(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

For those mummies with #1/#2, is it normal to feel that you neglecting this baby inside ah?
my #1 hoh...i will talk to him, sayang him, keep good mood etc leh.
This 1 like end of the day, than i will think 'alamak no talk leh..faster talk...haha'

@nicokin19 haven't collect him yet...around 6plus bah...too early go down need to wait very long for my hubby.
His childcare downstair my office only.

Congrats @heyimamom!! Yup most packages start 12 weeks earliest, so for the initial scan at around 6/7 weeks we will pay for that one session separately, mine cost around $230+ I think? Scan plus some hormone pills. I have friends who go kkh do their first scan while they decide which gynae to go with, so I guess it's really up to you? How many weeks are you at now?

You on folic acid now? If no, can go Watson's or Guardian pharmacy to buy, take one everyday. Helps to prevent abnormalities in bb neural tube development (or smth like that). Don't worry, enjoy the journey! :)
Anyone had trouble sleeping? These days I cannot sleep leh. I only fall asleep like ard 1am.. Then I have to wake up by 6am to go to work.. Very tiring leh......
You're surviving on very little sleep! How do you even function? Nowadays I sleep around 10+ and wake between 7 & 9am, depending on when #1 wakes..
1st 2 weeks of MC is due to unstability of pregnancy. Today went for check up and everything ok. So no more MC. .. well, basically I'm like totally off in Nov! i had my taiwan trip from Oct-30 till Nov 9, back to office on 10-14, MC from 17-30. U know, i'm doing accounts so now it's year end and cant afford to have too much of MC in the last month of the year. My team gonna have disaster if i go for MC for weeks again..

i've been having bad appetite recently. I'm kind of picky in food. If it's not my type, i can only take few spoonful. If it's my super likey food, finish off the whole thing still feel like hungry.. very bad..
We have quite a bit in common! I'm doing accounts too and just closed Nov.. It was horrible cos I was tired and so slow.. and cannot take MC..

I'm also super picky foodwise too. Definitely not like this pre-preg. Pre-preg time I can eat the same dish for lunch for maybe like 3-4 months in a row type. Now must rack my brains on what to eat.. I'm usually 'inspired' by what I see (like pictures of food) or smell (from others' food).. If I feel like having something, most others will not do.. I rather don't eat.. But if it's my food, i can eat alot too!
Hi everyone,

i just found out that i was pregnant after doing a test a few days ago. First time mom here so i'm clueless about what to do next. Alot of places i asked seem to only offer the package from earliest week 12 onwards. Can someone share with me how is it that you all get to do a scan so early (week 5-8) of your pregnancies. Or is the first scan always not counted as part of the package? In that case, who do you get to do your first scan? The gynae that you'll ultimately sign a package with, or just any gynae/hospital will do? Sorry that i'm so noob, very anxious because my pregnancy wasn't expected at all and i'm so afraid of shortchanging the little one. Can't ask anyone too because i don't want to announce before i enter second trimester. Help! :(
Congrats, girl! :)

My gynae doesnt have a package, it's pay per visit.. Every visit also do scan.. So it's basically consultation charges + scanning charges + medication (folic acid)
Anyone had trouble sleeping? These days I cannot sleep leh. I only fall asleep like ard 1am.. Then I have to wake up by 6am to go to work.. Very tiring leh......

i feel sleepy in the day , but cant really fall asleep at night .. yesterday alone, i woke up at 830am , nap at 1130 - 1230, then nap again at 430-530 , then night time can only sleep at 12 something .. my #1 complain that why mum sleep so often now

in the office, i keep on yawning n yawning n yawning

i feel bloated all the time but no MS .. which make the feeling even worst

By the way, who can help me to update the table? I didnt manage to do it. Thanks.

Amelia4080 / 24 Jul / #2 / Prof Chong / NUH / Clementi West
Anyone want folic acid from guardian? I only took a few. Am giving away if anyone wants. Duphaston as well if anyone needs as I was hospitalized 2 weeks back and KKH give me a lot.
Appleseed, now u make me crave for fast food too!
I have been feeling super nausea the whole day.. damn sian of this feeling. Every single smell which lingers in the air makes me wanna puke
Oh ya, I totally forgot about the folic acid pills.. -.- that's how it is with second baby, tend to neglect loads of stuff with this new one in the tummy... =( Focused too much on #1.. hehe... Shall go to pharmacy n get tomorrow!!! Doubt I'll be able to get from you Jean1986... =)
I'll only be seeing Dr Tham on 17th.. =( ... long wait, it seems! but i'm only 4 weeks now la.. hee
Appleseed, now u make me crave for fast food too!
I have been feeling super nausea the whole day.. damn sian of this feeling. Every single smell which lingers in the air makes me wanna puke
Lol.. If I rem correctly, chuckles was the one who started this BK craze? :p
I term mine 'ang moh' baby.. Don't feel like rice or noodles, just all the 'ang moh' junk food.. Aiming for pizza tomorrow.. haaa
Cham, I only have myself to blame for ballooning. No self discipline, whatsoever..

