2016/07 July babies

Any mummies know the formula to calculate how much to feed baby based on their weight?

I fed 40ml ebm but less than 3 hours my gal cried n cried coz she is hungry
But I told we normally fed them every 3 hrly? I also fed my gal 40ml n can tong ard 3hrs.
Last night I fed her ard 50ml at 9pm n she slept till 5 am.. I dunno to be happy or worried.. But she is jaundice n that is y she is very tired.
But I told we normally fed them every 3 hrly? I also fed my gal 40ml n can tong ard 3hrs.
Last night I fed her ard 50ml at 9pm n she slept till 5 am.. I dunno to be happy or worried.. But she is jaundice n that is y she is very tired.
Mine also slightly jaundice..... Just fed her n now pumping
Tried to latch but ended up nipple bleed
I think after u bottle fed her, they won't want to latch. Even if they latch also not a good latch.. U will suffer from sore nipple.
I'm still hand expressing the milk since not much output. Maybe will go back to breast pump tmr... Hand express till hand very suan..
One thing good if she is taking in a lot- the jaundice level will not be too high..
Did u sunbathe the nb?
Yes yesterday evening 10 mins each front and back ..

I have no choice use bottle coz cup feeding I dun really know how to.

How do u feed your baby ebm?

Using the spectra pump...didn't find it as good as medela, thinking if I shld buy a medela single pump to use
Hey ladies .. I'm admitted to mount A. Wake up at 3am and feel the contraction and try to time it while drinking milk coz feel a bit hungry haha I though is my body clock that wake me up for euro2016. The interval quite irregular so I went back to bed at 3:30am. At 3:45am I get up to pee and saw bloody show. Faster wake my husband up then went to take shower and blow my hair. Reach mount A at 5am, contraction every 2 min, dilated 2cm. Clear bower and took epidural. Now waiting for Doctor to come. Feel so hungry but cannot eat
@gan1972 the LC said to use a small spoon, like those feed infant type, or a syringe at the side of the mouth, don't squirt just drop by drop...do u moisturise your nipple with bm after each feed ? Sorry I also dunno, maybe can check w ur LC or fb grp for more info
@redvel -warm hugs- she is being taken care of, hang in there, try to get some rest and not be too kanchiong so u can catch up with her when she gets home!!
@gan - I don't sterilize after every pump. Will use for abt 2 pumps before sterilising. So after a pump, I will keep the parts in a ziploc bag and put in the fridge for next pump. Not the best way, but I don't want to keep sterilising.

@ redvel - hang in there. Hope ur bb can go home with u soon.

@emk - I'm feeling really nervous now that u also admitted liao. :confused:
Jiayou mummies who are getting the signs!

Thanks for the comforting words ladies. Bb needs another day. I'm sure tomorrow is the reunion.

Went for follow up check up with gynae. As I'm no longer young and it's our desire to give our first child a sibling, we may have to wean off BM after 3 months. So let's see..
Hi ladies .. I just wake up.by 11am I dilate 6cm but baby heart beat drop twice to 70-80 so gynae said cannot wait already as its not safe so last min c sec. Actual weight 31.2kg , est 3.2. Not much different :)
Hi ladies .. I just wake up.by 11am I dilate 6cm but baby heart beat drop twice to 70-80 so gynae said cannot wait already as its not safe so last min c sec. Actual weight 31.2kg , est 3.2. Not much different :)
Congrats ! Have a good rest
The doc told me I'm already in early stage of labour on Monday night , but only 1cm and light contractions with pains (bearable, menstrual like cramps). Since then, I have been getting contractions but not consistent , and pain has lessened . Also noticed a little sticky mucous like discharge, which I assume is mucous plug.

What I am wondering is, if the ctg already show I am having real contractions, how come like will stop then start one? (Had about 6 hours of regular contractions every 15 mins or so, then every 10mins for 1min for 2 hrs. Then I took a warm shower and no more contractions??? We thought we might have to go in again today???
@snowfern - for my first 2, intense contractions came and went for 2 days, and I was sent home from hospital after monitoring each time. Real labour started on the third day. So ma fun. It happens.

@redvel - me me! Still hanging around.
Do take good care of urself, make sure you build up ur health, ensure u take sufficient nutrients and rest well so u are ready for baby number 2 since u are planning. Excited for u leh.
Snowfern I guess your real labour start soon. Just like me having brown discharge for two days and mild cramp which is bearable until I saw the bloody show with a wave type of contraction from the lower part of your back bone to your hip bone then to abdominal and spin to your belly button area.
Thanks for sharing, @tuna and @emk! Sounds like what I am going thru! Kena woken up by painful contractions 45mins ago and then stop liow, now cannot sleep :-/
Read all yr birth stories n I am still waiting for my turn. The waiting game is so .....unable to describe
The doc told me I'm already in early stage of labour on Monday night , but only 1cm and light contractions with pains (bearable, menstrual like cramps). Since then, I have been getting contractions but not consistent , and pain has lessened . Also noticed a little sticky mucous like discharge, which I assume is mucous plug.

