2016/07 July babies

Verluv - ur dilation super fast. No time to even think of epidural! Is ur girl's wt close to the estimated wt?
Back from gynae appt, baby change position again ... Now in occiput position. Weeks 38 weight 3.2kg not engaged yet.. Gynae said if baby still remain this position it will be a long labour .. Sigh very naughty boy, always change position. From head down to breech and back to head down, now is occiput.. Maybe he wanna watch euro2016 with me :p
Tuna: Gynae estimated 2.7kg and when bb is out, she is juz 2.585kg.. Not so accurate.. But to me, I'm happy...
Yes my dilation super fast and the nurse commented my bb is a Ferrari bb. So fast ! :)
@verluv - close la, good wt le. How was the pain level this round? Need episiotomy not? I kan chiong liao, so many of u popped yesterday.

@emk - ur boy like acrobat! At wk 38 can still flip around in tummy. Hee!

@gan - your tummy must be almost flat now, u practically gained no wt during pregnancy.
@tuna ya la I though should be very cramp inside but he still manage to change position. Gynae saif if over Edd and still remain in this position, he advise to go c sec because head position far from birth canal and baby is big so not encourage to induce.
Back from gynae appt, baby change position again ... Now in occiput position. Weeks 38 weight 3.2kg not engaged yet.. Gynae said if baby still remain this position it will be a long labour .. Sigh very naughty boy, always change position. From head down to breech and back to head down, now is occiput.. Maybe he wanna watch euro2016 with me :p
Yikes! Good la baby can watch w Mama next year lol! My last scan was 36 weeks (almost 2 weeks ago) and stated "cephalic", but she keep on flipping left and right whole day, make me nervous nia....last scan her head facing out also :-/
Yeah so excited .. Don't know when is our turn to pop haha
Any mummies here feel pelvic pain when walking ?
@emk -raises arm- now find weird tugging sharp pains down the mons pubis and up vaginal canal, as well as aching pelvis and hips when I walk, sometimes even to the toilet short distances also pain. When I sit and stand too quickly also pain. Sian.

Doc said is ligaments stretching ..... but oh the left hip joint pain can be agony, been sleeping w heat pack every other night.
Wow. Congrats to all mummies. Me also popped yesterday. Walk in to hospital on Thursday night as feel frequent contraction at the back. Was waited for 4 hours, only dilated 2cm. Ended up emergency c-sec as baby was not active during the 4hrs observation. Was push to op theatre at midnight, within 10min, baby was out. But baby got chest infection and being observe in icu. Now he getting better and hope he can be place in normal nursery room.
For those mummies who waiting to pop, jia you.
Snowfern yea I feel the same when I walk even for short distance. As if my pelvic going to tear apart and sharp pain when I suddenly stand up. Did your gynae said your baby position can be natural birth ?

Jomani congrats :) you feel the contraction pain on your back ?
Snowfern I found this website, guess should be this week I'm on hospital leave and the way I sit on sofa cause my baby to change position haha 'When you relax on a comfortable armchair watching TV, or work at a computer for hours, your pelvis is tipped backwards. This encourages the back of your baby's head and his spine (the heaviest part of him) to swing round to the back. In this position, he'll end up lying against your spine.'
Snowfern I found this website, guess should be this week I'm on hospital leave and the way I sit on sofa cause my baby to change position haha 'When you relax on a comfortable armchair watching TV, or work at a computer for hours, your pelvis is tipped backwards. This encourages the back of your baby's head and his spine (the heaviest part of him) to swing round to the back. In this position, he'll end up lying against your spine.'
Ehhhh I read the same thing!! I rem reading something about leaning forward to prevent this too right?? Like that how ley...no more armchair footie for you!!?? XD I notice she's super active when I shop, very awkward to keep stopping abruptly due to her kicks and squirms....ppl stare and wonder if I'm gonna pop in front of them I guess haw haw

Gynae did mention she is in position for natural birth, and KKH is pro natural, just that given my GD and past medical history, they have low threshold for me, so I am not optimistic and trying not to be too hopeful or rigid about natural birth in case I get disappointed.
Morning. So many mummies popped too so Ive read. I'm so happy to hear them and even more happy to hear both mummies and babies are well. Thank God for the kindness.

Our little family is ready to go home today. Baby-A is doing well with the suckle and hope I can see the milk flow within these few days.

