2016/07 July babies

@KWL - seriously, your dishes are fantastic! I am inspired. 偶像!!! Each meal should take you about 1 hr? What do u do with LO when you're cooking? Does she sleep through dinner prep? I can probably do the army stew, the rest I seriously doubt so with LO as she's usually fussy in the evening, only seems happy and contented after she's bathed, dressed, lights turned down.
By the way, can share your recipe for the mushroom patty? N now I'm craving for nutella brownies :p
On Kok Fah, ooh, I stay around that area. You stay around that too? If I'm not wrong, there's a shuttle going to Qian Hu Fish farm and the place where there're pet shops, seafood restaurants (argh! Can't recall name of that place!) from cck interchange, kok wah is within walking distance from those places or not?

I prepare ingredients during pockets of time. It could be as siao as morning. Chop Liao then store in fridge so cooking is easier.

I will either swaddle baby for a longer sleep and faster chiong to kitchen to cook or get my mum to help me look after if she is ard.

I usually cook the food like 70-80% done. When husband is back, then I will on the stove to complete the final whip so that he gets to eat piping hot food. Haha. Vegetables - sometimes lazy so I don't bother. If there are crispy or fried stuff, then j will.

Mushroom patty super simple. Just chop your fav mushroom then season with sea salt and black pepper. I use corn flour and eggs to make them stick together as a patty before pan frying wth olive oil. I use simple seasoning to retain the natural taste of the mushroom. U can play around with sauces. Like add mayo or mustard or just mix chilli sauce with tomato sauce for something tangy.

Nutella brownie is one of the easiest and almost foolproof food that you should make. Can just YouTube "3 ingredients Nutella brownie" to learn how to make. Basically you just need flour, eggs and Nutella. That's it!

All food looks complicated but is not at all. Just need some advanced planning and u can easily whip up healthy food for each meal. We should aim to eat superfood so that We eat good, baby also drink good breast milk and become Bui Bui.

I dont stay at cck, but also in the west. Not a far drive . Distance from Qianhu to the farm is quite far. I don't think can get there by foot.

@KWL very short distance already .. I stay yishun, mil stay sembawang. Only 20mins drive. Now he very smart, the moments I carry him and enter the car, he start crying already. Hmm not recently, face this problem when he is weeks 6. I also suspect maybe car seat too cramp for him but infant car seat is this size leh.. I got another car seat booster but that's for 9months onwards. View attachment 659751 does this look like too cramp ? He don't like the safety belt to run over his leg. He very fussy on all these, don't want carrier and sling, stroller must see mood. Got one day I push him to the ntuc opposite my place. Suddenly he cry so loud.. Everyone is looking at me.. I got no choice but to carry him up. One hand push stroller one hand carry him.. Now I a bit scare to push him out.

I was discussing this with my mum. We were thinking that it could be that I am using doona. So my baby is already strapped on to the pram-car seat instead of being carried and placed into the car seat. Now whenever baby is strapped to the integrated stroller/car seat, baby knows it is Kai Kai time and will smile.

You started at week 6 which is not too late. I started bringing my baby out at week 4/5. So is around same period.

It doesn't look cramped because mine is worse. Hahaha. My baby is almost 1kg over the recommended weight for doona infant insert but j am still using it because little one's head is still not stable.

Where do u sit in the car? Maybe initially u should sit beside baby but refrain from touching baby everytime he fusses. It allows u to observe what is irritating the baby. Use music or voice to soothe him instead. Even if my little one is hungry while on the road, we also won't feed. The rationale is to train the little one to be independent and learn that there is no help or comfort even if there is crying. I suspect your little one feels that he is being dumped alone. No confidence to travel alone.

I see it as the same concept as training baby to sleep in the cot. Read somewhere before that baby should not develop negative feelings that the cot is an undesirable place to banish to every night. But also cannot stuff too much toys there until cot becomes a play pen.

I understand that U are afraid that excessive crying is bad for baby. But maybe u want to try again by asking ur hubby to drive ard in the Neighbourhood and u sit beside the baby to train "voice activated calming method". Try your best not to touch or comfort the baby by carrying. Otherwise bad habits will just form.

I have been driving the little one out alone since wk 5. Everytime, little one will cry one. The initial 5 mins is usually okay. Then storm come Liao. Usually last for 10-15mins. So I need to talk rubbish or sing nursery rhyme to soothe the baby. Just want to share that it is perfectly normal for them to fuss and cry. Over time i have learnt that my little one loves continuous drive and hates jam. I also know my baby's pattern now Liao - i.e. 1. Must feed first before traveling if not risk routing back and be late for appointment. 2. Will always cry initially but will soon doze off with the continuous drive. 3. Will confirm wake up when reverse gear is engaged.

