(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

actually my gynae said something yesterday which kind of worried me. as my #2 was born early due to me going into pre-term labour at 30weeks, he is concerned that history will repeat. I think I will have to take things really easy and slow this time. cannot be like previous pregnancies, go holiday at 2nd tri.
Starrymommy, my #1 was born preterm too at 29 week. For my #2, my gynae prescribed nifedipine to slow preterm labour. I took it from week 28 all the way till week 37.
I delivered my #2 at 38 weeks+. May consider this if the pre-term labour risk is high.

SeptemberCat, can you PM icecreamcony your email address? She's our admin and will add you. :)

angelbell, may I know when did you start taking the nifedipine?
My first gynae is two more weeks.

Besides folic acid, are you taking any other supplements or 'bu' stuff? I've been drinking red bean soup which i heard helps to strengthen womb lining.
My first gynae is two more weeks.

Besides folic acid, are you taking any other supplements or 'bu' stuff? I've been drinking red bean soup which i heard helps to strengthen womb lining.

I'm only taking folic acid for now. Went to see gynae yesterday and he didn't mention need to take anything else at this point.
My first gynae is two more weeks.

Besides folic acid, are you taking any other supplements or 'bu' stuff? I've been drinking red bean soup which i heard helps to strengthen womb lining.
yup, besides folic acid, my gynae has prescribed me calcium and iron pills...
Happy to hear all mummies have a good visit n encounter with your little beanie during last weekend and yesterday. I really cannot wait for my next encounter this friday .... somehow I feel so anxious to see my lil beanie this week .....

Last time my gynae give me the book for reading on pregnancy and I found the e-book here: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/health-article/12140 where you can download and read especially for those first time mummies.
Happy to hear all mummies have a good visit n encounter with your little beanie during last weekend and yesterday. I really cannot wait for my next encounter this friday .... somehow I feel so anxious to see my lil beanie this week .....

Last time my gynae give me the book for reading on pregnancy and I found the e-book here: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/health-article/12140 where you can download and read especially for those first time mummies.

got pdf version?
seems like is either apple or android.
i wanna use comp n read haha
Hi everyone,

can I join u ladies too? Can add me on Facebook too? [email protected]
Thank you so much!

Just a little self intro here. I am currently 5W4D. Tested positive 4 days before my period was due. Just had this feeling that I'm pregnant and also cos I was TTC so a bit kiasu. Heehee.

This will be my #2. My #1 is a boy and he's 2 years old now. Had a MC at 8weeks earlier this April cos embryo had no heartbeat. Was devastated cos really wanted a #2. Everyone kept telling me it's ok, MCs are very common, take it easy. But it's not loh. I lost a baby lei. Hello. How easy is that? So now I'm super scared. Super worried for my current pregnancy. Kept thinking negatively. The stupid hormones doesn't make things easy either. Sigh.

Yup. That's about it. Just hope and pray that this will be a smooth one. Smooth pregnancy to everyone!
kje, welcome and congrats! a few mummies here are also facing the same worries. me too, worrying about pre-term labour this time. let's all hang in there and encourage one another. :) When's your appointment with gynae?
Thank you, starrymommy! I'm planning to see my gynae next Friday when I'm 7 weeks. Silly husband said go now also cannot hear heartbeat. Plus, if I go now, next appt will definitely be 2 weeks later, which is when I'm 8 weeks. He asked me, "You sure you can wait so long to hear heartbeat?" Heehee. He's right. No choice. He say until like that. So go next week loh.

