(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Hi mummies is it normal to still be bleeding 7 weeks after delivery? Mine actually stopped a week ago then suddenly i am bleeding again. Or is it my period?! But i am breastfeeding... Confused now.

Hi mummies is it normal to still be bleeding 7 weeks after delivery? Mine actually stopped a week ago then suddenly i am bleeding again. Or is it my period?! But i am breastfeeding... Confused now.

Sounds like what happened to me. I was bleeding for 47days after delivery. Stop for 10days, and the starts to bleed again for another 10days. But was just spotting. Gynae told me that's the start of a new cycle.

Then a month later, I got back my full blown period with staining and cramps. And I am fully breastfeeding as well.

I felt sooo cheated leh!! Ppl always say breastfeeding mums will at least 3mths no period.

Really cheat my feelings!
I am still having lochia. Initially it's pink plus yellow. Don't know why now it's yellowish and no more pink/red. Is this normal? Baby is turning 7 weeks tomorrow. I tot c sec won't have lochia for so long....

I need advice for bringing LO out. Anyone knows of tips to coax baby to sleep while outside? My LO keeps staring at the spotlights in the mall and refuses to sleep even though she is yawning and very tired for 2-3 hours. End up become cranky even when I carry and try to rock her to sleep.
Sounds like what happened to me. I was bleeding for 47days after delivery. Stop for 10days, and the starts to bleed again for another 10days. But was just spotting. Gynae told me that's the start of a new cycle.

Then a month later, I got back my full blown period with staining and cramps. And I am fully breastfeeding as well.

I felt sooo cheated leh!! Ppl always say breastfeeding mums will at least 3mths no period.

Really cheat my feelings!
What!! I was counting on not having my period while breastfeeding lei! Yes mine sounds something like urs... A bit more than spotting but not full period. I don't think it is the lochia...

I am still having lochia. Initially it's pink plus yellow. Don't know why now it's yellowish and no more pink/red. Is this normal? Baby is turning 7 weeks tomorrow. I tot c sec won't have lochia for so long....

I need advice for bringing LO out. Anyone knows of tips to coax baby to sleep while outside? My LO keeps staring at the spotlights in the mall and refuses to sleep even though she is yawning and very tired for 2-3 hours. End up become cranky even when I carry and try to rock her to sleep.
Actually when I had a miscarriage some time back my lochia lasted for 8 weeks... So yah, lochia can last for qt long...
I am still having lochia. Initially it's pink plus yellow. Don't know why now it's yellowish and no more pink/red. Is this normal? Baby is turning 7 weeks tomorrow. I tot c sec won't have lochia for so long....

I need advice for bringing LO out. Anyone knows of tips to coax baby to sleep while outside? My LO keeps staring at the spotlights in the mall and refuses to sleep even though she is yawning and very tired for 2-3 hours. End up become cranky even when I carry and try to rock her to sleep.

U using carrier or pram? For me i put lo in pram and close the canopy only leaving the gap for me to see him. He will auto slp when on the move n wakes up when stop! I think bb eyes shld still be blurry, so lights r the brightest/clearest tt they can c now. Even at home if on light my lo only stare at tat spot.. Haha
I using pram but she doesn't sleep in the pram and will cry to be carried instead. Headache!! Sigh

Wah fierce leh. Got pram but need carry n push bb... Emmm now bb also too young for hanging toys, duno what else to entertain them n make them tired to ownself slp in d pram leh. What if u carry bb till slp, den out in pram? Also will wake up huh? Make wrap or make the base of pram for spongy ? Haha my brain like not working as fast after deliver :(
Where do u buy from and how much? I am considering physiogel or aveeno or mustela..
Bought from baby fair $12,UP $16. Kiddy palace got sell.
I using pram but she doesn't sleep in the pram and will cry to be carried instead. Headache!! Sigh
Are u using infant pram or standard but added with padding etc? I use standard size pram, not investing on infant car seat but adding jj Cole pad. My bb fell asleep today when we brought her out.. Went out for 2hrs only though. Reached home she made noise.. I think most importantly our bb needs some assurance they are safe in it.. FYI my stroller only can face front..
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I did normal delivery and my lochia stopped after 4 weeks.. Now 7 weeks I had light bleeding for 4-5days. Now stopped already. I am not sure if its okay.. Any of u is still wearing binder until now?
Hi mummies, just to share.

