(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

My gynae give me folic acid and calcium once I know I get pregnant. Then prescribed me fish oil after week 12.

My mom remind me to eat enough calcium during pregnancy. Coz your baby will took the calcium from you just like parasit. If you do not have sufficient calcium, then you will be the one who suffer, not your baby. My mom told me that he lost one tooth in every pregnancy. Now she old oredy and only left with 2-3 teeth only.

mylilsheep, it is very true about losing teeth if don't have enough calcium. 'cos baby will take from us! even during bfing too, cannot stop the supplements. in fact, must take more since babies needs more and more as they grow larger by the day. I've seen a lady who had a large bald patch on her head after giving birth. think lack of some vitamins and minerals when pregnant. that alone makes me remember to take my supplements every single day.
Thanks for all the assurance!

@yoga_babe hope you managed to have a good sleep! Alamak posting at 2am… you had such a tough journey, hopefully all the awful ms symptoms go away soon! Altho my sis is older than me by only 2 yrs, we r not dat close. My family is not those lovey dovey kind haha. And maybe our characters really quite diff. My hubby n his bro 5 yrs apart, but surprisingly quite close. I guess boils down to family upbringing bah.
yes, really bald on top! but I think hers is probably a rare case. I was told by a hairdresser that if you have oily scalp, better wash hair during confinement. 'cos the oil will clog up the pores on the scalp and may result in greater hair loss later on at 3-4mths postpartum. after my #1, I went for a scalp analysis and saw that many pores were indeed clogged up hence hair growth really painfully slow.
Yes, The hair loss was so crazy! Everyday need to sweep and see clumps and clumps of hair. My hubby was very grossed out.

Okok better guai guai take supplements ;)
Oh dear, I can't imagine if I were the one with a bald patch on the crown, how to face the public :(
My hair drop also quite bad till can c "receding hairline".
When I went into the salon requesting to cut off my long fringe, the hairstylist I think 看不下去 and recommended a hair tonic under the brand Shiseido. V ex but v effective. Think this time round I hav to start stocking up 1st
@cynn04 , I din get a gd rest, but surprisingly I'm not tired, just tt body feels like jelly...haha
I think u r right, upbringing def plays a part, n also the character of the siblings, whether can click well or not....

Mommies, Do u all shower during the confinement?
I remember I was only allowed to shower max 1-2 times a week with the herbal preparation
My gynae prescribed me Neurogain prenatal DHA since the start of 1st trimester. She said its good for the baby's brain. I was thinking of taking Nordic Naturals too, is it good?

Yea good for baby's brain, that's what i thought too. But my gynae said too early now unless im those who dont eat fish at all. If not, then eating more fish is enough for now. Until 20 weeks then start taking fish oil. I love fish, i have fish in my meals almost everyday so i think it's ok ba... i find Nordic Naturals ok, dunno how to define good or not hahaha. No fishy after taste. total 450mg DHA and 90mg EPA.
Today lunch time, u went to a fruit stall to buy Green Apple+Aloe Vera juice. That fruit stall aunty said pregnant lady can not drink/eat aloe Vera.

I never heard of pregnant women can't drink/eat aloe Vera. So I ignored and finished my big cup green apple+ aloe Vera drink.

Just now I googled, alarmak! Pregnant women really can't drink/eat aloe Vera wor! Even aloe Vera product like aloe gel; skin care products.

Did any mummies take calcium supplements on top of your multi-vits? Cos I don't like to drink any type of milk and cheese, afraid not enough calcium.

If yes, any brand to recommend?
MTB-2015, You mean we cannot even use aloe vera products ?
Is it because aloe vera is "cooling"?
This is the first time i heard.
@MTB-2015 yes, I heard about aloe vera not suitable for pregnancy because it's very cooling. But for aloe vera jst to apply on the skin, i think that shld b fine. Probably jst to avoid to apply at stomach area if u worried to use it.

@4gals, yes. My gynae reccomemded me to take fish oil+multi vit+calcium daily
My gynae only prescibe me Florxine (folic acid tablets) for first 3 months.
Calcium and fish oil only starts after w12.
I think my gynae is more "kia su" type. He asked me to take folic acid even i havnt get pregnant. My 1st visit is to seek his consultation on the effective methods to conceive as i have been trying for almost 3yrs. Then, he confirmed that I got pregnant on my 2nd visit. So he prescribe me calclium+folic acid. And he told me calcium pill cannot stop and needs to take untill stop for breast feeding. So aft 12 weeks he said folic acid can stop but must start to take fish oil+multi vit +calcium.
Actually your gynae is right ! You should start folic acid daily, for at least three months before conception.
We must get enough folic acid every day to prevent serious birth defects in baby, especially before conception.
I think my gynae is more "kia su" type. He asked me to take folic acid even i havnt get pregnant. My 1st visit is to seek his consultation on the effective methods to conceive as i have been trying for almost 3yrs. Then, he confirmed that I got pregnant on my 2nd visit. So he prescribe me calclium+folic acid. And he told me calcium pill cannot stop and needs to take untill stop for breast feeding. So aft 12 weeks he said folic acid can stop but must start to take fish oil+multi vit +calcium.

