(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

@starrymommy - yours later realy become flat ah???? :eek:

for your #1 not so much milk??

I am an A girl. Nothing to boast about. Lol! For #1 she was a sleepy baby and didn't want to suck much so resorted to 100% pumping. Then when she was 2 mths plus we went on a road trip to Msia. Somehow the stress level went up during the trip plus I didn't rest well so supply dropped and I stopped eventually..

With #2, I made sure I ate well, rested well and took bfing supplements. She latched really strongly too so the demand and supply were there. Not only did I total latched her, after latching I pumped some more to increase supply further. That was how I managed 1L output a day. Slimmed down damn fast during that period.
is it true that we can straight away let our baby latch once it is delivered (for natural birth)? and for C-sec it will be later?
Starrymommy, did u take pill to stop the milk when weaning? I did & my cup size did reduce by 1 cup b4 pre-preg but I did it purposely & knowingly.

So to those who wish to maintain your pre-preg cup size, do not take the pills to wean breast milk, juz do it slowing by cutting down the amt of supply everytime.
thanks 50BBN....i wanna keep pre preg cup size. its a small B if reduce jialat liao....really a small hump nia. :D
I am an A girl. Nothing to boast about. Lol! For #1 she was a sleepy baby and didn't want to suck much so resorted to 100% pumping. Then when she was 2 mths plus we went on a road trip to Msia. Somehow the stress level went up during the trip plus I didn't rest well so supply dropped and I stopped eventually..

With #2, I made sure I ate well, rested well and took bfing supplements. She latched really strongly too so the demand and supply were there. Not only did I total latched her, after latching I pumped some more to increase supply further. That was how I managed 1L output a day. Slimmed down damn fast during that period.

Starrymommy, can share what kinda bfing supplements u took back then?

My #1 same like your #1, sleepy bb, the moment I latch or bottle feed her, she zzz...
But dunno if its the case of bfing or juz me, mine really sagged a lot & the areola area have dark pigmentation till today (6yrs) *cry* although it did fade but not totally even though my supply was lousy then.

But pls still try our best to bfing as its the best for bb & ourselves, not only slim down faster but lesser chance of cancer :)
MXLO, didn't. Went back to lighter than pre-pregnancy weight. It was tough handling a 10 month old and a newborn so that deterred me from gaining any further weight.
is it true that we can straight away let our baby latch once it is delivered (for natural birth)? and for C-sec it will be later?
Yes, for c sec it has to be later. I was not able to bf until say a day or 2 later after the anaesthetic has worn off. And bf really helps lose weight fast. I dropped mine very fast too and now weigh lesser than pre preg. but sad to sad, the chest part also drops. it's true, sometimes i feel like a boy. This preg is the time to 'beef up' the chest! haha
Thanks babes!

For the 1st time mummies here, bf is really not easy. I gave up direct latch for #1 after 1mth. For this beanie, i will perservere!
@starrymommy - wah!!! your 1st and 2nd close age gap!!

Supposed to be exactly 1 year gap. Ended up the naughty girl wanted to make her grand entrance 2 months earlier. Bo bian lor. I don't know how I survived those days man... Thanks God I've got my mum to help. Else sure go into post natal depression.
latch quite difficult to gauge if baby has drink enough right???

It's easy. Use the soiled diapers to gauge. If drinking enough, baby will produce 6-8 (or even more) full diapers daily. Don't have to worry about how much they drink as long as they produce that amount of water since what goes in must come out. And best part about latching is zero washing and sterilising of bottles which can really take up precious time which can be better used for sleep!
I actually don't like being fuller, feel heavy with the heavy tummy.

Think roughly abt 20-30mins each sides?
Starrymommy, can share what kinda bfing supplements u took back then?

My #1 same like your #1, sleepy bb, the moment I latch or bottle feed her, she zzz...

