2016/07 July babies

Speaking about CL, mine called last week to say she can't come on time becos her daughter -in-law just gave birth. She will get someone to cover her for the 1st 2wks. Now she called to say she can't come for the whole month becos of medical condition & her replacement will takeover the whole month. Felt being held hostage to this situation, it gives us no choice but to agree to this arrangement and I'm scheduled for csect this weekend :(

My bb sometimes wants 50ml plus minus. But last night 11pm she had a whooping 75ml. Totally milk drunk after that.
Speaking about CL, mine called last week to say she can't come on time becos her daughter -in-law just gave birth. She will get someone to cover her for the 1st 2wks. Now she called to say she can't come for the whole month becos of medical condition & her replacement will takeover the whole month. Felt being held hostage to this situation, it gives us no choice but to agree to this arrangement and I'm scheduled for csect this weekend :(
Is this CL recommended? Meaning you have some expectation of her from friends whom had engaged her. If not, maybe a different CL will be better who knows. Excited for you this weekend.
Verluv today I tried using nipple shield to latch my bb as my right side nipple is too flat and bb cannot suck. The shield make my flat nipple become long nipple haha so
I think is the same effect as using pump My CL coming tmr when I discharge and will leave my bb with her and learn from her how to handle bb. :)
Yay can all go home tmr already.

Did my first post natal massage. I do have some engorgement esp on areas near armpit. She massaged those areas and told me be ready for fountain. Wah piang really have. And more wah piang pain like hell. Told her i feel like box her. In joking way la haha.
Starview: your CL sounds like those bad CL who gives last min excuse not to come. How can she tell you that her daughter in law juz gave birth and can't come? She should know when is her DIL giving birth and not tell u last min... Did u go through an agency? Complain to them if u do. So bad!
Emk: I Nvr use shield before.. But one of my nipple also flat so using the pump really makes it long. But after pump also no milk le so no point let her suckle.
Gan: my bb still taking 50ml each feed at a 3hr interval. She is waking at punctually for her milk and I'm happy Coz that means she is handling her jaundice level well.. Jaundice bb is a sleepy bb so now since she is not so sleepy I'm happy!
Talking abt post natal massage, I haven arranged mine..
Redvel: is yours good? But yours is $80 per session right ? And how long is the session? If good, maybe can recommend.. Haha
Redvel & Verluv: that's right, she should inform me about her DIL or medical condition earlier so that I can find some other CL. Plus she already accepted my deposit in March!

I engaged this CL for my #1, think she was ok & didn't give me much problem back then. So we decided to use her again. It's not thru the agency so can't complain to anyone. Still have to try to be nice to her cos I scared last min even her replacement won't come or be nasty to my newborn :(
Verluv I just met the lactation after using the nipple shield and she told me is the shield that cause my nipple crack now. So she teach me to squeeze my breast side instead of top and bottom. Then push the nipple into bb mouth. I try and it's possible to latch now :)
Went in for weekly checkup earlier, lol, 1.5cm dilated only, and doc said my contractions are braxton hicks..so confusing! Baby's head has engaged, but still v shallow, just that chances of baby moving out of position is low.

Also very ecstatic to have been discharged from diabetic specialist clinic!!!
Starview: yes I guess u juz have to accept it Coz it's really too last a min to engage a new one. Well as wat redvel says, think of the brighter side, maybe she is better than the previous one? You dun try u won't be able to compare.
Now it's not to the time have negative vibe ard u.. Juz be happy and wait for the arrival of your lil one!! :)
Verluv good to know your baby jaundice is under control. I just admission for my gal into hospital for photo therapy as her jaundice level went up Felt so sad to leave my gal there.hopefullu the jaundice will be under control soon
Gan, can understand how you feel. Hugs. Baby will come home better so for meantime, catch some naps while bb is away. For that two days when my bb was away, me and my hubby took the chance to sleep also. Tho still very tired la but make the best out of it.
Gan, can understand how you feel. Hugs. Baby will come home better so for meantime, catch some naps while bb is away. For that two days when my bb was away, me and my hubby took the chance to sleep also. Tho still very tired la but make the best out of it.
Thanks redvel..... Was so sad that I cried at the clinic.. Looks abit silly but just can't control.
No it's not silly at all. I also cried. My mil beside me consoled me and said during confinement cannot cry one. But she herself also breaking voice while consoling me but lucky for her she isn't on confinement. Lol.

