2016/07 July babies

Heh heh bubbles chut new pattern, other than using one hand to play with the other - think evil conniving hand wringing movement - her laughter has become a cackle as of this morning.

Right before she threw up all over us two. Followed by a few coy grins.

I'm raising a gremlin.
Mine also got new pattern that mummy almost fainted. I went out from 2pm. Baby was sleeping all the time till 5.30pm. So obviously didn't remove baby from the pram. The moment I carried baby out, it was seriously OH MY GOD!

My right hand right smack onto shit. The dogs saw the commotion and ran towards us st the sofa and started licking baby'/ backside. Husband squealed cos the whole car pram got shit.

Had to set up warm bath and tackle the shit that was on my palm, and upper thigh. After washing the baby up, passed baby to husband for bottle feeding and I went to wash up the pram. Wah! Not as though I am not tired enough, still give me this kind of challenge!

Mine also got new pattern that mummy almost fainted. I went out from 2pm. Baby was sleeping all the time till 5.30pm. So obviously didn't remove baby from the pram. The moment I carried baby out, it was seriously OH MY GOD!

My right hand right smack onto shit. The dogs saw the commotion and ran towards us st the sofa and started licking baby'/ backside. Husband squealed cos the whole car pram got shit.

Had to set up warm bath and tackle the shit that was on my palm, and upper thigh. After washing the baby up, passed baby to husband for bottle feeding and I went to wash up the pram. Wah! Not as though I am not tired enough, still give me this kind of challenge!
Huhuhu poonamiiiiii~~~~ some more ur bb can sleep through it!
Mine also got new pattern that mummy almost fainted. I went out from 2pm. Baby was sleeping all the time till 5.30pm. So obviously didn't remove baby from the pram. The moment I carried baby out, it was seriously OH MY GOD!

My right hand right smack onto shit. The dogs saw the commotion and ran towards us st the sofa and started licking baby'/ backside. Husband squealed cos the whole car pram got shit.

Had to set up warm bath and tackle the shit that was on my palm, and upper thigh. After washing the baby up, passed baby to husband for bottle feeding and I went to wash up the pram. Wah! Not as though I am not tired enough, still give me this kind of challenge!
KWL - you werent kidding when you said yours, once aslp, will not react to brakes, u-turn, etc, shit also no effect on her. Power!
Heh heh bubbles chut new pattern, other than using one hand to play with the other - think evil conniving hand wringing movement - her laughter has become a cackle as of this morning.

Right before she threw up all over us two. Followed by a few coy grins.

I'm raising a gremlin.
Snowfern - your mini-me so cheeky!
Mine has been yelping with high-pitched squeals when excited.
KWL - you werent kidding when you said yours, once aslp, will not react to brakes, u-turn, etc, shit also no effect on her. Power!

Yes I am also scratching my head. Apparently mine can still play and sleep in dirty diapers.

There was once I saw shit on the diapers and some overflowed to my bed, but I didn't wake the baby up. I waited for the little one to wake up naturally. I was also thinking how come mine can sleep thru one!

My baby has a tendency not to poop everyday. Sometimes alternate days, sometimes 3 days, longest was 5-6 days. Seriously, I know the chao Kuan already. The longer no poop, the more volume and times the poo will come out once the poo plug comes off. So when the poo day comes, I will let the baby rest in that position for a good 10-15min for all the shit to come out.

Best of all, my baby will give me signals whether all done already Anot. Firstly, the poonami sessions tend to happen during feeds. U feed halfway then suddenly baby stare blank and u heard first splatter. Then if it is not the finale, baby will continue to give out "Gek Sai" sound. Once done, will cry and Chuk whole fist.

I also remembered once my mum was carrying halfway then poonami wave 1 came. I told my mum to continue holding because I need to prepare the cleaning apparatus. While preparing, waves 2, 3, 4 came. My mum was giggling non-stop. When she stood from sofa, she could feel the weight of the diapers and her hand also dio the overflowing Sai. If u can imagine, she was holding baby close to her initially and as she walked to the bathroom, the baby was held further and further away. Cos she'/ afraid that the shit will touch her clothes. This is how bad it can be.

