2WW - for those TTC-ing

but then what about the previous agent, company will send a letter to him to notify on the changes?

This is my ex colleague he previosuly went into full time insurance then after 1 year he cannot make it go back to this hotel industry then do part time.... I dont like it la... anyway he is also one of the fakers that I dont really like....

take instance, there is a form that he supposed to email me quite some time but he forgot only when I reminded him then he do it.... nothing against him la that means his heart is not there to service the clients liao....

but what about the commission scheme after the change, goes to who? Actually I a bit xin ruan kind la wait also a bit awkward situation right but I cant be just keeping this inside my heart
Vivi, my fren oso same.. when we wan to buy ah, confirm treat u good good.. then after that, no service liao.. the best thing is he left that company, throw my account to his colleague, who din even called me once! after that, that 2nd one left oso, then throw me to another agent.. oso never service me.. in the end, i change agent jus recently..
hi vivi
the industry turnover too high liao...
the commission for transfer policy will still be with the agent or whoever is ur current agent now... insurance sales got so tough meh? haha, so fast change back to routine job...
the company will send a letter inform ur current agent of the change... if u dun noe the person then dun bother abt them le... when i meet u this weekend or next weekend, i bring the form for u to sign lor... then i take care for u... foc ar... haha... i dun mind la, then at least when u need do claims or query abt the policy, i'm a phone call away ma...
tat question is very valid - if preggy, shd tell boss?
if finance is a big concern and you need to definately secure a job first, i would adivse you to stop TTC first till you secure your job, or after Medical checkup.

Medical checkups don't lie.so i guess if you are preggy and they are sincere to offer a job, you should inform them. But do assure them you will commit to your job as well you could handle preg and work same time.

for me, for both my jobswitch, i am still TTC-ing.was worried when they offer, it better not clash with HPT testing periods or nearing AF times,coz if preg, can pick up pregnancy le.
glad for both,i did my medical checkup prior to it.though ist pregnancy i conceived during the jobswitch period.3weeks into job and was preggy 4weeks,had Mc, and was on hospital leave for a mth.lucky the company is okie with it, though extended my probation for a month which is understandable.
hi beary,
hm... late O never mind cos gals O between day 14 to 21 ma... so urs onli 22 so ok la...
if now u got white and creamy discharge could be after O discharge prob mix with ur dh semen ba... so might seem alot more... but is normal and dun really indicate anything so dun worry ar....

usually af sign can be watery discharge or totally no discharge... the mucus cannot tell if ur eggs had release already ma, cos mucus will differ becos of ur diet, activities, supplements and hormones...
Mine previous agent left and transfer the account to another one who happen to be my dad's fren. Then how keep wanting to meet up with me to understand my policy.. I give him a peace of my mind stating as my agent, how come u need to meet me to know my policy, cannot check from DB one? So ended up dun dare to call me only yearly send me a card.

The other one, left the company but no agent assigned to my account ended up no longer even to receive birthday cards. hahah
Cliare...icic...thanks ger

hi ceraine
aiyo... ohohjazz,
u must have a very bad experience le.... sayang sayang...

hi beary,
bfp bfp bfp...

hi calzz,
bfp bfp bfp too.... jia you jia you....
Hmm when he left the hotel industry I knew he cannot survive without the stable pay and yes I guess correctly....

Let me go and check with my hubby first Claire because this agent is also his friend.... better let him know first....

Anyway if I have job liao then what I will do is that negotiate with the company assure them on my work and make sure I do it and then at the most take no pay maternity leave la...
Claire, I am ok lar. Just that guy on the other side more pathetic called at the wrong time and got scolding from me for his service. :p
Finally...off work le
diaoz,drank lots longgan reddates wolfberry drink todayZz..can feel lips cracked le.
Siao now then drink,sure if af come,Gina b very very heavy de

no lah me where got gd at talkng...keke...
hi ceraine,
u got drink that much meh? haha... the weather super hot le... i so steam... today my niece is here after 2months liao... i so comforted, she still rem me and stick to me.... =)
how i wish i can have my own children to stick to me...
hey girls,
had your dinner? I'm starving. went for driving lesson and the instructor is trying to freeze me. he on the air con so high til my hands are numb with coldness.

yes ceraine, I really feel u can speak and present yourself very well. though I haven't met u in real life but from the way you post can tell u carry yourself well. =)
ya lor macaroons,
ceraine very pro de.... haha... and she very tall lorz....

me tonite cook old cucumber soup, fried fish, the yummy stew pork and stir fry veg....
I got qn to ask u.
I'm having thick stretchy cm these few days. it's clear with a tinge of yellow. it's really thick wor, just like snot. sorry, too much detailed info.
could something be wrong?
Should give ur the title of Dr Claire/ Nurse Claire...hahha

Macaroons, if got smell and itch will be infection. need to monitor closely.