I tried fenugreek but it didn't work. Sacred Tea and Motherlove capsules worked amazingly well for me. And of course drinking cups of Milo before and after each pump/feeding session helps tremendously. Oh yah.. durian feast also helps. Haha!
I tried fenugreek too, din work for me too. Even the pills from gynae din help, he even 'consoled' me that not every mom is an Aussie cow & I juz happened to be an indian cow *cry* lol

Will keep these 2 in mind :)
Oh my I was so tired I fell asleep for 2 hrs!! Wah so much buzz abt bf!

Mine was a painful and frustrating experience cos I was really 'brain-washed' abt breast is best and no formula milk. My milk supply was really low so I had to supplement on day 4 already.... Was even 'scolded' by lactation consultant of Kk when I called in to ask why my bb never poo poo then she said cos she is not getting enough milk!!

That night my hb rushed out to buy fm and I was so upset I couldn't exclusively bf her. But I was quite determined abt still giving her bm so I latched, fm fed her then pumped! Almost went mad!

Ate all the stuff that could boost milk supplement including domperidone, fenugreek, Iherb mother's milk supplements, avocado milkshake, oats, papaya fish soup and avoided dang gui. And ate a lot!

My milk supply slowly went up but I unfortunately suffered two times mastitis when I got super high fever and super painful and engorged boobs I had to stop direct latching at 3 mths plus!

So I persisted in exclusive pumping until my kid turned 1 year old! It was quite a torture as I couldn't spend a lot of time with my kid with the machine stuck on me and having to pp at strict intervals to keep up the supply!

I guess looking back perhaps I was too hard on myself and things prob will be better if I could have direct latch all the way....

I din lose much weight cos I think I over ate to try to boost supply.:(
I tried fenugreek too, din work for me too. Even the pills from gynae din help, he even 'consoled' me that not every mom is an Aussie cow & I juz happened to be an indian cow *cry* lol

Will keep these 2 in mind :)

When the time comes we can share our 秘密武器 again. Haha!
I also gave myself undue pressure to tbf and really felt like a failure when I had to supplement as my bb was getting dehydrated! Milk supply was pretty dismal.

Think it's important that we remember that as mummies we try our best and must believe that it is good enough.

Don't give ourselves extra stress :)
Oh my I was so tired I fell asleep for 2 hrs!! Wah so much buzz abt bf!

Mine was a painful and frustrating experience cos I was really 'brain-washed' abt breast is continue no formula milk. My milk supply was really low so I had to supplement on day 4 already.... Was even 'scolded' by lactation consultant of Kk when I called in to ask why my bb never poo poo then she said cos she is not getting enough milk!!

That night my hb rushed out to buy fm and I was so upset I couldn't exclusively bf her. But I was quite determined abt still giving her bm so I latched, fm fed her then pumped! Almost went mad!

Ate all the stuff that could boost milk supplement including domperidone, fenugreek, Iherb mother's milk supplements, avocado milkshake, oats, papaya fish soup and avoided dang gui. And ate a lot!

My milk supply slowly went up but I unfortunately suffered two times mastitis when I got super high fever and super painful and engorged boobs I had to stop direct latching at 3 mths plus!

So I persisted in exclusive pumping until my kid turned 1 year old! It was quite a torture as I couldn't spend a lot of time with my kid with the machine stuck on me and having to pp at strict intervals to keep up the supply!

I guess looking back perhaps I was too hard on myself and things prob will be better if I could have direct latch all the way....

I din lose much weight cos I think I over ate to try to boost supply.:(

Wah! You napped for 2 hours! Sounds so shiok. I was nodding off at work and glad to have a meeting outside of office. Officially off work liao. Muahaha!

I had mastitis too! It was torturous. But the doc told me to continue latching as it helps clear off the blocked ducts. Having a baby to suckle is way better than having a machine to pump. The pain is definitely worse than childbirth though. Sorry if I scared anyone here. Hope no mummies ever need to go through this "hell".
Aiyoh hugs mummycoccyx, same like u, I was somewhat 'brainwashed' by all the nice talk & 'teaching' that as long as we keep to the strict timing to latch/pump, sure cfm will have supply.

