(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Wah tfm can poo so many times ah. My LO poo only once every 2 days and she's on nestle Nan. If on anything more heaty I think she will constipate lol!

Sounds also like gas to me. Maybe try to get rid wind from pharmacy. Think no need prescription and only $7 like that. Makes LO fart it out! Lol!

Maybe cos he's only on tfm recently? Previously still on 2-3 feeds of bm. Stopped pumping a few days ago liao. Altho he poos daily, his poop did become quite hard.

my LO is 7 weeks old and her umbilical cord fell off when she was week 2-3. CL stopped the alcohol swabs at end of week 4.
I continued with the powder everyday after her bath.

Just this week, we notice her belly button is a bit red and start to have a little yellow discharge but no smell. Resumed alcohol swabs to wipe and apply the powder that PD gave for the belly button. 2 days alrdy, redness went away but still having discharge. Should I bring her see PD? I don't know if this means it is infected or just mild infection that good hygiene can cure. Sigh

Hmm if hv smelly discharge might be infection. Monitor for a day n see if it gets better? If not prob need to see dr
Any mummies have lo with smelly ears? I realise my LO right ear abit smelly always. We already clean it with the cotton stick. Sometimes no more smell. Sometimes have. Dun see anything..
my LO is 7 weeks old and her umbilical cord fell off when she was week 2-3. CL stopped the alcohol swabs at end of week 4.
I continued with the powder everyday after her bath.

Just this week, we notice her belly button is a bit red and start to have a little yellow discharge but no smell. Resumed alcohol swabs to wipe and apply the powder that PD gave for the belly button. 2 days alrdy, redness went away but still having discharge. Should I bring her see PD? I don't know if this means it is infected or just mild infection that good hygiene can cure. Sigh
@happycsk, yeahh... better see PD for assurance. Last time when my bb umbilical cord fell off my PD told me to stop the powder. Just use the alcohol swabs will do. But I not only wipe, I also put the alcohol swabs there on his belly button the whole day, so it become dry faster.
@Twirlycandy , i DL bb 24/7 .. I pump 4x a day 6hourly, able yield at least 1litre for 24hr. I tried 4-5hourly v tiring. Now i can max 9hrs, but v tiring to carry the rocks... If u able to pump enough for his feeds wen u cut ur sessions den is good!! At least wen u start work able to maintain.. Have to start some how to test ur limits aso.. Jiayou!
I hoping to at least pump once at work n 2 x at home wen u return next mth.. *cross fingers* able to continue bf too

I pump 2 times at work, one in the morning around 10-11 am, then in the afternoon around 2-3 pm. Then go back home fast fast feed my baby at around 7 before it blow up. lols.... At home I only pump once before going to bed.
No wonder I saw mustela counter was long queue.. Ha-ha seems its good deal! But recently I tried mustela cleanser on my bb face and her skin turned red.. Dunno if its too strong for her or other issues causing it.. Are u using mustela face cleanser too?
No leh. I'm using the cleansing gel,foam shampoo & the facial cream. I use Kodomo actually. then got samples from Mustela so I tried them and find that quite good so I went to get it.
Any mummies have lo with smelly ears? I realise my LO right ear abit smelly always. We already clean it with the cotton stick. Sometimes no more smell. Sometimes have. Dun see anything..
Mine! One side smells. I went PD and said its normal. They've a lot of discharge from the ear that's why. I clean everyday also smells.
My girl now move a lot when sleep. Because she sleep on my bed need to check on her frequently.
And she like to sleep early like 8pm but awake on midnight. Her day time become night and night become day!
My girl now move a lot when sleep. Because she sleep on my bed need to check on her frequently.
And she like to sleep early like 8pm but awake on midnight. Her day time become night and night become day!

My girl moves too as well. Turn 90 degree alrdy.
She was on my bed the other day. And I left the room for a while, when I came back she change position alrdy!
My bed gonna be a fortress soon. Pillows at all the edges!
My girl moves too as well. Turn 90 degree alrdy.
She was on my bed the other day. And I left the room for a while, when I came back she change position alrdy!
My bed gonna be a fortress soon. Pillows at all the edges!

Get a bed rail guard! Pillows wont be of any soon real soon..

Jialat~ suddenly my better production breast can't pump out milk! But no lump leh. Can feel the breast is full. How???

Relax relax, find the root cause.. Blocked duct or nipple? Massage bathe warm cold compress any helps?
I now taking soy lecithin and evening primrose, heard can help prevent block ducts.. So far take the soy lecithin i took 1 wk nv encounter block ducts yet! Touch wood. :) hopefully by now u feeling much better.. Try DL if possible..
Get a bed rail guard! Pillows wont be of any soon real soon..