I caught my LO laughing out loud today. She was trying to suck her fist again so I played with her by pulling her fist away repeatedly and telling her in a funny tone "don't let you eat your drumstick.." Suddenly she went "huh huh! Huh huh huh!" as she smiled. So funny! It was such a hearty laughter. I tried doing it one more time & she LOL again but when I took my hp out to try to take a video of her laughing, she just kept focusing on my hp & refused to lol. Heh.
Hi mummies, just to share.

I caught my LO laughing out loud today. She was trying to suck her fist again so I played with her by pulling her fist away repeatedly and telling her in a funny tone "don't let you eat your drumstick.." Suddenly she went "huh huh! Huh huh huh!" as she smiled. So funny! It was such a hearty laughter. I tried doing it one more time & she LOL again but when I took my hp out to try to take a video of her laughing, she just kept focusing on my hp & refused to lol. Heh.
So cute!!
Hi mummies, just to share.

I caught my LO laughing out loud today. She was trying to suck her fist again so I played with her by pulling her fist away repeatedly and telling her in a funny tone "don't let you eat your drumstick.." Suddenly she went "huh huh! Huh huh huh!" as she smiled. So funny! It was such a hearty laughter. I tried doing it one more time & she LOL again but when I took my hp out to try to take a video of her laughing, she just kept focusing on my hp & refused to lol. Heh.

Bb are so smart hor... I feel they r used to mummies taking photos of them lor. I also whip out my hp den lo quiet n stare.. I try other colour device he also same reaction.
Hope u next time got chance to video her laughing with the cute sound!!

I did normal delivery and my lochia stopped after 4 weeks.. Now 7 weeks I had light bleeding for 4-5days. Now stopped already. I am not sure if its okay.. Any of u is still wearing binder until now?

I nv wear my corset since i end confinement. U still wearing ur binder? I damn lazy lor... Tummy getting bigger from bubble tea, starbucks, and night pastries.. Sigh~
I did normal delivery and my lochia stopped after 4 weeks.. Now 7 weeks I had light bleeding for 4-5days. Now stopped already. I am not sure if its okay.. Any of u is still wearing binder until now?

I stopped wearing binder. Cuz I lost all my Preggy weight and is lighter than pre-preg now. *prays this stays*

However, I'm still continuing with my Malay massage. So auntie will wrap bengkong after each massage and I'll only remove after 5-6 hours.
I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix
Actually nanny is the domestic helper or the Confinement lady ar? I'm abit lost here.
Sounds like what happened to me. I was bleeding for 47days after delivery. Stop for 10days, and the starts to bleed again for another 10days. But was just spotting. Gynae told me that's the start of a new cycle.

Then a month later, I got back my full blown period with staining and cramps. And I am fully breastfeeding as well.

I felt sooo cheated leh!! Ppl always say breastfeeding mums will at least 3mths no period.

Really cheat my feelings!
Ya ya.. me too... bleeding for a month plus, stopped. And a couple weeks later.. staining again. I feel very cheated. However stopped after a day with light staining... and couple weeks later, staining again and last lesser than a day. Not sure what the hell man...
Hi mummies, just to share.

I caught my LO laughing out loud today. She was trying to suck her fist again so I played with her by pulling her fist away repeatedly and telling her in a funny tone "don't let you eat your drumstick.." Suddenly she went "huh huh! Huh huh huh!" as she smiled. So funny! It was such a hearty laughter. I tried doing it one more time & she LOL again but when I took my hp out to try to take a video of her laughing, she just kept focusing on my hp & refused to lol. Heh.
That's very cute! Hehehe
Ya ya.. me too... bleeding for a month plus, stopped. And a couple weeks later.. staining again. I feel very cheated. However stopped after a day with light staining... and couple weeks later, staining again and last lesser than a day. Not sure what the hell man...
Maybe our period trying to restart but cannot... Better than having full period I guess.
Dear mummies who latch baby through the night,

Do u offer both breasts to baby at every feed? Or usually baby is full after latching on one side? Do u then pump out the other side?

I realised little one is full after latching on one side for a feed. I will offer her the other side at the next feed (2-4 hours interval) bt i would definitely need to pump at least once through the night if nt both sides super engorged and abit blocked.

