-3 days time. But betta than having dark lips ba. Need to touch up 2 mths later, just like eyebrowns and eyeliners. they will not want to make it too obvious, scare we are not able to take it. If you want to darken it, can do it during the touchup session.

Eyeliners nowadays are very natural, not like those auntie auntie type, dun worrie. But some people's looks are much much enhanced, more beautiful, with eyeliners, so depends on features.

For my sis, her eyebrowns are very light now after a few mths, cos they are afraid that too dark for the first time she cannot accept. She will retouch to darken it.

Fill the lips with colours which are from the essence of the flowers. Nowadays people dun do outline like last time. the beautician was telling another lady that we will look like clown if we just do the outline haha

eyebrown $150
Lips $250
Upper and lower eyeline $220 ( you can choose to do upper eyeline) But I have one big and small eyes, so betta do both like what she recomm.

Bearable pain. You can feel more sensation for lips. Eyebrows n Eyeliners are not pain at all. Overall I will say it is only

1% of the pain I tried a decade ago
I did not even dare to go back for touch up! No way.

At least ya eyebrows colors not turning light red like some of us ya?
hehe ya doing lip outline only oso looks v clownish to me. but i'm keen on the eyebrow & eyeliner...pls sms me contact k?

hmm when i did mine then, it wasn't painful. But i rem that a subsequent touch up at a diff place was. Guess technology has caught up.
Hmm, I only switch on before she sleeps
did you grab many pelangi books? Yes, though quality is not as good as sunshine readers, but feel they are more structured.
sorri ah... skip the rest of the posts...

WOW WOW WOW!!! Pebbles.. ur lips v nice colour leh!! v natural!! and w the eyeliner and eyebrows u really no need to make up at all!!!

and thanks so much for posting ur pics!! but hor u post too small pic lah... cannot see ur eyebrows clearly

btw i called up the salon jus now... wow earliest slot is in AUGUST!!! omg! din know such long waiting list!! anyway din confirm appt cos not used to making appt so way in advance. oh and oso when i asked for creative eyebrows the lady told me they dun do tat leh... they only do the normal eyebrow embroidery. but u mentioned urs is creative technique right?? can really see strand-like hair strokes??
actually since primary sch days my greatest wish is to hv double eyelids... wish wish wish until 30 liao still no guts to go and do... scared will become even uglier! hb sometimes will jokingly say he'll sponsor me ask me go for it... cos he heard felicia chin did it too and suddenly become prettier... but of cos no comparison here lah
Paisey, creative eyebrows is the one at the spa i go at paragon. Closed to $1K. I cannot see the strands but hmm.....definitely betta than the past few years. You should grab the slot, it's free anyway.
Stroke technique if i am not wrong, not like those techniques we tried last time.
ooh ic yah the one 8days tried oso $800-$1200 at tiong bahru plaza.
yah lor... tats y til now i still dun dare to go for double eyelids although i really really wish to hv
sorry to intrude..can i hv the contact for the eyebrow thingy too? been waiting to do for years....can can???
Nikki is sure a funny fellow tat brighten ur day ya can still exaggerated expression.

Now u r chio bu liao.wolf whistles***.
Wee...weeeeek! Leng lou mummy!
Didn't know there was such thing for lips! I have dark lips too and when I was younger, always got teased in school.
Nipples?! OMG! To give hb a surprise?! Muahahaha

DISEASE! Hahaha...
Talking abt speech, FX's PD said if FX doesn't express 3 concepts in his speech within the next 6 months, he needs to see a speech therapy!
CY being sweet
CY has a set of bolster he's been using since he was a bb. he's not exactly attached to it lah, and recently we bought him a bigger one. yesterday night, lil CH kept rolling over in her sleep then waking up to whine. so i just took cy's smaller bolsters and left it with ch hoping she doesnt flip with something on her side...anyway...

this morning, cy and i were playing with meimei. and cy saw his bolsters in her cot. so i casually asked him, "you want your bolster? ill give you another set?" he simply replied, "no need, meimei use, zhiyu big already.."