Will get it soon. After the holidays.
My girl sleeping in her cot back after 2 mths co sleeping with me. Finally I can sleep on my back properly! And she slept straight for 6 hours without feeds. At least I can finished up the chores while she slept. So grateful for that. And today she woke up smiling and laughing. Hope it last the whole day. Lots of things to finished up.

Just done with my flower orders. Now doing laundry. Waiting for my husband to be back from work so can start delivery. Then back home to iron clothes for tomorrow! So I need my baby to be extra good today!

Preparations will never be done till the expected day arrive, no matter how early u start! My back is breaking.....
Get a bed rail guard! Pillows wont be of any soon real soon..

Relax relax, find the root cause.. Blocked duct or nipple? Massage bathe warm cold compress any helps?
I now taking soy lecithin and evening primrose, heard can help prevent block ducts.. So far take the soy lecithin i took 1 wk nv encounter block ducts yet! Touch wood. :) hopefully by now u feeling much better.. Try DL if possible..
I was suspecting aereola or nipples block but hand express Oso no lump. Cannot find lump anywhere!
I was suspecting aereola or nipples block but hand express Oso no lump. Cannot find lump anywhere!
They mention that there may be a few days in a month we nay have low supply cos it was the days for the intended period. Maybe this is the case if all else dun work. You experience any pain? Or you accidentally eat milk killer, such as bitter gourd? Hope it recovers soon.
Ok my two cents worth since I did extensive research on cord blood banking and decided not to go with it at all. From the list of diseases most prevalent are blood related so if your family has no such blood related disease history then it's pretty much left to their on going research and tests to see what other diseases can the stem cells be used for.
Also from my research I found out that if a baby is born with a particular disease this will be genetically inherent in his or her stem cells. Collecting this stem cells and trying to use it for this baby will be useless as it has the disease to begin with. The unusable stem cells might be able to use for siblings or parents if needed in the future.
Globally the number of cases utilizing stem cells is very low averaging around 25k in population. Mostly for blood related and brain cognitive related diseases.
The difference between why public cord banks reject donations is because they conduct stringent checks to ensure the public get the necessary excellent stem cell quality donations which will cure/aid them vs private cord banking which collects the cells and you have to "trust" that your gynae collected sufficient cells and the process was done with no hiccups. The private bank will inform you yes it's done to the tee but there is no guarantee and assurance. You just have to believe their word. For all you know you paid $6k for unusable cells to sit in the freezers over time.
My personal POV is that most of the parents buy into this cord blood banking because they fear the what if without the proper information. For now the stem cells are able to be kept for max of 23 years and not a lifetime as some people might inaccurately believe.

Sorry PixiePosh, from reading what you just said it makes you look so uninformed. Personally a customer of Cordlife and proud, they have advanced into treating many different types of illness such as metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency disorder and many more. If you do not believe in the what-if i'm sure you do not have any insurance policy coverage already (if you have then i question your contradict personality). And most importantly, the cord blood is tested even more stringent than donating to the public cord blood bank, the difference is that public cord blood bank requires a extremely high amount of stem cells collected from the cord blood to qualify for storage, the rest will be discarded as medical waste. The stem cells are already able to be stored for an indefinite amount of time already under the cryo-preservation condition not some 23 years only and if the time when you need to use the stem cells and it is unusable, you get a $25k compensation which is confirm much more than what you pay to bank.
I dig alot so am a mini guru already :p
Mummies can share what washing liquid for the bottles u all using? I'm using pigeon but find it difficult to foam up and need use a lot to clean bottles. Anything better out there?
Hi mummies, I just made an appt for my son's 3rd month vaccination and the q is till end August! By then he's already 4 months old. Is that ok to lapse so long?
Mummies can share what washing liquid for the bottles u all using? I'm using pigeon but find it difficult to foam up and need use a lot to clean bottles. Anything better out there?

Im using pureen orange!! Foamy and love the smell. Cheap too... Haha. Actually. NUK is gd too, but costly..

I am using dish drops from amway. They told me it is safe for baby.
My kids been using amway bath n shampoo for almost 5yrs! But i nv tried their other products :x so far i feel quite reliable too.

Hi mummies, I just made an appt for my son's 3rd month vaccination and the q is till end August! By then he's already 4 months old. Is that ok to lapse so long?
Ur vaccination does it include oral rotavirus? If normal jab can take at 4mths no issue, but oral rotavirus which is optional got a cut off date, do check with the nurse/doctor for the age limit n appt date if neccessary... :)
Mummies can share what washing liquid for the bottles u all using? I'm using pigeon but find it difficult to foam up and need use a lot to clean bottles. Anything better out there?
I have been using pureen orange for many years.. can clean quite well i tink.
Im using pureen orange!! Foamy and love the smell. Cheap too... Haha. Actually. NUK is gd too, but costly..

