(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Lunch time coming... :p Any cravings? Feeling a bit of nausea.. but I think I want to have some Laksa. Slurp!
I also feeling a bit nauseous after very full breakfast of unhealthy fried carrot cake but that was 5 hrs ago and can feel the hunger pangs starting soon so i got my maid to cook some instant bee hoon soto with chicken and bean sprouts!
I don't have any ms yet but always want to eat rice and I prefer noodles normally. Told my hubby bb definitely have your genes 'fan dong'
Hi everyone! Wah. This thread is moving fast!

I'm starting to have MS already. Yucks. Eat also cannot. Don't eat also cannot. Hate it. Plus poor #1 is having flu. Coughing and runny nose. Cranky boy.
Hi everyone! Wah. This thread is moving fast!

I'm starting to have MS already. Yucks. Eat also cannot. Don't eat also cannot. Hate it. Plus poor #1 is having flu. Coughing and runny nose. Cranky boy.

kje, have you tried sipping on Ribena or 100 Plus? It helps for me. At least won't feel so horrible after drinking some.

Earlier on, nausea came over me and I was gagging in the toilet but nothing came out. Then right after that, I craved for some laksa. Talk about being contradicting!
Oh no. icecreamcony, is it me too?
Can I add u as friend first? I don't know how to check settings.

starrymommy, ya. Tried ribena. No use. Maybe will try 100 plus later.
Am gg to see gynae at 7.15 later. Bringing my son to see his pd cos he's sick for a few days already and since my gynae is near, I tried my luck and see if I can book an appointment. Got it! Heeheehee. So excited. MS = beanie ok right? My previous one (the one I had MC), I didn't have MS. But for my son, I had MS for the whole 8 months.
ymt, hello! If it's a small amount and if it's brown, should be ok. Had it for a while with my #1. But on the safer side, go see gynae. If gynae suspect anything, he can give medicine to stabilize the pregnancy.
Hi ymt, if it stops, still can work but have to see what the nature of ur work is. I am a primary school teacher so my doc gave me rest then cos I had to stand for long hours. If it continues and the flow gets heavier, I suggest see ur gynae ASAP. If it soaks a pad in an hour, go kkh a and e. Sorry if my answer frightens you but always be on the safe side for this.

Hi momocrv, I only had sweet potato soup cos no appetite. Had bread with Nutella and hot choc at 3 plus but vomited them out.
Hi ymt, if it stops, still can work but have to see what the nature of ur work is. I am a primary school teacher so my doc gave me rest then cos I had to stand for long hours. If it continues and the flow gets heavier, I suggest see ur gynae ASAP. If it soaks a pad in an hour, go kkh a and e. Sorry if my answer frightens you but always be on the safe side for this.

Hi momocrv, I only had sweet potato soup cos no appetite. Had bread with Nutella and hot choc at 3 plus but vomited them out.
Oh dear trying eating something light again later perhaps?
I am now 6 wks already. Last night i saw small amount of blood spot. Anything can happen to me?

I suggest u see yr gynae asap... most probably will prescribe u duphaston. If it's brown, its generally ok but if it's red then have to be careful. if it's just spotting n without bad cramps, usually no need bed rest. Still see a gynae asap to play safe.
Yup. Agreed with the ladies. Always see your gynae if not sure. brown in small amount is generally ok but like I said earlier, see ur gynae.

Just an update. Just saw my gynae. Can see sac but can't hear heartbeat yet cos still early. Seeing gynae again 2 weeks later. Gynae gave me a scare just now. While doing the US, he asked if my family has a history of twins. I replied, "No. Why?? Twins ah??" Then he said, "oh. No. Just a spot. Why? Scare u ah?" Hahaha. But confirmed it's a single. Gynae gave anti- nausea pills and utrogestan cos I had MC earlier in April. Cant wait for next visit 2 weeks later!

All the best to all of u who are going to see your gynae soon!
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Ymt, welcome. Yeah should see your gynae asap. I've been having on and off spotting ranging from brown, to pinkish to dark red. Gynae has placed me on duphaston three times a day and two weeks HL for bed rest as my job requires me to stand and walk a lot. Even though i saw my beanie with heartbeat on sunday when i rushed there after i had dark reddish bleeding, i am still very nervous. I have a review with my original gynae this fri....ipraying it will be ok and hope she can clear e for work though...going a bit mad at home....

Rest more and allthe best!
Hi, I'm tested positive by GP today and likely a mid May baby. I'm super anxious and excited as this is my first time. Not exactly sure what I should do other than reading pregnancy forum ;) ... Will be making gynae appt too... Cheers!
ymt and B0mbie, welcome and congrats! Rest well, both of you. If find something not right, call your gynae and make appointment for a check right away. Wishing you both healthy pregnancy and sticky beanies! :)

Eeznyl, how are you feeling? 2 more days to your next checkup right?
What are you ladies having for dinner tonite? :) those with ms hope you r well to eat some good food tonite

Had normal rice with fish and veg at my mum's place earlier. Actually for someone having MS I think I've been eating a lot. Maybe too much. :(

Breakfast - 1 packet bee hoon with egg and luncheon meat + 1 cup coffee
Lunch - 1 entire bowl of lor mee + 1 can 100 Plus
Tea Break - 2 char siew baos + 1 packet plain UHT milk
Dinner - Half portion rice, 1 serving veg + 1 whole fish + 1 bowl soup

Had normal rice with fish and veg at my mum's place earlier. Actually for someone having MS I think I've been eating a lot. Maybe too much. :(

Breakfast - 1 packet bee hoon with egg and luncheon meat + 1 cup coffee
Lunch - 1 entire bowl of lor mee + 1 can 100 Plus
Tea Break - 2 char siew baos + 1 packet plain UHT milk
Dinner - Half portion rice, 1 serving veg + 1 whole fish + 1 bowl soup

Hahaha that's ok la
If MS can eat like that then no MS will be like 6 meals a day?!?! :p

Breakfast - Tea Break - Lunch - Tea Break - Dinner - SUPPER!!!
I have craving for Thai food near my place, but is not open...so sad.....have to go n eat other stuff.....
Hope our ms will b over soon!

I LOVE Thai tom yum. Slurp!! Still craving for laksa now leh.. haven't satisfy that craving today. Had 2x laksa over the weekend liao and now still want some more.
ymt and B0mbie, welcome and congrats! Rest well, both of you. If find something not right, call your gynae and make appointment for a check right away. Wishing you both healthy pregnancy and sticky beanies! :)

Eeznyl, how are you feeling? 2 more days to your next checkup right?

Starrymommy! U very wu sim! *muack*
Ya, im looking forward yet feeling scare... :(
Had normal rice with fish and veg at my mum's place earlier. Actually for someone having MS I think I've been eating a lot. Maybe too much. :(

Breakfast - 1 packet bee hoon with egg and luncheon meat + 1 cup coffee
Lunch - 1 entire bowl of lor mee + 1 can 100 Plus
Tea Break - 2 char siew baos + 1 packet plain UHT milk
Dinner - Half portion rice, 1 serving veg + 1 whole fish + 1 bowl soup


Your appetite really good! Lol

I LOVE Thai tom yum. Slurp!! Still craving for laksa now leh.. haven't satisfy that craving today. Had 2x laksa over the weekend liao and now still want some more.

U all r making me craving for spicy food again la! Lol I used to be chilli queen every meal must have chilli but my tcm warn me against having spicy n sour food during my 2ww n till now i still dare not eat any but im oso super craving for tom yum soup!