Any similar experience? Also, if i pump after latching, even the side which wasnt offered to baby produces about 20-50ml lesser than usual. Why huh? Hormones? Milk gt transferred to the latching side? Lol
Are u using infant pram or standard but added with padding etc? I use standard size pram, not investing on infant car seat but adding jj Cole pad. My bb fell asleep today when we brought her out.. Went out for 2hrs only though. Reached home she made noise.. I think most importantly our bb needs some assurance they are safe in it.. FYI my stroller only can face front..

I using the normal Aprica stroller...is JJ cole pad warm? It looks warm so I am worried it will trigger her rash heehee
7 weeks pp, still wearing binder...rotating between belly bandit, wink shapewear and the hospital binder for my c sec wound. Didn't wear the beng kung from massage Liao coz tying it is a chore and I just can't manage to tie it very very tight like the ML does for me.

I actually like wearing it to sleep coz I feel more support for the tummy. Lost my pregnancy weight 2 weeks pp but still have a small tummy till now. Actually tummy is smaller then before I was pregnant. I think it's as good as it can get Liao....I shouldn't be too greedy haha, learn to live with it liao.
7 weeks pp, still wearing binder...rotating between belly bandit, wink shapewear and the hospital binder for my c sec wound. Didn't wear the beng kung from massage Liao coz tying it is a chore and I just can't manage to tie it very very tight like the ML does for me.

I actually like wearing it to sleep coz I feel more support for the tummy. Lost my pregnancy weight 2 weeks pp but still have a small tummy till now. Actually tummy is smaller then before I was pregnant. I think it's as good as it can get Liao....I shouldn't be too greedy haha, learn to live with it liao.
This is so good. I guess got to make all effort to make the tummy go away.. but my craving for bb tea is so horrible!
I did normal delivery and my lochia stopped after 4 weeks.. Now 7 weeks I had light bleeding for 4-5days. Now stopped already. I am not sure if its okay.. Any of u is still wearing binder until now?

I oso stopped wearing the binder after confinement lady left. It was too restrictive n hot (altho dats e point … ) esp when i was pumping. Sighs. How to get tummy back in shape by being so lazy…
My boy chu pattern again. These few days after every feed he'll be very pek chek, and keep fussing - gek until face red, arch backwards. Even after burp him still liddat. He is 7wks old, drinking 100ml. After had to carry him and walk ard, then he'll calm down.

Cannot figure out is he
1) still hungry? Feed more will puke.
2) still needs burping? Got loud burp still liddat.
3) constipated? He poos 2-3 times a day already.
Dear mummies who latch baby through the night,

Do u offer both breasts to baby at every feed? Or usually baby is full after latching on one side? Do u then pump out the other side?

I realised little one is full after latching on one side for a feed. I will offer her the other side at the next feed (2-4 hours interval) bt i would definitely need to pump at least once through the night if nt both sides super engorged and abit blocked.

Any similar experience? Also, if i pump after latching, even the side which wasnt offered to baby produces about 20-50ml lesser than usual. Why huh? Hormones? Milk gt transferred to the latching side? Lol

I latch through the night. Only pump once at 10pm, next is ard 4.30-6am depend on wat time bb feed n goes back to bed. I aso alternate latch, but the last boobs tat DL on will be lesser. N wen DL he nv drink till empty, mayb cos i still oversupply..
IMO, Sometimes wen we DL lying down, the boobs get pressed, den might actually be blocked. Den the boobs not offered pump less might b cos bb nv empty, den wont produce more as 'no demand no supply'. Jus wat i analyse n read up cos i also experience same.

I intend skip the MOTN pump next week in preparation to work! Sob~ so i mus train to drag longer to haf enuff rest.

Now how much excess do u produce after DL? Day time u still pump regularly? Or ...?

Actually nanny is the domestic helper or the Confinement lady ar? I'm abit lost here.

For me i feel nanny is not maid, nor CL? Like someone local to help tc of bb? Lol, i aso lost! @Twirlycandy pls enlighten? Hehe..
My boy chu pattern again. These few days after every feed he'll be very pek chek, and keep fussing - gek until face red, arch backwards. Even after burp him still liddat. He is 7wks old, drinking 100ml. After had to carry him and walk ard, then he'll calm down.

Cannot figure out is he
1) still hungry? Feed more will puke.
2) still needs burping? Got loud burp still liddat.
3) constipated? He poos 2-3 times a day already.