And I think abt a month back, I have shared before that my baby let go of a shooting stream of shit that hit my pants. Gosh. Hahahaha.
Poonami stories are hilarious! I often have to do the dangling baby dance to the loo too, my biggest fear is leakage while wrapped, and that's already happened once. And she also likes to poo during feeds...same as KWL jr, I will hold out for 10-15 mins before changing, but she does fuss quite a bit just after pee or poo, we went through so many diapers cos she just hates lying in her waste. Even fake changing doesn't seem to work lor! Now that she's in cloth diapers during the day, lagi fussy, even before peeing will give me warning cry....it's so bad, she wouldn't even pee for the duration of our trips in the wrap...can be up to 3 hrs lor!

Only lately after I addressed the excessive foremilk issue does she poop every other day. And of course, volume increased as well. So now, when I feed her and I think she's gonna poo, I will make sure she is not sitting right on the pressure point to avoid leaky explosions XD
@KWL - if mine, who poos everyday, can still scare me with the explosive waves, I can't imagine what the force for 5 days worth of poo is like!
Yest I had a poonami episode. She was in her rocker, a nice peaceful morning. Heard the familiar splutter as I was washing dishes. 2 mins later, she started her sing-song complaining signalling she's done. Went to get her and saw the front of top had spots of shit, belly button full of shit, yanked her out of rocker, whole back covered in shit.
Scrub baby paying special attention to belly button, scrub poopy clothes, scrub cot mat, wash rocker. Perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.
@KWL - if mine, who poos everyday, can still scare me with the explosive waves, I can't imagine what the force for 5 days worth of poo is like!
Yest I had a poonami episode. She was in her rocker, a nice peaceful morning. Heard the familiar splutter as I was washing dishes. 2 mins later, she started her sing-song complaining signalling she's done. Went to get her and saw the front of top had spots of shit, belly button full of shit, yanked her out of rocker, whole back covered in shit.
Scrub baby paying special attention to belly button, scrub poopy clothes, scrub cot mat, wash rocker. Perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.
Oh man, what a rude shock that must have been! I experienced it before too, made me consider buying a backup mesh, but not as bad as yours into the belly button (=°=).
@snowfern - yours very 小姐, a bit of dirt also cannot tahan. @KWL's seems army-trained, can slp through dirt and all :D
By the way, thanks all for sharing about uniqlo's mesh romper. Love it! But the airism bra top, I haven't quite figured out how to nurse properly in it, because of the need to pull down, will surely need a cover for the top of chest area, else indecent exposure. Bb also gets impatient when halfway through, the top of it slowly moves up such that she gets half a mouthful of the bratop. Or is there another way of nursing that ive missed? So far have just been wearing the bratops at home, still sticking to my nursing tops for going out. Don't need any cover at all when feeding in nursing tops.

Anyone's baby neck red red? My bb's neck has been red for some time, after bathing her, I will dab that area dry n apply the tiniest bit of California Baby. It doesn't seem to bother her, but it bothers me, skin looks a little raw and dry there :( Could it be because her double chin too massive that's why can't get much air in there?
@tuna lol she takes after her dad with regards to personal hygiene, MIL told me as a bub, her dad was the same!

Re: redness, when weather is warm she tends to get that raw ring, not just at neck, her elbow crook too. No choice, have to try and dry it as best after bath/wiping, I use kodomo lotion powder seems to be ok, and keep bb cool and try to let her be upright a bit longer so can move and air the area more? I carry her upright for half hr every meal, so if she's awake I just roam through the house let her look look see see turn neck a bit more.
@tuna the uniqlo bra top does ride up a bit if u pull down the neckline to latch. I try to tuck it right under my underboob, helps to prop up the boob when I nurse in my wrap too. But ya, slippage occurs on occasion cos I was xiaolongbao size pre-preg, lol. Maybe someone else can recommend a better way? I also find it cumbersome to pull it up from waist.

As to decency, if I am outside I usually have a wrap so I use the tails. If not, I always have in my diaper bag a small lightweight breathable scarf from Daiso, I lay it across my cleavage, making sure bb nostrils not covered. Sometimes I tuck the end into my top at shoulder area so it doesn't slip. Been working well for me so far.
Any other babies started to suck on their clothes/blankets/swaddles ? Bubbles has taken to picking up her collar to her mouth and zukzuk, I caught her doing it a few times over the past week, more so if she's wearing a looser top. She's also started to pick up her ribbon toy and attempting to put it in her mouth.