You'll be reunited with your gal in no time.
Any mummies used ru yi you? My gynae says don't because too hot for baby. Some CLs don't recommend. But my CL says it's good for windy baby. She says not applying direct to skin but rub on hands and apply that warm palm on baby stomach and very quick the wind will be out. Just now my bb had stomach discomfort and my CL told me about the benefit of ru yi you. Actually I do have a new bottle my mil bought for my bb but I've been keeping it away first. Just thought if I should take it out for my bb to use.
Any mummies used ru yi you? My gynae says don't because too hot for baby. Some CLs don't recommend. But my CL says it's good for windy baby. She says not applying direct to skin but rub on hands and apply that warm palm on baby stomach and very quick the wind will be out. Just now my bb had stomach discomfort and my CL told me about the benefit of ru yi you. Actually I do have a new bottle my mil bought for my bb but I've been keeping it away first. Just thought if I should take it out for my bb to use.
I read on the Mummies fb group that there are 2 kinds, one is hotter, the other is the one with limes on the label. I used the lime one during my gassy phase, this is the one the fb groups recommend.
Any mummies used ru yi you? My gynae says don't because too hot for baby. Some CLs don't recommend. But my CL says it's good for windy baby. She says not applying direct to skin but rub on hands and apply that warm palm on baby stomach and very quick the wind will be out. Just now my bb had stomach discomfort and my CL told me about the benefit of ru yi you. Actually I do have a new bottle my mil bought for my bb but I've been keeping it away first. Just thought if I should take it out for my bb to use.
My cl also say use ru yi oil after bath...I used that for my elder but think when she is more than 1 month? Dun recall using that when she is new boen
My confinement lady use Ruyi oil only after the umbilical cord stub drops off.

To apply, just put abit on ur Palm, rub until warm and place palm on tummy. My no1 seems to like it when I used t on him in the past. Haven done it personally for no2.
I dun remember using the oil so soon.. The bb is only less than 10 days old.. Even if u really want to use, remember not to have direct contact of the oil n the skin.
Wat I did was I will put some oil on my palm and rub it, then I will juz cup my hand over the tummy.. So there is no direct contact.
I think I will start after bb one month old
Thanks for sharing. Hubby insists on no ru yi you now as per gynae instruction. So later part when bb is bigger then.

Verluv I forgot to reply. My masseur is alright. Talks abit too much tho lol. If you keen to try out, pm me for her contact then. She's coming again in awhile. Massage two days rest 1 day.
Hmmm one of my nipple become sore and got white colour thing on it .. Is this infection ?
Congrats emk. Hope you'll recover well.

Lost track a bit... Who else haven't pop? Haa.

I have given birth on the 27th June. It was an emotional one as mine was emerg csect. I had dilated 4cm in the morning when I reached KK delivery suite. That night before around 12 plus, I had some cramps and the cramps become more and more frequent throughout till morning at 6am. Then I quickly went for a long shower and dressed up to go to the hospital.

The doc admitted me as I have dilated to 4cm at the KKH delivery suite.
@7.30am- I was found to be dilated to 5cm
@ 10am- was induced with epidural
@ 11am - was dilated to 6cm, then I went to sleep till 2pm
@ 3pm - still 6cm, so doc break my waterbag to induce labour faster.
@ 7pm- still at 6cm-7cm, doc said give me abit more time.
@9pm- doc came and check saying it's still not dilating. Asking me to consider csect.
I was really taken by surprise, why suddenly not dilated already.

In the end, I had to go for csect. We went back home on Wed after doc deemed we are both fit to go.
Hi mummies, i walked in to delivery suite ytd midnight due to abdominal pain but was however sent home in the end due to no contractions. The nurse did a vaginal test on me and did mention that i might experience brown discharge today and it's normal.

However just now while in the shower, i suddenly had a jelly like substance discharge coming out from the v. I'm not sure if it's the mucous plug and I'm not sure if I should walk in again since the nurse said it is normal.

Any advice? TIA. I'm currently 37 + 2 weeks.
Hi mummies, i walked in to delivery suite ytd midnight due to abdominal pain but was however sent home in the end due to no contractions. The nurse did a vaginal test on me and did mention that i might experience brown discharge today and it's normal.

However just now while in the shower, i suddenly had a jelly like substance discharge coming out from the v. I'm not sure if it's the mucous plug and I'm not sure if I should walk in again since the nurse said it is normal.

