(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

When will you ladies start to take your maternity leave? Few weeks before EDD or work till you pop?

My EDD is 23rd Jan. Decided to take 5 days AL on 5-9th Jan.
Start ML on the 12th Jan. Means, I take ML 2 weeks before my EDD. I hope the baby come out within the 38 weeks. So, can spend more time with the baby until I have to return back to work.
Nowadays, I cannot wait to meet the little one but am scared of the whole giving birth process. Conflicting feelings.
Hi! initially I wanted to take early ML.. but heard that gynae can give HL till u give birth.. so save on ur ML

but u must check with ur HR whether when u tk HL within 1 mth of ur edd, will it be considered ML
Eh.. Side track a bit..
Will nipple have pimples?
This morning while bathing realise there sort of like pimples look alike at aureole area.. Those yellow type..
When will you ladies start to take your maternity leave? Few weeks before EDD or work till you pop?

My EDD is 23rd Jan. Decided to take 5 days AL on 5-9th Jan.
Start ML on the 12th Jan. Means, I take ML 2 weeks before my EDD. I hope the baby come out within the 38 weeks. So, can spend more time with the baby until I have to return back to work.
i will take on the day i pop lolz

Hi! initially I wanted to take early ML.. but heard that gynae can give HL till u give birth.. so save on ur ML

but u must check with ur HR whether when u tk HL within 1 mth of ur edd, will it be considered ML
that is called abusing the purpose of HL lolz
Hi! initially I wanted to take early ML.. but heard that gynae can give HL till u give birth.. so save on ur ML

but u must check with ur HR whether when u tk HL within 1 mth of ur edd, will it be considered ML

What to say to gynae if I want HL? Must act as though I'm not well to work? Say my leg have shooting pain until cannot walk? Hahahaha! Think gynae fall for it?
What to say to gynae if I want HL? Must act as though I'm not well to work? Say my leg have shooting pain until cannot walk? Hahahaha! Think gynae fall for it?

some gynae are quite easy to give this ..but before you pull this stunt

think about your company culture .. can they tolerate such abuse and will it affect your appraisal...

sometime really cannot blame employers being prejudice against pregnant woman because some pregnant woman really ask for it by kenging MC and HL lolz ...
When will you ladies start to take your maternity leave? Few weeks before EDD or work till you pop?

My EDD is 23rd Jan. Decided to take 5 days AL on 5-9th Jan.
Start ML on the 12th Jan. Means, I take ML 2 weeks before my EDD. I hope the baby come out within the 38 weeks. So, can spend more time with the baby until I have to return back to work.

Actually my EDD is estimate 5 Feb from my Gynae. But computer estimate is 31 Jan. So i take it as 31 Jan. But based on my recent checkup etc + my condition, i got a feeling that bb might pop anytimes cos I've been walking too much. But i hope he can pop at mid Jan est 10 Jan which im about wk 35-36 bah. So have been telling him that he is Jan + SG50 BB so cannt come out nw. :)

I'm have confirm my ML from 12 Jan onwards but will be taking 12 wks first as my boss dont approve my 16 wks ML. Sigh.

Counting down to Jan now....
Good morning ladies! Am on morning off today, slowly clearing all my leave now. Then next week clear my MC, wahahaha. Just kidding. Though I think my Gynae does plan to give me MC/HL on my next visit on 26 Dec till I pop. My plan is to take MC from 26 Dec to 2 Jan, then start ML on 5 Jan.
Actually my EDD is estimate 5 Feb from my Gynae. But computer estimate is 31 Jan. So i take it as 31 Jan. But based on my recent checkup etc + my condition, i got a feeling that bb might pop anytimes cos I've been walking too much. But i hope he can pop at mid Jan est 10 Jan which im about wk 35-36 bah. So have been telling him that he is Jan + SG50 BB so cannt come out nw. :)

I'm have confirm my ML from 12 Jan onwards but will be taking 12 wks first as my boss dont approve my 16 wks ML. Sigh.

