2016/07 July babies



Baby (older than 6 weeks) should wet at least 4-5 disposable diapers (5-6 cloth diapers) every 24 hours and the diapers should be really wet.

The article has more details on what is considered wet, and no. of poop, but I think for growth chart should follow Asian bb one...there's one in he bb health booklet from kkh......

But from what I read in bf groups, the PD tend to say same things like, output good, baby happy and active, still gaining weight, unless really drop off the chart most will say is genes. Check with your PD just in case?

My bb sometimes drinks more sometime less. Average per day 580-650ml. Occasionally hits more than 700. Don't think it's a lot either but she seems a happy baby leh. Weight gain also ok. Soiled diaper seems ok too.

No, she doesn't move in her sleep. She pretty much wakes up the same position as put down.

Starting to give her teething toy. She is chewing her tongue which I take it as a sign.
I know most of you have go mitten-less by now.

How about socks/booties? Only yesterday I decided to remove (only evening onwards then wear and then remove in next Morning bath). Haven't much spend time with her feet all along and now I find her feet so cute.
Haha baby toes are irresistible to some ppl it seems! Strangers love to touch them!!

I terbalek, only last night then started wearing booties for her to sleep. Previously she hated it and would sleep only after I remove. This morning, she fussed so i removed her outer shirt (we sleep air con, inside is uniqlo cotton short sleeve mesh romper) and socks then she contentedly cooed and chatted at her mobile for half hr. But going out now I always put on for her la, hate strangers touching her without permission.

Just got out of a nightmare bath. Maybe the water was too hot for her, I made it warmer than usual cos it is a cold morn, wakao, the moment I sit her in the tub.....omg full blown tantrum. Took her out immediately to sayang. Wouldn't stop crying until I gave her my boob. I contemplated ending the bath there by wiping her down only, but was afraid she would associate bath time to forever being ruined, so I made the water to her liking, almost room temperature -_-" heng by then she calmed down enough and enjoyed her bath as always.

At her changing station she was back to her usual chatty cheeky self. I double checked to see if there were any raw or red marks, nothing!!! She's such a harsh critic!
@redvel same, I put on sock in the evening after warm wipe and remove it on next morning bath. If going shopping mall I will put on sock for him afraid he will feel cold. But at home during day time I didn't put on sock for him even in aircon room.
@snowfern usually I will prepare the water at 42degree then go and remove his clothes. recommended temperature is 37-38 degree for baby. By the time I remove in bring him in the water will cool down to below 40degree. :)
@snowfern usually I will prepare the water at 42degree then go and remove his clothes. recommended temperature is 37-38 degree for baby. By the time I remove in bring him in the water will cool down to below 40degree. :)
Wow so precise! I am a lazy mum, always by feel and depend on the weather...I usually test on my inner wrist, like testing milk temp, then ok. But she always scared hot, prefer cooler than body temp (I used to bathe her late afternoon so was ok), today I made it slightly warmer and BOOM.

Maybe I should leave the surface thermometer in the bathroom ...
She does get curious now watching her wriggly toes so I guess it's time I remove these socks for good.

Find it harder to bath her now as she wants to sit straight. I have been putting her on more than 45degree to wash her front and neck before sitting her up to wash back. Today I can't really wash her neck as she kept fussing and wanting to sit up.

How huh? Maybe I should clean her neck with cotton balls first on the changing station (actually her CS is on a bed In the nursery room) before going into the bath.
I never wear any mittens and socks for the little one. Even at air con places. Because mine is a perspiring machine. Little bit of extra clothes will sweat like mad.

Discussing about milk intake
Honestly, I don't know how much my little one is drinking everyday because I am still doing direct latching with 1-2 bottle feeds per day. For those feeds, I usually prepare 80-100ml. Like some of the mums here, baby can never finish all at one go. Need a few installments.

Weight and height
@verluv Yes, I've got a Michelin baby hahaha. Sucking mama dry into sticks and bones. Feel damn shiok to see more lines and folds on arms and legs each day. The face also Bui Bui one. Totally don't like me or my husband. My friends say got "own look".

What's the height and weight for your babies now?