Little more update on my birth stories ;) Between water bag rapture at 830am to 11am, my dilation went from 1.5cm to 6cm. My LO heartbeat started to fluctuate and dropped at times. I see the nurses started to prep the necessary and the midwife told us she will call the gynae. Me and hubby were so anxious because we were only prepared to pop about 5pm (our gynae's estimation). Within 5-10mins, he appeared and told us I was already 8-9cm dilated. So this was the moment. Within less than 10 pushes in 3 contractions, our long awaited miracle came.

I'm sure we are all waiting to hear the rest of your happy birth stories too soon.
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Morning. So many mummies popped too so Ive read. I'm so happy to hear them and even more happy to hear both mummies and babies are well. Thank God for the kindness.

Our little family is ready to go home today. Baby-A is doing well with the suckle and hope I can see the milk flow within these few days.

Little more update on my birth stories ;) Between water bag rapture at 830am to 11am, my dilation went from 1.5cm to 6cm. My LO heartbeat started to fluctuate and dropped at times. I see the nurses started to prep the necessary and the midwife told us she will call the gynae. Me and hubby were so anxious because we were only prepared to pop about 5pm (our gynae's estimation). Within 5-10mins, he appeared and told us I was already 8-9cm dilated. So this was the moment. Within less than 10 pushes in 3 contractions, our long awaited miracle came.

I'm sure we are all waiting to hear the rest of your happy birth stories too soon.
Redvel great to hear both baby and you are going home today!
I hope I can go home tomorrow. I am already up and walking since yesterday. Pain was bearable. This morning pd came and said my gal has a little jaundice due to my blood group and hers not compatible . So need to see if the levels go up ... I hope she will be ok and can go home tomorrow. My first one also has a different blood group from me and her jaundice lasted for 2 months!
Oh I got brown discharge when I wip it and on my panty liner but no contraction.. Don't need to go hospital right ?
Oh I got brown discharge when I wip it and on my panty liner but no contraction.. Don't need to go hospital right ?
Sounds like mucous plug! Ya, I read no need, unless a lot of fresh red blood....means labour is nearing!!!!
Oh, and today I had a "massive clearance" of my bowels, 2nd round like diarrhoea, and most all of the pains I've been having last 2 days disappeared :O I have been pretty regular with the help of Forlax, but maybe bowels are adjusting again due to hormones ??? Or labour is imminent??!?
Oh I got brown discharge when I wip it and on my panty liner but no contraction.. Don't need to go hospital right ?
Hi you may want to go and do a ctg check. I had brown discharge during 32 weeks and was asked to do a ctg check at TMC labour ward...:
Very tired and busy with the nb.. N breast started to have engorgement le.. Hopefully she can suckle well n ease me from the torment
Hi you may want to go and do a ctg check. I had brown discharge during 32 weeks and was asked to do a ctg check at TMC labour ward...:
Thanks gan1972, just give my gynae a call and he ask me to rest and monitor first and see him Tmr
Mine is sore nipples ....very painful when baby sucks ....
From what I read and the lactation nurse at KKH told me if too sore is usually shallow latch. Can search YouTube for deep latch video...do u have a lactation consultant helping u?
Last night hubby and I went on adventure, had increasingly painful contractions from 11pm, and when I finally tried to turn in at 2pm, did a blood pressure check, was 145/99, gynae told me to go in if diastolic above 90 and I'm uncomfortable (was slightly lightheaded).

KKH observed me an hr+, turns out I was having actual contractions and dilated 1cm. They let me rest and my bp stabilised, so was asked if I wanted to be admitted or go home, of course I picked home haha. So now going to do some last minute shopping. No bloody show yet, but still contracting every 10-15 mins....if this stretches till week 40 will be Sian cos backaches and pelvis pains accompany the contractions.... definitely no longer braxton hicks!
Don't give up gan and verluv! Jiayou.

@snowfern - if ur contractions are so regular, u may dilate quite fast, especially if u go shopping :D Maybe don't need tahan till wk 40.
@snowfern, did they ask u when to admit? I though real contraction of interval 10-15mins have to admit. I still have little bit brown discharge and waiting for contraction to happen ..
HiHi. What did your gynae comment about it I'm curious to know too.

Hi redvel,

Gynae asked us to consider induce and try natural or straight go for c-sect.

His biggest bb ever delivered via natural was 4.2kg.