Also, I read from baby center that babies at this stage are intrigued by their own reflection. Maybe installing a large rear mirror can help. I have one installed to reflect my baby so that I can check if everything is okay from driver's seat. And recently I noticed that the little one is staring at own reflection and somehow also using that to 'look at me'. Can self entertain quite long until doze off.

Just keep trying and I believe u can overcome this soon. I think u have to overcome it no matter how because baby has to be strapped to car seat for safety reasons. It is Also an offence not to use car seat ah!
@emk I've bought an in-car entertainment for my lo 2 weeks ago. Cheap la only $20 from preloved Carousell. It's the Brica brand. My baby fusses the moment she is strapped on the car seat. But once there's movement, she enjoys in it and will most of the time sleep through the ride. I recently got this Brica and now she doesn't wanna sleep but keeps staring it in amusement when I turn it on. So when I want her to sleep I won't turn on lor. It comes with remote control that you control from driver seat. Also it's also a mirror for driver to peep at her.

Just thought maybe u may like to consider one something like that to keep him entertained. My car seat for her actually looks more cramped/cocooned than yours.
*scribbles notes for future reference* very nice tips on driving/passenger with bb!

Bubbles today started grabbing and scratching her fontanel area while feeding, turns out she has cradle cap :0 it used to be only on her ears and a little on her eyebrows, that went away quickly. Read also that it tends to appear more in babies with family history of eczema/asthma. Poor girl, both parents have it T.T
@KWL Yea I sit next to my baby and my hub drive, I did talk and bring some toys to distract his attention but he just keep crying and screaming. My hub feel frustrated and can't concentrate on driving. So I'm become the sandwich.. One side crying for me, one side frustrated haha then he ask me to carry him out. Tml going polyclinic for vaccine, will try to put my baby on car seat again.

@redvel wow look interesting leh, your baby remind me of my nephew when I first time drive him out when he was 3 months plus and its he first car ride too. He immediately fall sleep when the car move, I drive him all the way to orchard he just sleep through out the journey, now he is 3 yrs old. Whenever he see me he will said ' car' haha when I bring him to my car, he can't wait to go in..I open the car door and he will climb up to the car seat and wait for me to fasten the seat belt for him. Sigh how I wish my baby can be the same as him, love car ride!!!
@KWL you really good leh can do cooking and do housework Haha cannot let my hub know about it. He said I'm very low efficiency at home, never cook never do housework. Haha I only prepare my own lunch when I feel like cooking, otherwise I just walk to the coffee shop tabao if my baby is awake around 11am, if not I will order from food panda or mcd :p as for dinner I order tingkat. House chord done by my part time helper. I only wash baby clothes using washing machine.
@KWL you really good leh can do cooking and do housework Haha cannot let my hub know about it. He said I'm very low efficiency at home, never cook never do housework. Haha I only prepare my own lunch when I feel like cooking, otherwise I just walk to the coffee shop tabao if my baby is awake around 11am, if not I will order from food panda or mcd :p as for dinner I order tingkat. House chord done by my part time helper. I only wash baby clothes using washing machine.
I m 劳碌命。I just cannot sit still and laze around. I need to do things continuously. though tiring, I derive utmost satisfaction when I can get the tasks I set out for the day done. It is also like a mini rehearsal to the level of tiredness when I return to work. Trying to build momentum and getting used to a hectic lifestyle
@KWL Yea I sit next to my baby and my hub drive, I did talk and bring some toys to distract his attention but he just keep crying and screaming. My hub feel frustrated and can't concentrate on driving. So I'm become the sandwich.. One side crying for me, one side frustrated haha then he ask me to carry him out. Tml going polyclinic for vaccine, will try to put my baby on car seat again.

@redvel wow look interesting leh, your baby remind me of my nephew when I first time drive him out when he was 3 months plus and its he first car ride too. He immediately fall sleep when the car move, I drive him all the way to orchard he just sleep through out the journey, now he is 3 yrs old. Whenever he see me he will said ' car' haha when I bring him to my car, he can't wait to go in..I open the car door and he will climb up to the car seat and wait for me to fasten the seat belt for him. Sigh how I wish my baby can be the same as him, love car ride!!!

I think the issue is probably you give too much attention to your kid leh. Like dangling toys and giving in to carrying him out almost immediately when the little one cries.

There was once my baby was crying badly cos hungry. So I had to route back to the carpark at home to bottlefeed. Even bottle feeding, I also never carry the baby out to train the baby that "sorry u have to remain there until you reach the destination".