i was sooo touched! generous big korkor. so took opportunity to praise him in front of his meimie, and he was sooooo happy...

you hunting for playgroups?im still looking for a chinese only palygroup actually...

what's 3 concepts in speech?i havent been bringing cy for pd screening so not sure what is appropriate for his age now...
recently do u notice many changes at helio asia? They seems to be cutting back on costs, I hope they are doing ok
no more food, the rest lounge area have been moved, and they are renting out the premises to some private establishments
wah cy so smart, can express that to u? He loves his meimei?
recently R frequently throws a temper, like sitting or lying on the floor to get his way. I am wondering is it bcos his little didi is ariving soon, (march09), so its just the phase of the terible 2.
Maybe after I deliver #2, then I go and do the lips. Btw, for lower eyeliner, does it look natural? I worry with my big eyes, it might turn out fiercer... haha!
Keke, my next target is to do botox treatment to get rid of my eye wrinkles, and lately I realise I frown a lot.... SIGH!
And my little girl also starts to frown like me.... wahahahhaha!

Once I asked an aesthetic doctor, how to tell a woman's age? His answer: simply look at her neck (it is the part which most women neglect)

what do u mean by 3 concepts in speech?
when must he see a speech therapist?
by then u wld be back in BJ?
i rmb kai was not speaking a lot.
but all of a sudden he's into long sentences and can argue n scold too!

once he looked outta the sliding door n pointed outside, saying Cat! Mummy!

I thot he meant some cards we were looking at.
But it suddenly daunted on me that there was a cat in the hse.
I carried him out and saw a cat going to the wet kitchen at the back.
It promptly jumped over the lower wall and escaped.

M: Where's the cat?
K: The cat fly away.
M: The cat jumped away?
K: The fly jumped... hahaha...
M: The fly jumped away?
K: No, Mummy! The fly... The cat fly... jumped away!
M: The cat jumped away?
K: No, the FLY jumped away! Hahaha

Many many days on, we'll still laugh at The Fly Jump Away...
It's like our lil' secret now...

Yesterday he told hb that a cat came to the hse... Then he said the cat jumped away.
I teased him abt The Fly and he was so tickled and repeated so many times.
I am still one auntie la haha.

Gosh, I have many PM on the contacts and sorry I have no time to answer them for some mummies. The contact is 62583822. Pls call them to enquire

Botox is invasive to me, hmm, dun think I dare try that. The furthest i dare to try is embroidery only. Ya eyes are big so not necessary to do ba or your strong feature will look more prominent? Me no expert in this area. hehe.

My right lower eyeliner is more ovious than the other when I see today! Will see how it fades few days later.

comfort space is costly ley cos done by the person who created creative embroidery. I went to the bishan one.

I have been going regularly to comfort space,left many credits so trying to use up. Ya, they are "improving" with many changes. Though still better than other spas, I still prefer the old management years back.....unlimited food, beverages, nice people, etc.

wow..u got soooooooooooo many pkg everywhere...i go to salon 1 used to it liao n joaane wun bug me to buy pkg or pdts coz they koe i wun buy..n its cheap oso $30 facial...i scare go other salon they pester me buy...

nipples? ouch..must be vvv painful coz its so tender there..hey,u may as well put a photo of ur face..haha..let them c your pretty face ma..
just try to talk & read to him more now..maybe stick to talking to him more in the lang he's better at now? he should also start to communicate more as he goes to sch...r the rest of the kids in his group in faith talking much yet?

that fly jump thing is cute! u not going mandeville today? why? kai recovered?

hahah u r a good ad for them...got many mummies excited. yes, got clearer pic of ur brows or not?
hahah u r one cheeky mummy!!!

this new pic of ur eyes can see ur eyeliners more clearly..nice nice, looks v natural.
No lah, i am not putting her in any school till she is at least 4 years old. She is still doing her right brain accompanied class at bishan. Hmm, she is learning well and not behind others, so not worried that she will lose out keke. My pils are the ones who are more worried. I just need to let her socialise with others. Am thinking to put her at the mmi centre opp my place to socialise and learn in groups when she is 4 next year. what is ya plan? Same?