@Doraemon_mummy, I agreed. He is "kia su" type, he said to me that majority of his patient are those very carefull or in other words those "kia si" one. lols....
@BubsandBloms, I have told my close friend once I pass week 12. But just tell my boss last week. hahaha... while for other colleagues, I still keep it quiet until they look at the bump on my tummy become obvious. So far I am still able to hide it. How about you?

I see, that's the way it goes at times. My hubby and I discussed and we felt that we will announce only after the OSCAR test. You know, those normal anxiety that comes along with such tests. the OSCAR test is next Monday and I can't wait. Hubby is now in USA and returning this Sunday, just in time for my scan on Monday.

hi BubsandBloms, haven't seen you in the chat for a while! hope you will "outgrow" your MS soon. think several mummies here still battling the MS, so you are definitely not alone. mine seemed to have disappeared when I hit 13 weeks. but past 2 days, whenever the clock strikes 5pm, I will start feeling weird in the pit of the stomach. like nausea coming.

my immediate family, relatives, colleagues and several friends already know of my pregnancy. just that we have ye to officially announce on FB, and my hubby prefers to hold it till we know of the gender. :)

Yea, I have been too busy to post. I am STILL vomiting and having bloated tummy. Recently, my nipples grew to be so itchy as well, and I can even see skin peeling off. =(

The body changes are rather hard to cope at times. I am at 13 weeks soon, yet, my MS are still there, though it's getting better by a very slight margin. My nausea interestingly always comes after a train ride. LOL

I see, does you and your hubby have any interesting ways of announcing it on FB?

Yes yes!! I can totally feel you I am 12weeks but my night sickness is not getting any better nor the transport sickness!! Terrible! !

SAME! Woes of expectant mother at first trimester I reckon. =(

Actually I informed my family members too during my week 8 and my boss. Because I was having very bad MS which i need to tell my boss to give me some flexibility. Haha

I supposed sometimes, we have to announce it earlier due to some reasons, especially work. I too informed my boss just weeks after I found out I am pregnant, because I need to let her know my work capability as it can get really stressful at times.
Today lunch time, u went to a fruit stall to buy Green Apple+Aloe Vera juice. That fruit stall aunty said pregnant lady can not drink/eat aloe Vera.

I never heard of pregnant women can't drink/eat aloe Vera. So I ignored and finished my big cup green apple+ aloe Vera drink.

Just now I googled, alarmak! Pregnant women really can't drink/eat aloe Vera wor! Even aloe Vera product like aloe gel; skin care products.


Yeah my TCM doctor oso say aloe vera cannot take, cos will cause uterus to contract. He oso said a whole bunch of food, including vege 上海青. But im already breaking the tea and cold drinks rule… so heh heh…

Nway i sacked him liao la. The last time i saw him at ard 7 wks, told him i feel nauseous etc etc, he laugh at me and say where got so fast feel nauseous wan. :mad::mad::mad: Didnt went back again lol. Ok mainly cos tcm medication is so exp and I couldnt drink at all cos smell already wanna puke.

But skin care products shld be ok.
@BubsandBloms good luck for your Oscar Scan!
Actually I also realise my nipple skin start to peel off. I think thats normal. Hehe.

Im thinking to upgrade my bra soon cause I feel my current bra cup size is not fit now.
Anyone start to upgrade bra already?
Just went for my oscar test! Very happy to see my beanie again. So cute now can see fingers and toes etc! Now hope and pray for good results. The lady doing my scan never give anything away le, gender oso say must wait till 20wks detailed scan then confirm. Aiyo.

I went to the Thomson imaging clinic at Scotts Medical Centre at Pacific Plaza. Nobody there wan, waiting time so much shorter compared to at TMC itself. Think will oso go there for my detailed scan.
@cynn04 Dun worry so much. If the scanning shows good then it shld be no problem. I totally understand how u feel when scanning the baby during oscar scan. I was very excited too. Can see the baby so clearly, feel so so happy!
@BubsandBloms good luck for your Oscar Scan!
Actually I also realise my nipple skin start to peel off. I think thats normal. Hehe.

Im thinking to upgrade my bra soon cause I feel my current bra cup size is not fit now.
Anyone start to upgrade bra already?
Yep. I am struggling to find a suitable size that fits. Never good at buying bras.
@BubsandBloms good luck for your Oscar Scan!
Actually I also realise my nipple skin start to peel off. I think thats normal. Hehe.

