(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

And we share the same edd! Heehee.. How are you feeling today? I had intense contractions throughout the night but it just was not regular. Same thing now. On and off. Baby playing games with me. Haha.. I think I will just admit myself into the hospital on Saturday if this goes on. :D
Yup same edd :) I did have a few contractions throughout the night but like you, they weren't regular and still bearable. This morning the contractions seemed regular at abt 9 minutes apart but for now, they are mostly on/off, with an interval ranging from 6-12 minutes. Guess the body is preparing for labour. The most uncomfy part for me though is the rectal pressure and shooting pain which comes before the contraction in the uterus. Not sure why such pressure but read that could be baby's head is moving down the birth canal and pressing on some nerves. I'm honestly quite tired of being pregnant already and wish she will be ready to come out anytime now!

Yup same edd :) I did have a few contractions throughout the night but like you, they weren't regular and still bearable. This morning the contractions seemed regular at abt 9 minutes apart but for now, they are mostly on/off, with an interval ranging from 6-12 minutes. Guess the body is preparing for labour. The most uncomfy part for me though is the rectal pressure and shooting pain which comes before the contraction in the uterus. Not sure why such pressure but read that could be baby's head is moving down the birth canal and pressing on some nerves. I'm honestly quite tired of being pregnant already and wish she will be ready to come out anytime now!
Jiayou Jiayou! Soon baby will be out. Endure for a little while more
Yup same edd :) I did have a few contractions throughout the night but like you, they weren't regular and still bearable. This morning the contractions seemed regular at abt 9 minutes apart but for now, they are mostly on/off, with an interval ranging from 6-12 minutes. Guess the body is preparing for labour. The most uncomfy part for me though is the rectal pressure and shooting pain which comes before the contraction in the uterus. Not sure why such pressure but read that could be baby's head is moving down the birth canal and pressing on some nerves. I'm honestly quite tired of being pregnant already and wish she will be ready to come out anytime now!

Our symptoms are really so alike. I had this pelvic pain since second trimester too. Honestly I can't tell which is more painful. The pelvic or the contractions. I also hope for some obvious signs which will tell me to head to hospital asap and give birth to my baby girl! Hopefully it's soon for you too. Jiayou!! :)
Yup same edd :) I did have a few contractions throughout the night but like you, they weren't regular and still bearable. This morning the contractions seemed regular at abt 9 minutes apart but for now, they are mostly on/off, with an interval ranging from 6-12 minutes. Guess the body is preparing for labour. The most uncomfy part for me though is the rectal pressure and shooting pain which comes before the contraction in the uterus. Not sure why such pressure but read that could be baby's head is moving down the birth canal and pressing on some nerves. I'm honestly quite tired of being pregnant already and wish she will be ready to come out anytime now!

Jia you Jia you babe, u r almost there too!
Our symptoms are really so alike. I had this pelvic pain since second trimester too. Honestly I can't tell which is more painful. The pelvic or the contractions. I also hope for some obvious signs which will tell me to head to hospital asap and give birth to my baby girl! Hopefully it's soon for you too. Jiayou!! :)
You jiayou too!!
Congrats to all the parents who have given birth to prince or princess! All of them are soooo adorable!! Hope you all have a great confinement.. Looking forward to the D-day for the rest of us.. hehe ^^ Happy 2015!
So anyway, a quick update on what happened after this post...

Went to sleep then at 12 plus was suddenly hit by a contraction, the ward nurses hooked me onto the CTG and my contractions were coming quickly, 30min apart, 20min, then 10min apart by 0130h, ward nurses made the decision to send me back to the delivery suite...

I was 4-5cm dilated, contractions came fast and furious, decided to go ahead with epi, and was administered by 4ish. Managed to sleep and woke up at 5.55am by the nurse, asking me to call my hubby cuz I was 7cm dilated! By 7.30am, Dr Tham arrived and I was 9cm dilated, but bb still quite high up, so waited till 9plus and fully dilated for more than an hour before I started pushing. After an hour, Dr Tham came, decided on vacuum and he was out after 2 last pushes at 11am on the dot. 2.745kg at 44cm.

