2WW - for those TTC-ing

Okie, she told me to use the clay pot type .. Maybe next time when I see her again, I'll get the brewing type. Before that , which TCM
You are seeing?:)
Angel mommy she sell the pot but exp at 128 dlr. if u can buy outside cheaper. Hers is also claypot like but electric one. See my pic.

U can use normal claypot for brewing but very tiring lor Cos need to jagar n make sure wont overflow or dry up. Invest in electric pot is easier. U throw med in, do your own stuff n when it beep just switch off n pour out.
Okie, so it is like electric cooker, right? You adjust the temp and timing.
Booy, is yours something like what jumbo girl
Is using?:)

I used to see the TCM (ban choon something) at marine parade.. Super long queue as well.. Yup.. Mine is similar.. I bought from taobao. Abt $40 including shipping.. But just make sure you find the same voltage as Singapore if you are buying overseas.
Wah super active thread! The electronic cooker looks good! So convenient.

Thanks booy super ready to accept ur pool of baby dust. Hahaha.

Stoney we are the same. My bbt problem lies with weekend. Hahahaha. But I may consider doing it again. If still fail I will forget it! Lol
I used to see the TCM (ban choon something) at marine parade.. Super long queue as well.. Yup.. Mine is similar.. I bought from taobao. Abt $40 including shipping.. But just make sure you find the same voltage as Singapore if you are buying overseas.
Ban Choon chan is very good, right? I heard from hopeful mum and a few of my frens. Why u decide not to see ban Choon chan anymore? Is it the super long queue?:)
Wah super active thread! The electronic cooker looks good! So convenient.

Thanks booy super ready to accept ur pool of baby dust. Hahaha.

Stoney we are the same. My bbt problem lies with weekend. Hahahaha. But I may consider doing it again. If still fail I will forget it! Lol

hahaha. is like tat de lor. who ask wkend we slp like log. hahaha...
but scary part is wkdays if overslept, then die. sure forget abt bbt liao. hahaha. jump out of bed first. lol
Stoney maybe just make a note to indicate that these timing are taken at later time. Fertility friend is very good for tracking. Can key lots of info.
Stoney just start lah. Then u know your temp high or low so that tcm can help tiao your body. Today my cd 6. We are two days apart. Hee
Ban Choon chan is very good, right? I heard from hopeful mum and a few of my frens. Why u decide not to see ban Choon chan anymore? Is it the super long queue?:)

Yup.. He's quite good.. Seen him for a year.. Condition did improve.. But decided to change to seek second opinion.. In the end, Dr TSB said similar things.. Haha.. But queue is shorter as it has an appt system..
Yup.. He's quite good.. Seen him for a year.. Condition did improve.. But decided to change to seek second opinion.. In the end, Dr TSB said similar things.. Haha.. But queue is shorter as it has an appt system..[/quote

Can I ask what is the voltage in sg

Sorry for being so dumb. Lazy to look online. Hahaha
Yup.. He's quite good.. Seen him for a year.. Condition did improve.. But decided to change to seek second opinion.. In the end, Dr TSB said similar things.. Haha.. But queue is shorter as it has an appt system..
Ban Choon chan don't have appointment system ? Means have to queue there physically ? Or can I register then take a queue number then go jalan jalan first then come back ?:)
Ban Choon chan don't have appointment system ? Means have to queue there physically ? Or can I register then take a queue number then go jalan jalan first then come back ?:)

You need to sit there physically to wait.. His appt is only for preggy woman.. Usually I will need to queue for 3 to 4 hours.,
Ya, my fren told me she waited very long 4-5 hours over weekends. Can I go alone or must go with hubby?
I usually go very early at 6 plus on weekends.. If you go later, it will be longer.. But weekday wueue is better,. Better to go with husband since its take 2 to BD successfully..
Hopeful_mum, the standard voltage in Singapore is 220V/240V.
Hahaha thanks. Pai seh. Now waiting for my follow up in nuh for my chem preg. So was thinking to just surf here on taobao. eh do u mind telling me what's it called in mandarin?

Haha can't find something similar.
Hahaha thanks. Pai seh. Now waiting for my follow up in nuh for my chem preg. So was thinking to just surf here on taobao. eh do u mind telling me what's it called in mandarin?

Haha can't find something similar.