How old is he now? For c, she was very slow in her speech. She did not blabber much like many babies and tots but the moment she starts her speech suddenly at abt 24 mths she can say in sentences well. My pils in law were worried and asked me to check with pd but i was confident that she would progress.

She walked at only 18 mths ( 16 mths with her edd cos she was a preemie). Before that she hardly walked and preferred to sit down and i have to entice her to crawl at home daily. It was easy to take care of her cos she was not an active baby keke. But the moment she tried walking, she walked without support in few hours. So i guess some kids will still catch up in time, we just have to provide a learning envroment at home or outside.
cy is so sweet ya
hehe yah yah they'll get so happy when we praise them in front of their meimeis!

my nephew is seeing speech therapist now... turning 3 next mth but til now limited vocab and can only say single words... at most 2 words phrases. but otherwise he seems like a really smart boy so we're not too worried. and cay too... he's prolly the slowest in speech devt among the kiddos here

hahahaa u funny lah put a pig head!!

yes the eyeliners look v natural
oh yah i oso heard it somewhere... tat a woman's neck tells it all!!
mine got v visible lines now... super sianz... but dunno how to take care leh
u applying anything to bao yang ur neck??
Botox and filler treatment is just like an insurance, have to renew every 6mths or 1yr depending on individual.
One of my gfs have to renew every 4mths.
Becos once you have injected, you always want to inject to maintain the young look.
I told G that I want to do it, and his reply: "For what? Let's age gracefully"

Not to worry, every kids develop at different stage, eventually they are able to catch up.
Like my girl, she is not very good in gross motor skills, but today at Fidgets she really played wild "don't behave like a girl at all".

Salon 1
Unfortunately I went to Salon 1 for a few session of normal facials and had damaged my skin quite badly.
Kenna scolded by G and in the end spent quite a lot of $ and time to get it repaired by one of his senior therapist.
My skin is very sensitive to the skill of the therapist, the machines and products being used.
Unlike my sis, she can go any beauty salon wo any bad reaction at all.

Sometimes I just do neck massage (hee hee, if I am not lazy)
Me too, my skin is hyper sensitive and faced bad experience with some beauticians many years ago. It got worse and after each visit, my skin would be blotchy after extraction. But Mary chia does a good job for people like me. Even after extraction, cannot see the red marks vividly.

My sis is also someone who can go to any beautician without adversed reaction.

zy is so sweet to meimei. He looks like one brother who will loves his sis dearly.
i want him to go to some parent accompanied progr. was thinking little neurotree, but not sure if it is the best, coz was thinking of chinese playgroups lo...wont put him in any drop off programme yet.

hmm..not sure if he is behind others. im quite haphazard in my teaching. but then agian, most kiddoes who go to cc arent that advnaced either, it is usually with those parents accompanied lessions that makes a difference to their learning eg GUG, JG etc...

my purpose is of course for him to learn socialise well, but that can be done in various ways.

Lin, esther, pebs
he is usually not so sweet. that is why i was caught by surprise when he said that...haha...

Lin, CG
yes it's the womens neck, according to many plastic surgeons at least...haha....

actually i dunno if it is a boys thingy. they really start slow lah...
Hi mummies,

Since Caitz started sch... I thought everything is alright after her 1st week in sch... 2nd week she was quite alright and the 3rd week? She cried big time & said she dun want teachers & dun wanna go sch!! OMG... she reacts slower than others! What to do?

oh dear, that is indeed perplexing. perhaps the novelty of sch has worn off? did she tell u why she doesn't wanna go sch anymore now? does she stop crying once she enters sch & is engaged wif activities there? if so, she could be just manja-ing? hehehe

it's always nice for a ger to hv a doting older bro...v sweet of him leh. must hv melted ur heart so much then.

was the bad facial experience wif Salon 1 during a period that caused u quite bad skin outbreak? hahah it's quite funny that G's in the line of aesthetic beauty but discourages u from going for botox.

my neck has had lines since i was quite young in my 20s...my mum told me for some, it's just naturally like that. Like some will hv lines on forehead even at young age.
