(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Oh dear amelia4080, please don't drive anymore! That's really dangerous!

On 2 days mc, so happy, can stay at home and sleep sleep sleep.

ytd I went kkh A&E the india indian doctor only give me 1 day mc lor. told him I feel faint. he tell me. oh tats normal. nothing he can do. YA THEN GIVE ME MORE MC LA

I have not been in the forum for quite some time, so excited to see so many newcomers. I'm not feeling well recently and I hope I won't fall into depression soon. My hubby has been giving me hard time when I needed him the most. I hope I can pull it through. I'm so envy with those pregnant and can have special treatment. I never had and I never will. Sigh! Sorry for such a demoralising post in such early morning.
Hang in there ellesie. The hormones tend to play up our emotions. I cried last night just listening to a song. Weird. It is fine ranting here. We all understand. :)
@ellesie big hugs you can always come in here and talk to us, don't be unhappy alone! I agree that when our hubby don't show extra care or concern is very depressing. I can still be carrying my girl on one hand, then carrying my own bag plus her school bag on the other shoulder, while my hubby just walks ahead with his iPad only. Gggrrrrr men!!!

@jean1986 I find the drs at kkh much less sympathetic! Maybe because they see so many pregnant mummies day in day out that they desensitized liao? Go see your family Dr, I'm sure he'll be much nicer.
@yallo yeah shld have went to see GP. so much cheaper somemore. and confirm can get more days MC. but my boss not happy with me already. I tink I going tender soon
i dont dare to drive to work from today onwards as yesterday i could not help but keep yawning n yawning while driving. Once I park in the car park, I straight away fall asleep. Gosh ~~ i so scared that I will fall asleep while I drive.. to play safe, stop driving until #1 school reopen.

Gosh sounds dangerous, please do not drive anymore
@jean1986 aiyoh how come?? Does your boss know you are pregnant? Do you think he will be more sympathetic and understanding if he knew?

I'm maxing out my annual 14 days of mc very soon, left only 2 more days to take sigh, lucky Dec liao very soon can reset!
I have not been in the forum for quite some time, so excited to see so many newcomers. I'm not feeling well recently and I hope I won't fall into depression soon. My hubby has been giving me hard time when I needed him the most. I hope I can pull it through. I'm so envy with those pregnant and can have special treatment. I never had and I never will. Sigh! Sorry for such a demoralising post in such early morning.

Jia you. its the hormones
@yallo ya he knows. and I told him too I got 2 losses last year. so tis one I have to be extra careful. and my MS quite bad. im in sales, so when im away, the team sales is affected. so I tink that's why he's not happy.
Jean1986, try to tahan if possible. At least take the 4 mth ML then leave, don't waste the ML cos its our entitlement.
If your body is not well most to most take no pay leave to rest if that makes him happier.
Thanks, ladies. I really dunno who can I talk to seems nobody can understand. I wish it was the hormones but I dun think I'm being unreasonable. It's not easy for us to conceive, but yet once we conceived, he will start to give me all sorts of nonsense. when I'm having my no#1, also like tat. I was even contemplating to divorce and bring up my gal by myself. It takes quite sometime to make things better. He asked me to have more kids, I'm so scared. Cos i know if things happened, I will be on my own again and I dun think I can cope with more than one kid. It takes me years to build up my courage and I did see he has changed. So I give him one more chance. It's back to square one and I'm stucked. Lucky this time I have a maid which is really helpful. I dun have any family support here . I told my mom and she scolded me for being stupid. In such a bad situation, my gal gives me the strength to go on. She can sense my sadness and always comes to hug and kiss me. Tell me she loves me and babies very much. I'm very grateful for this.
Thanks, ladies. I really dunno who can I talk to seems nobody can understand. I wish it was the hormones but I dun think I'm being unreasonable. It's not easy for us to conceive, but yet once we conceived, he will start to give me all sorts of nonsense. when I'm having my no#1, also like tat. I was even contemplating to divorce and bring up my gal by myself. It takes quite sometime to make things better. He asked me to have more kids, I'm so scared. Cos i know if things happened, I will be on my own again and I dun think I can cope with more than one kid. It takes me years to build up my courage and I did see he has changed. So I give him one more chance. It's back to square one and I'm stucked. Lucky this time I have a maid which is really helpful. I dun have any family support here . I told my mom and she scolded me for being stupid. In such a bad situation, my gal gives me the strength to go on. She can sense my sadness and always comes to hug and kiss me. Tell me she loves me and babies very much. I'm very grateful for this.

Hugs. Talk to yr hb. You just got to be strong for your kids.

Whenever I am down, I like to look at my 2 Jays.
@ellesie I agree with csy1. men need some time to adjust. I just quarreled with my hub over the weekend. he went to drink and send me drunk text and said im over controlling him and he regretted marrying me. shld have married his ex gf. how hurtful is that. I cried for 2 days non stop. after that I thought to myself, nothing is more important than the life inside me now.
let's support each other here. Cheers
Jean1986, try to tahan if possible. At least take the 4 mth ML then leave, don't waste the ML cos its our entitlement.
If your body is not well most to most take no pay leave to rest if that makes him happier.

maybe I try suggest the no pay leave later. if he don't accept, I also cant do much.
@ellesie some guys are like big babies themselves. He probably also trying to adjust to having a new member soon in the family.
Maybe I pampered him too much, treated him like a small child. Now when I no longer can pay that much attention to him, he blames me for not attentive to him. I know he's stressful with his job right now but I am also , my boss keeps giving me hard times. But still i have to endure both at work and at home. I dun need special attention. I just need someone to understand. Is it that difficult? His way of solution is leaving the house. There is no way I can talk to him. It indeed makes me a stronger person but this strong person can feel tired as well. I just want to have a simple happy life without all these struggle.
Before marriage, they are pamper by their mom / sis.
After marriage, they are pamper by the wife

Most guys are not built to handle emotions situations well. Maybe walking away is his way of stopping the issue from escalating?