Thanks for asking that too:) I also wanted to ask Booy:) cos I went taobao website but dunno what it is called in mandarin:) heheh..
Hopeful mum, I forgot to tell u , ya , tan Siew buoy sees her patients at NTU clinic:)
Thanks for asking that too:) I also wanted to ask Booy:) cos I went taobao website but dunno what it is called in mandarin:) heheh..
Hopeful mum, I forgot to tell u , ya , tan Siew buoy sees her patients at NTU clinic:)

Hmm I'm at nuh for my revisit. They need to do more blood tests on me. And finally testing hubby SA. They say I can conceive so easily and previous blood tests all normal so they have to do all the remaining tests to see if they can find anything there. 2 mths wait. Meanwhile can still try.

Hmm I'm at nuh for my revisit. They need to do more blood tests on me. And finally testing hubby SA. They say I can conceive so easily and previous blood tests all normal so they have to do all the remaining tests to see if they can find anything there. 2 mths wait. Meanwhile can still try.
Good leh, at least u can conceive easily. For my #2, so hard for me to conceive :( u Jia you, hope u strike this cycle!:)
[quhote="angel_mommy, post: 6760435, member: 130161"]Good leh, at least u can conceive easily. For my #2, so hard for me to conceive :( u Jia you, hope u strike this cycle!:)[/quote]

Sigh but no use leh. 4-5 miscarriages Liao. So need to test to find out why. Another 5 tubes of blood gone. But I'm glad the drs are doing something for me. Hope I can bring a baby home soon. Implantation always have issues so they trying to help me.

I asked abt IUI. Not even an option yet. Keep asking me to try natural first and say I'm young. 33 and no baby yet with so many mc not very young Liao. Lol

Okay lah they see me look at things so positively they also want to give me more hope. Must tell myself to Jia you.
I very eager to know abt my hubby sa. But can only know 2 mths later hahaha
Hi ladies , in the morning when to see TCM tan Siew buoy. This cycle i take my bbt from CD1. So I show her and also told her about my laparoscopy done last year due to cysts . From my bbt chart, she told me I O on CD14. She asked me to continue to track my bbt and show her when I see her next appointment in March. She checked my pulse and tongue. Asked me many questions to understand my body condition and for her to prescribe suitable medicine for me. She said the medicine she is giving me is to tiao my body well to prepare for pregnancy.. So whether I'm trying next cycle or in April , it is still good for me. She has the brew type and powder type. She said brew type will be better but need to have those clay type of pot for brewing. I dunno if I can brew regularly.. Plus I dun have the kind of pot, need to buy. So she said maybe try the powder type first and then she will see if my body absorb the powder form well. As usual, she is the type who wants you to do as she prescribe. Can't ask too much. But she does smile and chit chat with me a bit too. She asked me to take her powder after my AF cleared (AF should come in a few days). And take for the whole month alternate days. After that see her in march again. Hope with her medicine it helps by the time we start engine in April.
Did she highlight any date for you to try?
I told her that my hubby suggested to rest from TTC and start engine only in April. So she asked me to continue to take my bbt and show her when I see her next time:) r u still seeing her?:)
I'm taking tan sb's powder medication & it works well for me.. Significantly shortened my menses cycle to 30 days within a mth. Best part, it maintained that way till I conceived.
I'm taking tan sb's powder medication & it works well for me.. Significantly shortened my menses cycle to 30 days within a mth. Best part, it maintained that way till I conceived.

That is great:) so now are u taking her medicine to "an tai"?:)
I'm taking tan sb's powder medication & it works well for me.. Significantly shortened my menses cycle to 30 days within a mth. Best part, it maintained that way till I conceived.
Did she also pinpoint dates for u to TTC? You showed her your bbt chart then she pinpoint dates for u?:)
[quhote="angel_mommy, post: 6760435, member: 130161"]Good leh, at least u can conceive easily. For my #2, so hard for me to conceive :( u Jia you, hope u strike this cycle!:)

Sigh but no use leh. 4-5 miscarriages Liao. So need to test to find out why. Another 5 tubes of blood gone. But I'm glad the drs are doing something for me. Hope I can bring a baby home soon. Implantation always have issues so they trying to help me.

I asked abt IUI. Not even an option yet. Keep asking me to try natural first and say I'm young. 33 and no baby yet with so many mc not very young Liao. Lol

Okay lah they see me look at things so positively they also want to give me more hope. Must tell myself to Jia you.
I very eager to know abt my hubby sa. But can only know 2 mths later hahaha[/quote]

Hi hopeful mum what SA test did u do? Is it sperm degeneration test?
[quhote="angel_mommy, post: 6760435, member: 130161"]Good leh, at least u can conceive easily. For my #2, so hard for me to conceive :( u Jia you, hope u strike this cycle!:)

Sigh but no use leh. 4-5 miscarriages Liao. So need to test to find out why. Another 5 tubes of blood gone. But I'm glad the drs are doing something for me. Hope I can bring a baby home soon. Implantation always have issues so they trying to help me.