My husband and I remain cool even if baby cries. We just focus on road and use mouth to soothe. When frustrated, I think it will affect your tone talking to baby which will add on to more discomfort. U try to tell your husband not to lose his cool and you also try to act calm when baby starts to fuss.

If not you can also try redvel' method to make car rides fun for your little one! Wishing you success and do update us if there is any progress for your mini outing later
All this talk of mummies returning to work is getting me quite pumped up to return to my own plans. Although I am technically a SAHM and the last time I held a job was in 2007, I did have a hobby that paid for itself. All the plans I made got tossed in the air after a series of events. Funeral, illness in the family, pregnancy, csec....I told myself not to get disappointed, and decide what to do only after the 4th trimester.

And that time is now!!! Exciting times. BUBBLES HAVE YOU READ THE MEMO???

XD I'm delirious with the almost 5 hrs straight sleep she got last night! There's also a mini babywearing meet at national gallery ..trying to figure out how to get there without exhausting myself lol
How do you remove cradle cap or just leave it? I didn't know my LO's brow area was cradle cap till someone mentioned here. It went off by itself. I notice her hair near hairline has it too but very little. Leave it as well?

She has been waking up at least 3x in the night for few nights already. Me and hubby so zombied now. Sometimes wanna be held sometimes want comfort suckle sometimes want milk. I wonder what we should do and hoping it's a phase (right?). Night feed doesn't help to make her sleep thru anymore. Day time she does nap. But regardless little or loads of naps, the night pattern is the same. She seems to sleep better in the day when in bouncer. But night time I want her to sleep flat and I suspect she ain't taking the flat mattress to too much fancy.

Any tips to this zombie here?
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@KWL I manage to put my baby on car seat this morning because he is in sleepy mood. On the usual day he will only wake up at 10am, today the appt at 8:20am, so no choice got to wake him up at 7am to feed n bath. Put him on the car seat he eh eh then I ignore. When the car make every turning he also eh eh .. Cry engine wanna start but not energy to start.. And finally we stop at traffic light..cry engine start .. I talk and sing like a crazy women but he still cry until the car start moving again. Can the bright sun affect his mood on car ride ? Because my car come with big sun roof, from driver seat to the back seat. during day time we will get sun tanned in the car.
I wonder can this car seat last until he turn 9month?
Wow today siong.. Two injection 1 oral , he cry so badly and fall sleep, so we have a better car ride back home. Haha height,weight and head all in 75 percentile. Weight 6.7kg, height 62.7cm
I have been going through the same. As if bed made of nails. Babywearing in the day, and avoiding naps near bed time seems to be working, as well as cues like storytelling and warm water cleanse....

As to cradle cap, baby oil/lotion apply for 5-10 mins, then gently wipe or wash away with shampoo/soap. I don't wash more than once a day, can dry out the skin causing more issues.
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@redvel maybe u have to train her to sleep on baby cot during day time. My baby used to wake up for night feeding 2am, 4am. After I stop him from taking afternoon nap on his favorite swing chair and let him sleep on his cot only and I also scratch his morning sleeping hour then he start to STTN. Used to bath him at 8am plus, now I don't.. If he wake up at 8am, I will feed him milk and coax him to sleep again till 10 or 11am ..he will wake up to bath and play till 1230 then sleep again till 2pm.. After that he will take short nap, 30-45mins. After 5pm he usually refuse to take any nap till 7pm -8pm then he will ask for more milk to fill up his stomach then STTN.
@KWL I manage to put my baby on car seat this morning because he is in sleepy mood. On the usual day he will only wake up at 10am, today the appt at 8:20am, so no choice got to wake him up at 7am to feed n bath. Put him on the car seat he eh eh then I ignore. When the car make every turning he also eh eh .. Cry engine wanna start but not energy to start.. And finally we stop at traffic light..cry engine start .. I talk and sing like a crazy women but he still cry until the car start moving again. Can the bright sun affect his mood on car ride ? Because my car come with big sun roof, from driver seat to the back seat. during day time we will get sun tanned in the car.
View attachment 659794 I wonder can this car seat last until he turn 9month?
Wow today siong.. Two injection 1 oral , he cry so badly and fall sleep, so we have a better car ride back home. Haha height,weight and head all in 75 percentile. Weight 6.7kg, height 62.7cm

It is very encouraging to hear. parents are also learning to be more confident handling little one in the car. A few more tries and I think u can overcome the problem.

