(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

I've learnt not to 'complain' to much to the husband. Men don't understand us the way women do. Girlfriends are important. Good to have made contact with fellow sisters who are going through the same things together. This pregnancy is indeed a blessing.

Lets do a meetup after 1st trim. I have been craving to eat buffet but no appetite lately. Hungry yet eat that time nausea. Anyone same as me?
Yeah, i feel hungry, bloated, nausea, giddy and tired at same time de.
So awful
i also drinking teh c kosong peng everyday.
I share with my hubby to feel less guilty

plus the occasional splurge on bubble tea too :p
@qin17 I don't have appetite now leh. maybe 2nd trim when my appetite come back, I let u know if I keen for buffet? haha

my boss say wanna have a talk with me later.. cham liao lor
I feel like my stomach has been forced to expand to its maximum today... Stomach Like aching... Super bloated leh......
My bump is abit too big for a 7weeks too.. zzz. . I'm running out of normal clothes to wear and i can't show the bump yet. Fingers crossed i can keep my tummy in till 12 weeks.
I'm also feeling nausea and giddy and tired. Hungry but no appetite. But i gotta force myself to eat cos once I'm hungry the nausea sets in..
@Ash mum me too. i look like 3 to 4 months preggie :( pple started to give up seats to me
appetite as normal. 3 times a day. Not much changes , just feel like vomiting when take bus or taxi.
i already starting wearing maternity clothings liao. i just ask my helper to take out from the store room last week. my current clothes are very tight. Not sure it's because it's twins or it's second pregnancy, even some of the maternity clothing which last time can wear till 6-7 months, but now only 8 weeks nia, i already feel tighter than last time. Cham la.
So many posts in just half day. Mummies, jia you. Hang in there. Men need longer time to adapt. I think mainly I adjust my expectations over the year. If u cannot force them to do. Maybe when hubby in better mood, just tell him yr feeling. But really must choose a good time. I have trial and error over the years and still learning. They like to hear good word though we are boiling inside. Really need to see how is yr hubby pattern. Now my girl is 3 and perhaps need lesser attention already. We just have to close one eye and dun make ourselve miserable.
my top still can fit coz it's loose... but my pants.. omg... i feel like my stomach has been squeezed terribly whether i wear my pants high or low... both are just killing me... i think it's the bloatedness more than anything else at this stage.... i can't wait to get my pants off me and enjoy the independence.. lol!
Me too. Keep unbutton my pants when I sit down, it is so tight. Cant wait to take off the bra too. Use the bra extension also cannot help. Whenever I feel nauseous, must definitely unhook the bra to feel better.
just finish speaking to my boss. he asked me if I still keen in the job. I said I very unwell now and if I can request 1 month No pay leave for the whole of Dec. then he ask me to go think if I really interested in the job still before he talk to HR abt it. zzz
i also can't button my pants anymore... and this is my first pregnancy. heard that the bump shouldn't be so obvious for 1st pregnancy but i feel mine is quite big for 10weeks+? and people also starting to give me seats on the mrt... i gladly accept though. standing for more than 15-20 mins on the crowded train is not easy now.. will feel quite sick. :(

@jean1986 oh no your boss doesn't sound v happy... your own health more important though. all the best!!
@jean1986 : wow, ur boss try to hint u to leave? u already request for one month no pay leave mah. he should be more understanding. Actually my boss also more or less the same. she just bo bian cannot get any replacement last minute, so have to bear with me.
@jean1986 can you request to transfer to non-sales position till you come back from maternity?
I think your boss want to know your plan so that he can plan manpower and work load too....not hinting you to leave.
@jean1986 i think that is so unfair, if he's prompting you to quit. i think u need to play your cards right. why not find out from HR about your options. is yours a big company?

Govt wants us to have more babies, and yet we have idiotic bosses who can be imbecile and not understanding. Not as if we want to be sick in the first place. I totally feeling angry for you because i think this is so not fair for you, or anyone for that matter! How can we reproduce if we don't have supportive people and companies? What is the HR for then? If you have HR contact and someone who is close, try to see what your options are - possibly ask if you can have a change of role, or ask for no-pay leave....

