(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Actually I tot it's ok to lose weight n not gain weight for first trimester? How come ur Gynae says gaining too little?

I have the Nordics natural prenatal fish oil too but I bought from iherb much cheaper hehe

@mandy_ng I do drink chicken essence for days when i need to survive the day till my night class.. my TCM recommend Pao Sheng. So I'll put pao sheng, red dates plus wolfberries in a thermal flask and drink.
@jean1986 Wa. .. I put on weight sia.. only 10 weeks but put on abt 1kg liao.. siao liao.
@MiaoMiao12 I will also stomach cramps and my gynae said is normal unless severe pain and got bleeding then must go see him liao. My TCM also said is normal as baby is growing.. :) so do monitor ya.. If u think is too pain then better tell ur gynae.
Jean1986, i think the MS is causing you to lose weight. Try to eat food rich in protein.
During my #1 time i didn't have a single bit of MS, i could eat everything normally. Even so i didn't put on a single kg until 20 weeks. So i can imagine w MS alot of womem will lose weight. I think don't need to fret over wt too much as long as its not too off scale. As long as bb is growing its fine that mummy don't gain. And somemore the baby is just so tiny winy now. .
@jean1986 For #1, i lost around 2kg too, because i couldn't eat in the first trimester. Moreover i was so skinny then to start with. I think what's important is for you to try eat nutritious food as much as you can to keep the food down. Jia you!

@MiaoMiao12 I have had stomach cramps on and off esp during the first week i got to know i was pregnant, got so worried and went to see gynae. She said, as long as the cramps is no bleeding/spotting, and it's not localised at one spot with extremity, it should be ok.
i lose 1kg..not becoz of MS but becoz of diet.
This #2, really like to eat leh...i requested my diabetic dr to increase the insulin dosage because really very difficult for me to control my sugar compared to #1

#1, i lost 10kg till i return to work after my maternity leave, only to gain them back all within 1 year :(
Come back to office, keep snacking and eating like nobody biz.

This time round, must be more determined!
@mandy_ng I don't take chicken essence. Worse drink ever for me. But my friend suggest to cook black chicken soup or pork rib with black bean . She drink it twice to three times a week.

Anyone losing weight?.. I lost like 2 kg already. I'm already low blood and all that to begin with. Keep losing weight I think I wanna vanish in thin air liao

I lost 4kg when i had my #2. coz i vomit 4 months
i lost
i lose 1kg..not becoz of MS but becoz of diet.
This #2, really like to eat leh...i requested my diabetic dr to increase the insulin dosage because really very difficult for me to control my sugar compared to #1

#1, i lost 10kg till i return to work after my maternity leave, only to gain them back all within 1 year :(
Come back to office, keep snacking and eating like nobody biz.

This time round, must be more determined!

i lost 17kg for #2 but gain all back after stop breastfeeding :(
hope i lost more weight breastfeeding #3
I'm sure w 3 kids you will be so busy that you will definitely lose weight naturally.. i think as mummies we need to see open w weight, we have been thru so much to bear beautiful children. So what if I'm a few kg heavier than before..
luckily i ask for wfh today. I feel the most miserable I have felt since the day i found out i'm pregnant. My throat feels super awful and I keep on dozing off. How to do work from home liddat? Like as if i can foresee me being 'unwell' today..... And here I am, with laptop on the bed, me covered in duvet.. and trying to dozing in between work.
I'm sure w 3 kids you will be so busy that you will definitely lose weight naturally.. i think as mummies we need to see open w weight, we have been thru so much to bear beautiful children. So what if I'm a few kg heavier than before..

haha. i give up. i from 50 balloon to 68. all the fats become stubborn liao... but of coz need to lose a bit to healthier me... i am short
luckily i ask for wfh today. I feel the most miserable I have felt since the day i found out i'm pregnant. My throat feels super awful and I keep on dozing off. How to do work from home liddat? Like as if i can foresee me being 'unwell' today..... And here I am, with laptop on the bed, me covered in duvet.. and trying to dozing in between work.

jiayou. u wan go take a power nap 1st b4 doing yr work? have some light snacks to keep awake
Hi all, just reach office. haha late and somemore very jam on ECP. I can see my boss black face. but I don't care. if he don't care about his staff well being , I don't see why must I care about him.

@erlisa take a 30 minutes power nap.

the pao sheng thing my friend told me before also. but she said she only start drinking pao sheng when she in her 2nd trimester. so not sure whether can start now?

I also have cramps on and off. and somemore I got irritable bowel syndrome. so sometimes I don't know the cramp is stomachache or is it cramp.
Mummies experience in using essential oil. Can recommend what is good for piles. I never constipated but think I poo too much. Have piles now :(
For piles you can try cypress, geranium, helichrysum, basil or peppermint. If you have rose oilment can layer over.
for information, cypress and rose have to be used cautiously. As for basil, please avoid using it when pregnant. Meanwhile, only geranium and peppermint is safe to be used by us now.
Oh yea, forget to check for preggy safe oil. Sorry!
I used for my piles before i was preggy, basil works quite well though abit hot.
I think for now better keep to preg safe oils..
I'm using peppermint for my MS. I kept applying on my nose whenever nausea strike. My colleague saw me applying thru out the day but didn't dare ask me..
i cannot use EO in the office.
the smell is too strong.

Remember once i applied valor on my colleague ...2 island away also can smell -_-
my office got many ppl using EO leh. and somemore is use those diffuser. quite irritating cause got 1 use lemon grass make me feel worse.
Mummies.. Been too busy to catch up the chats here n seems like I've missed out so much! As a HR myself, I have to share that even tho there are new acts that protects pregnant employees earlier now, but companies can still claim they have valid reasons to terminate the staff n MOM can't do anything abt it. So don't have the misconception that we have the upper hand cos I've known of many cases that proves that it's not true.