What I am wondering is, if the ctg already show I am having real contractions, how come like will stop then start one? (Had about 6 hours of regular contractions every 15 mins or so, then every 10mins for 1min for 2 hrs. Then I took a warm shower and no more contractions??? We thought we might have to go in again today???
Me! Edd 23. Still waiting ;))))))
@snowfern - for my first 2, intense contractions came and went for 2 days, and I was sent home from hospital after monitoring each time. Real labour started on the third day. So ma fun. It happens.

@redvel - me me! Still hanging around.
Do take good care of urself, make sure you build up ur health, ensure u take sufficient nutrients and rest well so u are ready for baby number 2 since u are planning. Excited for u leh.

The anticipation and countdown are so exciting; Waiting for the real thing. And it's also very real on not having good sleep after labor. Hehe.

Welcoming the babies soon!
Morning Mummies , and Selamat Hari Raya !!

Am still getting slightly painful contractions, they seem to only start up in earnest when i walk , did a search and sounds like I am going through prodromal labour? Everything feels so tender too...guess I will have to endure this a lot longer than expected...the unexpected symptom is nausea, I feel it at the back of my throat and constant sweats even in aircon.....feel it intensify with each contraction!!!
Gan wear the blinder very painful when getting up from sleep position to sit position
Snowfern, how u feeling now ? Still feel the contraction or u have pop already ?
Hi hi! Hope u are getting some good quality rest! Having fun with baby? :) Maybe u need to get up using your elbows like during pregnancy ....take care oh~

Still getting contractions but I sometimes barely feel them....so I think I still got some time to go :-/ meanwhile reading all the birth stories is getting me very emotional hehehe
Hang on there emk. Please think like a Sloth. Gooooo slllllooooowwww.

Snowfern, you are getting a lot of teasers from your bb. Cheeky,cheeky.

With so many hours of latch and pump, I find my stitch wound down there is not healing well enough. Been on sitting position for long hours thus pressing on the wound. Now I have to remind myself to walk like a duck to feel better.
Finally have some time to log in and take a look at the mummies here.. Wow, really having a nb is no joke though this is my third one.. While I was on hl for the last one month, I was hoping that bb can come soon.. Now I think hl is soooo much fun and enjoyable than now.. Now is non stop of latching and pumping and sleepless night.
Bb is having jaundice and is still sleeping a lot.. A bit worried and hopefully the jaundice level can go down real soon.. Will persist on the breast feeding and sun bathing..
So for mummies who haven popped, please enjoy your every moment..
For those mummies who had popped, lets jiayou together..!
Finally have some time to log in and take a look at the mummies here.. Wow, really having a nb is no joke though this is my third one.. While I was on hl for the last one month, I was hoping that bb can come soon.. Now I think hl is soooo much fun and enjoyable than now.. Now is non stop of latching and pumping and sleepless night.
Bb is having jaundice and is still sleeping a lot.. A bit worried and hopefully the jaundice level can go down real soon.. Will persist on the breast feeding and sun bathing..
So for mummies who haven popped, please enjoy your every moment..
For those mummies who had popped, lets jiayou together..!
Verluv my gal seems to be more yellow today...sleeping most of the time today
I hardly rest though have a confinement lady...
Hang on there emk. Please think like a Sloth. Gooooo slllllooooowwww.

Snowfern, you are getting a lot of teasers from your bb. Cheeky,cheeky.

With so many hours of latch and pump, I find my stitch wound down there is not healing well enough. Been on sitting position for long hours thus pressing on the wound. Now I have to remind myself to walk like a duck to feel better.
Redvel did you go to yang sifu for your daughter's name? How long does he take to come back with the names?
Verluv redvel I latching my bb in hospital and don't have any milk for now. Let him suck for fun to increase my milk supply :p
Verluv redvel I latching my bb in hospital and don't have any milk for now. Let him suck for fun to increase my milk supply :p
I guess beginning is always just fun sucking :p

My bb loves latching. Was thinking she may have nipple confusion from stay at hospital since she was bottle fed there. But she came home and enjoyed latching still. My milk supply has been quite alright so far. Flow Kicked in on day 4.
I guess beginning is always just fun sucking :p

My bb loves latching. Was thinking she may have nipple confusion from stay at hospital since she was bottle fed there. But she came home and enjoyed latching still. My milk supply has been quite alright so far. Flow Kicked in on day 4.
How often goes baby latch?
I m doing pumping now coz of sore bleeding nipples.
How often goes baby latch?
I m doing pumping now coz of sore bleeding nipples.