What do you all use to clean/wipe down toys/books? I use tollyjoy wash for anything that might go past her lips, but not sure what to use for playmat and battery operated toys? Any recommendations?
@snowfern - xiaolongbao size! Lol! I take it that ur small baos have since upsized, comgrats, haha! I am still xiaolongbao-sized, so not much for the bratop to prop up. Thanks for tip on the scarf, will try it out.

On bb sucking stuff, I'm with you. She's been suckinh either her blanket or clothers. She particularly loves pulling up her top to suck, and therefore always flashing her tummy at everyone, haha.

Babyganics has a toycleaner/highchair cleaner. I sometimes make a mixture of lemon juice / essential oil with white vinegar to clean stuff also.
@snowfern - xiaolongbao size! Lol! I take it that ur small baos have since upsized, comgrats, haha! I am still xiaolongbao-sized, so not much for the bratop to prop up. Thanks for tip on the scarf, will try it out.

On bb sucking stuff, I'm with you. She's been suckinh either her blanket or clothers. She particularly loves pulling up her top to suck, and therefore always flashing her tummy at everyone, haha.

Babyganics has a toycleaner/highchair cleaner. I sometimes make a mixture of lemon juice / essential oil with white vinegar to clean stuff also.
Thanks @tuna ! Do u prepare a bottle to use, and if so, how do u store it? Wipe with water after use?
I got the headbutt just ystd! my mouth and gum bleed and my girl continue trying to lift her head up. No pain to her xD

Do mummies here give your LO toys? To grab, bite and explore? What types of toys do you provide?
Ouchies! I'm learning to dodge them after my first ulcer lol. Get well soon!

I made a ribbon toy for her, and she has her Sophie rattle and teething toys, but she seems only interested in her collar and fists at the moment. The ribbon toy, only for flinging around and occasional attempts at eating the ribbon in her hand, but i suspect she doesn't even realise it is there? Reflex grab bah. Am working on some sensory toys for her to do tummy time with, taking inspiration from here:


She doesn't care much for the bought toys, much prefers the ones I make, so I figure, I won't buy anymore, maybe just posters and books, which she lovessssss!

Oh! And of course the mobiles I made, which I think a few mummies here also tried, very good for keeping her occupied and lulling herself to sleep with.


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Anyone going to the baby fair this weekend? Thinking of heading down this friday to pick up some diaper covers and posters....
Ouchies! I'm learning to dodge them after my first ulcer lol. Get well soon!

I made a ribbon toy for her, and she has her Sophie rattle and teething toys, but she seems only interested in her collar and fists at the moment. The ribbon toy, only for flinging around and occasional attempts at eating the ribbon in her hand, but i suspect she doesn't even realise it is there? Reflex grab bah. Am working on some sensory toys for her to do tummy time with, taking inspiration from here:


She doesn't care much for the bought toys, much prefers the ones I make, so I figure, I won't buy anymore, maybe just posters and books, which she lovessssss!

Oh! And of course the mobiles I made, which I think a few mummies here also tried, very good for keeping her occupied and lulling herself to sleep with.



Hhahaha, my girl can't hold very well right now. So i dont know what I should get for her, for now she's just holding on to her handkerchief and put into her mouth. She love toys, she'll keep stare at them but dont know how to hold it.

Oh ya, I'm going to the fair. Want to get diapers, steamer cum blender and also longsleeve shirt as her pyjamas.
@snowfern, I keep in spray bottle n store in fridge for about a wk. I don't wipe after cleaning with it, the sng vinegar smell will vanish after it's dried. Forgot water just now, 1/2 part water to half part vinegar + lemon juice/essential oil. Can google for natural cleaning products, lots of other solutions, this is the simplest one. Some include castille soap + essential oil.

Today I put the easel board in front of bb in rocker, drew some random funny faces as well as graphic designs with black and red markers, n left her there while I did some chores. Heard her laughing while she was staring at board. So funny.
Hhahaha, my girl can't hold very well right now. So i dont know what I should get for her, for now she's just holding on to her handkerchief and put into her mouth. She love toys, she'll keep stare at them but dont know how to hold it.

Oh ya, I'm going to the fair. Want to get diapers, steamer cum blender and also longsleeve shirt as her pyjamas.
Mine also dunno how to hold, I just kiap the rattle in her hand and she bring to mouth or wave wave around without knowing she's holding it XD

I think I will fast in fast out on Fri, lately v v v V V tired. Not sure why. Wonder if period returning, cos I noticed my supply dipping also. Lack of sleep probably.
@snowfern, I keep in spray bottle n store in fridge for about a wk. I don't wipe after cleaning with it, the sng vinegar smell will vanish after it's dried. Forgot water just now, 1/2 part water to half part vinegar + lemon juice/essential oil. Can google for natural cleaning products, lots of other solutions, this is the simplest one. Some include castille soap + essential oil.