@cynn04 is ur bb fully latch or mix bottle feed?
For my boi if he cranky, i will latch till he cries louder & avoid my nips means he dun wan milk.
Den i change his diapers cos he dont like being dirty n wet. If still cry i apply ruyi oil n rub in circular motion on timmy. Den i will burp him if still cry, den i pass to any one else i see at home... Maybe he jus wan different smell, duff posture of carry. Cos wen my dad carries he be watching tv! N in sitting position back lean on my dad chest (his fav position other den latching).
Sometimes my bb is jus tired but will fight the tiredness, can c eyes real red n like fluffy (mayb frm crying aso) haha.
My boi poo after almost every feed leh, so i aso duno if normal cos seems alot bb poo lesser as they age.

Honestly, i aso duno how mummies get thru a day after another with a crying baby!! But still we all manage to go by and slowly understand bb cues... Jiayou everyone! Soon can c them flip, crawl, talk, walk, run, jump, scream and fight! Now i start to miss them when they are jus born....the tiny bb.... :D
@furbee totally agree... I will miss the time when baby is really just a baby and loves u so wholeheartedly cos u r the only thing they know...
@furbee, yeah... i almost forget how tiny my little bb when just out from the oven. Now heavier le .... but the good thing is now I can see him smiling and even lols. :) Want them to grow fast fast, but then also want to stop the time. Depends on when lor... if bb nice and calm then ok , but if crying /cranky ... better not. hahaha....
Dear mummies who latch baby through the night,

Do u offer both breasts to baby at every feed? Or usually baby is full after latching on one side? Do u then pump out the other side?

I realised little one is full after latching on one side for a feed. I will offer her the other side at the next feed (2-4 hours interval) bt i would definitely need to pump at least once through the night if nt both sides super engorged and abit blocked.

Any similar experience? Also, if i pump after latching, even the side which wasnt offered to baby produces about 20-50ml lesser than usual. Why huh? Hormones? Milk gt transferred to the latching side? Lol
I will offer both breasts if he still awake. But if he was too sleepy (or I am sleepy too), I will just give one breast then put him on bed again. Especially I need to wake up early n go to work the following day mah.
I latch through the night. Only pump once at 10pm, next is ard 4.30-6am depend on wat time bb feed n goes back to bed. I aso alternate latch, but the last boobs tat DL on will be lesser. N wen DL he nv drink till empty, mayb cos i still oversupply..
IMO, Sometimes wen we DL lying down, the boobs get pressed, den might actually be blocked. Den the boobs not offered pump less might b cos bb nv empty, den wont produce more as 'no demand no supply'. Jus wat i analyse n read up cos i also experience same.

I intend skip the MOTN pump next week in preparation to work! Sob~ so i mus train to drag longer to haf enuff rest.

Now how much excess do u produce after DL? Day time u still pump regularly? Or ...?

For me i feel nanny is not maid, nor CL? Like someone local to help tc of bb? Lol, i aso lost! @Twirlycandy pls enlighten? Hehe..

Immediately after direct latching her at 5am just now, i was quite tired but crawled up to pump still cos while latching her on one side, my other side was rock hard n also leaking onto her diaper cloth. Lol. I managed to yield about 150ml for that pump session.

I tried offering the other side to her at every feed but she seems full halfway (and will sometimes burp while at my boob?!) so kena rejected.

My nanny is still the same cl... We really bobian with an increasingly cranky baby with v little help from both sides parents. Nw even during daytime, nanny n i take turns to go toilet etc lol! When hubby is home then he will volunteer to take over till she sleeps. Financially more taxing but hubby thinks its only wallets flatter for this 3 mths bt at least we all will get more rest and not so stressed mentally... But for myself, i was taken care by my nanny since 3 months old till 6 yrs old. She became my godmama too. Haha.

In anticipation of gg back to work, shld i reduce my pump sessions? Im pumping about 4-5 hourly thruout the day but i dont direct latch as often in the day..
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My boy chu pattern again. These few days after every feed he'll be very pek chek, and keep fussing - gek until face red, arch backwards. Even after burp him still liddat. He is 7wks old, drinking 100ml. After had to carry him and walk ard, then he'll calm down.

