(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Just to check in the secret group, is it normal to see wat I post there in my newsfeed? ?
Wow! This thread is moving at super speed today!
@starrymommy congrats! congrats! congrats! Another piece of good news!

I have been feeling giddy the whole day and the giddy spell is making me nauseas. MS has finally kicked in! Yippee!!
At least I feel more pregnant now. I think I am the only weird one longing for MS... LOL :D
babygaga, i also have bouts of giddiness and blackouts...i told my gynae that and she gave me iron pills to eat cause it is caused by iron deficiency...when you see your gynae can tell him/her you are always feeling giddy
This thread is moving too fast!! Was busy chasing my hk drama n finally finish so can log in.

Starrymommy, congrats!!

Saw the fb account u gals created.... i better dun join first till my appt this fri.

Its getting more n more 热闹 here, congrats to all mummies!
Oh... and happy mid-autumn festival to all! Can eat pomelo or not huh? Is it too cold (liang)?
Anybody taking tcm or do acupuncture?
babygaga, i also have bouts of giddiness and blackouts...i told my gynae that and she gave me iron pills to eat cause it is caused by iron deficiency...when you see your gynae can tell him/her you are always feeling giddy

Babymarian, im feeling giddy these few days too not sure if its due to losing too much blood past 1 week. Any idea i can take those iron pills from GNC?
Oh... and happy mid-autumn festival to all! Can eat pomelo or not huh? Is it too cold (liang)?
Anybody taking tcm or do acupuncture?

Babygaga, not sure if its liang. .. im seeing tcm n he told me a long list of fruits not to eat so to play safe i just skip all fruits... haha. .. if not eat in moderation shld be fine.
Thanks Eeznyl. Sometimes I googled so much until I'm confused what to eat or not to eat. Maybe just eat a little bit... hehe :p
Eeznyl, hmmm i'm sorry, i'm not too sure about the iron pills from GNC...are you able to check with your gynae or the clinic?
Dear everyone! I just tested positive over the weekend! Happy that I can be part of this group! :)
This will be my #2, 1st girl is already 6 yo.. finally she gets a sibling! Been bugging me for ages!

Hi Babymarian, can I ask how u find Dr Wendy Teo & how much was the 1st consultation? I'm thinking of going to her for #2. #1 was with Dr Joycelyn Wong from ACJ, but the waiting time is always v. long & hubby finds the venue inconvenient.. that's why thinking of changing.

And looking fwd to growing together with all mummies in this thread! May we all have happy & healthy babies! :)
Eeznyl, hmmm i'm sorry, i'm not too sure about the iron pills from GNC...are you able to check with your gynae or the clinic?

Its ok! I only see him on fri but not sure if its something i need to get it fix asap. Maybe i will just go see my gp.
Thanks ladies! While scanning, hubby was like "have or not, have or not??" And the next moment was our gynae saying "yah lah, confirm have already lah!" :D When he saw the heartbeat flickering he started singing twinkle twinkle little star. Lol!

babymarian, have to be very careful if you feel like giddiness is coming and watch out for signs of blackout (cold sweat, heart palpitations etc). If you are outside, must squat down immediately to prevent you from hitting your head and suffer concussion.

The 1st time I fainted at 9 weeks preggy, I was caught off guard and just collapsed right there. Luckily tummy didn't hit anything but I fell against some chairs in front of me so had a bruise. "Best" part was I fainted right during church worship session. So embarrassing.
Dear everyone! I just tested positive over the weekend! Happy that I can be part of this group! :)
This will be my #2, 1st girl is already 6 yo.. finally she gets a sibling! Been bugging me for ages!

Hi Babymarian, can I ask how u find Dr Wendy Teo & how much was the 1st consultation? I'm thinking of going to her for #2. #1 was with Dr Joycelyn Wong from ACJ, but the waiting time is always v. long & hubby finds the venue inconvenient.. that's why thinking of changing.

And looking fwd to growing together with all mummies in this thread! May we all have happy & healthy babies! :)

Welcome n congrats! My #1 oso 6 yrs old! Big gap!
Eeznyl, waiting for your good news come Friday too! :)

Sweetness, welcome and congrats! When is your EDD? Your daughter must be very very pleased to know that she's getting a sibling soon!
Thanks ladies! While scanning, hubby was like "have or not, have or not??" And the next moment was our gynae saying "yah lah, confirm have already lah!" :D When he saw the heartbeat flickering he started singing twinkle twinkle little star. Lol!

babymarian, have to be very careful if you feel like giddiness is coming and watch out for signs of blackout (cold sweat, heart palpitations etc). If you are outside, must squat down immediately to prevent you from hitting your head and suffer concussion.

The 1st time I fainted at 9 weeks preggy, I was caught off guard and just collapsed right there. Luckily tummy didn't hit anything but I fell against some chairs in front of me so had a bruise. "Best" part was I fainted right during church worship session. So embarrassing.