My suggestion is for you to make sure you have that conversation that you have with your boss as black and white in email, citing that you have had a conversation with him earlier, and had considered what he has said, and that you wish to apply for a 1 month no-pay leave, considering that you are currently pregnant, and it is a high risk pregnancy, etc etc. and you hope that the good office will consider your request humbly. This black-and-white is going to be very important, should you be terminated from your job and you can pursue with MOM for the injustice.
@jean1986 can you request to transfer to non-sales position till you come back from maternity?
I think your boss want to know your plan so that he can plan manpower and work load too....not hinting you to leave.
Personally, even if he wants to know the plan, he shouldn't be so blunt and say 'are you still interested in your job'? it's like telling me, i happy-happy apply for MC whenever i like. So ignorant!
today lunch i had tomyam mee! very nice! slurp slurp.. :D

i start headache as i didnt get the chance to take a nap.. superb tiring! another 45 mins to go.. arrgghh
I don't know if he's hinting me but he keep emphasizing on whether im still interested in the job. I told him , if im not I wont request for no pay leave right.
my company not big, so hard to transfer to other roles also. it's those typical local boss , neow like crazy kind of company u know. he still say there's another girl in the company also preg. but she is doing fine. :mad:

@fglim_carissa tomyum use to be my favourite. but now I cannot stand spicy food le.
and that reminds me, i've seen fellow pregnant mothers when i was carrying #1, who were terminated abruptly in their job, and not pursuing, because of lack of evidence and/or can't be bothered. It's happening in a lot of places, esp in local companies. So we need to protect ourselves, protect our babies, and protect our families too. Don't let these companies get scot-free bcoz u will be helping other mothers-to-be....
@jean1986 what you can do immediately now, is to draft that email as a black-and-white. u can never know how that email can be useful. and i'm sure with that email, ur boss will realise "oops-this-smart-woman-write-me-black-and-white-and-if-i-do-something-bad-i-may-be-inflicted-in-the-eyes-of-the-law"

my motto has always been "protect own backside"and be kiasu about it. Just In Case. Lol!
Jean1986, yea i think tell your boss your thought. Its always good to be upfront. My boss already know of my pregnancy so he say he will keep my portfolio the same for next year and he will plan for maternity cover also. But that also mean my progression is prob gonna be very stagnant in terms of pay and bonus. Which i guess no choice lo, we can't pia like those with no family commitments. I'm the only w kid in my team, so imagine how not competitive I am placed beside him. My boss also v frank w me that some newer staff might promote faster than me cos they can commit 120% which i can't but he's ok with that. I guess i jus have to accept it lo
@erlisa ya government always ask us have more babies. but it's always the local companies having such problems with pregnant mothers. v unfair. I rem when I was having my #1, I was only 1 month preg and I found a job by one of the big local Telco company. I thought I want to be fair and tell them I pregnant. end up they withdraw their offer and offered me temp position instead.

@Ash mum which field are you in?
@Ash mum aiyo what u mention remind me of my hubby recent interview when the hiring manager tell him that...their basic pay might not be competitive but bonus and promotion depends on how much u can commit to the job. He said he work 7 days a week and his last bonus was really high...no work life balance at all.

I always thought they cannot terminate pregnant woman until i read actual cases online that they can actually do so with 'legitimate' reasons.
I'm in the finance industry. I'm in a team of 12. Most of them are older than me but not married, no kids, mostly no boyfriend too. My company culture is very competitive sort so in order to move up, they expect you to work many hours a day included weekends. So most of the ppl up there ate either single or no kids or those that kids are already old enough. Young mothers like me gotta be prepared to be stagnant. One good thing is my company has good medical benefits, if there's no complications, i most likely do not need to pay for anything from pre natal checks up all the way to deliver and bb vaccines. Thats why the more i need to hang on to this job.
@Ash mum I oso in finance industry. Skali same company. Lol!!