Check up again tomorrow.. Shall c how it goes
Painful nipple is very common... I was using the pump and maybe the suction a bit too strong, resulting in swollen nipple. If I dun switch to higher suction, the colustrum doesn't come out. So now I switch to hand express till the milk flow more stabilize before i switch back to pump.
Bf journey is really not easy but it's definitely fulfilling..
My bb jaundice level seems to be going up as can see that her body is turning yellow. Suppose to wake up early to sun bathe her but too tired. Shall do it tmr!!!
@tuna I also never really keep track of duration anymore, came up with the estimate by approximate number of times per hr only....this is cos the nurse and doc told me, since first child, no need to go back in until the pains become unbearable XD I have appt on 7th, will see how much I have dilated then....I did have very slight spotting, first time since I got pregnant but was warned to expect that since the doc did check my dilation after all....
@emk last night they gave me a choice liow, but I decided against it cos I would rather have freedom to walk around and cope with the contractions in the comfort of my own home, than tied to the hospital bed. Cos I read that 1-3cm dilation is no big deal , some women tolerate this and contractions for up to 2-3 months wo!

I only just got a smidge of brown watery spotting, is mucous plug I guess. Since I have to go weekly appt anyway (today is already 37w4d) I am not too eager after the ctg reads reassured me baby is doing well , tolerating the light contractions, and my vitals also good.

How many weeks are u now? If before 37 weeks then I would be more cautious.....
@snowfern I'm weeks 38 now Edd 13 July and gynae expected me to pop on this week. Wow u so fast dilate ..good for first time mum, your labour should be fast. I don't know I have dilate or not, tmr then see gynae.
Jiayou @verluv and @gan1972 ! Did u join the fb breastfeeding groups?


I also plan to bf for min. 6mths, found a lot of info and support in that group!

Thanks will join the group...
U r right it is shallow latch...my nipple is too big too fit in princess's mouth..now really painful when she latches ..
Doing pump and feed her ebm
She is also very impatient when she is hungry
My right side is now hard as rock.....
@snowfern I'm weeks 38 now Edd 13 July and gynae expected me to pop on this week. Wow u so fast dilate ..good for first time mum, your labour should be fast. I don't know I have dilate or not, tmr then see gynae.
Wahh u 1 week ahead of me! My EDD 22nd July..do keep us updated, u must be quite excited too!
Thanks will join the group...
U r right it is shallow latch...my nipple is too big too fit in princess's mouth..now really painful when she latches ..
Doing pump and feed her ebm
She is also very impatient when she is hungry
My right side is now hard as rock.....
Eeks I also have large nipples.... The LC taught me how to coax baby to open mouth bigger, she say use nipple to stroke the nose first, let her "Gian" the scent of milk, then when she open mouth quickly shove in fast fast, I hear liow cannot help but laugh.

She say if too shallow, must unlatch and try again.....she say proper latch mummy -will not- (her words) feel soreness de....I dunno not very optimistic ley, seems like only a few mamas so lucky, or nipples maybe not so big will make a difference?!?
@snowfern haha waiting for contraction to come then go hospital. I also pack some fav snack in my hospital bag :p
Hmmm I got inverted nipples, I don't know can bf or not but I will try la..
@snowfern haha waiting for contraction to come then go hospital. I also pack some fav snack in my hospital bag :p
Hmmm I got inverted nipples, I don't know can bf or not but I will try la..
Can de can de! I saw some nipple shields that are supposed to help mamas with inverted nipples to bf, and the LC at KKH said if I have inverted nipples, she can help to draw it out or teach how to bf...but I shy to let her inspect haha
Regarding breastfeeding and shallow latching, one tip that I learnt this round from the LC and nurses is to do an U-pinch. Helps the LO to get the areola into his mouth. After a few suckle, the breast wld be softer and LO can take both nipple and areola.

I'm more successful latching this round than previous cos previous round BB has jaundice, more sleepy and I worry he doesn't take in enough thru latching.
@gan - I understand what u mean. I think I will hv the same problem. Their mouths really tiny now, not easy for larger nipples.

@emk - our EDD just a day apart, doc also said likely to deliver this wk. Quickly go shop for the inverted nipple shield. Think both Avent and Medela carry the product.
Admitted my bb to GlenE due to jaundice. Cried my eyes out. But I know it's normal for most nb.

Today started breast pump. I think my milk is kicking in. Tomorrow will send to my bb and also latch her. I'm missing her.

Redvel oh no ... Hope your bb can discharge soon. Don't think too much and have a good rest.