Today I put the easel board in front of bb in rocker, drew some random funny faces as well as graphic designs with black and red markers, n left her there while I did some chores. Heard her laughing while she was staring at board. So funny.
Thanks again @tuna, that looks doable! Will get a spray bottle from daiso and make it this week (haha any excuse to go daiso!)

This stage where they giggle a lot is so so sweet, I wonder how long it will last? So easily amused, every morning bubbles will laugh at her mobile, then when I carry her to nursing area, she will laugh at the hiragana and katakana poster I got from tokutokuya. Hubby thinks it's better I get an alphabet poster, cos neither of us speak Japanese lol
Using this to clean toys. But I like the idea of DIY natural remedy. Thanks for sharing @tuna

I got the headbutt just ystd! my mouth and gum bleed and my girl continue trying to lift her head up. No pain to her xD

Do mummies here give your LO toys? To grab, bite and explore? What types of toys do you provide?

I gave a rattler.

Recently my mum bought a mobile with some "long long" attached below.

I also got baby gym from my sis-in-law that allows u to hang stuff overhead. I recently improvised it and place the two long sticks over my cot for baby to kick using legs. Haha.

And yesterday my sis-in-law gave me a crawl-and-chase ball. There are buttons and lights on that ball to attract the little one's attention. Apparently that ball will roll about to entice the small one to chase after during the crawling stage

Mine can grab quite well now as I have been training with the rattler since wk 6. So with that acquired skill, my baby can reach and hit those dangling stuff quite well. And because of that skill, my little one can be very pissed off for night feeds and bend the two ends of napkin towel (as pillow) to kiap the face.

I am heading off to kiddy palace to play free toys now! Later I take a pic of the above mentioned toys!
I gave a rattler.

Recently my mum bought a mobile with some "long long" attached below.

I also got baby gym from my sis-in-law that allows u to hang stuff overhead. I recently improvised it and place the two long sticks over my cot for baby to kick using legs. Haha.

And yesterday my sis-in-law gave me a crawl-and-chase ball. There are buttons and lights on that ball to attract the little one's attention. Apparently that ball will roll about to entice the small one to chase after during the crawling stage

Mine can grab quite well now as I have been training with the rattler since wk 6. So with that acquired skill, my baby can reach and hit those dangling stuff quite well. And because of that skill, my little one can be very pissed off for night feeds and bend the two ends of napkin towel (as pillow) to kiap the face.

I am heading off to kiddy palace to play free toys now! Later I take a pic of the above mentioned toys!

Hahah, yes please! Show me a picture of it, i try giving my girl a teething cooler but she dont know how to hold it ><
Very fast, I submit my boy application on Monday and receive the red card on Friday.

For e-appointment, you can only book 2 days later. As I'm starting work this week, so we went down last Friday without appointment and waited for almost 2 hours for his passport. Lucky he was sleeping throughout (Tula-ed him) :)
Wow I went down today alone, very challenging to take baby passport photo! Put him on the chair then he cry.. Got to walk around and come back then try again sigh finally done !!!!
Hahah, yes please! Show me a picture of it, i try giving my girl a teething cooler but she dont know how to hold it ><

Firstly, are u still putting on mittens? I stopped.

To teach grabbing, u need to provide patient guidance. First, I pry open the fingers then I quickly slot the rattler into the open palm and fold the thumb across the rattler before I wrap the remaining 4 fingers on the other side of the rattler. Is similar to how we adults would grab. After folding all the fingers in, I will still use my hand to hold on to the small Palm and start shaking the rattler. Depending on how fast your little one picks up, I will start to minus one step each time. That is to say, after u repeat the above for 3 times and u think ur little one got it Liao, u can just guide until the point of helping the fingers to fold in and encourage the little one to shake the rattler. Then once the little one master this part Liao, then work backwards again and offer the rattler only and encourage the little one to "feel and touch" the rattler. Go higher pitch and say key words like "YES"! In this manner u are also reinforcing the word "YES"= correct action. Once the little one touches or starts to feel the rattler, then I gently fold the fingers in. It takes time for the little one to learn how to grab.