Anyway I really worked so hard this year to be put up for promo, but now that my boss know my condition, I doubt they wld consider liaos... Though he did say it would not affect my chances... Well i treasure family over my job....
@Ash mum I oso in finance industry. Skali same company. Lol!!

Anyway I really worked so hard this year to be put up for promo, but now that my boss know my condition, I doubt they wld consider liaos... Though he did say it would not affect my chances... Well i treasure family over my job....
Same la.. i also tried hard to get promotion but, i dont think i get the chance anymore. Nvm, i'm planning to quit the job soon after my hubby's job is stable.
Erlisa, finance industry so big! Haha.. I'm in a UK based asset management firm, you? This year i worked hard too cos i have plans for another child.. my boss gave me good comments for my appraisal but he say in order to justify for promotion its mot so easy. I have to be put on 120% capacity outside my BAU for 1 year, achieved all target then he will put me up for promo. He asked if I'm really keen to try with my #2 coming along. I said not now, maybe a few years later. So he said then you gotta know your pay package probably gonna be pretty stagnant which i say ok lo..
@Ash mum I'm in an US banking firm. I spent this year working my ass off at work and making baby. Lol. I met my promotion criteria, gotten my promotion sponsors and submitted the form and went through couple of interviews already. Then I found out that I m pregnant. This pregnancy is 10 years after #1 and we've been trying for 7 years. The promo results won't be out till end Jan... Whatever Will be will be... Que sera sera
Erlisa, then no reason not to give you your well deserved promotion. I hope the baby will bring you luck! All the best!
Its hard to be a working mum but w more mouth to feed, we need to work doubly hard actually.
@erlisa , i bet you will be able to get ur promotion and dun forget baby's luck as well. For me, I will have to face retrenchment next year. Actually i'm not part of the restructuring but once i told my boss that I'm going for ivf, she was very mad ( she herself also have trouble in conceiving and failed her attempt). She immediately changed my portfolio to the entity which will be strike off next year. I am also in finance industry. Even now i'm not feeling well most of the time at office, i just bear with it and if needed, i just take a nap at office, dun really bother. I only have to "dong" until I am able to get the maternity package and will plan next.
Can't keep up with today's messages but hope all mummies feeling better.

As for job and bosses who are insensitive and not understanding.. my take is.. If possible.. dont work for them anymore be coz even after maternity leave.. There will be occasion where u need to take time off to care for the child etc. Not worth ur effort with such companies and it is very impt to have a sound mental state of mind and not having to stress out during pregnancy.

I know it's easier said than done. . But if all else fails.. just think Wat would be the best for the baby.
The latest mom ruling is company cannot ask an employee to leave just because she is preggy.. And this protects preggy as early as we find out we are pregnant..

My previous forum mummy was asked to leave too bcoz she was pregnant.. That time policy doesnt cover early pregnancy, but she did bring it up to mom and mom did follow up on her case..
@jcyp Then that's good! So must make sure we cover all grounds that they don't try to manipulate the situation that someone got terminated bcoz of 'under performing' or 'taking too many MCs' kind of reasoning. I'm sure if they have bad intentions they know a way around to make them the innocent one. Just saying....
Hi mummies, I've already added those to the FB grp for those who had pm me. If I miss anyone out pls let me know k. My response might be slow as I don't access the forum that regularly. :)

Btw anyone here drinking chicken essence to boost ur energy? I'm feeling so lethargic. Feeling nausea yet nv puke. Totally no energy to take care of my active toddler
@mandy_ng I don't take chicken essence. Worse drink ever for me. But my friend suggest to cook black chicken soup or pork rib with black bean . She drink it twice to three times a week.

Anyone losing weight?.. I lost like 2 kg already. I'm already low blood and all that to begin with. Keep losing weight I think I wanna vanish in thin air liao
I read on websites that taking fish oil will boost energy n mood for preg moms. But jz becareful to buy those that is safe for preg moms. I'm currenly taking Nordic Naturals brand :) can buy frm guardian at ngee ann city
