(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

I also have numb fingers and swollen legs when I reach 3rd trimester .
Dr say it's normal for preg.
Nth much can be done...
Does yours look like mine


After pressing on the foot lolz can see the dent

They ask me use boiling water instead

:eek: boiling water? wont u gt scalded ?
Guess what she meant is boiled water not boiling water

Ahhh ok .. my brain is getting rly pea-sized now. Just now I was looking at my admission letter over dinner. I thought i put it back in my bag but it turns out that i left it on the table...andthat's why there was no trace of it in the bag!! zzzz
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.

Currently I had bought this insurance.
Cover both mummy and baby.
I paid abt $100+ per mth only.
My agent told me will be covered to my baby after he is born in future. I will be his trustee.
I bought this when I was week 28 like that. I had given all tests that I had done to them. So far no issues.
U can have a look. If u hav any qn, u can pm me , I can refer ur my agent to explain ur if ur wan..
Eg what test?
Wah. ...All your bb big big...gd leh. *envy* My bb on the small-ish side. Only 2.5kg on week 36+4. All the weight I gain goes to me and all the gd food I eat go to me too! I am gg to have a difficult time losing weight after I give birth manz....

Mine is small - 1.9kg at week 33+5. For me, it's not so good if the bb is big, coz it means higher chance of c-sec. We should be happy as long as bb is healthy. They can put on weight fast after birth.
Mine is small - 1.9kg at week 33+5. For me, it's not so good if the bb is big, coz it means higher chance of c-sec. We should be happy as long as bb is healthy. They can put on weight fast after birth.
Yeah, my sis bb born only 2.4kg now closing to 7kg plus. 6 mths old.
They put on fast after 2nd mth.

Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.
@bbcripps also have this and she doing fine. Don't stress urself too much.
Rest more ba, some things we cannot control.
I learn to accept the situation n let myself go. Like my daily jab, gd and gotta induce.
Doc spoke to me say must be prepare to stay in hospital for longer time coz 1st bb n induce, scare body don't react to the induce pill.
Eg what test?

I went for the tests I think week 12 and 20( Oscar scan check fr any Down syndrome) and some of the Uls detailed scans and my blood tests results.
I buy the insurance at week 28.
He jus now told me the insurance that cover both mom and baby can only be purchase between week 18-32.
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.
Stay strong!
Dun stress ur self too much and we all here wil be supporting u.
Jia you for u and ur baby ok.
Rest more ok. Forget abt work, baby and u more important den anything else .
Sounds like Isetan sale is good!

Ate curry puffs for breakfast this morning, and have been puking it out. Think my baby dun like curry puff lor. Felt so terrible, came back and toke a long nap.. but the nausea still not cleared.. :(

Oh dear… better drink some ginger tea to clear the nausea. Hope you feel better soon!
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Stay positive so that bb is not affected by negative mood. I'm sure you would have done more to rest if you had known earlier that you have placenta previa, but feeling guilty now will not help things. Go get a 2nd opinion if it makes you feel more assured.

I was very sad too when I was told this week that my chance for c-sec is very high due to my small size, was cursing my genes for making me so short and "dysfunctional". But I needed to let go of these destructive feelings. Can only leave it to God as He brought me this far...
Went for a maternity group photoshoot with 14 other January mummies at Studio Memories and Emily Park. A pretty rushed affair (~ 2 hours) but I was so terribly exhausted at the end, I had cramps, the feeling of the whole uterus tightening and some pain. Went home as soon as I could and fell asleep for a couple of hours. Never slept so soundly in the day time since start of 3rd tri! Guess I'm no spring chicken or super woman anymore, who can do multiple big tasks in a day.
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.
Chill .... Be happy. .. Your bb can sense your emotions ...

Over the weekend rest more ... Dun think too much .. Natural or c'sean , bb safe and healthy can already . Just like I always tell ppl , boy or girl , healthy can already ...

Be happy , it's weekend ...
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.
Nothing much u have done n can do abt low lying placenta...
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just found out that another friend wife around same edd as me. Her bb is 2.9kg at 34wks. Doc ask her c-sect.
34 already 2.9kg likely end with 4kg so c sect is normal
Wahh. Quite bad lei.. difficult to move around rite? Drinking water help ma?

I think I starting to swell also.
my water intake on average 3lt per day leh ..walking no issue just look ugly lolz

Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.
u must have set your expectation on natural birth very high that is why you are sad now ... the method of birth doesnt make you a lesser mummy so dun be sad ... and considered yourself lucky now then you know cos if know early you will be paranoid abt it and worry about bleeding etc

Wah urs more serious than mine...

Mine feels very tight. But not as swollen as urs..

Now body ache like siao can't sleep
on the other hand , other part of body dun ache except pelvis ..when get up from stationary position e.g. lay down or sit too long
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Oh mine is same as yours ! It's so painful right ESP after one full day of working. Whole foot like numb and swell till up to knee there!
painful no leh... did you attempt to rub /massage your feet ? when you do that then slight pain..but bearable
Oh , I think they are giving us a foot print or whatever free ... I just submitted the name to them haven't collect the thing yet. Will post it once I receive.

