2WW - for those TTC-ing

babykk : thanks dear!! i hope i go bk and test +ve tonite.. so tat my weekend will not be waste...
tonite faster go bk and stripe in front of ur h and BD!! sometimes the +ve can last nore than 12hrs.. u still in time tonite... hoot ah!

TCM is ex.. but the medicine really very "bu" and will warm the body too..i tinking if still nothing tis cycle.. i might wan to try tcm le..

hehe babykk, here i am! :p
today's my last day, ORD liao lo, Lol!! I'm busy clearing admin stuff. :p

This month I only BD once (lol), so think no chance. but next month I'm going to hoot all the way! I told DH this morning and he went... "but u always so uncooperative".. :p haha!

Anyone testing soon?? Miss u gals! xoxo
Babykk: I'm here I'm here! *waves!* Congrats on your +ve opk, happy BD-ing all the way!

Hello ladies, sorry no time to post recently cos I had another exam last Tues (2 down, one last one next Tues), so was busy mugging away, plus I handle Indon clients n it's super long holiday for them this week so it's like half of Jakarta is in Singapore n I had sooo many client meetings. But its better today, most of them on their way back already.

Physically, nothing much happening on my end. Today is DPO 11, my 2ww ends on Mon, am so tired n scared to think of possible fresh round of disappointment. My bbt went up nicely to a toasty 36.95 three days ago, but since then it has been progessively inching down, haiz.

I'm also thinking of giving up my TCM, or at least changing to a cheaper one, my every visit is $200 a week! My meds is usually $120 for 7 days n acupuncture is $80. Damn ex man. We r really paying for the convenience I guess, cos usually no wait, plus it's close to our place. But I'm feeling the pinch! 2 wks ago when I went to ask for the TCM dr's help with the thin lining, she gave this super bitter med which is supposed to be super potent for blood circulation n it cost $167 for 7 days! *faint!*

Tomorrow I'm going to a full body health screening ... so scared they will find something funky with my body. Hehe.

Good luck n jia you to all the ladies here!
beaniez : wow!!! my cheeks looks so juicy now!! coz of ur wet kiss!! hee!! today ur last day in ur current company le? ur company very jia lat leh.. know u are leaving liao.. still let u busy till the very last day and last min... very er lor..

hoot once only tis cycle.. but u hoot on ur fertile period... very hard to say one lor.. scally BFP.. like those ONS like tat.. one time jiu preg le.. must be positive!!

bbcrips : hihi!! wow.. sound stressful leh.. still got exam next week somemore... JY and take care ya!! ^^ DPO11... can test soon le.. bring us some gd news!!
Xynn, i also went to clementi that one.
I think i will get poorer if i keep on going.
Everytime i poke myself, i am thinking why i need to do all these.
Morning ladies!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 27-Aug-2012!! ^^</font>
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>17-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD42</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD20</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>29-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD27</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>9-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD19</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD6</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>21-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD38</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD29</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>29-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD35</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD7</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD31</TD><TD>27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>7-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD50</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Berries, any +opk during ur weekend?

My temp still nv go very high. from 36.0 to 36.4, not very high right. today drop to 36.32.
i have 2 days of smiley face but my opk is dark on 3 days!!! wonder what happen. but got feeling is not my month again.
morning ladies!!!! its Mon blue today!!!! long holidays are over.. now Gt to look forward to Oct for long holiday.

thread is slow.. ladies!!! come in and chat.. make this thread come alive!!!
babykk : still faint lines all the way.. and yesterday the faint lines was even more faint.. i tink i might not O this cycle.. but i got the crampy feeling.. how come -ve till now.. and is already CD19...

energeticsnake : okok.. i will update it.. new cycle new hope!! *hugs*
shirley : morning!! i also mon blue lor.. hate to come to work... but for the money sake.. bo bian!!
i cant wait for my sept HK trip! wer u gg in Oct?
hi ladies!
I am TTC as well...... been trying for 6mths but without any gd news. kinda demoralizing and sad!
How are you gals coping with it?
berries: I can't wait to go for my aussie trip on Sept.. just few weeks time. I hope my morning sickness won't kick in that bad..

tested positive on sat (cd 23, dpo 11) but wasn't sure cos line was faint.. so tested on Mon.. line Gt darker.

welcome serene!!!

spreading lots of baby dust!!!!
Shirley: congrats! Grabbing baby dust. So the magic pill works! So happy for u. U bring me hope.

Any symptoms during 2ww? Be careful during your trip.
love16 : me too.. already like ttc till no mood liao.. demoralise already.. but lets jia you!

shirley : did i miss something? congrats shirley!! ^^ aussie? so nice!! envy!! i only go HK nia.
grabbing the bb dusts!!!
babykk: yup.. I think it works for me.. thank God for that.. I was quite surprise cos I thought I won't get it cos I don't feel anything.. wanted to take raspberry tea but read that can't take it during early pregnancy so decided to take my test before taking my tea.. was quite surprise that its was faint..