But my gal din suck well, I became vy gan chiong, even got the lactation consultant from Mt A to come over twice during my confinement. I woke up to pump in wee hours & kena scoldings from my mom. In the end, my supply still not enough for my gal & my mil screamed for fm (-__-)''

In the end, still supplement & pump exclusively for more than half a yr before my supply really gone down hill :(

Juz wanna let new 1st time mommies know our stories in case they r like us, din know it may not be as easy as every1 said.

As long as we try our best as mommies, I think its good enough. Don't go to the extent of over stressing every1 & lost the main focus of enjoying the bb with hubby.
tamcamwam, this time I am going to take it a little easier also. Told myself if really cannot then drink FM lor. Not end of the world.. besides I grew up on FM and turned out just fine. Happy mummy = happy baby. :)
tamcamwam, this time I am going to take it a little easier also. Told myself if really cannot then drink FM lor. Not end of the world.. besides I grew up on FM and turned out just fine. Happy mummy = happy baby. :)

Yes! I love this Happy mummy = happy bb.

I was really a mess 1st time post-delivery haha. Not just because of bf-ing but I also had my heart set on natural delivery but in the end had to do emergency c-section.

This time, I'm going to try to be more relaxed :D
Starrymommy, yeah I got shock too how come sleep so long!!

I couldn't direct latch cos I think too engorged and had to squeeze my boobs really hard while feeding and my bb din like it... And she's very impatient one; she cried until her whole face turned red like tomato so I gave up and just bottle fed her....

Yeah I agree this time if supply too low I think I will not over stress myself... I am still slightly regretting having to spend sooo much time away from her just to pump... I was also fully formula fed and I turned out fine right. Haha.
How come ended up emergency csect? Not able to push out? Mine was csect due to breech. Scary process for me. Some more the stupid gynae (not John Yam) made me go under GA. I thought I died. Cos I heard the nurses trying to wake me up but I couldn't respond and I heard one of them asked the doctor "Why is she not waking up huh?" Omg... There are some things you simply CANNOT say inside an OT lor.
Tamcamcam, me too! That was the other set back! I also wanted to go as natural as possible, in the end had epidural cos couldn't stand the pain and also underwent emergency c section when I was 5cm dilated cos bb heart beat keep dropping with each contraction and they were worried is cord around neck....
Hihi all, gd afternoon! I'm first timer, tested positive twice in late Aug, and my appointment is on the 22nd Sep, which i will be 7 weeks 5 days at then, quite excited as i heard there will be heartbeat? Current symptoms are bloated stomach, especially after lunch, it's almost impossible to hide this from my colleagues but on the other hand they are all male, so they might not pay much attention at any changes in me, haha! Another symptom will be this stingy pain i'm feeling in my breasts. it has not bothered me much yet, i hope it just maintain this way. :) But having not much symptoms makes me worry too, is anyone of you feeling the same? It seems too quiet.. I'm currently 5 weeks 5 days.

I'm craving for coffee! Very much! I used to have 1 daily, u know the instant one at 20g a packet, sometimes i had 2 but it's not often. I really really REALLY so want to make a cup for myself right now! I just not sure if i should though i was told a cup a day should be fine. :confused:
How come ended up emergency csect? Not able to push out? Mine was csect due to breech. Scary process for me. Some more the stupid gynae (not John Yam) made me go under GA. I thought I died. Cos I heard the nurses trying to wake me up but I couldn't respond and I heard one of them asked the doctor "Why is she not waking up huh?" Omg... There are some things you simply CANNOT say inside an OT lor.

Baby too high up, doc can't even burst water bag and bb's heartbeat was getting erratic.

So in the end, had to undergo emergency c-section. It was quite a blow to me as I had this picture in my mind of what a perfect delivery was.