Like @snowfern, I have the vaccination appointment next Friday. I am also worried about the fever. And I am mentally prepared that I will have to stay up to do sponging. Is it better to switch on aircon when baby is having fever or not? Wear more or less clothes? Experienced mummies can share?
More hair to pick after a shower. And seeing hair landing on my gal as well lately. So yup, drop hair saga has begun for me too.
@verluv I'll be away for a week to china, most probably will pump in the plane cause flight duration is about 7 hours. By the time check out and go hotel, I scared I will burst HAHA~As for the milk, yes I will want to bring them back, frozen I supposed since it's a week trip.

I'm reading up on fb on some Mummies sharing their experience on bringing milk back. What I'm more afraid of is the pumping schedule when I'm out working. My boss is also going, and I don't know whether he will feel weird if I pump during lunch. HAHA He's an uncle liao, I supposed he will be slightly more conservative.

Not sure whether supply drop works the same way as building up the supply. I mean we need time to build up our supply, then I supposed we also need time before the supply just drop right? Hopefully by the time we are back, the supply will not be that affected. ;)
@redvel I also used to bathe my boy all in the bath tub after washing his hair. Then found that his cheeks too heavy now will hide his neck and that area red red due to heat and moisture trapped inside. So now I will wash his face, mouth, ear & neck before proceeding to his hair.

This way when he's in the bath tub, I can concentrate more on his other areas. Now he will sit up in the tub rather than at a 45deg position. Hoping he can keep that position on his own so I can free one more hand to play with him. :p
@KWL I brought my boy for his vaccination yesterday. Took the 5-in-1 + Pneumococcal + Rotavirus (taken orally). The nurse at the Polyclinic told me that side effects from the injections will be fever whereas for the Rotavirus will be diarrhea and vomiting.

Throughout the day no fever observed. By late afternoon, found him to be a bit hotter (37.5deg) than usual. So I fed him paracetamol and put a kool fever pad on his forehead. Before his bedtime, he only drank about 40ml of milk and rejected the rest, so I gave him the 2nd dose of paracetamol and he slept like a baby right after. I woke him up at 6:30am for milk and he managed to finish all 120ml.

A bit of diarrhea throughout the day, but not those serious kind. Other than that, he's still playing and his cheerful self.

For your question regarding whether to sleep in air-con or how much to wear, the nurse told me it's fine to sleep in air-con since it can also help to cool him down. I still let him wear as per usual, rompers in the daytime and long sleeve & pants for night time.
@sarah - how do you feed LO the Paracetemol? Syringe or put into milk bottle? Tomorrow my turn to go for LO's vaccination, and I'm nervous about the side effects i.e. feverish, cranky and fussy baby :confused:

Have a qns here, how do you all wash baby's bottom before plopping into bathtub? After I wash her hair, face, neck, ears while she's lying facing me in my lap, I sort of seat her in the curve of my feet when I place balls of feet on grd, but her butt getting to big to fit, so I hold her in one arm while the other faster soap and rinse the butt, but this damn siong.
@sarah - how do you feed LO the Paracetemol? Syringe or put into milk bottle? Tomorrow my turn to go for LO's vaccination, and I'm nervous about the side effects i.e. feverish, cranky and fussy baby :confused:

Have a qns here, how do you all wash baby's bottom before plopping into bathtub? After I wash her hair, face, neck, ears while she's lying facing me in my lap, I sort of seat her in the curve of my feet when I place balls of feet on grd, but her butt getting to big to fit, so I hold her in one arm while the other faster soap and rinse the butt, but this damn siong.
This is the siongest part of bath time for me also. I start off same way - eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, cheeks..then I use left hand prop her chest on my forearm, hand supporting her armpit, so she is facing the floor. By now she likes to 'stand', previously she would frog leg and knees on floor, then I use shower head to spray spray, hand go in front, then back to clean clean, then spray spray again. Then into the tub, shampoo hair and wash body with head to toe soap.

But if I washing off fresh poop, I will perch the shower head closer to the floor by balancing it on the tap, then aim her lower body under the spray, same procedure. No soap cos the bits are quite tender and I scared irritate and cause uti.