Any advice? TIA. I'm currently 37 + 2 weeks.
Similar incident happened to me at 37w3d! Was also sent home after being told is 1cm dilation and light but real contractions (?!?) and advised not to return unless abnormally large amounts of fresh blood, or water bag burst, or contractions so painful until I cannot bear it. Or giddiness , high bp, blurriness of vision, chest pains. Right now I am at 1.5cm dilation with erratic contractions, and gynae said this could last anywhere from 1day till weeks before hit active labour stage. At 38w as of yesterday.

Also getting occasional mucous plug discharge. Almost there, are u also a FTM like me?
Similar incident happened to me at 37w3d! Was also sent home after being told is 1cm dilation and light but real contractions (?!?) and advised not to return unless abnormally large amounts of fresh blood, or water bag burst, or contractions so painful until I cannot bear it. Or giddiness , high bp, blurriness of vision, chest pains. Right now I am at 1.5cm dilation with erratic contractions, and gynae said this could last anywhere from 1day till weeks before hit active labour stage. At 38w as of yesterday.

Also getting occasional mucous plug discharge. Almost there, are u also a FTM like me?

Exactly the same as what happened to me ytd night! Nurse said I'm 1cm dilated similar experience to you too. So I guess I don't have to worry so much for now until I'm having some contractions?

Sorry but what is FTM?
Gwenk: congrats on your nb!! So long bb is healthy, dun think abt how it is delivered!
Enjoy your time with your bb now Coz it's really going to be tiring!
Exactly the same as what happened to me ytd night! Nurse said I'm 1cm dilated similar experience to you too. So I guess I don't have to worry so much for now until I'm having some contractions?

Sorry but what is FTM?

FTM = first time mum! Yeah, I have read in several fb groups and babycenter that for FTM , babies tend to bake longer, and barring any complications our labour will take a long time.... meanwhile try to sleep as much as you can, and enjoy the remainder of our pregnancies!!

(Btw, I am in 2016 SG mummies group in fb, very helpful and responsive group with good pre- and post-natal support! Good for clueless and anxious people like me haha)

FTM = first time mum! Yeah, I have read in several fb groups and babycenter that for FTM , babies tend to bake longer, and barring any complications our labour will take a long time.... meanwhile try to sleep as much as you can, and enjoy the remainder of our pregnancies!!

(Btw, I am in 2016 SG mummies group in fb, very helpful and responsive group with good pre- and post-natal support! Good for clueless and anxious people like me haha)


Yes, I'm also a first time mum. :) yea I've read that too but because previously when I'm at week 34 i had signs of preterm labour that's why I'm a bit more worried now.

Oh thanks! Been trying to look for a fb group to join because I'm so clueless about what to do.
Gwenk: congrats on your nb!! So long bb is healthy, dun think abt how it is delivered!
Enjoy your time with your bb now Coz it's really going to be tiring!

Thanks verluv, I am feeling much better after 1 week now. My bb birthweight is 3.28Kg. Really enjoy the time with bb now. It has been a week and I am still familiarizing on bf technique. My bb seems hungry all the time.. Latching and suckling seems like taking a long long time.. But whenever I pump into the bottle, she can drink faster than latching. Any idea how to speed up bf as it can be tiring?
Definitely bottle feeding is faster.. But then u have to pump then bottle feed so it may take longer than juz latching the bb.
Sometimes when I'm too tired in the night, I will juz try to latch her. But my bb very difficult to latch.. I had to fight with her for abt 15 mins and sometimes half an hr before she really want to suckle..
But really pumping is tiring... I wish I have a device that can juz pour out the milk in my breast.. Hahha
Gwenk same here, I also end up in emergency c sec.. U have longer time frame to wait for dilation than me. Feel so emotional...
3am - feel the contraction
5am - admitted to hospital with 2cm dilation and contraction every 2 min
6am- took epidural
7:30am - 3cm dilation, gynae break my water bag
10:30am - 6cm dilation
11am- 6cm dilation, gynae said baby heart beat drop, ask to us to decide want to do c sec or wait, we decided to wait.
11:15am, gynae come and check still 6cm
11:30am, gynae come and check still 6cm
I'm getting very stressed when I see my gynae come in to check my dilation.
11:45am, gynae come again to check and said still 6cm and I feel so stressed then my baby heart beat suddenly drop again and gynae ask again ' c sec ?' .. Look like I got no choice since baby heart beat drop infront of my gynae .. Give up and do c sec .. I wondering why some gynae can wait 10-12 hours or even longer before go c sec but my gynae only let me wait 6hours :(
I've been very diligent to latch and pump (I set alarm clock for wee hour pump). Still, my bb is hungry after a latch. Last night hubby went to buy a small tub of fm. So I'm supplementing her needs that way.