Judging from what u described, it seems like continuous slow drive is the trick to rocking baby to sleep and ease fussiness. In my case, my baby likes to be fed before taking car ride. In your case, your baby enjoys car ride better in sleepy drowsy mode. Hahaha. Ok lah! A great start and you will discover his pattern slowly. Just remember to resist the tendency to pick up baby. Do anything u can think of but don't carry!!!

Try not to bottle feed baby in the car unless absolutely necessary. Likewise, don't want to create the habit that there is comfort, food and every wants can be attended to with crying and being fussy.

Even if u need to bottle feed, just feed while baby is in pram. If not u will have to face the ntuc episode again. When I am outside, I have never carried the baby out from pram. Believe it or not, u just need to move the pram and continue walking non stop. It usually works to calm the baby. So it will be like one mad woman walking ard ntuc with a pram lol. Good thing is -u No need to talk this time like in the car!

Glaring sun might 'wake' babies. Mine is ultra sensitive to sunlight. But I also never use any shade to block out. At most just pull down the canopy of the pram to block.

These are just my thoughts and experience. Don't even know got any scientific evidence Anot. Hope it works for u too!
Just left the Meet up, learnt that there's a difference between wonder week and growth spurt, no wonder it feels like I barely had 2 sunny days!!! Left after an hr, bubbles looked flustered and about to fuss (she didn't and fell asleep as soon as I left that crowded and noisy kids' area), and I was a little overwhelmed and as always, socially awkward.

Online interactions have spoilt me.
Can teach me what is wonder week? How is it different from growth spurt?

Hey then must go more social outing. Later baby also follow mummy how!!!
@redvel maybe u have to train her to sleep on baby cot during day time. My baby used to wake up for night feeding 2am, 4am. After I stop him from taking afternoon nap on his favorite swing chair and let him sleep on his cot only and I also scratch his morning sleeping hour then he start to STTN. Used to bath him at 8am plus, now I don't.. If he wake up at 8am, I will feed him milk and coax him to sleep again till 10 or 11am ..he will wake up to bath and play till 1230 then sleep again till 2pm.. After that he will take short nap, 30-45mins. After 5pm he usually refuse to take any nap till 7pm -8pm then he will ask for more milk to fill up his stomach then STTN.
Thanks for sharing.

On sleeping baby crying the moment we put them down, how to train? Aiyo mine cries until cow come home, unless super tired. Let them cry and cry it out or what?and since she is starting IFC, she ain't gonna get that privilege of being attended quickly anymore.
Can teach me what is wonder week? How is it different from growth spurt?

Hey then must go more social outing. Later baby also follow mummy how!!!
I also dunno! There's a book and app that details what wonder weeks are. The mummy I chatted with said wonder week is when bb dunwan to drink, dun wan sleep, just keep wanting to learn and see new things, but super cranky. Growth spurt is, drink a lot, non-stop, but got developmental leaps. In my case it feels like a non-stop blur of both with sporadic days of sunshine scattered in.

Ya, if not for her, I prob would remain the recluse that I am/was(?). I get tired v easily when outside, you could say classic introvert luh.
I'm using this app from Apple The Wonder Weeks. Show the growth spurts and leaps in Mental Develpment. It's quite an interesting read. And that's when I know why my boy was so cranky last week. I thought it was because he know I'm going back to work *LOL!*

It's finally FRIDAY! Time to do housework and play with baby!~
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Thanks for sharing.

On sleeping baby crying the moment we put them down, how to train? Aiyo mine cries until cow come home, unless super tired. Let them cry and cry it out or what?and since she is starting IFC, she ain't gonna get that privilege of being attended quickly anymore.
I am of the school of thought that babies cry in order to communicate. First 3 mths, usually is around the same few things - hungry, pain, poop, pee, burp, uncomfortable. Always rotate till I find out what is the cause.

As to sleep, I also believe everyone has their unique comfort zone for sleep. For bubbles, we found out she hates having her arms trapped. No matter how we swaddle, as long as her arms are out, she ok. She also used to hate having her booties on. Kick and kick and kick, I thought it was a tummy issue, but once I stopped putting them on she slept a lot faster. But these preferences changed over time, now she ok with socks, so maybe it was just that initial pair that may have been too tight, causing an association? Ditto for pillows, for first 2 weeks, slept with indented pillow. Then kept crying. The moment removed, fell dead asleep, since then no pillow to sleep.