If life too simple, you will find it boring :p

Cheer up @ellesie . Apply half day leave, go for high tea with your girl friends, mani/pedi to pamper yourself
@ellesie I agree with csy1. men need some time to adjust. I just quarreled with my hub over the weekend. he went to drink and send me drunk text and said im over controlling him and he regretted marrying me. shld have married his ex gf. how hurtful is that. I cried for 2 days non stop. after that I thought to myself, nothing is more important than the life inside me now.
let's support each other here. Cheers
Jean1986, hugs. I totally understand tat. he has told me numerous times, drunk or sober. I just grit my teeth and going on. I try to keep myself as I dun want to affect my babies in me. The same thing when I'm having my no #1. My no #1 totally hates her daddy only after 2 years and i keep on trying to push them together and now they are close but still not tat close. Cos the daddy will choose when to get close to her.
Yea. I totally understand how difficult it is to be preggy and hve a immature hub.. its true that my son gives me alot of strength to face daily challenges. I think they need time to accept the new baby cos they dont carry the baby, its hard for them to feel for it until the baby is out. My hub was totally nonchalant during #1 preg. Even for monthly prenatal check i was mostly alone, till my gynae was pretty convinced i was a single mum. Lol.. but this preg he has shown improvement so i don't wanna push him too hard. We gotta know how to manage them like a child.. pull too tight also cannot
@csy1 : Thanks a lot. I dun want to sound like a grumpy woman. But it's just that much I can hold. I need to keep myself sane as well. Yes, been spending my late night alone watching those korean drama and it did cheer me up. I always try to think positive and appreciate with what I have. I encourage myself to do more charity, as it helps me to feel more useful and forget all negative remarks that I get from him.
Oh on my 38 weeks gynae visit, my hub finally appeared w me and i could literally see my gynae smile and heave a sign of relief. He must be thinking this women so poor thing, so young single mum already. Lol
I went see gynae. Can see yolk sac finally! But a very faint one. I hope everything ok. She told mi preg not very stable coz the outer white layer shadow. I not sure wat is it. But she mention must be very obvious. I having bleeding also. Suspect is the polys. Anyone has polys during preg before?
@ashmum : hahaa, it's the same thing to me as well. He never accompanied me during my no #1. The most satire part is we have been trying for 8 years for it and she comes as miracle. Shouldn't he be happy? But i was so wrong. Even baby was born, he carrries few times only and one day he's so mad and he just leaves the house for one whole week. I was so devastated and frustated. Even thought of ending my life. But i know it's not worth it . I have a life that needs me the most. i survived and be stronger. it leaves a deep scar inside me and it never really heals. I know one day we will go on our separate ways, just a matter of time.
My hub was not hands on w the bb too. Maybe the bb comes too easily so he didn't treasure it then.. for the 1st year of bb life, he basically jus play w bb awhile everyday while i handle the bb from feeding to showering to every other things. Till now my #1 is v closed to me and kept saying 不要爸爸。then he start to realise that when you don't spend time w them, they won't be close to you. It is only now that he start to put in abit more effort to bond w him cos he sees that I'm v unwell w this pregnancy. And also i kept telling him abt how many ppl want but not granted children to don't take things for granted. Don't expect him to change overnight but every slight improvement we gotta praise. Rem they are also like kids?
Yes, tell yourself to be happy. Happy mummy happy baby. Focus on the happy things since we can't change the unhappy ones who choose to ignore them. Being unhappy won't make time past faster or life easier. We have a choice to be optimistic. I'm sure all of us can do it!
@ellesie hugz.. I don't know what else to say except you are a very strong woman!

Probably have a heart to heart talk with your hb after both of you have cooled down. Tell him your expectations of him. Guys are very 'duh' in this area. We cannot hint de.. they know nuts what we are thinking about
@ellesie *hugs* don't do anything silly ok.... we are here for you to rant.... and yes, hubbies can be babies themselves whereas mothers are made of steel to withstand multiple heartaches, labour pain, and multiple demands from work and home and the baby....

And.. some men got the cheek to even say, man are made of steel... yeah right!!!!
@qin17 how many weeks are u now? I rem wen I was 5wk 5 days I went for scan, only see sac. not even a yolk. went back 10 days later, and there's the heartbeat.
@qin17 how many weeks are u now? I rem wen I was 5wk 5 days I went for scan, only see sac. not even a yolk. went back 10 days later, and there's the heartbeat.
She say i jus reached 6 weeks yesterday. So onli can see sac and yolk. I gt polyps also. Hope the bleeding is due to that.
She say i jus reached 6 weeks yesterday. So onli can see sac and yolk. I gt polyps also. Hope the bleeding is due to that.
I dont think i have polyps as gynae say nothing found out but i'm still bleeding. However, bleeding stop last week and now left with spotting.. hopefully spotting will end soon..
I dont think i have polyps as gynae say nothing found out but i'm still bleeding. However, bleeding stop last week and now left with spotting.. hopefully spotting will end soon..
I also found out yesterday i gt polyps thus the frequent bleeding. But for nw need bedrest till i can hear hb.
@erlisa ya is ok. he say don't treat the tea like plain water drink whole day can already. he mentioned coffee is a nono tough.

@ellesie yup sometimes just need to go out and rant and we will feel better after that. for the love of our little ones. jiayou!

@qin17 be positive!

i've yawned for the countless times in the last one hour... omg.. i still have another 1.5 hours of work left... faster time pass by please.....