Those ladies who are craving for MS, please ah. Don't be silly. Count yourself blessed if u don't have MS or little MS. My MS was so bad with my #1 that I was hospitalised 3 times to put IV drip. And I lost 8 kg during my pregnancy. Resulting in my #1 being so small. He's still smaller than kids his age now. Sad.
kje, may this week and the next past quickly for you so that you get to see your beanie ASAP. :) What was your #1's weight at birth? Boys will catch up in weight and height later on in his toddler years so don't worry about him being small sized now.
Thank you, babymarian!

starrymommy, he was born at 36W1D cos water bag broke. He was 2.1 kg. He has a cousin who is 2 months younger than him and yet my son is a head shorter than him -__-

Funny thing is, when I was pregnant with him, I couldn't eat anything. Can't even drink water. But now, everyone calls him a rubbish bin. He eats and eats and eats!!! But still small size. Hahaha. As for my sis-in-law, who is the mother of the cousin I just mentioned, she ate and ate during pregnancy and now her son is super fussy eater. Haha. Funny hor?
Thank you, babymarian!

starrymommy, he was born at 36W1D cos water bag broke. He was 2.1 kg. He has a cousin who is 2 months younger than him and yet my son is a head shorter than him -__-

Funny thing is, when I was pregnant with him, I couldn't eat anything. Can't even drink water. But now, everyone calls him a rubbish bin. He eats and eats and eats!!! But still small size. Hahaha. As for my sis-in-law, who is the mother of the cousin I just mentioned, she ate and ate during pregnancy and now her son is super fussy eater. Haha. Funny hor?

2.1kg is quite small sized for a newborn boy. As long as he's eating and healthy, it's fine. :) My #2 was born really tiny... 1.3kg only. She's still very skinny any small sized but has a loud voice and an even stronger character than her fatty bom bom elder sister. Haha! If you have any tips to fatten your boy up, please keep me in the loop too as I would like mine to put on more weight. :D
Hi, meowmeowing! Congrats and welcome. :) We share the same EDD! You can PM icecreamcony your email address and she will add you into our FB page.
I interested in the Spectra pump cause my Medela FS too low in suction for me especially as time goes by. Anyone org a spree, do let me know!
Anyone had ache/pain in between back and bum? It only hurts when I walk and its on my right side behind...worrying
Lol!! I was having MS earlier, like a couple of hours after lunch. The feeling is quite terrible. Feel like vomiting yet not vomiting. Crappy...

I know how u feel haha! During my #1, i had to endure MS on 1 hr bus ride every day. Terrible! Had to alight at times to take a breather.
Hi ladies, I am into my 5th week now. 1st kid at age of 40. This baby is indeed a miracle for us as we are supposed to go for ivf next month. Had a miscarriage last year and after that no news so doc advise to go for ivf. I have been having low fever and high fever periodically is this normal? I couldn't take any meds as I am allergic to panadol :(
@momocrv - Congrats! Is it because of the HCG level that causes your body to be of higher temperature? I take BBT so normally once positive my body temperature will be around 36.6 to 36.8.
Hi mummies been silent reading here. Currently in 6 weeks still haven book gynae appt to see lil beanie! Still deciding when to go. Hehe. Edd through app is 4 May 2015. This is my #2. #1 is a boy going 3 yrs old next month. So happy to know everyone here.
Hi ladies, I am into my 5th week now. 1st kid at age of 40. This baby is indeed a miracle for us as we are supposed to go for ivf next month. Had a miscarriage last year and after that no news so doc advise to go for ivf. I have been having low fever and high fever periodically is this normal? I couldn't take any meds as I am allergic to panadol :(

Hihi momocrv! Congrats! Truly a miracle baby. :) Regarding your fever, I experienced fever for all 3 pregnancies right around the time I found out I was expecting, between 3-5 weeks. I thought I was down with flu and seen GP for medication. It was only after fever when away that I found out about my pregnancy (tested positive). For #1 and #2, it was moderate fever. For #3 was mild fever. If you say high then it could be an infection. Do check with your GP please and rest loads.

Thanks ladies for all your fast reply! I have seen a gp but he said just rest up. Will be seeing my gynae on Monday. Let's see what he says. Lucky fever subsided now. Just resting up at home. I am taking Chinese meds from my tcm too.