Im thinking to upgrade my bra soon cause I feel my current bra cup size is not fit now.
Anyone start to upgrade bra already?
my nipples itch so badly that i scratch until bleeding..so tml see gynae must ask for solution liao :(
@cynn04 , it's natural to b anxious about the result. Have faith in yr little beanie, all will b fine. When will u know the result? Let us in once u hav the gd news k.

@megal, same here, my bra is getting tight. U may consider getting a bra extension for now, n if the cup increases more during 2nd trim, than buy maternity bra.
For myself, I will most likely get just 2-3 maternity bras to last thru the preg n when in 3rd trim, will get nursing bra instead
People keep guessing behind my back if I am pregnant or not! I am pretty close to my boss, so some of my workmates in the other dept. asked her why I out on weight. And my students too! They asked my staff if I was pregnant! So kaypoh.

But I reveals pretty early on to some close workmates and friends, because I underwent IVF and they knew about it, they helped me and understood when I came in late etc. so naturally when I tested positive they knew. I'm just worried about the Oscar test now.

I was talking to my friend who is giving birth to twins soon and telling her how I'm worried about the tests and the Genetic Scan. And that after that I will worry about autism and then later I guess I will worry about pre school and primary school and the bf/gf and then so on and so forth as my baby grows up! THE WORRY WILL NEVER STOP! Yikes!
@cynn04 what??? 上海青cannot eat??? It's one of my favorite green leaves vege ler. I ate a lot during my 1st tri. Cause thats the only vege i can eat most.

I dunno le, he say wan. Everything in moderation shld be ok bah?

@cynn04, yr TCM doc a bit unprofessional to laugh at yr symptoms le, no wonder u sacked him... Haha

Yah lor, he was rather dismissive. But alot of couples go to him for fertility issues. Waiting times in the evening and weekends are horrible. Took me 2 mths to make appt w him, then when i finally saw him actually i was already pregnant lol.
People keep guessing behind my back if I am pregnant or not! I am pretty close to my boss, so some of my workmates in the other dept. asked her why I out on weight. And my students too! They asked my staff if I was pregnant! So kaypoh.

But I reveals pretty early on to some close workmates and friends, because I underwent IVF and they knew about it, they helped me and understood when I came in late etc. so naturally when I tested positive they knew. I'm just worried about the Oscar test now.

I was talking to my friend who is giving birth to twins soon and telling her how I'm worried about the tests and the Genetic Scan. And that after that I will worry about autism and then later I guess I will worry about pre school and primary school and the bf/gf and then so on and so forth as my baby grows up! THE WORRY WILL NEVER STOP! Yikes!

Hahahaha so much to worry hor. Oh worry about the competitive n kiasu mommies you will meet in future! Preview:
~ my kid can walk at 10 mths…
~ my kid can read ABCs now…
~ i bring my kid for this and this class… very good to start early to improve their right brain blah blah blah…
~ i start parent volunteering AND grassroots so my kid can go good pri school…

Endless i tell ya.
Hahahaha so much to worry hor. Oh worry about the competitive n kiasu mommies you will meet in future! Preview:
~ my kid can walk at 10 mths…
~ my kid can read ABCs now…
~ i bring my kid for this and this class… very good to start early to improve their right brain blah blah blah…
~ i start parent volunteering AND grassroots so my kid can go good pri school…

Endless i tell ya.
Oh man! Those sound horrendous! Not sure if I will be able to control myself from rolling my eyes at them.
I have done my oscar test
Realli see the baby grow so much so happy
I done in nuh and d sonographer say the same as wat @starrymommy say

Cant tell is boy or ger...
Bb quite cooperative 10min captured what they need

Can see the hand n leg wave here n there

Oh man! Those sound horrendous! Not sure if I will be able to control myself from rolling my eyes at them.

Haha dun say too early, wait you oso become like this kekeke… nway nothing wrong w being kiasu la. Diff parenting styles suits diff kids. I jus stay away cos very stressful being ard them.
I have done my oscar test
Realli see the baby grow so much so happy
I done in nuh and d sonographer say the same as wat @starrymommy say

Cant tell is boy or ger...
Bb quite cooperative 10min captured what they need

Can see the hand n leg wave here n there


Happy to hear that :) yours so fast! mine took awhile cos baby was uncooperative. One moment standing up, then turned and face down, just wont stay in correct position for the scan. Sonographer was tski-ng away haha. She even had to ask me to go pee halfway thru to try and get baby into position. This one very cheeky.

Nway she brought forward my EDD to 21 May due to baby's size. So gonna be out of first tri soon woohoo! This nausea thing has got on my nerves long enough.
We came back from our visit. Itchiness will go away soon gynae say n we r having a boy!!! Saw the little penis. Baby is like sleeping so gynae can turn here n there to take shots. So cute.
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