Unfortunately bb wasn't breathing v well so PD sent him to NICU, where he was placed on oxygen therapy for 4 days. (@PTB7674, May have seen your bb at NICU on Friday morning)!! I was discharged on Boxing Day Friday but was traveling to and from TMC twice each day to see bb and to bring my ebm for him. So in between traveling, pumping milk, getting the nursery ready, entertaining the parents who was preparing my confinement food (kind of contradictory cuz they keep asking me to rest), it was madness, really. Good thing is bb was discharged on Monday so can take care of him at home...

My CL arrived yesterday so I can take a breather. So far so good... Let's hope it remains thus way!!

Happy New Year mummies all of you made it for SG50. I don't have a SG50 baby, but I have a Christmas Eve baby instead... :) Can't believe he is now a week old. I spent the last of 2014 and beginning of 2015 pumping milk. How our lives have changed compared to a year ago...

Take care Gateway Junkie! As long as baby and mum both ok and healthy its all worth it :) Christmas eve baby good, hehe, a special gift :) Rest well n hv a gd confinement!
So excited for those going for c sec/ induce on mon!! Jiayou. I am seeing gynae tomorrow. Wonder how heavy is baby now haha

Seeing my gynae tomorrow too. Have prepared a birth plan to show her, don't know if it's realistic or if she'll be unhappy about it.

1. Vaginal delivery is preferred unless baby is distressed and Caesarean delivery is necessary for safe delivery.
2. If Caesarean delivery is necessary, a low-transverse incision is preferred over a classical incision, to maximize my chances of VBAC for subsequent future deliveries.
3. Prefer to walk around during labour until I am fully dilated and ready to deliver.
4. Episiotomy is not preferred unless absolutely necessary.
5. Pain management – Epidural or pethidine is not preferred unless the pain is unbearable and I ask for it. Prefer to try entonox (laughing gas) or TENS first to manage pain.
6. Cord blood and cord lining should be collected for Cordlife.
7. Prefer for husband to cut the umbilical cord.
8. Prefer to keep the placenta for drying and encapsulation.
9. Prefer immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby after baby is cleaned.
NOTE: We understand and accept that anything in the birth plan is subject to change to ensure the safety and health of the baby.

Btw, Winnie, thanks for the perineal massage info. Hubby is doing it for me everyday and I find it very relaxing. :)
Seeing my gynae tomorrow too. Have prepared a birth plan to show her, don't know if it's realistic or if she'll be unhappy about it.

1. Vaginal delivery is preferred unless baby is distressed and Caesarean delivery is necessary for safe delivery.
2. If Caesarean delivery is necessary, a low-transverse incision is preferred over a classical incision, to maximize my chances of VBAC for subsequent future deliveries.
3. Prefer to walk around during labour until I am fully dilated and ready to deliver.
4. Episiotomy is not preferred unless absolutely necessary.
5. Pain management – Epidural or pethidine is not preferred unless the pain is unbearable and I ask for it. Prefer to try entonox (laughing gas) or TENS first to manage pain.
6. Cord blood and cord lining should be collected for Cordlife.
7. Prefer for husband to cut the umbilical cord.
8. Prefer to keep the placenta for drying and encapsulation.
9. Prefer immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby after baby is cleaned.
NOTE: We understand and accept that anything in the birth plan is subject to change to ensure the safety and health of the baby.

Btw, Winnie, thanks for the perineal massage info. Hubby is doing it for me everyday and I find it very relaxing. :)
Welcome. Haha your birth plan is pretty detailed. I will prefer not to have an episiotomy as well. Will inform my gynae tomorrow:)
Seeing my gynae tomorrow too. Have prepared a birth plan to show her, don't know if it's realistic or if she'll be unhappy about it.