My little one learnt how to grab pretty fast. And I still remembered the first try, the rattler stayed in the hand for a good 20mins. Giving me sufficient time to manually wash clothes. And the rattler sound also gave me assurance that baby is doing fine. Now we've level up Liao. The moment I show the rattler, baby will smile. That was the very fast toy I exposed the little one to.

Soon I gave another higher difficulty rattler


Afterwhich, we tried baby gym. Also started to shake the overhead dangling stuff to catch attention. This time I teach how to kick and reach.
(My little one's arm started to stretchout)


Then now upgrade again to this type to train even finer motor skills. Currently, I am teaching the little one to rotate and spin (the purple, yellow and green rings), as well as to rub (the lion mane makes a swish swish sound when u rub with fingers. Recently, I hang this across the cot and the little one will use both hands to reach out to the red ring and pull the lion to the mouth. If I push it a little to the back, little one will use legs to kick the toy lol.

Lastly, yesterday gave a new ball. Little one amazed me with "Press".


All these take time and patience. I must admit I train baby machiam train dog tricks lol.
As crazy as it sounds, I think my little one knows how to flip story book. Not in the way we do with fingers. But with the whole fist. Small little steps at a time. Very grateful and happy about it.

But then ah! Don't think everything is like so good for me. Mine sucks at tummy time.
So fun lor! I'm a lazy mummy, dunno how to play with her :( physically I think the only milestone she's "on target" according to health booklet is probably...actually now I think about it, none lol. The raindrop mobile is her fave, if I move her out of reach from it she will attempt to kick it, and is damn funny watching her laugh when she succeeds. She is very grabby now though, starting to grab at whatever is next to her on the changing table. I only give her the rattle when I happen to see it while cleaning...which isn't too often lol. Will give it an earnest attempt tmrw with your tips @KWL!

Tummy time is improving, she still gets whiny, so I have to find something different each time. Today the tsum tsum design on the wet bag distracted her for a good 3 mins or so. Then she whined for about a minute and I gave in. Good news is, her navel hernia seems to be slowly sinking back in, hope it's due to all the mummy tummy time.

Last night was not fun though. She slept from 9.45pm to 1.30am, then hourly feeds till 7am. Sipeh siong. Woke at 9, hourly feeds till 5pm. I think it might be the dreaded 12th week growth spurt, but I read and was told the whole of 3rd Month could be a growth spurt. Feel damn drained. Practically slept the night in the chair too, she merlioned again at 3am. Dunno if tonight will have repeat performance.
So fun lor! I'm a lazy mummy, dunno how to play with her :( physically I think the only milestone she's "on target" according to health booklet is probably...actually now I think about it, none lol. The raindrop mobile is her fave, if I move her out of reach from it she will attempt to kick it, and is damn funny watching her laugh when she succeeds. She is very grabby now though, starting to grab at whatever is next to her on the changing table. I only give her the rattle when I happen to see it while cleaning...which isn't too often lol. Will give it an earnest attempt tmrw with your tips @KWL!

Tummy time is improving, she still gets whiny, so I have to find something different each time. Today the tsum tsum design on the wet bag distracted her for a good 3 mins or so. Then she whined for about a minute and I gave in. Good news is, her navel hernia seems to be slowly sinking back in, hope it's due to all the mummy tummy time.

Last night was not fun though. She slept from 9.45pm to 1.30am, then hourly feeds till 7am. Sipeh siong. Woke at 9, hourly feeds till 5pm. I think it might be the dreaded 12th week growth spurt, but I read and was told the whole of 3rd Month could be a growth spurt. Feel damn drained. Practically slept the night in the chair too, she merlioned again at 3am. Dunno if tonight will have repeat performance.

I feel you for the hourly feed thingy at night. I got it for n number of times since last week. I keep comforting myself that it is a passing phase., but it still continue to happen almost every night. Honestly, I dreaded it and feel so drained initially. Now my body is getting more and more used to this crap.

I suspect my baby Kena colic cos there is always unexplained super bad crying between 6-7pm daily. Got such thing as colic setting in only near 3 mths?