Just weighed myself. I've got just 2kg to lose to get back pre preg weight :):)
mum of 2 babies here (Aden, 2, Anson, 4) not sure where to post exactly cos im new but im always looking for good deals hehe so singaporean :) just bought 20pcs of this nappy sack, $2.50 only liao (http://www.mothercare.com.sg/mothercare-all-we-know-baby-nappy-sacks-100-pack.html).. thot anyone want to know.. will look for deals online and share with everyone cos i believe as mummies we always want good bargain but also quality right.. heres a good hi to everyone :)
@snowfern - i guess it's not just FTM whose babies tend to bake longer. Me third time mum, hitting wk 40 next wk, stuck at 2 cm dilation for one wk. My bb still wants to continue baking, no other signs except for irregular contractions.
After reading the other mummies' exhaustion (which I've conveniently forgotten) at handling a NB, I've decided to just continue enjoying this time, despite the weight, clumsiness etc.

@redvel - ur wt loss rate is superb! U inspire me :)

@emk - don't upset yourself by analyzing about the delivery too much. Ur baby is healthy and well, that's most important. After delivery, we tend to be more emotional than usual (I rem I kept getting upset and crying over minor issues). Try to keep ur spirits high so u can enjoy this time.
Gwenk same here, I also end up in emergency c sec.. U have longer time frame to wait for dilation than me. Feel so emotional...
3am - feel the contraction
5am - admitted to hospital with 2cm dilation and contraction every 2 min
6am- took epidural
7:30am - 3cm dilation, gynae break my water bag
10:30am - 6cm dilation
11am- 6cm dilation, gynae said baby heart beat drop, ask to us to decide want to do c sec or wait, we decided to wait.
11:15am, gynae come and check still 6cm
11:30am, gynae come and check still 6cm
I'm getting very stressed when I see my gynae come in to check my dilation.
11:45am, gynae come again to check and said still 6cm and I feel so stressed then my baby heart beat suddenly drop again and gynae ask again ' c sec ?' .. Look like I got no choice since baby heart beat drop infront of my gynae .. Give up and do c sec .. I wondering why some gynae can wait 10-12 hours or even longer before go c sec but my gynae only let me wait 6hours :(

@emk, would u mind sharing the gynae's name?

I think the recommendation is made by Gynae bcos bb is in distress (heart rate drop)... Were u given the oxygen mask?

In my case, I was admitted to be induced but bb has adverse reaction to the inducement medication. Gynae ordered to stop inducement and wait for normal contraction. BB had umbilical cord ard neck, so we r prepare to e-csec if he is in distress.

Lucky for my case, the dilation happened fast and furious from 1215-1240pm. Gynae almost could not come back in time. Was told to lie on left side and use oxygen mask to keep up bb heart rate. My HB told me afterwards that his eyes was fixed on the CTG monitor and saw the heart rate drop each time I tense up and forget to breathe...
Redvel: you are not alone... I bought a can of fm after I was discharged from hospital as my milk supply seems low.. Din use it till jus now bb has been crying after 2 hrs of drinking 60ml.. I tried to latch her on off for 30'mins and she is still crying. I asked hubby y she is so cranky and my hubby suggested to give her fm if I'm afraid that I might waste my bm. I did and she drank 80ml and went to sleep. Now is almost 4 hrs le and she is still sleeping. I guess I dun have to wake her up till she cry automatically...
I did not pump faithfully this time round and only start to pump ard 5hrs -6 hrs interval.. So far my milk supply can match up to her demand so I juz hack care.. Too tired to wake up every 3 hrs to pump. I remember for my 2nd one, I'm really very onz and will put alarm clock to wake up to pump.. Too stress up Liao. This time round, I'm going to be chilled abt it and give fm if needed.
Tuna: left a few of u haven popped but really juz enjoy.. Since next week 40 weeks, I think u should give birth anytime soon ba.. Else your Gynae sure induce u near your Edd..
And talking abt weight loss, I dun dare to buy a weighing machine to put at home Coz I will be too obsessed with my weight loss and start eating very little. Anyway since I'm still under confinement, I juz eat as much as I can so that that will help me in milk supply.. *wink* excuses haha
Oh by the way, my menses or lochia now abit weird.. It's like on and off.. R u all experiencing this as well? Also I have been releasing a lot of gases(fart), is it normal? Or due to the food I eat? Although my bb has jaundice, I'm still taking in ginger and drinking red date water. I know a lot of people will say ginger makes bb yellowish but I believe most of the bb will have jaundice and its juz a matter of time they recover from it. Saw from fb that most bb jaundice level only comes down ard 15-16 days..(those without the light) so should not be abt the food intake la hor?
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I'm already missing being preggie and the whole birth experience. So Tuna, enjoy the last moments.