Have to slowly eliminate lor. Too cold, too hot, diapers too tight (must have 2 finger allowance)....oh and I was reading, for 4th trimester, they some times need help to sleep as they haven't learnt how to self-soothe. Bubbles usually will grumble if I put her down before she enters deeper sleep stage, so sometimes it takes additional 2 or 3 times picking her up and pat pat over the shoulder a few mins to help her along. When she was younger, pat pat on the chest can liow. Dunno. Everyday like chut new pattern. But she seldom cries beyond 2 mins while I try to figure out what was bothering her.

I teach my husband how to tell if she's ready to put to bed if he's coaxing her to sleep. If her hands are loose and lembek, like wrestling k.o. arm drop, then can put in cot liow. So he will pat pat burp her to sleep after I feed until her fingers stop curling reflexively around his finger as an indicator, then place her in crib.

The dunstan language thing I posted previously helped my hubby figure her out also. It soon will not be applicable, but maybe u can try....
Thanks for sharing.

On sleeping baby crying the moment we put them down, how to train? Aiyo mine cries until cow come home, unless super tired. Let them cry and cry it out or what?and since she is starting IFC, she ain't gonna get that privilege of being attended quickly anymore.
At first my baby also like that, so what I did is after feeding I put him on my chest and pat on his back for very loooong .. 20-30 mins until he is in sleepy mode. I test test by touch his hand if got resistant mean not sleepy, if no mean he sleep already then I will put him on the baby cot and he no energy start crying, only eh eh then will fall sleep by himself. I will hide one corner to observe, if scream engine start then I faster carry up and pat again. Keep on repeat and train till he use to sleep on his baby cot. Not easy during the transition period.
At first my baby also like that, so what I did is after feeding I put him on my chest and pat on his back for very loooong .. 20-30 mins until he is in sleepy mode. I test test by touch his hand if got resistant mean not sleepy, if no mean he sleep already then I will put him on the baby cot and he no energy start crying, only eh eh then will fall sleep by himself. I will hide one corner to observe, if scream engine start then I faster carry up and pat again. Keep on repeat and train till he use to sleep on his baby cot. Not easy during the transition period.
Lol @ "scream engine start" it is a perfect description!!! XD

I also learnt from other mamas that if bb arms are in surrender pose then is considered deep sleep XD
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Someone just posted this in the bf FB group. For your consideration.


I don't let bubbles CIO, but i don't pick her up immediately either, like @emk I see what sort of crying, if eh eh eh, she sometimes just drifts back to sleep...when her scream engine starts revving I will reassure her I am there first, before reaching her crib. Some times she will tone down and wait for me to pick up just from hearing my voice...then complain when I pick her up, instead of full blown wailing. But rare la.
cot training is very tough. I second that cos my little one used to only sleep in our arms and on my bed. Choose an auspicious day then U just have to repeat and repeatedly put baby into the cot for the whole day. Confirm baby sure give in one. Cry engine sure run out of oil eventually. Repeat for a few more days.

Now my baby can sleep in cot. But gets startled when there are loud noise downstairs or when my dogs suddenly bark. During the day, My little one can only sleep at most 45mins in the cot. Night time can sleep from 8.45pm-7am, with 2-3 feeds in between. At least no cot rejection.

And now after two weeks of cot training, I noticed that baby will tend to be fussy ard 8+ nowadays. I delude myself that baby wants to retire for the day. With lights dim, direct latching with occasional pat pat on backside starts. Once drunken mode, I will wipe mouth and place back in cot and swaddle up. Sometimes the swaddling wakes the baby up. So I need to carry out and repeat latching and pat pat until drunken mode before trying again. On bad days, have to do this like 5 times before baby totally concuss. Once baby is knocked out, it is ME time!!!

Can go eat dinner, pump and watch tv and reply to forum! Hahaha. Cannot ME time too long also because it is eating into your own rest time before next feed.
@KWL Yea I sit next to my baby and my hub drive, I did talk and bring some toys to distract his attention but he just keep crying and screaming. My hub feel frustrated and can't concentrate on driving. So I'm become the sandwich.. One side crying for me, one side frustrated haha then he ask me to carry him out. Tml going polyclinic for vaccine, will try to put my baby on car seat again.

