(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

I've been using nuk teats and bottles for #3 right from the start on exclusive pumping. In the first 9 weeks, she drank very well. Always clear the bottle. But since then, there seems to be some difficulty feeding. She's now 12 weeks old. I noticed that she would be sucking so hard till the teat collapse. So I used a heated safety pin to try to enlarge the hole in the teat. But the flow became too fast. Then I changed to 6-18mth teat and there's no more leaking. But she also seems to be having difficulty. She will take very long to finish the bottle. Sometimes suck for 10 min only 20ml. She used to do 150ml in 10 min. Is it possible that my lo now don't know how to use the nuk teats? Also, previously I bought avent pacifiers and let her use. So I thought she might have teat confusion. So I changed to nuk pacifiers. But feeding still takes very long and has to be broken up many times in a single feed. I actually feel she's tired from sucking and not getting the milk. Anyone has the same problem? Any solutions?

I nv give bottle aso have prob with DL for 4 days str8! LO jus fuss n dun wan drink.. Had a hard time pacifying him.
U using silicon or latex teat? Like @highness mention need change often for latex.. Does lo fuss den u give milk or before fuss u alr offer ? Cos i realise my lo at 10+wks drink lesser n zzz more during day :(

Anyone knows how to get rid of heat rash? My baby had for quite long...
By right bb will outgrow frm my 1st 2kids.. Norm i give loose clothes n try not to mk him sweat.. I duno if got any med or lotion to ease the rash... My lo only got it for 1week n getting worse too.
I nv give bottle aso have prob with DL for 4 days str8! LO jus fuss n dun wan drink.. Had a hard time pacifying him.
U using silicon or latex teat? Like @highness mention need change often for latex.. Does lo fuss den u give milk or before fuss u alr offer ? Cos i realise my lo at 10+wks drink lesser n zzz more during day :(

In the day, i try to offer latest by 2.5 hours. (He used to drink every 2 hourly) At nite, i will wait for his cue. Unless i wake up to pump, and realise he haven wake me up after my pump (usually if its more than 3 hours), i will wake him up so that i can rest more afterwards. Tink i am preventing him from sleeping thru. Haha.. duno if i overfed him, tats y sometimes he waste my milk..
In the day, i try to offer latest by 2.5 hours. (He used to drink every 2 hourly) At nite, i will wait for his cue. Unless i wake up to pump, and realise he haven wake me up after my pump (usually if its more than 3 hours), i will wake him up so that i can rest more afterwards. Tink i am preventing him from sleeping thru. Haha.. duno if i overfed him, tats y sometimes he waste my milk..

2.5hrs like v close timing! Ur bb now mus b real chubby!! Lol. Mayb u can try 3hourly cos his intake might haf increased n can last him longer, let him rest 30mins extra c how it goes... If not u can feed on demand since u express fresh bm for bb can kip 3hrs ma..
@highness and furbee, I'm using silicone teats. When I bought the 6-18mth, it didn't state size s, m, l. It just says classic. Or I may be blind. When lo is drinking, I should be able to see bubbles right? No bubbles is wrong ya? The old teats are a bit yellow compared to the new ones. Maybe I should change new 0-6mth teats. But the current 6-18mth teat, she can keep sucking, but I don't see the milk level moving. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Just don't know what it is. Am I supposed to hold the bottle high or low? So strange to be asking these questions since this is my third child and all my kids are bottle fed. Haha.. but this is the first time I'm using funny shaped nuk teats la..
As for the heat rash, my cl used honeysuckle flower to bathe the lo. It helps to rid the heat. She boils the honeysuckle flowers over fire for like 5-10 min, then strain the tea and mix with bath water. I feel that it helps. I also give pearl powder. My helper says that the pearl powder very effective. Next day the rash on her face disappeared. I only gave for 3 days. So far so good.
I just dun understand! Almost every time I carry n rock my bb to sleep, he will be very fussy, cranky, kick his legs n cry. But when my hubby does the same thing, he will be quiet n fall asleep. What's wrong with me? So sad!!
2.5hrs like v close timing! Ur bb now mus b real chubby!! Lol. Mayb u can try 3hourly cos his intake might haf increased n can last him longer, let him rest 30mins extra c how it goes... If not u can feed on demand since u express fresh bm for bb can kip 3hrs ma..

Most of the time, in the day he drinks every 2 hours. It was 120ml every 2 hrs.. I cut down to 100ml every 2 hours actually. There was 1 day i drag and feed him 120ml every 3 hrs, in the end, he woke up every 2 hrs at night. =p I am hoping for a day he can drink 3 hrly too. Heh. Tml increase back to 120ml see how it goes.. my mil and mum la. Keep saying 120ml he keep spitting out, say i feed too much.
I just dun understand! Almost every time I carry n rock my bb to sleep, he will be very fussy, cranky, kick his legs n cry. But when my hubby does the same thing, he will be quiet n fall asleep. What's wrong with me? So sad!!