1. Vaginal delivery is preferred unless baby is distressed and Caesarean delivery is necessary for safe delivery.
2. If Caesarean delivery is necessary, a low-transverse incision is preferred over a classical incision, to maximize my chances of VBAC for subsequent future deliveries.
3. Prefer to walk around during labour until I am fully dilated and ready to deliver.
4. Episiotomy is not preferred unless absolutely necessary.
5. Pain management – Epidural or pethidine is not preferred unless the pain is unbearable and I ask for it. Prefer to try entonox (laughing gas) or TENS first to manage pain.
6. Cord blood and cord lining should be collected for Cordlife.
7. Prefer for husband to cut the umbilical cord.
8. Prefer to keep the placenta for drying and encapsulation.
9. Prefer immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby after baby is cleaned.
NOTE: We understand and accept that anything in the birth plan is subject to change to ensure the safety and health of the baby.

Btw, Winnie, thanks for the perineal massage info. Hubby is doing it for me everyday and I find it very relaxing. :)

A good gynae who is supportive of natural birth shouldn't be unhappy. I think it's very good to let her know your thoughts. Just thought that you might want to add this on to your list. Most hospitals would put us on the pitocin IV drip when we admit into the hospital. It's used to induce/regulate the contractions. You might want to read up more if you haven't. Because it might bring about much stronger and more painful contractions which may interfere with your natural birth plan. If possible, it's good to opt out. :)

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A good gynae who is supportive of natural birth shouldn't be unhappy. I think it's very good to let her know your thoughts. Just thought that you might want to add this on to your list. Most hospitals would put us on the pitocin IV drip when we admit into the hospital. It's used to induce/regulate the contractions. You might want to read up more if you haven't. Because it might bring about much stronger and more painful contractions which may interfere with your natural birth plan. If possible, it's good to opt out. :)


Thanks! I don't know anything about pitocin until I read the article. Have included it in my birth plan.

1. Vaginal delivery is preferred unless baby is distressed and Caesarean delivery is necessary for safe delivery.
2. If Caesarean delivery is necessary, a low-transverse incision is preferred over a classical incision, to maximize my chances of VBAC for subsequent future deliveries.
3. Prefer not to use Pitocin via IV drip to induce labour unless absolutely necessary for a safe delivery.
4. Prefer to walk around during labour until I am fully dilated and ready to deliver.
5. Episiotomy is not preferred unless absolutely necessary.
6. Pain management – Epidural or pethidine is not preferred unless the pain is unbearable and I ask for it. Prefer to try entonox (laughing gas) or TENS first to manage pain.
7. Cord blood and cord lining should be collected for Cordlife.
8. Prefer for husband to cut the umbilical cord.
9. Prefer to keep the placenta for drying and encapsulation.
10.Prefer immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby after baby is cleaned.
NOTE: We understand and accept that anything in the birth plan is subject to change to ensure the safety and health of the baby.
Thanks! I don't know anything about pitocin until I read the article. Have included it in my birth plan.

1. Vaginal delivery is preferred unless baby is distressed and Caesarean delivery is necessary for safe delivery.
2. If Caesarean delivery is necessary, a low-transverse incision is preferred over a classical incision, to maximize my chances of VBAC for subsequent future deliveries.
3. Prefer not to use Pitocin via IV drip to induce labour unless absolutely necessary for a safe delivery.
4. Prefer to walk around during labour until I am fully dilated and ready to deliver.
5. Episiotomy is not preferred unless absolutely necessary.
6. Pain management – Epidural or pethidine is not preferred unless the pain is unbearable and I ask for it. Prefer to try entonox (laughing gas) or TENS first to manage pain.
7. Cord blood and cord lining should be collected for Cordlife.
8. Prefer for husband to cut the umbilical cord.
9. Prefer to keep the placenta for drying and encapsulation.
10.Prefer immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby after baby is cleaned.
NOTE: We understand and accept that anything in the birth plan is subject to change to ensure the safety and health of the baby.

Jia you, so precise.. :)
I just gonna go with the flow. haha I know NUH will follow item 10, coz its one of their protocol.
Good morning mummies! I'm officially on ML, woo hoo! Tonight going to squeeze in one last mahjong game before i pop, hee hee. Good luck to all who are having their gynae visits today, keep us updated! Tomorrow i will have my last gynae visit.