I asked abt IUI. Not even an option yet. Keep asking me to try natural first and say I'm young. 33 and no baby yet with so many mc not very young Liao. Lol

Okay lah they see me look at things so positively they also want to give me more hope. Must tell myself to Jia you.
I very eager to know abt my hubby sa. But can only know 2 mths later hahaha[/quote]

Though I dont have mc, I also have problems with implantation. I find that tcm does help in this case. They can give us med to strengthen the body.. We are the same age.. I just go ahead with iui as age is really catching up.. If you don't want to wait anymore, just try other means..

Why your hubby results need to wait so long?
Angel mommy, hopeful mum, try 电子保建壶 to search in taobao.. There's a lot of choices..
Thanks Booy:) I'll try the powdered medicine this coming cycle. If dr tan thinks my body doesn't absorb that well, I'll brew the medicine and so will buy one of such electric pot recommended by u:)
Hahah.. So that is how u strike? :) your hubby also take her medicine ?:)

Hahaha the dates she circled range from before O till after O. So I think if we diligently take her med and follow instructions... There's high chance to BFP. Yup, hubby took her med when we were ttc. Not taking anymore now.
No lah cox they also took 3 more types of blood test for me. And they are not gynaes they are some specialist (duno what's that called) and specialised in recurrent pregnancy lost for over 3times.
Coz these blood tests are very ex to do pte I went in as subsidised patient. Even subsidized my test and hubby cost about 2000 already. Those pte ones will cost much more.

And becox subsidised this recurrent lost unit only operates once a mth in the afternoon on the last Monday of the mth. So slots are very full and precious. So they see others first Loh. Cox most tests have proven we are both healthy and have no fertility issues.

But I'm very glad there is something like this here for ppl like me to rely on. If got money think once results out can go and see them Liao. But since I'm not in a hurry and still wiling to try naturally just wait and save money for my future unborn. I sure spend a lot hahaha

They prefer me to go the natural way so I just follow and see how. Give myself one more year :)

Erm not sure exactly what type of SA they are doing. Tmr they will email me the form then maybe can ask :)
Hahaha the dates she circled range from before O till after O. So I think if we diligently take her med and follow instructions... There's high chance to BFP. Yup, hubby took her med when we were ttc. Not taking anymore now.

Glad to hear that:) sure hope her medicine will help tiao and strengthen my body.. By the time we wanna start TTC , it will not have to face too much obstacles:) how many weeks are u now?:)
No lah cox they also took 3 more types of blood test for me. And they are not gynaes they are some specialist (duno what's that called) and specialised in recurrent pregnancy lost for over 3times.
Coz these blood tests are very ex to do pte I went in as subsidised patient. Even subsidized my test and hubby cost about 2000 already. Those pte ones will cost much more.

And becox subsidised this recurrent lost unit only operates once a mth in the afternoon on the last Monday of the mth. So slots are very full and precious. So they see others first Loh. Cox most tests have proven we are both healthy and have no fertility issues.

But I'm very glad there is something like this here for ppl like me to rely on. If got money think once results out can go and see them Liao. But since I'm not in a hurry and still wiling to try naturally just wait and save money for my future unborn. I sure spend a lot hahaha

They prefer me to go the natural way so I just follow and see how. Give myself one more year :)

Erm not sure exactly what type of SA they are doing. Tmr they will email me the form then maybe can ask :)

I see.. Didn't know there's such a unit.. Most impt is that you are comfortable with it.. Jia you! I believe that you will be a great mummy to be!
oh. ur med is for how long? i took 2 wks med and is abt $60 (including consultation). but tink they no charge consultation. lol...
now still tinking wan to go c Dr tan or nt. hmm...
u see dr tan alone or go wif ur hb?
oh. ur med is for how long? i took 2 wks med and is abt $60 (including consultation). but tink they no charge consultation. lol...
now still tinking wan to go c Dr tan or nt. hmm...
u see dr tan alone or go wif ur hb?

Yesterday I went alone cos hubby couldn't get same day of leave as me. But if your hubby can go together, will be good:) my medication is for one cycle.. Take once alternate days. After my this coming AF ends, she asked me to start taking.,she circled the dates for me to take. By then medicine finished will be march , then see her again