I have encountered boss who was not understanding as well, but no choice for the maternity benefit we have to stick it out. I'm blessed with a good boss now that's y even if I'm feeling very tired n unwell I still try to come to work (plus the fact that I'm still new in the co).

I too miss out on promotion opportunities when I was previously preg. Vb also got cut unfairly by a huge margin compared to those with same appraisal score as me. The reality is a lot of the workforce is still unfair towards women with family commitments.
Hi Jul Mummies, I have tested +ve on 27 Oct (just 1 day before departing HK with hubby for vacation). Was suppose to be there to celebrate Halloween and bought the premium ticket to enter into all haunted house and fast lane queuing in Ocean Park but end up I can only see. :(

First Gynae appt on 4 Nov and found out that I have some blood in my uteras so I am on 3 weeks hospitalization leave. Heart beat can hear on 15 Nov which is my 2nd appt and today I am 9 week & 2 days preg. This is my first pregnancy and having MS though not daily but I do not like the bloated and puking feeling.

Small build of me (44kg) and still able to wear most of my dresses daily to work now.

EDD: 6 Jul / Glen E Hospital - Dr John Yam / staying in Bukit Batok now but moving to Tiong Bahru in March 2015.

Wish to join FB, can someone please add me?
I hope I will be able to gain back my appetite after 1st trim. I've started to take Similac Mom Milk so hopefully baby is doing well and next appt is 13 Dec.

After I came back from hosp. leave, my HR told me for my issue (which is the blood in the uteras) is very common! But luckily I have a very supportive boss.
Sometimes my HR answer as if she wasn't preg before. Everyone is different.....
I'm fairly small built too at 47kg. Guess what, i was offered a seat at 6 weeks preggy!!!! Omg!! Somehow my tummy was v protruding this time which i can't justify cos the baby is so tiny. All i can say is my muscle has been loosen up by #1...
I was actually quite upset when i got offered a seat.. haha. .somehow i feel small build its easier to tell whether preggy or not. For #1, ppl start offering seat ard 12 weeks and i was pretty lucky that 90% of the time i got offered a seat on the train
Wah all very slim!! But I have friends small build with big bb! Just that is hard on u all. I am 54kg if gain 18kg is only 1/3 of my weight. Lol
Jean1986, 39kg is way too skinny. Eat more avocado milk shake and durian if you can stomach them.
I'm 47kg 160cm, a little underweight. But I've been this weight all along so not too worried. I still can stomach food though not big amount
wah, all very slim. i dunno how long never see myself at 4x-5x ranges liao. i think almost 10 yrs ago. hope after giving birth this time, can reduce all my excess weight and be slim.
i was 39kg when i preg with #1. super skinny i tell you. look like can get blown away by any wind lah. lol!
now my pre-preg weight is 50kg which i feel is much more of a healthy weight i guess. and i was only able to start gaining weight in the recent years after i got through with depression o_O
@Ash mum avocado milkshake sounds tempting. I don't eat durian.

my #1 come out at 38 weeks only 2.8kg.

@ellesie give birth already the tummy fats still wont go away leh. flabby flabby one. quite sad. but I use to go fitness first quite often to tone up.
Hi mummies, im having v bad cold n cough now. GP give me med and make me super duper drowsy like almost going to faint! I can feel my heart racing and abit breathless. Is this normal? I realise after preg i very sensitive to med when in the past i wont even feel the side effects at all..
Hi jubilee mum-to-be, just wondering any of you are visiting bukit batok TMC doctor wong Mun tat. He didn't talk much. Almost say nothing in my past 3 visits. I just missed the Oscar test and The nurse Joannna told me that I cannot do any more Down syndrome test for my baby in a very very very very rude way.
There are so many tests out there. Why can't. I m super angry. I am changing doctor. U all have any at least normal doctor to recommend near Jurong or west area?
Hi mummies, im having v bad cold n cough now. GP give me med and make me super duper drowsy like almost going to faint! I can feel my heart racing and abit breathless. Is this normal? I realise after preg i very sensitive to med when in the past i wont even feel the side effects at all..
Hi @Feathery , if the medicine makes you feel dizzy and increases your heart rate don't take it! My mum-in-law recently had the same issue with her flu medicine so she went to see another GP, who gave her another type of med that didn't give her these side effects. Her blood pressure is already slightly high so we were worried. Thankfully there were alternative meds to take. Take care ya!
Omg. So much talk abt weight. I dare not even tell what my weight is. Haha... your eyes might just pop out. I just have to think of food and I put on 2 kilos. :p
I try to make avocado milkshake at home w maple syrup! Its v easy and cheaper to do it yourself. Usually share it w my #1..
Yea.. i know how it feels. That day i ordered one at a food court and not nice plus v thin. Thats when i decided to make my own. If you are hard working can use gula melaka even nicer. But usually in the morning no time i just use maple syrup
Hi jubilee mum-to-be, just wondering any of you are visiting bukit batok TMC doctor wong Mun tat. He didn't talk much. Almost say nothing in my past 3 visits. I just missed the Oscar test and The nurse Joannna told me that I cannot do any more Down syndrome test for my baby in a very very very very rude way.
There are so many tests out there. Why can't. I m super angry. I am changing doctor. U all have any at least normal doctor to recommend near Jurong or west area?

Congrats keikowoo. My #1 is also a 2012 baby w Dr Tham. This #2 will be w Dr Tham too.. my first appt w him will be on the 9th Dec, should be 7+ weeks by then.