Thiru: yeah!!! thanks.. Gt my bfp over the weekends.. both dh and I were so happy.. finally!!! I pray for a sticky and healthy beanie..
I didn't really feel anything during 2ww.. except I was abit moody Gt mood swing and Gt a lot of vaginal discharge.. totally different from my first pregnancy.. clomid will work for you..
I will still come in here and chat, hope you girls don't mind..

bliss: thanks you!!! I will take care of myself.. how's your opk reading?? I will still come in and chat who you all.. hope you you all don't mind..

berries: thanks!!! spreading baby dust all over!!! hk can shopping and eat st he same time..
shirley: u r most welcome! im still in CD6.. but i prepared le.. bot grapefruit juice.. muhahahah.. hope to get bfp too!
oh, pls do come in n chat with us even thou u are in Apr or May thread! do rem to see ur gynae n hear advices s u are travelling soon!
Shirley: did u take grapefruit juice this cycle? Can share what u did for this successful cycle?

Don't worry this beanie is yours! Pls do come in and motivate us. We r getting tired of the ttc process hahaha.
bliss: jia you.. I will be rooting for you..
I bought grapefruit juice this month but I didn't really notice my Ewcm.. therefore I use a lot of preseed cos I know I didn't have enough cm to help the troops.. I think I oed on cd 12.. quite early though.. I am now with tcm Wu li ping at amk blk 408 to "an tai". went there Ytd.. she was very surprise that I manage to get my positive so early.. my pulse is abit confuse.. she can feel abit of the preggy pulse but can't cmf yet.. Gt to go down this coming week again.. I went online to check, edd should be ard 6 - 10 May.. I also dunno when should I see my gyne cos the week that I am heading to aussie will be my 6 week.. don't know if can detect heartbeat not..

Thiru: I actually didn't really do much except I used lots of preseed, drank abit of grapefruit and green tea, ate Brazil nuts cos read that it helps in implantation.. took my folic acid everyday without fail.. for me, I think you can try green tea.. I took that most of the afternoon.. cos previously my first pregnany, I had green tea too.. but again they say is cooling.. sodrink tthey in moderation.. oh ya.. elevate the hips too.. this magic pill will work for you.. lets jia you k?
hello all, i am also TTC-ing, almost close to a year already.

my cycles are super irregular, sometimes a few months then come once. i've taken clomid for 2 rounds previously, but not successful. either lining not thick enough or egg didn't grow as big. i've gone to Dr Fong Yang &amp; Eu Yan Sang Paragon.

but i'm not giving up! i've just taken the hormone medicine to regulate my cycle, now at day 13 of cycle. currently, i'm using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and it's been at peak status for about 5 days already, but not yet the high status! has anyone used it and not have the high status at all for a cycle?
congrats shirley!
are you still going to travel in your first trimester?

berries: i was looking at the chart you post earlier.. what's AF,CD, DPO and O day? was confused with the short form..
Shirley: where did u get your Brazil nuts from? I will try the green tea n grapefruit juice. Sorry to ask such a personal question but how high did u elevate your hips? I usually just place the pillow under my butt. Is that high enough?
Shirley: congrats! I was in phuket since last friday and is still here, waiting for my flight tonight. Juz tot to pop in here since I have free wifi here and saw ur gd news!

Btw did u also take any tcm medicine last mth? Do take extra care this time round and dun do anything strenous liao. I juz fell on my bum and right palm this morning as my hotel toilet floor was wet. Now my palm still hurts.

Anyway, will u still b taking green tea now? I took green tea last mth a few times in the afteroon and my bbt became lower. Maybe I drank too much.think u better dun take any forms of tea or coffee esp inur 1st trimester.

Do come in and chat with us and dun forget me ok?
Happy that u succeeded within just a few mths. Hope to get some baby luck soon too!
shirley: thank you!! think i hv to stock up my preseed incase not enuff! hehehehe.. glad u r doin well.. i suggest u cont with TCM..
n also hv a check b4 u fly! i mean u also will hv a peace of mind to ensure u bring the correct med in case ur MS kicks in! rest well n eat in moderation..

hi love: i help berries to ans ur queries..
AF=Auntie Flow (menses)
CD=Cycle Day
DPO=Days Past Ovluation
O =Ovulation
Bliss: thanks for the information!