This time around, my hubby says just have an elective c-section to save ourselves the grief and added cost....
Tamcamcam, me too! That was the other set back! I also wanted to go as natural as possible, in the end had epidural cos couldn't stand the pain and also underwent emergency c section when I was 5cm dilated cos bb heart beat keep dropping with each contraction and they were worried is cord around neck....

So glad that everything turned out well! It's really scary when bb is inside and we don't know what is going on. Hopefully our pregnancies will go more smoothly this time!
Starrymommy, how come need GA? Mine was they just top up the epidural until whole lower body totally numb.

My very first gynae was an old uncle. He said GA cos he scared I freak out and scream in the OT. I was like WTH! But he insisted and I thought should be no big deal plus baby was breeched so i didn't have much say on birth plan. The pain when i first woke up was unbearable. And i slipped in and out of consciousness the first 1 hour after op. Horrible.. from that day on i decided not to go back to Dr John TL Lim. Will forever remember him. Lol!
Welcome septembercat! Congrats! Those are symptoms of pregnancy! MS usually starts around 5-6weeks so maybe not yet! Some lucky mummies have mild or no MS so u may be one of them too!

Starrymommy, your first gynae is super funny leh.... thinking u would freak out !
SeptemberCat congrats and welcome! So exciting to be having your 1st! It's normal to not feel anything much at 5 weeks. Just maintain positive. :) I was like you with my #1, craved badly for coffee. Just have 1 a day, it's fine.
Hihi all, gd afternoon! I'm first timer, tested positive twice in late Aug, and my appointment is on the 22nd Sep, which i will be 7 weeks 5 days at then, quite excited as i heard there will be heartbeat? Current symptoms are bloated stomach, especially after lunch, it's almost impossible to hide this from my colleagues but on the other hand they are all male, so they might not pay much attention at any changes in me, haha! Another symptom will be this stingy pain i'm feeling in my breasts. it has not bothered me much yet, i hope it just maintain this way. :) But having not much symptoms makes me worry too, is anyone of you feeling the same? It seems too quiet.. I'm currently 5 weeks 5 days.

I'm craving for coffee! Very much! I used to have 1 daily, u know the instant one at 20g a packet, sometimes i had 2 but it's not often. I really really REALLY so want to make a cup for myself right now! I just not sure if i should though i was told a cup a day should be fine. :confused:

Hello SeptemberCat - I am about 5w1d. not much symptoms as yet but i do have like wanna puke kind of feeling sometimes. sore boobs yesh...lotsa burping and farting. Sorry TMI....LOL
tamcamwam, you don't want to wait till 3rd tri then make final decision? Baby may drop down early the second time around. Just keep an open mind on birth plan.

I was also very devastated when gynae said must do csect due to breech. Kept telling my girl to turn down for 2 weeks but she just wouldn't. I felt that she tried to at one point because for 1 whole day, my tummy was lopsided - she was lying horizontally across the tummy. (-_-!!) Maybe grown too fat to turn by then.. I think she must be feeling damn uncomfy too so I told her nvm, we tried our best. Csect csect lor.
tamcamwam, you don't want to wait till 3rd tri then make final decision? Baby may drop down early the second time around. Just keep an open mind on birth plan.

I was also very devastated when gynae said must do csect due to breech. Kept telling my girl to turn down for 2 weeks but she just wouldn't. I felt that she tried to at one point because for 1 whole day, my tummy was lopsided - she was lying horizontally across the tummy. (-_-!!) Maybe grown too fat to turn by then.. I think she must be feeling damn uncomfy too so I told her nvm, we tried our best. Csect csect lor.

Yes, will only decide much later. But my hubby v pragmatic, he said that the e c-sect was really ex cos everything was ala carte. Dunno if all men are like that lol

All the best for your scan! Can't wait to hear the gd news :)

Ive added all the mummies who PMed me. For those who didn't receive the invite, i am not able to find you using your email addresses u provided. I've replied you too. All members in the group has access rights so pls feel free to page for help to join us. :) for those who have joined us, let's continue there. :)