Verluv, I find most important bb doesn't go hungry and sleep better. I feel so relieved when I saw mine so contented after the supplement and sleep sweetly. I wake up to pump is also scared of engorgement! It's a terrible feeling having one. Oh my masseur also reminds me I must drink lots of water to help abit on prevention of hard rock boobs.

I still take ginger tho my CL cuts down on it. So my diet now not so much of ginger (last time when I had my miscarriages I was having tons of ginger during the confinement). Jaundice case can't drink longan tea? I've been drinking it plus warm water as well. Trying to keep myself as hydrated as possible.

My CL cooking is really nice. If I don't bf I think I will gain weight hehe. She presents the meals very nicely. Even my hubby who doesn't fancy too much of home cooked food has been clearing the plates. He says 有家的感觉。
I have also been taking ginger n rate date longan drink.... Didn't know jaundice can't take the drink. Can we still drink those soup cook with herbs?

Redvel ur cl cooks separate for ur hubby or he eats the same as u ?
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Gan, any news when bb gal wil be going home?

CL says beginning is cleansing meals. Later part is tonic meals. I forgot how many days of cleansing. Like my grandma in law cooked the vinegar trotter on second or third day but CL says I can't eat till abit later.

Therefore so far my hubby can still eat the same thing as I do. Later tonic part she will make separate meals for him. She witnessed before some hubbies want to eat same confinement food throughout and they ended with nose bleed. Haa.
@gan1972 I have read many Mummies whose LO w jaundice were advised to stop ginger by some docs and CL. As to tonics, @redvel has got it right, cleanse first, then nourish. So light soups like for regular meals, then stronger tonics near 3-4 weeks' confinement.
Candymoshi I wasn't given oxygen mask until I gave up and decided to do c sec and saw they start prepare the equipment for c sec and I get very nervous on it then be heart beat drop so they faster put oxygen gas.

My nipples are so sore now after start latching for two days .. And feel so painful when bb latch on it. I tried to pump but nothing come out. This is my first time using pump, hmm I'm medela free style n pump for 20 min at level 3 but nothing come out . Am I doing the right way ?
Emk, got lactation consultant to show you the right latch when you were in hospital? Right latch makes all the difference I believe.

I'm using the same pump but only started on day4 with good flow. I think day2 is still kinda early. But you can just pump to stimulate.

The mode I used is preset by my sis (which is wat she has been using for her own). The icon on the right which has a woman figure. I don't know how it is set tho. It's on one min stimulating mode followed by 29min of level4.
@gan1972 I have read many Mummies whose LO w jaundice were advised to stop ginger by some docs and CL. As to tonics, @redvel has got it right, cleanse first, then nourish. So light soups like for regular meals, then stronger tonics near 3-4 weeks' confinement.
Gan, any news when bb gal wil be going home?

CL says beginning is cleansing meals. Later part is tonic meals. I forgot how many days of cleansing. Like my grandma in law cooked the vinegar trotter on second or third day but CL says I can't eat till abit later.

Therefore so far my hubby can still eat the same thing as I do. Later tonic part she will make separate meals for him. She witnessed before some hubbies want to eat same confinement food throughout and they ended with nose bleed. Haa.
Redvel,picking up my gal later. Brought expressed milk for her to drink yesterday so that at least she is 50% breast milk 50% fm . My cl said can eat pig trotter around day 6 onwards....I had that already

Snow fern I had some ginger in my meals but not a lot ....maybe will ask her stop putting ginger and see how. First 3 meals cl cooked for me she added glutinous wine but have asked her to stop using that as I felt uncomfortable as I am breastfeeding

Was,p wondering if baby has jaundice, ok to drink those soup with 药材
Redvel,picking up my gal later. Brought expressed milk for her to drink yesterday so that at least she is 50% breast milk 50% fm . My cl said can eat pig trotter around day 6 onwards....I had that already

Snow fern I had some ginger in my meals but not a lot ....maybe will ask her stop putting ginger and see how. First 3 meals cl cooked for me she added glutinous wine but have asked her to stop using that as I felt uncomfortable as I am breastfeeding

Was,p wondering if baby has jaundice, ok to drink those soup with 药材
Ginger also can cause colic problems for some breastfed babies, as with sesame oil. I was surprised to read that, as I always had the impression all confinement foods seem to concentrate on using both! Maybe cos last time formula was the norm, and focus on mum recovery first?