Then after bath, the tub got plug. I drain and then prop her into sitting position leaning back into my left forearm this time, spray spray a bit to rinse off in case she pee in the water and I dunno haha! Also to rinse off excess soap in the pte area.
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As to medication, I have been feeding her ridwind so frequently she cannot win me liow, even tho she still tries. So I hope the paracetamol will go down the same way, or easier, if need be.

I use the 2.5ml side of the medicine spoon provided by polyclinic. Dispense meds into it, lean her back, tap tap.her lower lip gently as if offering nipple, she reflexively open mouth, pour quickly into left or right side of cheek, depending on which way her head is turned. Then quickly scoop back in any if her tongue pushes out first, then using my index and.middle finger knuckles, I stroke stroke gently and quickly under her chin near the neck/Adam's apple area. This triggers her gulp reflex.

This occurred to me after I was very tired of battling with her spitting it out after keeping the meds in her mouth for a few mins. Syringe, cup, all don't work, and I don't want to give bottle. It's a trick i used previously on my dog haha. Maybe it will work on your bb too?
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My baby got fever on the next day after vaccine. First day still ok just very fussy, drink lesser than normal day. Second day I bring him to my mil house n run errand, at night he hit 37.5degree so I feed him med n kool pad overnight. third day he is normal.
@tuna, I will wash my baby face and hair then put him into bath tub and squeeze the shampoo on my palm and rub his butt, armpit, neck. Recently he got no patience to wait for me to wash his hair, make so much noise. Then i quickly put him into the tub and he kick water like madness haha.
Omg I got a cranky baby today! Drank only 40ml + 70ml since 12pm because I refused to give boob and was doing bottle training. Jin jialat.
I'm still only using plain water to bathe her. Lying on my lap by the tub, I clean her face and ears with cotton pads. Hair use washcloth. After that than I remove romper and diaper as I don't want her to get chilled. All these things 看心情one. Sometimes like sometimes don't like. But she gets the happy smile every time I put the wet washcloth on her naked chest. She knows next is dip into the pool.

Maybe I don't foam her up so the bath is generally quite quick. But I make sure all folds are rubbed clean. She especially likes the floating rubber duckies. Her eyes glued to them (bought her a pair). Even when she is out of the water, her eyes are fixated at them. Will introduce her more bath toys later.

6 mths onwards then I will introduce her soap cleanser.

Btw any baby here super dislike removing/wearing clothes? I don't get it what's so nasty about that. Every night wipe her down and change her it's like cry murder. She is ok with the wiping but just not the changing. If again 心情好,will still gnek gnek gnek. If not, cry lor. Find myself doing fastest outfit change in few seconds. And this fussiness started since newborn. I guess she was born with it.
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@snowfern - I practised your medicine feeding tips by going through the steps in my head, haha, thanks for the tutorial!
On bathing, u r super thorough, still can rinse after the bath. Haha, I don't bother, figured a little diluted pee won't hurt her. Tried your way to see if she can "stand", nope, her legs went splaying all around, machiam skiing, I quickly kiap her to stop her skating, lol!
Like u, I also don't dare soap the private bits, I will give the butt cheeks a good soaping though.
I'm still only using plain water to bathe her. Lying on my lap by the tub, I clean her face and ears with cotton pads. Hair use washcloth. After that than I remove romper and diaper as I don't want her to get chilled. All these things 看心情one. Sometimes like sometimes don't like. But she gets the happy smile every time I put the wet washcloth on her naked chest. She knows next is dip into the pool.

Maybe I don't foam her up so the bath is generally quite quick. But I make sure all folds are rubbed clean. She especially likes the floating rubber duckies. Her eyes glued to them (bought her a pair). Even when she is out of the water, her eyes are fixated at them. Will introduce her more bath toys later.

6 mths onwards then I will introduce her soap cleanser.