I will be driving baby to my mum's place later. I hope it will be a good drive. *fingers crossed*
@KWL pd said colic is diagnosis of exclusion, and peaks at 3-4 mths. But same time crying every day is a symptom. You can try gently patting bb tummy to listen for air? Ridwind seems to be the default medication suggested and prescribed for colic, followed by gripe water or dentinox.
@KWL pd said colic is diagnosis of exclusion, and peaks at 3-4 mths. But same time crying every day is a symptom. You can try gently patting bb tummy to listen for air? Ridwind seems to be the default medication suggested and prescribed for colic, followed by gripe water or dentinox.

I dare not self medicate. It just takes a longer time to pacify which I am fine. And today is my lucky day. No fussing in the car! Let'a pray for the same on the return trip. I must avoid traveling at 6pm though.

Oh yes, we have never been successful in getting the little one sleep in the other cot at my mum's place. Today I managed to unlock this achievement. All thanks to the swaddle! I brought it along today and magic happened! I think the swaddle is my secret weapon to make baby deep sleep at any place! It could also be all the cot training for past few weeks that makes the baby get accustomed to cots.
@KWL your bub could just be cranky and wanting to sleep at that hour, I read something about "witching hour" while trying to.figure out why bubbles was having meltdowns, quite common it seems!

I had a swaddle pouch thingy.that I used 3 times, first time to being bubbles home in. Subsequently all attempts at keeping her arms in failed :( she has refused all attempts to swaddle her, unless I keep her arms outside, which sort of defeats the purpose. But at least it keeps her tummy somewhat warm and cosy? Doesn't matter if it's muslin wrap, blanket, swaddle bag....even in my womb she would kick a lot if I placed my waistband on my bulge. My aunt says she doesn't want to be restricted by others lol

Bubbles resisted sleep in the wrap today. She managed to stay alert for more than half hr, where usually within 5 mins wrapped she would be snoozing. Part of the whole growth spurt deal I guess. I'm also finding it difficult to walk with her as long as I used to, very super low energy, and lost the 2kgs I put on over the weekend liow. So hungry all the time, I now have 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches!1! Still not enough!! And still losing weight!!!

JTS, 20% off selected Dr Seuss titles at Popular. Not sure till when tho. Would have grabbed all the titles if I could carry them!
@KWL your bub could just be cranky and wanting to sleep at that hour, I read something about "witching hour" while trying to.figure out why bubbles was having meltdowns, quite common it seems!

I had a swaddle pouch thingy.that I used 3 times, first time to being bubbles home in. Subsequently all attempts at keeping her arms in failed :( she has refused all attempts to swaddle her, unless I keep her arms outside, which sort of defeats the purpose. But at least it keeps her tummy somewhat warm and cosy? Doesn't matter if it's muslin wrap, blanket, swaddle bag....even in my womb she would kick a lot if I placed my waistband on my bulge. My aunt says she doesn't want to be restricted by others lol

Bubbles resisted sleep in the wrap today. She managed to stay alert for more than half hr, where usually within 5 mins wrapped she would be snoozing. Part of the whole growth spurt deal I guess. I'm also finding it difficult to walk with her as long as I used to, very super low energy, and lost the 2kgs I put on over the weekend liow. So hungry all the time, I now have 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches!1! Still not enough!! And still losing weight!!!

Could Be the "witch attack" because the other timings all okay. And I also having luck with the old bottles. Now can drink quite well. Fingers crossed.

Mine also refused to be swaddled in muslin cloth in the first month. After CL left, i can't Gao dim. So I took out the pouch swaddle with Velcro to keep the arms in. It works wonder.

Recently, limbs are kept within only for the first stretch of 4-5h sleep. Subsequent wakes, the swaddleme pouch becomes like a band over waist. So I use another type for later part of the night. The zip version from autumnz. It is highly stretchable and looks like i have a baby from the asylum. Hahaha.

Past few nights, my baby has been stamping feet and using butt to change sleeping position. This can be done when the limbs escaped from the swaddleme pouch. Everytime I wake up for night feeds, I see new stunts. Initially it was from straight to slanted position, then it became horizontal. This morning, I don't know how the "worm" changed position until 180 degree totally opposite.

Hahaha wonder if any babies also doing this?
Could Be the "witch attack" because the other timings all okay. And I also having luck with the old bottles. Now can drink quite well. Fingers crossed.

Mine also refused to be swaddled in muslin cloth in the first month. After CL left, i can't Gao dim. So I took out the pouch swaddle with Velcro to keep the arms in. It works wonder.