I don't plan on doing anything special meal wise for confinement, just to eat more fish, oats and plenty of liquids, cos of my GD my hubby went through the Eu Yan Seng package and saw many herbs not suitable for me (I also have heart and hypertension issues, as well as food sensitivities pre-pregnancy). That and I plan to breastfeed exclusively if possible. Honestly, I think confinement practice was developed in China and the conditions back then were horrendous, thus the special needs and care taken. So not really practical in SG today.

My MIL also never did anything particularly special during her confinement and she is rather robust, so she also doesn't force me to do anything, hehehe. Hubby and dad want me to nourish though, due to my lifelong poor constitution. So I will try to take more tonics after being cleared of GD lah.

I guess what I am saying is, don't need to worry so much, everything in moderation and adjust accordingly. In fact, I think these days it is overdone and too many women create problems during confinement instead due to over nourishing XD was warned by my diabetic specialist about that lol
Oh yes I think the confinement food might be too heart for hubby. Your CL is good that she will be cooking seperately for you n your hubby.. Most CL won't do it.
As for pump, I'm using spectra which is a new pump. I use the massage function for 1 min n express for 5 mins then switch side.. Total pump time on 22 mins.. May I know how long do u all pump?? I tried longer than that but nth come out le
Oh, and with regards to bb w jaundice. Just keep them fed and watered, monitor their diaper output, bring them for regular checkup and phototherapy if needed. Suntanning not recommended due to risk of overheating outweighing benefits of sun's UV strength, as cited by KKH website. I also kanchiong abt jaundice cos my 2 siblings and I had it, and read that if bb blood type different from parent, also higher jaundice, some more plan to bf and bf jaundice seems inevitable :(
Candymoshi I wasn't given oxygen mask until I gave up and decided to do c sec and saw they start prepare the equipment for c sec and I get very nervous on it then be heart beat drop so they faster put oxygen gas.

My nipples are so sore now after start latching for two days .. And feel so painful when bb latch on it. I tried to pump but nothing come out. This is my first time using pump, hmm I'm medela free style n pump for 20 min at level 3 but nothing come out . Am I doing the right way ?

Yah, it is normal to feel engorged and hard breasts but can't pump anything out. My milk kicked in end day 2 and day 3 I suffered this hard breast phase. I was afraid to pump bcos nothing much came out and pump = stimulate more supply right?

My CL came on day 3 when I returned home. She gave me a small basin of hot water + face towel. And rubbed my breasts between the towel. Helps to soften the breasts. We did that 2-3 times. At 3hr intervals. She rubbed really hard to soften (I can't tahan if I do it myself) but I let her press.

Finally manage to pump Abt 30mls and went to sleep. The MOTN pump suddenly breasts soften and I can pump normally. I am so amazed w my CL!
My first born had jaundice for 3 months. Day 3 he has to stay in hospital bcos his jaundice levels were so high. We discharged without him and by the same nite he had to go to ICU for a drip to maintain hydration and ensure peeing and pooping. Brought him back on day 5 and readmit him on day 7 as his levels went up without phototherapy.

My HB and I fed him fm for 2 days to see if there is any effect, there was hardly any drop so we resumed feeding ebm. I was told not to take ginger and alcohol in my confinement food as it wld affect his jaundice.

I had to pump so as to ensure his intake and maintain his peeing and pooing. Ard 6 weeks I also started sunning him in the early mornings, no harsh sunlight pls.

No2 has no jaundice, so feed on demand haha!

Btw, does ur LO feed more in the night? LO can last 3hrs in the day but ard 2hrs in the night. My CL quite poor thing have to keep waking up...

Redvel when u use the 'let down' the button with water droplet ?

Moshicandy look like hot towel method sound good. Later I go try out. Haha I can feel some lump into and get my husband to massage for me last night to soften it. And this morning I still can see some lump again. Is it normal ?