The first one - scan one ... Also free , can ask the agent to call you if you interested in keeping the cord . Think also complimentary
huh? who giving it free ?
This morning I suddenly have this soreness at the front of my pelvic bone. its like somebody kicked me in the groin last night..lol. I think its just greater pressure from baby? cause doc said baby is in head down position
@PTB7674 CL told me to fry some rice, put in thermal flesk n fill with hot water and drink throughout e day to reduce water retention. Maybe u can try...
Quite sad today. Went to see gynae and she said I hav placenta previa at 32 weeks and will prob need c-sec. Quite shocked cos previously she has always say will move up and never mentioned c-sec...
Most of it at the side but the end of it is fully covering the opening...wondering whether I should get a second opinion. Also blaming myself for working too hard and nt getting enough rest cos just now I read on te Internet seems that w low lying placenta you need lotsa rest. Forgot to ask for hospitalization leave just now though cos in shock.
And feel very sad.

Don't be sad don't be sad *pat pat* I know it must be a shock to u, but like what @PTB7674 said, at least u r in the final stretch now, a few more weeks n your bb will be safely in your arms, n on the bright side, u didn't have to spend the last few months worrying abt bleeding. When I bled n found out, I was only 22 wks... gosh at that time had I had to deliver, the bb would not have made it. I remember going back to office n locking myself in the toilet n crying my eyes out. So the wks after that were really filled w paranoia. But life goes on, blur blur I also passed another 12 wks, can still go expo, taka sale, isetan sale etc, haha. Just try to take it easy for these last few weeks, no heavy lifting, no sex, always listen to your body, if not feeling well, just rest. In any case, since only the end of your placenta is covering, who knows, maybe it can still move. My colleague's moved at wk 37, n she had a very smooth natural delivery at wk 40. Jia you!

Got just back from my Gynae, chunky is 2.73kg at wk 34+3. Took my second steriod jab today, n gotta continue my anti contraction pill till wk 36. Gynae says if all goes well, I will go in for csect just before wk 38, so we r targeting the week of 5 Jan. Fingers crossed!
34 already 2.9kg likely end with 4kg so c sect is normal

my water intake on average 3lt per day leh ..walking no issue just look ugly lolz

u must have set your expectation on natural birth very high that is why you are sad now ... the method of birth doesnt make you a lesser mummy so dun be sad ... and considered yourself lucky now then you know cos if know early you will be paranoid abt it and worry about bleeding etc

on the other hand , other part of body dun ache except pelvis ..when get up from stationary position e.g. lay down or sit too long

painful no leh... did you attempt to rub /massage your feet ? when you do that then slight pain..but bearable

huh? who giving it free ?

Too many ppl walking into the ward ... Promoting ... Everything I just say Okie ..

I think it's dumex .

I even take the baby u newborn pic taking at 168

Wow ... Your water retention quite serious ... Then I must be the lucky one , no water retention at all ... Only if I play 12 hr mj then will get . But after wearing the compression sock for overnight , next day back to normal ...

My water retention only appeared after discharge from hospital on the 2nd day at home and lasted for 2 days .
Don't be sad don't be sad *pat pat* I know it must be a shock to u, but like what @PTB7674 said, at least u r in the final stretch now, a few more weeks n your bb will be safely in your arms, n on the bright side, u didn't have to spend the last few months worrying abt bleeding. When I bled n found out, I was only 22 wks... gosh at that time had I had to deliver, the bb would not have made it. I remember going back to office n locking myself in the toilet n crying my eyes out. So the wks after that were really filled w paranoia. But life goes on, blur blur I also passed another 12 wks, can still go expo, taka sale, isetan sale etc, haha. Just try to take it easy for these last few weeks, no heavy lifting, no sex, always listen to your body, if not feeling well, just rest. In any case, since only the end of your placenta is covering, who knows, maybe it can still move. My colleague's moved at wk 37, n she had a very smooth natural delivery at wk 40. Jia you!

Got just back from my Gynae, chunky is 2.73kg at wk 34+3. Took my second steriod jab today, n gotta continue my anti contraction pill till wk 36. Gynae says if all goes well, I will go in for csect just before wk 38, so we r targeting the week of 5 Jan. Fingers crossed!
Nice weight .. Envy .. Must play mj often now, otherwise confinement cannot play ...

My girl now 3.5kg... Will be 3 weeks old on coming Monday .. Omg .... So fast confinement finishing .... Will be home alone with 3 princesses after confinement ... :(
Nice weight .. Envy .. Must play mj often now, otherwise confinement cannot play ...

My girl now 3.5kg... Will be 3 weeks old on coming Monday .. Omg .... So fast confinement finishing .... Will be home alone with 3 princesses after confinement ... :(
Wah that's fast..got 3 wks already!! Wonder who will be next to pop!!