I also have a heightened sense of smell now.. I can smell my colleagues' fish ball noodles, prawn mee etc during lunch and it's actually quite repulsive..
You ladies are funny. :)
I went to the hospital today to get a 2nd blood test. Nurse called at abt 5 p.m. and said only progesterone results are out but not hcg. Weird. I have a feeling the lab forgot to test for hcg. Now I feel like I'm in a limbo. I hope it rises nicely. I had earlier refused a scan cause there really is nothing to see so early. So scan will only be done at 6 week 3 days which is on the 9 dec.
For those mummies with #1/#2, is it normal to feel that you neglecting this baby inside ah?
my #1 hoh...i will talk to him, sayang him, keep good mood etc leh.
This 1 like end of the day, than i will think 'alamak no talk leh..faster talk...haha'

@nicokin19 haven't collect him yet...around 6plus bah...too early go down need to wait very long for my hubby.
His childcare downstair my office only.
Yaya.. #2 lazy to take bump.. lazy yo talk.. just feel normal...
Better start talking...if not like unfair Wo....
Hi mummies, may I ask did your went to GP to confirm pregnancy before visiting the gynae or will just based on the test kit? As I know the period of waiting for 1st gynae visit can be quite a long wait. Feeling confused. TIA!
Hi strawberrymilkshake! I tested on my own using test kit, then double confirmed the next day with a kit of different brand lol
Me too.. tested quite a few times with different test kits on different days. To confirm and double confirm again! Very kiasu.. lol I made an appt and was given a slot 2 weeks later.
Hehehe. Thank you @yallo @Happy~Mian @chuckles for replying. :) Yes, I must agreed its nice seeing the double line. :D During the waiting time before gynae's appt, is there anything we must or must not do?
I don't do anything special. I just drink plenty of water, have lots of rest cause you will start to feel really tired. Take your folic acid and avoid crowds. You can get a bit dizzy and big crowds will make it worst. I conceived via ivf so I take a bit more hormones to stabilise my pregnancy. Hope it helps.
Nothing special, except the folic acid and cut down on the caffeine, stay away from raw / half cooked food esp soft boiled eggs.

For my #1 I was very guai, zero tea and strictly fully cooked food. This time round I'm still having the occasional cup of tea some days and I've even had a few slices of sashimi ooops :p just couldn't resist the temptation!! Yah man I think #2 lugi liao, don't get all the special treatment
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I only tested once myself last friday. dunno if wanna get another stick to try again... I can only see Dr Tham in week 7 too. got to wait about 2 weeks :(
haha... as mine wasn't really erm planned, we bought another stick to try again... a positive.. so... twice positive on a watson's brand test kit should be positive hor? =p
but i'm kinda worried also, coz I dyed and permed my hair like a day before testing... hope no harmful effects! =(
Haha feel so at home cause im also testing every other day.. I also thought im quite siao, but just wana confirm since i have not meet up dr tham..
I just received my OSCAR test results, quite bad for T21.

Background risk 1:226
Adjusted risk 1:127 due to my blood test and my maternal age of 36.

But the screening turns out my baby has good results with NT 1.5mm and high nasal bone of 2.4mm. My gynae suggests me to take the Harmony test next week.

I really pray and hope this is a false alarm.
Hi mummy..I had a bad detailed scan and I'm glad I found Dr Ananda..he's very famous for doing genetic scan and bad scan result..you may google him on his reviews..

I paid $500 for the scan and it's actually better than Oscar and Harmony..I wouldn't know this if it's not due to my test result..do give a try if you don't mind..

It's here again. Hate the feeling when I feel like puking when brushing my teeth and taking the public transport have not start puking yet but think I won't be spared this round. Since #2 my MS was horrible.
good morning ladiies!!

I peed on my last stick today... and the test line appeared very much darker than the control line within seconds!!! Happy.. but sad coz i don't have any more to pee on for the next few days....
i dont dare to drive to work from today onwards as yesterday i could not help but keep yawning n yawning while driving. Once I park in the car park, I straight away fall asleep. Gosh ~~ i so scared that I will fall asleep while I drive.. to play safe, stop driving until #1 school reopen.
Amelia4080, i also got attacked by zzz monster. Last night i slept earlier than my boy! Luckily my mum ard to jagar him while i concuss. I think its safer for you not to drive.
oh no..sound dangerous Amelia.
Can arrange other way to go work?

aiyo my rashes really killing me leh.
Going to use the steriod cream, hopefully the skin will heal soon.

Is lavender & Melrose EO safe for pregnancy? i read somewhere that lavender is not good for pregnant woman
@csy1 : lavender is safe for pregnant woman. Here's the list of those safe for pregnancy and those u should avoid


  • eo safe for pregnancy.jpg
    eo safe for pregnancy.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 181
Oh dear amelia4080, please don't drive anymore! That's really dangerous!

On 2 days mc, so happy, can stay at home and sleep sleep sleep.
Ash Mum, I also sleep very early last night. Once the boy sleep at 830pm, i knock out at 9pm. My hubby not around, working outstation from today onwards. So, I am lone ranger with #1 n #2 in tummy .. yawn yawn yawn

next two days , i am on leave .. sleep again .. yawn ~~
I have not been in the forum for quite some time, so excited to see so many newcomers. I'm not feeling well recently and I hope I won't fall into depression soon. My hubby has been giving me hard time when I needed him the most. I hope I can pull it through. I'm so envy with those pregnant and can have special treatment. I never had and I never will. Sigh! Sorry for such a demoralising post in such early morning.
Ladies.. I'm down with flu and cough..a bit sore throat too.. any medication that I can take? Can I eat pi pa gao for my sore throat?

I have not been in the forum for quite some time, so excited to see so many newcomers. I'm not feeling well recently and I hope I won't fall into depression soon. My hubby has been giving me hard time when I needed him the most. I hope I can pull it through. I'm so envy with those pregnant and can have special treatment. I never had and I never will. Sigh! Sorry for such a demoralising post in such early morning.

don't feel down. I was very upset for the past week too as my hub is not those caring and supportive type. + the MS and all. really sucks.