I aso every night will give my hubs to make bb slp. But once he put bb down beside me, my boi will auto open eyes n stare at me...waiting to latch to zzz. If i make him zzz he sure fuss also. Duno y. Dun need sad, take it as a chance for father son bonding.....haha
@szechtay if i got wrong u try feeding the teat hole on top, if still the same,u twist and feed the teat hole below. I also forget which is the correct way, got one the milk cannot flow.. Duno if u understand what i mean... Haha
Cos previously my #1 use NUK till i pek chek tot y she dun drink end up cos of the tongue reflex wan to control the flow and also when sucking cant get out the milk..
My bb poo is still watery kind. She is 7 weeks old. Was told stool will start to be more solid, like toothpaste. When is it? My bb ytd poo 3x, its smelly though looked normal poo color. Rather all over the place until her back but managed to contain to her diaper only.

Also, I recalled someone said, to change to bigger diaper when we notice red marks on bb thigh.. I just changed from newborn diaper to s size, but still notice her thigh got marks. Is it bcoz I tape it too tight or? I am using goon diaper now..
Thanks @furbee and @MTB-2015... The doctor said it is eczema but when I checked the guidebook the rash looks exactly like the heat rash pic rather than eczema. thanks for advices, maybe I try to bathe her twice a day instead to cool down...
As for the heat rash, my cl used honeysuckle flower to bathe the lo. It helps to rid the heat. She boils the honeysuckle flowers over fire for like 5-10 min, then strain the tea and mix with bath water. I feel that it helps. I also give pearl powder. My helper says that the pearl powder very effective. Next day the rash on her face disappeared. I only gave for 3 days. So far so good.
Yes I bought the flowers but so far haven't use. Think I will try it today too... How do u use the pearl powder? Apply on the rash! Thanks :)
I just dun understand! Almost every time I carry n rock my bb to sleep, he will be very fussy, cranky, kick his legs n cry. But when my hubby does the same thing, he will be quiet n fall asleep. What's wrong with me? So sad!!
I think bb more used to u and show his true colours heheh. My bb also does that at times.
Sometimes nothing to do with u... When my bb stands near air con or fan she will auto quiet... So it could be the position u are standing at rather than the person. Jiayou!
@szechtay if i got wrong u try feeding the teat hole on top, if still the same,u twist and feed the teat hole below. I also forget which is the correct way, got one the milk cannot flow.. Duno if u understand what i mean... Haha
Cos previously my #1 use NUK till i pek chek tot y she dun drink end up cos of the tongue reflex wan to control the flow and also when sucking cant get out the milk..
Think the teat hole is supposed to be on top..
I actually feed lo the pearl powder! The things I dare to do with #3! Haha... I use lo hang ka pearl powder. It's in packet form. I pour out a bit on a tsp and mix with a couple of drops of water. Mix with my finger and spoon feed it to lo. Usually have a bit remaining on finger or spoon and I'll apply it over the rash. Seems to be working well so far. Good in relieving hearings. One small packet I already use 3 times still haven't finish.

Last week, my lo was drinking very little. Doc say her throat a bit red. I gave the pearl powder and things seems to improve too. Not sure whether it's the pearl powder or it's coincidence.
Only got ard to open bb's cda acct and apply for cash gift bonus yesterday. Online application is so convenient! Just need to fill in own bank acct number and choose e bank to open cda with. Im impressed.
Do your bbs suddenly sleep halfway and cry for no reason? Mine recently keep doing dat, like having bad dream and cry pitifully, then fell back asleep. So comical.
Do your bbs suddenly sleep halfway and cry for no reason? Mine recently keep doing dat, like having bad dream and cry pitifully, then fell back asleep. So comical.

Lol, yes like someone in his dream bully him he will cry sooo sadly. The best part is when angels play with him in his zzz den he smile so sweetly sometimes with laughter & sound!!

@szechtay the pearl powder any age can start? I was thinking if give before jab can help reduce chance of fever anot? Hehe
My bb poo is still watery kind. She is 7 weeks old. Was told stool will start to be more solid, like toothpaste. When is it? My bb ytd poo 3x, its smelly though looked normal poo color. Rather all over the place until her back but managed to contain to her diaper only.

Also, I recalled someone said, to change to bigger diaper when we notice red marks on bb thigh.. I just changed from newborn diaper to s size, but still notice her thigh got marks. Is it bcoz I tape it too tight or? I am using goon diaper now..