@redvel wow look interesting leh, your baby remind me of my nephew when I first time drive him out when he was 3 months plus and its he first car ride too. He immediately fall sleep when the car move, I drive him all the way to orchard he just sleep through out the journey, now he is 3 yrs old. Whenever he see me he will said ' car' haha when I bring him to my car, he can't wait to go in..I open the car door and he will climb up to the car seat and wait for me to fasten the seat belt for him. Sigh how I wish my baby can be the same as him, love car ride!!!
I put my baby on car seat we go out every sat &a sun. At first cry until like tear down hse. Now everytime I bring him out, I will say to him. We going take car go gai gai. Before go to the car I will say we going take car u good boy. Tell him mummy put safety belt no more bao bao very dangerous. Then car start moving. Maybe the montion like rocking make him sleep thru the trip
I suspect my LO is going thru growth spurt. today she is drinking mostly every 2 hrs. Usually 3-4hrs. One of the feeds we topped up 60ml more which never happened before. Also Today super clingy. I even slept with her in my arms for over an hour after a latch. We have thought earlier of doing cot training tonight. But doesn't seem auspicious. Let her settle down after the spurt, if it's so.
I put my baby on car seat we go out every sat &a sun. At first cry until like tear down hse. Now everytime I bring him out, I will say to him. We going take car go gai gai. Before go to the car I will say we going take car u good boy. Tell him mummy put safety belt no more bao bao very dangerous. Then car start moving. Maybe the montion like rocking make him sleep thru the trip
My baby doesn't like the rocking motion, it will make him scare. He is a very timid boy, a little bit of sound or rocking will make him scare. Just like this morning after two vaccine on right and left thigh, he cried so loud and fall sleep so I manage to put him on car seat, when the car drive over uneven road or go over the hump, both of his hand will raise high up on the air but eyes still close.
My baby doesn't like the rocking motion, it will make him scare. He is a very timid boy, a little bit of sound or rocking will make him scare. Just like this morning after two vaccine on right and left thigh, he cried so loud and fall sleep so I manage to put him on car seat, when the car drive over uneven road or go over the hump, both of his hand will raise high up on the air but eyes still close.
Mine no reaction once fall asleep. I bend, brake, u-turn, go over hump. All no reaction. Every baby is diff b
@KWL Yea I sit next to my baby and my hub drive, I did talk and bring some toys to distract his attention but he just keep crying and screaming. My hub feel frustrated and can't concentrate on driving. So I'm become the sandwich.. One side crying for me, one side frustrated haha then he ask me to carry him out.

Do not carry baby out of car seat, for safety reasons. Initially my HB also buay tahan no1's cries but I explained Abt the safety he tried to tahan abit more. If the crying time gets too long I might offer distraction. For my own sanity bcos it can be quite loud and unnerving in the back seat. Just keep trying and eventually bb will know cry also no use still need to sit and buckle.

And that time is now!!! Exciting times. BUBBLES HAVE YOU READ THE MEMO???

I chuckled at this! Jiayou @snowfern on your next step!

How do you remove cradle cap or just leave it? I didn't know my LO's brow area was cradle cap till someone mentioned here. It went off by itself. I notice her hair near hairline has it too but very little. Leave it as well?

She has been waking up at least 3x in the night for few nights already. Me and hubby so zombied now. Sometimes wanna be held sometimes want comfort suckle sometimes want milk. I wonder what we should do and hoping it's a phase (right?). Night feed doesn't help to make her sleep thru anymore. Day time she does nap. But regardless little or loads of naps, the night pattern is the same. She seems to sleep better in the day when in bouncer. But night time I want her to sleep flat and I suspect she ain't taking the flat mattress to too much fancy.

Any tips to this zombie here?

Observe if it goes away like those at the eyes area. For my boys both have cradle cap and I use Dentinox Cradle cap shampoo, cleared in a few weeks.

Regarding nite sleep, no2 had this phase of waking up 2hrly or sometimes even 1.5hr gap for a few nights consecutively. Wanted to die and tried to latch while lying down. I tried to increase his day feeds by bottle feeding. He latches only 10mins so suspect milk intake barely 60mls per feed. I give 80-100ml when bottle feeding. Initially struggle to finish but now seems better.

His night stretch is 3.5-4.5hr now. So I wake once Ard 1-2am after 9pm feed, and next Ard 5-6am... I feel like a human now.

Thanks for sharing.

On sleeping baby crying the moment we put them down, how to train? Aiyo mine cries until cow come home, unless super tired. Let them cry and cry it out or what?and since she is starting IFC, she ain't gonna get that privilege of being attended quickly anymore.

I practise CIO and Fading for sleep training. Sleep training can only happen if baby's basic needs are met, no hungry, no wet or dirty diapers, not too hot/cold, comfort...

If supply has issues, top up to ensure full feed, burp, keep baby in inclined position. For 3mo baby, wake time can be up to 1hr. So baby latch 10mins, burp + incline, I let baby self entertain or sometimes tummy time for 30mins. Ard 1hr Mark, try to coax go sleep.

Initial phase, coax to sleep regardless what method. Carry, sling, rock, pat etc. Place baby in cot when asleep. This is to let baby establish feed-wake-sleep cycle.