Btw any baby here super dislike removing/wearing clothes? I don't get it what's so nasty about that. Every night wipe her down and change her it's like cry murder. She is ok with the wiping but just not the changing. If again 心情好,will still gnek gnek gnek. If not, cry lor. Find myself doing fastest outfit change in few seconds. And this fussiness started since newborn. I guess she was born with it.
Is it because of the room temp ? Too cold? Mine dislike wiping her face ...cry whenever I do that
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@redvel - mine hates it when I remove or put on those clothing which requires it to be pulled over her face. Always struggle with a panicky face in the 2 seconds that the piece covers her eyes, if she happens to be in a bad mood, then it'll be an episode of crying leading to screaming with tears until I pick her up and hug her tightly. I think she feels insecure in the seconds she can't see anything. Could it be that for yours?
@snowfern - I practised your medicine feeding tips by going through the steps in my head, haha, thanks for the tutorial!
On bathing, u r super thorough, still can rinse after the bath. Haha, I don't bother, figured a little diluted pee won't hurt her. Tried your way to see if she can "stand", nope, her legs went splaying all around, machiam skiing, I quickly kiap her to stop her skating, lol!
Like u, I also don't dare soap the private bits, I will give the butt cheeks a good soaping though.
Haha oops I just checked it is 2.5ml side, the smaller side of the spoon..

Hehehe maybe my toilet floor is rougher XD the way u describe so cute can!
@redvel - mine hates it when I remove or put on those clothing which requires it to be pulled over her face. Always struggle with a panicky face in the 2 seconds that the piece covers her eyes, if she happens to be in a bad mood, then it'll be an episode of crying leading to screaming with tears until I pick her up and hug her tightly. I think she feels insecure in the seconds she can't see anything. Could it be that for yours?
I managed to work around this, open neck area wide wide, then faster frame her face with it by 'hooking' the front collar with her chin, back collar will be at forehead part, so she looks like the centre of a flower lol. She still doesn't like it, but at least can maintain eye contact all the way.

If the clothing is those type with collar that can slip over shoulders to pull off, I sometimes pull from feet up, especially after bath/wipe when I know the whole body is clean....
On hair dropping, I remember still dropping when bb was 9 months, can't remember when it stopped though.
@snowfern - I know what u mean about the bb's face like the center of a flower. Lol! Does yours hate the part where you put / remove arm into / from the sleeve! Mine hates that part, I dunno why. I have to sing the Alphabet Song like a xiaocharbor (with big actions) to keep her happy before and after bath time.
@snowfern - I know what u mean about the bb's face like the center of a flower. Lol! Does yours hate the part where you put / remove arm into / from the sleeve! Mine hates that part, I dunno why. I have to sing the Alphabet Song like a xiaocharbor (with big actions) to keep her happy before and after bath time.
Initially ya, but now no, cos I just stick my fingers through the sleeve (for long sleeve gather up like putting on socks) and pull her hand through or pull sleeve up fast fast she no chance to react lol but yeah, on cranky days I have to distract her by asking her questions about what to do today etc hehe

And mine is nudist, loves to be naked so taking off clothes time she damn happy lol
I know most of you have go mitten-less by now.

How about socks/booties? Only yesterday I decided to remove (only evening onwards then wear and then remove in next Morning bath). Haven't much spend time with her feet all along and now I find her feet so cute.
I still wear socks for my girl throughout the day. Think she will auto take it off a few months later when they learn to play with their feet n start putting their feet into their mouth.
@verluv I'll be away for a week to china, most probably will pump in the plane cause flight duration is about 7 hours. By the time check out and go hotel, I scared I will burst HAHA~As for the milk, yes I will want to bring them back, frozen I supposed since it's a week trip.

I'm reading up on fb on some Mummies sharing their experience on bringing milk back. What I'm more afraid of is the pumping schedule when I'm out working. My boss is also going, and I don't know whether he will feel weird if I pump during lunch. HAHA He's an uncle liao, I supposed he will be slightly more conservative.

Not sure whether supply drop works the same way as building up the supply. I mean we need time to build up our supply, then I supposed we also need time before the supply just drop right? Hopefully by the time we are back, the supply will not be that affected. ;)
But how to pump in the plane? Will you go to the toilet or you will inform the air stewardess on this? As for the milk I dun think there is freezer in the hotel I'm staying. Most hotel only has fridge without freezer.
For supply to build up it took months but for supply to drop, think it's juz within days!!
Mummies feeding enfamil , the stage 1 is from 0 to 12 , not 0 to 6?
Stage 1 is 0-12 months n stage 2 is 6 months onwards. Think they can't put 0-6 months Coz due to dunno wat organization, first 6 months must be bm.. So they can't specifically put that.
For vaccination, I haven bought my girl to even the first month vaccination. I will bring her when she is 4 months plus Coz think she will build up more immune system n won't get too sick after vaccination.
Room temp is ok (actually I always sweat after changing her). Sing all songs already. I even pray. Still, she loathes the part especially on the sleeves, getting in and out. Yes I roll the sleeves up like socks. She will wriggle even more at that part. Her fav part of the whole process is leg and feet massage. Always can spot her delighted face.