Haha... definitely very gan jiong la! My turn this fri but i think i might just scare to death... not sure if i can handle any negative news.
hello sweetness, congratulations!! :)
i think she's very nice and patient...my hubby was also happy with her...the 1st consultation was 150...waiting time was not long at all and i was half an hour late for my appointment :oops: my 2nd appointment with her is 5 weeks away though...not sure if i should bring it forward...

eeznyl, yup, i think maybe should see your GP to ask about the iron pills

starrymommy, your gynae is so cute hehehe...thank you so much for telling me about the giddiness and fainting! You also have be careful this time!
Babygaga I jus came back from tcm. I juz guai guai take his medi and see him again next week. No acupuncture.
Eeznyl: Thanks! so coincidental! ya.. big age gap.. but hopefully means the bigger one can help take care of the baby!
Starrymommy: thanks thanks! based on the online calculator, edd is 1 may 2015! I haven't told my girl yet.. cos just wanna be sure after the gynae visit before i break the news.. cos the hubby like keep asking me if its for real!?! made me paranoid lor...
your hubby so cute... sing song..so sweet...
Babymarian: thanks for the info! i'll prob call tmrw to book the appt then! will update u all after that!

Gdnite all! Sweet dreams! :)
Hi mummies, have been a silent follower.. today late afternoon felt very wet below , went to toilet chk n spotted some dark red discharge, afterwork immediately went to see gynae. Luckily everything is alright, saw lil beanie flickering hb =) was told to double my dosage on duphaston and on bedrest for 4days.. anw this is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st is 4yo, 2nd had a D&C in Jun14, now with the 3rd one.. really hope to carry till full term n carry this lil beanie in my arms..

Can add me in FB =)
[email protected], thanks!!
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sweetness, the one singing twinkle twinkle was my gynae. Haha!

leenk, congrats and welcome to our group. :) Hoping for sticky beanies for all of us here!
@MXLO I wanted to try tcm but not sure if I should. Did you just started taking or have been taking for quite some time already?

@Babygaga - I have seeing TCM to "tiao" my body when i am trying to conceive since last year. After my D&C I changed to this TCM (as it also helps with male fertility as well) and have been with him for 2 and half cycles of treatmeant then strike! So now i go back to him for an tai medi. ;)
actually my gynae said something yesterday which kind of worried me. as my #2 was born early due to me going into pre-term labour at 30weeks, he is concerned that history will repeat. I think I will have to take things really easy and slow this time. cannot be like previous pregnancies, go holiday at 2nd tri.
DollyL, means beanie will stick on to us till ready to come out and meet the world! :) Healthy baby, in other words.
actually my gynae said something yesterday which kind of worried me. as my #2 was born early due to me going into pre-term labour at 30weeks, he is concerned that history will repeat. I think I will have to take things really easy and slow this time. cannot be like previous pregnancies, go holiday at 2nd tri.
hmmm maybe just rest at home or go for a staycation during 2nd trimester instead of traveling overseas...then maybe towards the 3rd trimester rest in bed more often and try to avoid stress...and most importantly continue to pray over the baby and talk to the baby
actually my gynae said something yesterday which kind of worried me. as my #2 was born early due to me going into pre-term labour at 30weeks, he is concerned that history will repeat. I think I will have to take things really easy and slow this time. cannot be like previous pregnancies, go holiday at 2nd tri.

starrymommy be good gal ok. Stay in spore and like babymarian said, maybe staycation.
Hi mummies, have been a silent follower.. today late afternoon felt very wet below , went to toilet chk n spotted some dark red discharge, afterwork immediately went to see gynae. Luckily everything is alright, saw lil beanie flickering hb =) was told to double my dosage on duphaston and on bedrest for 4days.. anw this is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st is 4yo, 2nd had a D&C in Jun14, now with the 3rd one.. really hope to carry till full term n carry this lil beanie in my arms..

Can add me in FB =)
[email protected], thanks!!

Jiayou leenk!! Positivity begets positive results!

I learn this from my reiki healing laoshi Mdm Tan. I went to her only twice and i manage to conceive. She is the one who told me to be positive and have faith. She also helped me to pray.
No matter what religion you are, pray!! I am sure GOD will hear all our prayers!

Sharing with you this prayer. I am not Christian but my hubby is. So he will lead with this prayer

Dear Lord,
I declare that you are the author and giver of life. Your Word says that all things have been created by and for you. You are before all things, and in you all things hold together. Today we ask that the spirit of life on us and in us, providing everything this baby and my body need to bring forth life to the glory of God. We stand on the goodness and faithfulness of you, Lord, that will bless us with this healthy and whole child. May our life and theirs bring glory and honor to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Gd morning all~ thx for all the warming welcomes~ :) regarding the FB group, will my frens c that i join the group? As you know ppl who view my profile, will c which groups im in... becos i have yet to announce to most of my frens and relatives. Wish to keep it secret until 12 weeks. :p
babymarian and MXLO, will probably stay in SG throughout. Not even go for staycation. Packing for 2 kids is no joke.

SeptemberCat, don't worry, it is a secret group. No one can see your post there nor if you join it.
Hey just asking if any mummies engage the service of the confinement lady? If yes, any intro?