Recently, limbs are kept within only for the first stretch of 4-5h sleep. Subsequent wakes, the swaddleme pouch becomes like a band over waist. So I use another type for later part of the night. The zip version from autumnz. It is highly stretchable and looks like i have a baby from the asylum. Hahaha.

Past few nights, my baby has been stamping feet and using butt to change sleeping position. This can be done when the limbs escaped from the swaddleme pouch. Everytime I wake up for night feeds, I see new stunts. Initially it was from straight to slanted position, then it became horizontal. This morning, I don't know how the "worm" changed position until 180 degree totally opposite.

Hahaha wonder if any babies also doing this?
Good to hear! Maybe really is cranky from growth spurts? Hope KWLjr settles in fast!

Bubbles every morning is in different position also, ever since 2 weeks ago when we propped up the bed to alleviate her reflux symptoms. But not 180 yet, 90 deg max cos she will usually get restricted by her height and kok the side of the crib. So not sure if she would also rotate if laid flat, but I dared not risk another merlion to find out!

She has also taken to try and sleep on her side, or arch her back in an attempt to see the junkyard at the head of her bed (our storage shelves lol)

Finally made headway on a new toy for her. Cheapskate me, all items from $2 store lol. Oh! And she managed to stay interested while I read the whole 1 fish, 2 fish book to her! And half of the other book, I started reading the 1st one in an attempt to stop her from fussing out of boredom!
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@KWL my baby will turn 180degree on playmat but not on his baby cot due to restriction of his height. On his baby cot he will move up and his head knock on the cushion then he move down.
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Mine will turn 90 degree but not 180 degree in the cot , think she is restricted by the width of the cot which is her height. But she will push her self from one end to the other of the cot till she hit her head against the side and then start shouting for help
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All our babies are getting tall! I dunno how to measure at home, but will do so at her next vaccination cum assessment on 21st...quite nervous ley, already have kool fever patch and 3 different types of thermometer on standby.

The Punggol mummy watsapp grp recommend breastfeeding mums to drink barley water so that baby will reduce chance of, and lower fever temperatures. Advised to buy the large barley from China. To start drinking one week before bb vaccination. I plan to make a pot and plonk it in the fridge tmrw! Anyone else heard of such a thing? Weather is so hot lately anyway, I figure, no harm trying....


Ta-daahhhh! She loves the panda, and seems quite taken with the pig...caught her giggling and trying to hit at them, but I deliberately kept it out of reach cos not baby safe luh!
Wow I went down today alone, very challenging to take baby passport photo! Put him on the chair then he cry.. Got to walk around and come back then try again sigh finally done !!!!
Actually can try taking the pic at home. I do that for my kids n it's quite easy to get approval on the pictures since they r infants.
@KWL wow I saw your Michelin baby hand.. So nice...
For mine she still stays in her position whole night. Could it because I swaddle her tightly?
My girl seems to be small size. She is not taking bm well. She is only taking 110ml per 3-4 hrs n always can't finish within one feed. I will need to feed her twice to finish the feed. Any idea on how to increase her appetite?
My supply has also decrease n I'm going Australia during first week of November. With infrequent pumping there, think my supply will be gone Liao.
Any mummy experiencing hair drop? During the past 1 week can see a few strand when I come my hair but today it was a lot of hair when I comb my hair! Think the hair dropping is starting already.. Hopefully won't drop a lot!
@verluv i also started seeing longer strands of hair on the floor just these few days. Usually when I blow dry my hair, I don't see any hair on the floor, but yesterday there was some. I think my hair is starting to drop now. :(

My boy will also shift position when sleeping. But since he's sleeping with me on the bed, the most is his legs will shift until my side causing me to leave also at a weird angle. o_O If I put him on his rocker, he will keep moving and once I found him almost 90deg turn, both legs outside. Kinda scary so now I'll put more cushion at the side just in case.

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@KWL wow I saw your Michelin baby hand.. So nice...
For mine she still stays in her position whole night. Could it because I swaddle her tightly?
My girl seems to be small size. She is not taking bm well. She is only taking 110ml per 3-4 hrs n always can't finish within one feed. I will need to feed her twice to finish the feed. Any idea on how to increase her appetite?
My supply has also decrease n I'm going Australia during first week of November. With infrequent pumping there, think my supply will be gone Liao.
Any mummy experiencing hair drop? During the past 1 week can see a few strand when I come my hair but today it was a lot of hair when I comb my hair! Think the hair dropping is starting already.. Hopefully won't drop a lot!