Cannot figure out is he
1) still hungry? Feed more will puke.
2) still needs burping? Got loud burp still liddat.
3) constipated? He poos 2-3 times a day already.

When your boy arch his back is it like stretching?
My LO was like this during week 4-5 and just happened we asked PD at her 1 mth review checkup. PD says baby has a lot of air inside her tummy which she tries to gek and stretch and force it out. I always burp her (one loud one!) after feed too. Not sure why she does that.

My LO also headache. After we got her the sarong, she could sleep longer in the day. But after feeds, she doesn't want us to carry, she will fuss like every position we carry is uncomfortable. We put her back into sarong then she quiet down. A bit worried go out no sarong to swing her to sleep, how leh.
my LO is 7 weeks old and her umbilical cord fell off when she was week 2-3. CL stopped the alcohol swabs at end of week 4.
I continued with the powder everyday after her bath.

Just this week, we notice her belly button is a bit red and start to have a little yellow discharge but no smell. Resumed alcohol swabs to wipe and apply the powder that PD gave for the belly button. 2 days alrdy, redness went away but still having discharge. Should I bring her see PD? I don't know if this means it is infected or just mild infection that good hygiene can cure. Sigh
@furbee @happycsk Thks! He's on tfm now. Im suspecting its more due to being gassy, altho im already burping halfway thru his feed and end of feed! Pat him until so tired, worse while he is cranky.

Been rubbing ruyi oil everyday after bath. Gave him gripewater also, hope it helps
My boy chu pattern again. These few days after every feed he'll be very pek chek, and keep fussing - gek until face red, arch backwards. Even after burp him still liddat. He is 7wks old, drinking 100ml. After had to carry him and walk ard, then he'll calm down.

Cannot figure out is he
1) still hungry? Feed more will puke.
2) still needs burping? Got loud burp still liddat.
3) constipated? He poos 2-3 times a day already.

Sounds like my girl too (9weeks plus). Pd advised us to try burping her in between feeds too. Or sometimes just carrying her upright for awhile and walk around the house. These days she hates being placed on burped position after feeds n starts crying too. Shes been producing 3-6 poops a day bt sometimes i still feel theres alot of gas in her tummy. Maybe can try baby massage for Baby tummy too?
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@furbee @happycsk Thks! He's on tfm now. Im suspecting its more due to being gassy, altho im already burping halfway thru his feed and end of feed! Pat him until so tired, worse while he is cranky.

Been rubbing ruyi oil everyday after bath. Gave him gripewater also, hope it helps

Wah tfm can poo so many times ah. My LO poo only once every 2 days and she's on nestle Nan. If on anything more heaty I think she will constipate lol!

Sounds also like gas to me. Maybe try to get rid wind from pharmacy. Think no need prescription and only $7 like that. Makes LO fart it out! Lol!
my LO is 7 weeks old and her umbilical cord fell off when she was week 2-3. CL stopped the alcohol swabs at end of week 4.
I continued with the powder everyday after her bath.

Just this week, we notice her belly button is a bit red and start to have a little yellow discharge but no smell. Resumed alcohol swabs to wipe and apply the powder that PD gave for the belly button. 2 days alrdy, redness went away but still having discharge. Should I bring her see PD? I don't know if this means it is infected or just mild infection that good hygiene can cure. Sigh

I think gd to c pd, scare is infection if the discharge doesnt go away..

@Twirlycandy , i DL bb 24/7 .. I pump 4x a day 6hourly, able yield at least 1litre for 24hr. I tried 4-5hourly v tiring. Now i can max 9hrs, but v tiring to carry the rocks... If u able to pump enough for his feeds wen u cut ur sessions den is good!! At least wen u start work able to maintain.. Have to start some how to test ur limits aso.. Jiayou!
I hoping to at least pump once at work n 2 x at home wen u return next mth.. *cross fingers* able to continue bf too

Sounds like my girl too (9weeks plus). Pd advised us to try burping her in between feeds too. Or sometimes just carrying her upright for awhile and walk around the house. These days she hates being placed on burped position after feeds n starts crying too. Shes been producing 3-6 poops a day bt sometimes i still feel theres alot of gas in her tummy. Maybe can try baby massage for Baby tummy too?

My boy is e opposite, he stops struggling when i put him in burp position n can even fall asleep. Once i lean him backwards abit but still upright position, he opens his eyes n fuss. Weird!!