Last vaccination < 2 mths ago she reacted normal after that. Maybe slept a little more that's all. Her next one is in < 3weeks time. Hope aftermath is the same. I'm thinking if I should delay her day 1 at IFC. It falls next day after the jab. Maybe I should take a day off or two after the jab day to standby?
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On cot training. It has been good; she sleeps pretty well. Thank goodness. One thing I do is I place a baby bolster across under her legs. Since she likes to sleep in bouncer I'm just trying to simulate it a bit. So maybe the bolster cheats. Gives her that little curve posture but she is still on back flat.
Oh and ive found diaper changing and dressing much much easier now that I've clamped the other cloud mobile on to the changing table. Bought a "lazy man" mobile phone holder to do it haha! Cos I couldn't find a clamp version of the crib mobile holder.
She gets distracted and stops crying to beat at the raindrops...

As to massage, I'm really terrible at it. She's also become ticklish since week 8 or so, each time I put lotion on her body and armpits she will squirm squirm damn funny. So only manage to massage her legs, and even so she seems indifferent to it.

Morning bath went without a hitch, she did hesitate and start to fuss when i first sat her in the water, but after I wet her hair she was ok, and enjoyed "floating" in her bathtub like usual. But i can tell today is gonna be another rough one, since 7 am she refused to sleep in her cot, constantly comfort nursing....last night was ok ley, so I'm quite puzzled.
But how to pump in the plane? Will you go to the toilet or you will inform the air stewardess on this? As for the milk I dun think there is freezer in the hotel I'm staying. Most hotel only has fridge without freezer.
For supply to build up it took months but for supply to drop, think it's juz within days!!

Yup, just pump in the plane, not the toilet since it's already so small. Will inform the air stewardess about this.

If there's no freezer in the hotel, maybe can check whether there's any place to store in the freezer. I remember my colleague asking the hotel on the freezer thing and they manage to store it for her separately.

Actually when I told my MIL about my overseas trip and that I worry about my milk, she told me to stop feeding by that time :( Kinda sad, cause I really hope to bf as long as I can.
Augh it just occurred to me. Could it be because i forgot to give her the 2am dose of ridwind??! :(
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Augh it just occurred to me. Could itTbe because i forgot to give her the 2am does of ridwind??! :(

Can I ask how to know when to give the ridwind? Cause I just gave my baby the gripe water and thought it's enough. But seems like a lot of Mummies here gave Ridwind instead.

My boy has G6PD, so I don't dare to feed him too much of these "water" :(
Hi mummies. My bb edd was 2 aug so I joined the aug group. But I delivered on 23 July so he became a July baby. Just wondering is there a July babies Facebook group that I can join? Thanks!
Hi mummies. My bb edd was 2 aug so I joined the aug group. But I delivered on 23 July so he became a July baby. Just wondering is there a July babies Facebook group that I can join? Thanks!

Hello!~ Welcome to the July Mummies group! :)

There is a FB group on July babies, https://www.facebook.com/groups/Julybabies16/

Also, upcoming event on July Baby bash, but I'm not sure whether still can register a not. You may want to check it out!
Can I ask how to know when to give the ridwind? Cause I just gave my baby the gripe water and thought it's enough. But seems like a lot of Mummies here gave Ridwind instead.

My boy has G6PD, so I don't dare to feed him too much of these "water" :(
Like that I think you better check w PD first to be safe!

Is ridwind available off counter as well?

Yes better to check with pd first ya.

My pd prescribed it to my gal and I think it works. @snowfern i suspect likewise as once I missed a day or two of it and she became a tyrant. Now I continue to give her 3-4x a day.
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