Verluv mine is only drinking 90ml every 3 hrs.....not much too

Going to intro fm soon as my frozen stash is running low n I m only pumping twice a day now
Ya, hair dropping from both baby and I :(

@verluv if her output is good and regular, and she's energetic, maybe is just distracted? Or bottle/teat? Maybe she is just a small eater /genes? Can ask during her 3rd mth checkup/vaccination ba?

@Sa_rahhhh haha the way u describe him in the rocker sounds like he's practicing kungfu XD which brings to mind: does this mean soon we can't leave them in the rocker liow? Once they learn to flip?
@snowfern i still put him in the rocker when I'm sitting besides him so I can still monitor. But he already show signs of trying to flip when I'm changing his diaper or when I put him on the sofa. So I'm getting those Japanese floor mat to put on the floor for him soon. This way he can flip all he wants and I don't have to worry too much.

I'm also getting a seat boaster for him since he likes sitting up nowadays.

Baby fair coming! This time I hope to slowly shop and walk around see see :p previous fair when I attend is either heavily pregnant or just after confinement.
Trying to build my stash now because I need to go on a business trip end November. Right now I'm just enough for my boy, if not a bit more since he STTN and I will still pump MOTN to maintain supply.

Just thinking about the trip already headache, how and when to pump since I'm meeting with companies. And bringing back the milk also.....o_O
@snowfern i still put him in the rocker when I'm sitting besides him so I can still monitor. But he already show signs of trying to flip when I'm changing his diaper or when I put him on the sofa. So I'm getting those Japanese floor mat to put on the floor for him soon. This way he can flip all he wants and I don't have to worry too much.

I'm also getting a seat boaster for him since he likes sitting up nowadays.

Baby fair coming! This time I hope to slowly shop and walk around see see :p previous fair when I attend is either heavily pregnant or just after confinement.
Niiiice! Once they can sit it is much easier liow! Mine still kiao ku when seated, she does like her rocker and ya, same, trying.to flip while I'm changing her, or when I first put her in crib. They are curious about the world liow....

I will be getting a totseat, wonder if I'll see it at the baby fair?


And good idea on the tatami! We got a foldable foam mat for her to do tummy time on...it is very warm but she seems happier to do tummy time.on it than the bed, probably cos firmer ba.

Planning to get a stroller this weekend, on Friday morning I will go with bb early to grab some diaper covers and lingling suisui first, test out strollers, then hubby will pop down in evening to buy what I pick (don't know if I can tahan being outside with her so long in wrap, wonder what the nursing room options will be like this time). If hubby not working this weekend, round 2!!!
Trying to build my stash now because I need to go on a business trip end November. Right now I'm just enough for my boy, if not a bit more since he STTN and I will still pump MOTN to maintain supply.

Just thinking about the trip already headache, how and when to pump since I'm meeting with companies. And bringing back the milk also.....o_O
Jiayou Jiayou! I see a number of FB bf group mummies do it for business and leisure trips, is hard work but it seems possible! You can do it! But if cannot also don't stress! Stress is a milk killer!
@verluv i also started seeing longer strands of hair on the floor just these few days. Usually when I blow dry my hair, I don't see any hair on the floor, but yesterday there was some. I think my hair is starting to drop now. :(

My boy will also shift position when sleeping. But since he's sleeping with me on the bed, the most is his legs will shift until my side causing me to leave also at a weird angle. o_O If I put him on his rocker, he will keep moving and once I found him almost 90deg turn, both legs outside. Kinda scary so now I'll put more cushion at the side just in case.

Wow your LO really looks like he is going to outgrow the rocker real soon. Mine will slide down a bit but not to the extend that both her legs are outside.. Think u can keep the rocker in a months time for you next one..

@snowfern: how do u gauge the output is good? How many wet diaper is needed a day? In term of genes, both her sisters are Michelin babies leh.. The only difference is that she is on total bm.

@gan: heard fm baby will take more.. Could it be its tastier? Or it's sweeter? I hope I can tong till 6 months then fm.. At least cheaper.

@sarah: how many days will u be away? N do u intend to pump in the plane? Also how to bring the milk back? Will u be freezing the milk?

I'm going away for 8 days.. Think I will need to discard the first few days milk.. The tot of it makes me so sad. I did build up a stash for my girl but juz afraid that with infrequent pumping, not sure when I'm back, will I still pump enough for her?