Is ur bb thigh big? U try loosen or tape more to the top and see if it helps. Normally tummy area any diaper size shld b fine, only thigh sometimes rub against the diaper lining cause abrasion n blister.. Cannot use weight as gauge ..
Do your bbs suddenly sleep halfway and cry for no reason? Mine recently keep doing dat, like having bad dream and cry pitifully, then fell back asleep. So comical.
Ya lo mine from birth in hospital already doing that... Last time can go back to sleep on her own. Now need ppl pat her to sleep. Zzzz.
But also have good dreams la. Then smile/laugh.
Is ur bb thigh big? U try loosen or tape more to the top and see if it helps. Normally tummy area any diaper size shld b fine, only thigh sometimes rub against the diaper lining cause abrasion n blister.. Cannot use weight as gauge ..

She is 4.6kg at almost 8 weeks old. I feel her thigh size ok. One thing for sure she moves alot, could be the reason?
Do your bbs suddenly sleep halfway and cry for no reason? Mine recently keep doing dat, like having bad dream and cry pitifully, then fell back asleep. So comical.
Mine also will. Slp then suddenly cry so loudly. Hug her pat her no use. Let her suckle, quiet down immediately. Funny thing is I just fed her to slp 15 mins ago. So fast hungry meh? Happens in the nite most of the time.
Mine also will. Slp then suddenly cry so loudly. Hug her pat her no use. Let her suckle, quiet down immediately. Funny thing is I just fed her to slp 15 mins ago. So fast hungry meh? Happens in the nite most of the time.

They used to being latched to zzzz.. Mine to. Day time need suckle 3mins can KO for 1hr den suckle again... But full meal only ard 3hourly :( wonder how he survive wen i go back work. Guess he sure need pacifier. Lol. Ur bb got use pacifier?

She is 4.6kg at almost 8 weeks old. I feel her thigh size ok. One thing for sure she moves alot, could be the reason?

4.6kg quite alright to use size S goo.n, maybe u monitor see after 2-3days still red, maybe need time to get used to the diaper lining..
I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix
Hi mummies, I realised that now my LO drink lesser. Last time he can drink up to 120 ml per feed. But now think only can drink up to 90 ml. Sometime I feed him 60 ml need 1 hour to finish. Is only before bedtime then he can drink more, but then sleep very long. Yesterday he slept at 8 pm, then 3 am still sleeping. I worried he dehydrated, so I wake him up and bf him. But only 5 min one side breast bf, then he sleep again. zzzzZZ. Big thunder and rain yesterday, he still quitely sleep. LO is at week 10 now, weight around 5+ kg. Any mummies also have this experience?
I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix
Oh no i dont think it is right to smack her! Are u able to talk to nanny nicely abt this?

If my Nanny smack my girl i will warn her not to do it again. If next time she still do the same I will sack her! Baby sometimes want to play or feel bored not every time want to take nap this's so normal. We can't force baby to follow what we want.
I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix

Warn her not to do that again otherwise u will sack her. Seriously I think all these nannies are damn terrible
I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix

Hmm.. she will still do that even though she knows u're home? I think u will be able to judge better.. hmm.. my LO like to pat pat on butt/arm to sleep.. but cos it's either myself or my family members that are taking care now so my trust is there and not worried they will mistreat baby..

Have to look for a nanny that is skillful and loves babies.. hahaa.. babies are actually quite poor thing.. can only use their cries to convey wad they wanna say..imagine the care giver is 'pek chek'.. the baby more 'pek chek' and have to suffer the needs not being fulfilled.. sometimes when I almost wanna give up, I think of this, my patience will be back again..

Never fails to keep me going... but soon will have to start work and I have not settle the caregiver part too.. jialatz..
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I think my nanny is increasing losing her patience towards my baby. My girl can be cranky on n off thruout the day. Sometimes i saw nanny treating her rougher than usual. Like throwing beanbag on little one though nt super hard. N smacking her butt till qte loud (can hear from my room) if she still doesnt nap. Just nw after nanny puts her down n i saw tears in my girl's eyes i carried her up again. Dont know isit my girl's fault for being hard to pls these days or nanny losing her cool? Haix
Sounds scary. Ya.. if now you are arounf she is like that, means this is her style. After your ML, not sure if you will trust her to handle the bb herself. Else, you have to consider changing one. Depends on ur comfort lvl. Maybe the smacking is patting to her.. maybe you want to consider changing one. But its really nt easy to find a good one.
@furbee,.is it a must to apply moisturizer on bb face? I never apply as he likes to touch his face then put his hands in his mouth.

Not must, i aso nv apply untill he have lots of rash recently ... Thou its normal, but i feel his skin more dry den i apply once a day.

@mylilsheep dun worry, maybe another day or 2 will b better... My boi aso like for 2 days, latch 5mins slp 4hrs each time. Bottle feed 60ml only, usual 140ml.. His output pee n poo still good den its okie means he is still drinking. Jus monitor again... :)