My kids been using amway bath n shampoo for almost 5yrs! But i nv tried their other products :x so far i feel quite reliable too.

Ur vaccination does it include oral rotavirus? If normal jab can take at 4mths no issue, but oral rotavirus which is optional got a cut off date, do check with the nurse/doctor for the age limit n appt date if neccessary... :)
Yes I guess we will go for the rotavirus also. Thanks furbee will check it out.
I'm using amway dish drops too. Really good! Only recently I found out they have baby bottles detergent. Bought that and I'm using that currently.
Anyone seeing PD at 139 tampines street 11? How is their vaccination package? Is their weekend appointment reasonable?

My baby starts to make cute sounds.. She is almost 2months old now. Any of your babies can start laughing already? I intend to do regular tummy time for her too.. Was told we can start early to train them. Anyone has started?

Yawn.. Milking time now..
Anyone seeing PD at 139 tampines street 11? How is their vaccination package? Is their weekend appointment reasonable?

My baby starts to make cute sounds.. She is almost 2months old now. Any of your babies can start laughing already? I intend to do regular tummy time for her too.. Was told we can start early to train them. Anyone has started?

Yawn.. Milking time now..
Pumping now..

Mine started smiling. Mainly in the morning. Evening become grouchy. Haha. I started tummy time before my LO turn 1 mth. Just for a short while each time. Now, i dun do it often. Lazy..
Pumping now too. Woke up from a dream and discovered my boobs r rock hard again *sighs my little one smiles more now. Guess these are social smiles but no outright laughter yet.. Sns sometimes smiles when we smile to her.. Haha and she coos more these days!
My lo n me jus rtd hm frm Mj session! N he damn power.. Nv slp since 9pm! Lol..

@isenggirl my boy like urs laugh got sound de..he happy baby! Everytime smile n talkative will baby talk back like a kitten..
My lo n me jus rtd hm frm Mj session! N he damn power.. Nv slp since 9pm! Lol..

@isenggirl my boy like urs laugh got sound de..he happy baby! Everytime smile n talkative will baby talk back like a kitten..

@furbee, u power leh! Still can mj with a baby in tow!!! And LO even more power to 'tong' whole nite w/o sleeping! Hope he's fast asleep now! Gdnite to u both! Haha..
My girl first broad smile was when we were still in the hospital and I managed to catch it on camera at 4 in the morning after her feed. I just went clicking away. Hehhe...
Quite a smily baby as well this girl! She had her first big laugh with sound last 2 nights when the grandmother tickle her tummy.

am hoping for her to be an easier baby today
Long day ahead.

I guess this is the time babies start to become more attuned to their social world? Mine smiles quite often in sleep... Actually smiling back to me not so often, less than 10 times in total..
She is happiest in the morning though. Then as the day gets hotter she gets grouchier haha...
Anyone bring your LO to baby spa?? My girl really like to bath and will cry once pull her out from water. I'm thinking to bring her to baby spa so she can have a longer play time in water hahaha.
Same! LO usually morning good mood, I greet her good morning or tickles her chin and she smiles back at me. Evening not so much. Sometimes fights sleep the entire afternoon and become super grouchy by evening time. :(

Then sleep thru entire evening and wee hours wake up and smile at us, meaning she wants to play! Omg. All I want is to sleep at 3am in morning...I hope this is just a phase. Last week still able to sleep at least 5 hours at a stretch.
Anyone bring your LO to baby spa?? My girl really like to bath and will cry once pull her out from water. I'm thinking to bring her to baby spa so she can have a longer play time in water hahaha.

I feel baby spa is over priced leh. The first time i went there with voucher i tot was acceptable 10-15mins in the water. Den got massage, after that when payment time they say need pay extra cos of the massage!! Which i didnt know was ala carte and not mentioned!! Arrrggghhh. Since then i dun bring bb there. I bought a pool with the neck float but only used once... Bb grow too fast n when start working dun have the luxury to bring them play often. By time my kids reach 1yr, i bring them to swimming pool!! But not those public swimming complex cos i feel the chlorine is more strong..

selamat hari raya mummies! this morning i decided to go for a run after 10 mths of inactivity during pregnancy! ran at 730am after LO morning feed for 30 mins and it felt so good!!!! hopefully i can keep this up twice a week :)

Wow grats u started jogging/running. I also promised my hub to go jog ytd, den suddenly after pumping felt hungry so missed my first run too....or may be jus an excuse since i wasnt ready. Hehe.

Yea selamat hari raya mamas! Its a long wkend for those back to work. Looking forward to me gg back work too :)


Oh really?? I also though the massage included in the packages. Yeah a bit over priced. I also thinking to buy the pool so she can play at home haha.