Next phase: Continue feed-wake-sleep. Place baby in cot when drowsy but not asleep. Baby learns to fall asleep by himself. Not always successful, cue crying fest... Carry, put down, carry, put down repeat x times until baby tired and finally sleep.

Fading phase: place baby in cot after wake time, leave baby to cry. Enters after 3mins, comfort baby and pat him but do not pick up. Exit and leave baby to cry 5-7mins, enters to comfort and pat. Exit and leave baby to cry for 10mins.

There is no fixed duration to exit, just start with what U r comfortable with, even 1min is good, then next entrance lengthen the duration. Baby will learn that u r not picking him up. And will learn to doze off by himself.

Takes a few weeks to accomplish. As ur baby is going IFC, they would probably help to set some routine and habits in place like being unable to attend immediately = cry it out... So that can save u the trouble of training ba?
How to compare! I more Pei fu u for the courage to have 3!

I have passion for cooking so I don't find it a chore. I enjoy making good food for loved ones. Night time, I usually eat 'clean' by avoiding meat stuff. Plus husband had a hard day at work. So whenever possible, I will just prepare simple healthy meals to give him the 家 feeling. Haha!

About a year ago, my husband and I accidentally discovered a vegetable farm at cck area. So we will go there to stock up on loads of super fresh vege for the coming week. They are seriously fresh and any fresher you have to grow them on your own (like some fruit juice commercial). Most of the vege are grown using hydro technology, which means u just rinse rinse a bit can Liao. Almost no soil and is very clean.

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So what do I cook? Usually rice with dishes. If I don't have the time, it will be fried rice. Fried rice can be egg fried rice, sambal fried rice, cedar shoot fried rice (香椿炒饭).

Simple Egg fried rice
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If I feel like eating more western, I will roast vegetables. I must recommend roasting broccoli. It is super simple and u guys can just check out YouTube for recipes. I just roasted potatoes and broccoli two days ago. The whole idea is to get the vege a little chao ta to release the caramelised fragrance. It is so delicious that my husband who doesn't eat broccoli love it so much. The same cooking method can be applied to Brussel sprouts. They go well with mushroom burger. Patty made from fresh assorted mushroom. Goes well with egg mayo or potato salad.
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Potato salad topped with fake bacon bits (similar taste to sushi tei version)
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Besides bibimbap, another easy to make dish is army stew. Super nice to eat on rainy weather. Or u can switch on aircon and crowd around the pot with your family members. Remember to slurp while eating!

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Yesterday's new dish - sambal petai with egg.

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If I am in the mood, I will prepare dessert. So far I haven't done any post-pregnancy. Preparing a meal is already quite a challenge Liao.

Nutella brownie
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Mango sticky rice
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I simply love experimenting new recipe and derive loads of satisfaction when I see family members gobble my food and even asked for more!
Omg! Am I looking at restaurant menu??? This is so so tempting. How I wish to be your neighbour and buy all your little meals from you!
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I think I jinx myself. I have been waking up every 2h after the first night stretch (usually 5h -> now also reduced to 4h). Pls tell me it is a development phase or growth spurt.

Otherwise it will be my weight loss spurt!
I think I jinx myself. I have been waking up every 2h after the first night stretch (usually 5h -> now also reduced to 4h). Pls tell me it is a development phase or growth spurt.

Otherwise it will be my weight loss spurt!
There's a dreaded 3rd mth growth spurt, I'm not looking forward to it, feel spoilt by the last 3 nights of decent 3-4 hr stretches of sleep for me...
I am waiting for my longer stretch of sleep ...still waking up every 2-3hrs to feed. I m really dozing off at work
Any babies here got firm neck Liao? Can flip Liao?

I must admit that I don't practise tummy time. I have only done it less than 5 times and less than 5 mins each time because I feel that the neck area is so fragile. I dare not anyhow! I also feel that it is quite a torture because it is a skill that will come naturally over time.
I am waiting for my longer stretch of sleep ...still waking up every 2-3hrs to feed. I m really dozing off at work

I will feel the same when I go back to work next month. Still need to fetch baby to and fro to mum's place. Come back need to bathe and coax baby to sleep. I wonder how I can survive.

And somehow my workload is also rather heavy. I used to need to bring home and continue to work. I might have to speak to my boss about it. But perhaps it might not be as bad because it is the holiday season. Hohoho!
Any babies here got firm neck Liao? Can flip Liao?