I'm still trying to get a feel of her latching pattern, especially since we were separated for 2 days while she had her phototherapy. But for today, she latched since home at 130pm. Then start again at 4ish. It was quite a long one on n off for the next 4 hrs. Now she super K.O. liao.

CL said once pass 11pm, she will bottle feed my ebm so I can rest. I will still wake up once/twice to express milk. Being away from bb for 2 days I have some ebm for upcoming few nights.

Can I know what causes nip bleeding? Must be so painful. My CL helps to massage my breasts while I latch.
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I'm still trying to get a feel of her latching pattern, especially since we were separated for 2 days while she had her phototherapy. But for today, she latched since home at 130pm. Then start again at 4ish. It was quite a long one on n off for the next 4 hrs. Now she super K.O. liao.

CL said once pass 11pm, she will bottle feed my ebm so I can rest. I will still wake up once/twice to express milk. Being away from bb for 2 days I have some ebm for upcoming few nights.

Can I know what causes nip bleeding? Must be so painful. My CL helps to massage my breasts while I latch.
The sore nipple was due to shallow latch by my gal....

It is very painful!

Nice that your cl knows how to massage. My cl is good in cooking but seems abit 'Cing Cai' when comes to washing. Makes me stress if she washes the baby's bottles clean
Ouch. Hope it can be healed soon. Sometimes when my bb shallow latch I could feel as if like electrocuted! Must break the latch and try again.

My CL so far so good. I already am stressed what would happen after the 28days *sweat
Wow so nice to hear that u all have CL.. I dun really like someone unfamiliar in the hse so din have a CL for my 3 girls.. My mil juz cook for me and came n shower the bb.. Luckily bb sleep most of the time now..
Emk: Bb first day in hospital is very different when we bring them home.. Dunno wat they do in the nursery and u won't hear them cry so much.. The nurse juz bring them in for us to latch n they will happily latch. Now that at home, we introduce bottle feeding already, they will cry so badly when I latch her.. She will need at least 15 mins of crying before she finally settle down with my breast.. Ha ha.. But sometimes really lazy so I juz want to latch her so that I dun need to pump.
Redvel: so after your bb discharged due to jaundice, do u still see that the bb is yellowish? Or totally ok already? I din bring my 2nd one to test for jaundice.. Juz let her recover herself.. Juz wondering should I bring this one to hospital? Coz if hospitalized for 2 days, at least I have peace and sleep for 2 days.. Evil mummy hor?
Gan: if u have sore nipple, won't it hurt if u pump too? I feel that the spectrum pump a bit strong.. Makes my nipple sore too. But if I lower the suction, the milk flow is not good.. This pump makes my nipple so long!! Tot of using the shield.. Do u think it will help?
Verluv today I tried using nipple shield to latch my bb as my right side nipple is too flat and bb cannot suck. The shield make my flat nipple become long nipple haha so
I think is the same effect as using pump My CL coming tmr when I discharge and will leave my bb with her and learn from her how to handle bb. :)

Wow so nice to hear that u all have CL.. I dun really like someone unfamiliar in the hse so din have a CL for my 3 girls.. My mil juz cook for me and came n shower the bb.. Luckily bb sleep most of the time now..
Emk: Bb first day in hospital is very different when we bring them home.. Dunno wat they do in the nursery and u won't hear them cry so much.. The nurse juz bring them in for us to latch n they will happily latch. Now that at home, we introduce bottle feeding already, they will cry so badly when I latch her.. She will need at least 15 mins of crying before she finally settle down with my breast.. Ha ha.. But sometimes really lazy so I juz want to latch her so that I dun need to pump.
Redvel: so after your bb discharged due to jaundice, do u still see that the bb is yellowish? Or totally ok already? I din bring my 2nd one to test for jaundice.. Juz let her recover herself.. Juz wondering should I bring this one to hospital? Coz if hospitalized for 2 days, at least I have peace and sleep for 2 days.. Evil mummy hor?
Gan: if u have sore nipple, won't it hurt if u pump too? I feel that the spectrum pump a bit strong.. Makes my nipple sore too. But if I lower the suction, the milk flow is not good.. This pump makes my nipple so long!! Tot of using the shield.. Do u think it will help?
verluv, never tried shield before but for pumping I m using the massage function instead of suction. Using massage function at max won't hurt. Using suction hurts !
How much is your baby drinking? My gal after 60 ml will sometimes cry n want to latch....like not full yet. Scared we over feed her