Anyone have any experience of missed period but tested negative?
I have facing that now.. it's kinda fustrating and i still having cramp on and off.. not too sure if the test is test is accurate.. sigh...
cherie: hi welcome!!
do carry on with your treatment.. I believe you will succeed..

thiru: I managed to get the Brazil nuts at those shop selling nuts.. bugis junction has Gt one here.. takashimaya Gt one too.. both shop at basement.. I started taking Brazil nuts last month. but only took them when o is approaching till aftero.. but I think no harm taking more.. cos is good for health.. I think I placed like two flat pillows.. remain that position for at least one hour.. I took the Japanese green tea.. you can try it..
you manage to detect your o?

ttc: I miss you here.. how's your holiday??? r u having a great time there? I didn't take any tcm before that except bai fong wan after my af.. I only went to tcm on sun after I tested positive on sat.. took the med for an tai cos I am worry also don't want later history repeat. * choy!!!! touch wood x 1000000000000000000000* I took the Japanese green tea.. you probably wanna try that cos the taste is good.. I like..

why so careless?? how r u feeling now???you wanna go see the Chinese physician?? rub some oil on it.. I think I will stop taking the tea alr cos tcm say no pineapple, no dang kui, no cold stuff.. so just listen for the sake of baby.. don't worry.. I won't forget you all.. will still come in and chat with you all.. eat don't find me fan or extra.. lol!!! you ladies havebbeen there for me..
love you all..

bliss: I still haven call up my gyne yet cos I think still early.. today only 3 weeks plus.. will wait till next week den call my gyne.. I will cont with my tcm.. I think she is quite good.. her name is wu li ping.. you try to Google her name.. can Gt her details.. I found her on the net by many mummies and mtb (those ttcing ).. some Gt pretty after seeing her for month.. some went there to an tai etc.. reviews not bad but Gt to wait for quite long.. I waited like almost 2 hours just to see her..

I think I will ask doc to prescribe me some progestron cos I will be going for a week so abit worry and also need some anti vomit just in case..

love16: you try ti test again in few days again..let your hcg build up first..
don't be stress visit can delay your af too.. good luck dear..
Cheryl: thanks!!
I Gt the nuts at those shop selling only nuts.. I know bugis junction and takashimaya basement Gt sell..
love16 : AF is aunt flo which mean the period...
CD is cycle day ( which CD1 is the day whereby the period start )
DPO is Day Pass Ovulation
O is Ovulation day..

you wan me to add in your details in the table ma? you can give me ur details..

shirley : thanks for sharing.. wer can i get grapefruit?

sasa : wat brand of grapefruit you bought for this cycle? now i drink still got use?
babykk : cycle buddy, i ask u huh.. u tested ur O day le.. after tat u got the crampy feeling? today the whole day my left side is so crampy.. and it is really very uncomfortable.. and im feeling real bloated.. tummy going to burst like tat.. can i know u experience the same wen u o-ed le?
berries: I thought the Florida red grapefruit juice.. one litre.. can slowly drink.. I started drinking after af clear.. never too late to try.. but don't drink it cold.. I usually let it cool down first.. I felt the cramp when I oed also.. like those pinching pain.. sharp pain..
berries: yep add me in the table! but i think my current cycle is super messed up!
AF 18Jul, CD 41, Average cycle : 31-33days
shirley : thanks for sharing.. i will go get the grapefruit tonite!! *loves*
ya.. i now feel the cramp on my left side the whole of today.. and it is very torturing.. coz very crampy and bloated today..

love16 : sure.. i will add u in the table..
berries: usually the side of cramp meaning you will o on the side.. could be the egg trying to release.. how's your opk reading for today?
Shirley : the lines are still very very faint... like going off lor.. coz hardly k see.. muz strain the eyes then k see...i will go bk n test ltr and see again... but tink most likely should be no more lines liao.. bd-ed last nite... hopefully i wont get to miss my o..
Berries, yes usually i o, my tummy very crampy. But this month only slight cramp.
My last cycle worst, cramp like want to burst like that. Maybe my egg too big to release.
Shirley: today is cd7 and will go for scanning on sat to see the follicle. Praying for nice ripe follicle n good lining.
Was browsing thru this thread and saw the good good news... Shirley, CONGRATS!!!

It will be a sticky beanie. Do take extra care during your trip, that time my gynae gave me duphaston n anti vomit pill when I went on my HK trip. Maybe u can ask ur gynae for it.

Ladies, jiayou!
berries: doesnt matter.. just Bd only.. playasafe.. cos sometimes opk don't pick up doesn't mean you didn't o.. so just Bd when in doubt.. that's my theory.. lol!

Thiru: I went to check my follicles during cd 8, egg was 20+mm.. so I tested my opk and I oed on cd12.. do check with you gyne for lining also cos need good lining to implant as well.. baby dust to you!!
you can try to drink longan red date cos its help to warm womb and nourish blood. update us k?

celtbaby: Haha.. I am really happy to see my bfp too.. but so far no symptoms yet.. abit different from my first pregnancy.. when did you feel that your boobs starts to sore? and ms kicks in? I will be going to aussie on week 6.. worry if go early, doc can't detect hb.. starts to feel paranoid over the slightest issue now..

Shirley: I hope all will be well on sat n I also get my BFP soon. Ya going to make red date n Logan tml.

Take care and don't worry just have happy thoughts. All will be well!