I must admit that I don't practise tummy time. I have only done it less than 5 times and less than 5 mins each time because I feel that the neck area is so fragile. I dare not anyhow! I also feel that it is quite a torture because it is a skill that will come naturally over time.
I try to give her tummy time at least once a day, she loathesssssss it :( but! I also do subtle one, mummy tummy time. Just recline in my nursing chair or on bed, after or before latch, chit chat with her as she grumbles while doing push ups. I also latch her in same position due to my strong letdown, quite funny to see her head bob for the nipple XD

Her neck is definitely much more stable now, I can almost carry her like carrying 6 mth old (but jaga cos anytime she can lose strength or concentration and head flop). Probably due to all the babywearing jaunts we have been having, she likes to turn her head here and there, so much world to see!
Oh, but ever since that one scare where she flipped on her side at week 7, she's only ever repeated it maybe a handful of times, never fully flip over. I'm not encouraging it cos that means more headache for me :X I believe these milestones they will achieve in their own time, I only worry about floppy neck/flat head at the moment cos if there are issues, it would be harder to remedy later on.
I try to give her tummy time at least once a day, she loathesssssss it :( but! I also do subtle one, mummy tummy time. Just recline in my nursing chair or on bed, after or before latch, chit chat with her as she grumbles while doing push ups. I also latch her in same position due to my strong letdown, quite funny to see her head bob for the nipple XD

Her neck is definitely much more stable now, I can almost carry her like carrying 6 mth old (but jaga cos anytime she can lose strength or concentration and head flop). Probably due to all the babywearing jaunts we have been having, she likes to turn her head here and there, so much world to see!

I just placed baby on my tummy with head resting on my boobs. And the head lifted! Very cute to see the little face appearing in between the boobs. And it was strange how that was done because my body is not broad enough for the hands to propel the body. Hubby said it could be done using tummy muscles - like a worm. Really tummy time!
Once she did flip but that's all about it. But her neck is quite stable now. Don't need to hold liao. People do comment her neck is stable. But tummy time I also don't do often. Likewise, it's one of her least fav moments.

I'm not in hurry for her to cross milestone too quickly. She has a long way to go.
I just placed baby on my tummy with head resting on my boobs. And the head lifted! Very cute to see the little face appearing in between the boobs. And it was strange how that was done because my body is not broad enough for the hands to propel the body. Hubby said it could be done using tummy muscles - like a worm. Really tummy time!
Beware of headbutts!! XD
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Something new these days is she is holding milk bottle. Not good grip of course but her palms are open to exploring the bottle during feeding.
Any baby sucking thumb?

My gal sucks her thumb for Awhile when she wants to sleep....not sure if this is just a phase or I shld help her kick off this before it becomes a habit
Something new these days is she is holding milk bottle. Not good grip of course but her palms are open to exploring the bottle during feeding.
Mine too! Sometimes then hand will come and 打架 with your hand. Block your way
I think sucking is phase mostly. Mine discovered her hands a couple of weeks ago and she sucked then frantically. When sleepy, hungry. But she has stopped this habit by herself just days ago. Maybe now just for a few seconds sometimes but I can see she ain't that interested anymore. I kinda miss her making those zoot zoot sound.

When at pil place they always discourage her to suck her own hands. But I find it's a self exploration and soothing tool so I personally won't stop her. And because I think it's really just a phase.
Any baby sucking thumb?

My gal sucks her thumb for Awhile when she wants to sleep....not sure if this is just a phase or I shld help her kick off this before it becomes a habit
Mine suck whole fist when hungry. Sleepy is scratch face, pull ears, dig eyes. Hahahaha.

I assume you never give pacifier? My mum said is a phase and it will be harder to kick the habit of sucking pacifier. And whether thumb or pacifier, sure can kick eventually. We don't suck our thumb or pacifier anymore now, right?
Each baby has their own self-soothing preference, my brothers each took to sniffing and sucking pillow corners. My cousin sucked her thumb till a scar/callous is still visible on her right thumb. And she's only 2 mths younger than I. I think if bubbles took to thumb or paci, I would try to wean her off it , or help her find an alternate soothing method, cos these 2 may interfere with her speech development.
Oh ya anyone know how long it take to get a new passport ?

Very fast, I submit my boy application on Monday and receive the red card on Friday.

For e-appointment, you can only book 2 days later. As I'm starting work this week, so we went down last Friday without appointment and waited for almost 2 hours for his passport. Lucky he was sleeping throughout (Tula-ed him) :)

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Heh heh bubbles chut new pattern, other than using one hand to play with the other - think evil conniving hand wringing movement - her laughter has become a cackle as of this morning.

Right before she threw up all over us two. Followed by a few coy grins.

I'm raising a gremlin.