Can see Ceraine in photo mah.. she is indeed very tall.
And she likes to wear heels somemore.

Ceraine, managed to find your shoe?
me cd 33 le. no o.
no pain, smell or itch.
last bd 4 days ago.
could it be related to taking cold drinks?

you very good at cooking leh. can cook up such sumptous dinner. forget to ask, how's your mil le?
where can see ceraine photo? nv see her before. I also scared infection but no feeling leh. or maybe af coming as got a wee bit slight cramps.
Macaroons, on her facebook lor.. chio babe.

I also saw her online only..haha
U taking bbt? If no smell at least ok. Do not take too much cold water also, having said that me too lar. If drink too much cold water, womb too cool may result in white discharge. At least that happen to me, not sure about others.
oh.. don't have her fb. so can't see.
yup, I'm taking bbt. but recently it went crazy again.
ya loh think cold water can affect also but spore weather sooo hot I really can't tahan don't drink.
hi macaroons,
based on wat u mentioned hor... i think ur discharge is normal... no worries... but based on ur discharge consistency hor... i dun think af coming for the next 2 and more days... prob next week ba... ur usual cycle so long de ma?
for cold water hor, i also cannot tahan... aiyo... really very hot... hope to stay in air con room forever....
thanks claire & ohohjazz,
i really dunno my cycle length liao. used to be 31-33 days. but last cycle was first cycle after d&c and was 40 days.
i also never particularly tracked my dates before.
annoying body of mine.
hi macaroons,thanks for asking....

and to gals who ask me earlier...
my mil same same lorz, yst and today appetite better... hopefully she can get better so i dun have to stay home ar... cos dh leave finish tomolo... he need go work on thurs, then my turn stay home on thurs...
i thought my thermal shift for the previous cycle was alright. can see my ff for it. this cycle one is weirder.. ff predicted my O to be 2 days after my opk turn negative.

forgot who asked this qn.. my gynae say with clomid, the progesterone lvl should be > 30 then considered ok..
u forgot to add, and FAT FAT also..kekekeke
got, drink 2L-2.5L
put too much le.soak in thermal flask 1hr and very very very sweet and strong color.haha..i usually brew it 1.5hr one...and hated the soak in cup kinds coz no taste.today..too much taste.
miscalculated CD days, today actualli CD30 le and AF just reported.
hope tmr dun overflow

haha..wana see me yah..add me on FB lah

[email protected]
hi ceraine,
if u fat then me is wat... super duper obese... haha....
new cycle new hope...

hi esnow,
hm... prob means ur surge is longer, is it becos progestrone abit low? or slow in building up... u got do the blood test ma?
yup, did a blood test. have a feeling that this cycle is not working out well also.. sigh.. maybe i should take a break from all these...
hi esnow,
dun give up... there's nothing wrong with our sense of urgency u noe...
jia you wor... dun be disappointed too long ar... *hugz*
thanks claire.. but i have been ttc for many years now.. in between break for a laporoscopy and dnc.. missed those days when i was younger and cycle zun zun...
morn all... i'm so lost now... 14dpiui... temp tdy drop to 36.5 (but still higher than my usual temp before af comes)... tested bfn this morn... af still not here yet... usually my af very accurate will come on the dot one... now i'm wondering if i should still go for my blood test tmr... haiz
Calzz, dun be so stress. Stress will delay af too. I already grant your af 9 mths leave. Haha. Ask her dun disturb you liao
Morning everyone.....

my temperature dipped liao so AF should be making her way tomorrow ba.... anyway no disappointment since DPO 10 tested BFN and now I am more worried about work...
crown, haha u so cute... if bfn n af come at least i wun b so stress... now bfn then af still not here but spotting 2 days ago... all haywire liao i really duno wat to do...

this morn i was talking to my colleague telling her i may need to go ivf... she so nice, offer to lend me money so that i dun need to take loan from the bank... haha...
Helllo mornin gers......

Ceraine...dun be sad okie...new cycle new hope....are u in my FB? if no can i add u??

Calzzz.....maybe too early to detect.....just go to the blood test...hmmm cos yr AF very zhun and spotting stop sld have high chance.

gers can i check could there be 2 ovulation a month??

Calzz hmmm at least you have nice colleagues....

anyway maybe you are too stressed le.... this month me so a worry freak so cycle also a bit later than usual....

Beary yes there might be a chance for 2 o