@lovexuan & @ciakes how are you ladies doing?

good morning. Today is my last day at work ! hehe Am also having my last gynae visit tonight. wahhaa
Good morning mummies! I'm officially on ML, woo hoo! Tonight going to squeeze in one last mahjong game before i pop, hee hee. Good luck to all who are having their gynae visits today, keep us updated! Tomorrow i will have my last gynae visit.

@lovexuan & @ciakes how are you ladies doing?
Think I will admit myself in the afternoon!! Contractions have been regular since 230 am. They were at abt 8 min intervals and now they are abt 6-7 min intervals and the pain has intensified compared to past two days. If i wait any longer i might not be able to walk!! I hope I'm at least somewhat dilated or it will be a long wait..hubs is at work and we've decided to wait till abt noon to let him finish up some urgent stuff. For now I'm just gonna take a good shower and check my hosp bag again!
Think I will admit myself in the afternoon!! Contractions have been regular since 230 am. They were at abt 8 min intervals and now they are abt 6-7 min intervals and the pain has intensified compared to past two days. If i wait any longer i might not be able to walk!! I hope I'm at least somewhat dilated or it will be a long wait..hubs is at work and we've decided to wait till abt noon to let him finish up some urgent stuff. For now I'm just gonna take a good shower and check my hosp bag again!

Woo hoo, finishing line in sight, jia you n smooth delivery!!
Good morning mummies! I'm officially on ML, woo hoo! Tonight going to squeeze in one last mahjong game before i pop, hee hee. Good luck to all who are having their gynae visits today, keep us updated! Tomorrow i will have my last gynae visit.

@lovexuan & @ciakes how are you ladies doing?

They say pregnant mummy very 旺 in mj game one! Good luck and enjoy your ML :)
They say pregnant mummy very 旺 in mj game one! Good luck and enjoy your ML :)

Haha, thanks babe, but not true in my case leh, i think in the last 9 months, the nett amount i am down is enough to refurbish my entire nursery 2 or 3 times, haha. But its ok la, i write off as entertainment expenses. :p
Good morning mummies! I'm officially on ML, woo hoo! Tonight going to squeeze in one last mahjong game before i pop, hee hee. Good luck to all who are having their gynae visits today, keep us updated! Tomorrow i will have my last gynae visit.

@lovexuan & @ciakes how are you ladies doing?
So boring at work leh..... just to come back work on Friday b4 off on weekend.....
How to pass day at work..............

Enjoy ur last mahjong :)
Think I will admit myself in the afternoon!! Contractions have been regular since 230 am. They were at abt 8 min intervals and now they are abt 6-7 min intervals and the pain has intensified compared to past two days. If i wait any longer i might not be able to walk!! I hope I'm at least somewhat dilated or it will be a long wait..hubs is at work and we've decided to wait till abt noon to let him finish up some urgent stuff. For now I'm just gonna take a good shower and check my hosp bag again!
Jiayou mummy u can do it......
Everything will be alright n no pain no pain :)
Think I will admit myself in the afternoon!! Contractions have been regular since 230 am. They were at abt 8 min intervals and now they are abt 6-7 min intervals and the pain has intensified compared to past two days. If i wait any longer i might not be able to walk!! I hope I'm at least somewhat dilated or it will be a long wait..hubs is at work and we've decided to wait till abt noon to let him finish up some urgent stuff. For now I'm just gonna take a good shower and check my hosp bag again!
Think u better check in soon to get urself checked!!
Think I will admit myself in the afternoon!! Contractions have been regular since 230 am. They were at abt 8 min intervals and now they are abt 6-7 min intervals and the pain has intensified compared to past two days. If i wait any longer i might not be able to walk!! I hope I'm at least somewhat dilated or it will be a long wait..hubs is at work and we've decided to wait till abt noon to let him finish up some urgent stuff. For now I'm just gonna take a good shower and check my hosp bag again!

wow you sounded so cool and calm!!! :D


Finally unpacked the goodie bag from TMc

What brand formula u ladies buy? I look at all the choices I abit dizzy already. In the end chose Nan HA on recommendation of my colleague n confinement lady.