Counting down to Jan now....
35-36wks u wan to pop ...abit early leh

Good morning ladies! Am on morning off today, slowly clearing all my leave now. Then next week clear my MC, wahahaha. Just kidding. Though I think my Gynae does plan to give me MC/HL on my next visit on 26 Dec till I pop. My plan is to take MC from 26 Dec to 2 Jan, then start ML on 5 Jan.
lolz you have it all planned ...

for me i confirmed my ML after christmas .. and will take 16 wks straight ... and clear some carried forward leave as well ..but still not enuff to drag my "SAHM" status to may 2015 haiz
Actually my EDD is estimate 5 Feb from my Gynae. But computer estimate is 31 Jan. So i take it as 31 Jan. But based on my recent checkup etc + my condition, i got a feeling that bb might pop anytimes cos I've been walking too much. But i hope he can pop at mid Jan est 10 Jan which im about wk 35-36 bah. So have been telling him that he is Jan + SG50 BB so cannt come out nw. :)

I'm have confirm my ML from 12 Jan onwards but will be taking 12 wks first as my boss dont approve my 16 wks ML. Sigh.

Counting down to Jan now....

Lol same as me... so sng n heavy now. N sometimes how I wish I can give birth right away...

Edd 1st Feb
Gynae hope me to keep the baby in until at least 37 weeks due to previous preterm labour. Thus order lots of rest for me ...

But I feel so heavy n so "handicapped" do small things also hard these days...

N although I took the injection to stop contractions but this 2nd inject which I juz took dun seem to work for me... the contractions getting stronger but still irregular.. once I rest it stops n once I start do things or walk again it will start... so moody abt it... still got so many things haven't settle.. n hubby's standard of doing stuff not up to my standard so I rather I do on my own haha ...

Conflicting thoughts... 1 moment hope baby can come out right now at this moment ... the next moment ask him hang on coz it's not time yet. Only 33weeks now too early...
yoyo~ 35 wks today! count down 2 more wks plus!
Excited and anxious at the same time. hahhaa

My temp is here! don't think can keep logging on as frequent. haha

Last fri gynae visit, doc say bb head still high. :p
I will keep walking after 37wks! hopefully don't need to induce and give birth naturally..
Keep telling my gal to wait till 1 Jan. Ah gong, ah ma also keep telling her coz they go holiday from 28-31 Dec.. :confused: My mum doing my confinement. haha

Jia you everyone!!
Be starting my ML on 5 Jan since will be inducing that week
yoyo~ 35 wks today! count down 2 more wks plus!
Excited and anxious at the same time. hahhaa

My temp is here! don't think can keep logging on as frequent. haha

Last fri gynae visit, doc say bb head still high. :p
I will keep walking after 37wks! hopefully don't need to induce and give birth naturally..
Keep telling my gal to wait till 1 Jan. Ah gong, ah ma also keep telling her coz they go holiday from 28-31 Dec.. :confused: My mum doing my confinement. haha

Jia you everyone!!
Be starting my ML on 5 Jan since will be inducing that week
head still high then sure can tong til jan ... jiayu
some gynae are quite easy to give this ..but before you pull this stunt

think about your company culture .. can they tolerate such abuse and will it affect your appraisal...

sometime really cannot blame employers being prejudice against pregnant woman because some pregnant woman really ask for it by kenging MC and HL lolz ...

I'll see how my condition later. My company is quite okay with MC and HL. They are more result-driven. As long as you produce your work and no complains, my management and manager usually leave us alone.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Bcos my workplace is at Serangoon. I live at Jurong. Hospital NUH. Husband work at Tuas. What if my water bag burst or am in pain. Kinda hard to take cab back.
I'll see how my condition later. My company is quite okay with MC and HL. They are more result-driven. As long as you produce your work and no complains, my management and manager usually leave us alone.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Bcos my workplace is at Serangoon. I live at Jurong. Hospital NUH. Husband work at Tuas. What if my water bag burst or am in pain. Kinda hard to take cab back.
haha I also stay near jurong leh!
teban gardens..
I'll see how my condition later. My company is quite okay with MC and HL. They are more result-driven. As long as you produce your work and no complains, my management and manager usually leave us alone.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Bcos my workplace is at Serangoon. I live at Jurong. Hospital NUH. Husband work at Tuas. What if my water bag burst or am in pain. Kinda hard to take cab back.
if your company culture are ok then mia tu liao lolz ...

wah u stay jurong work serangoon !! .. this is your 1st born right :p you know what they say ..it will take long to pop so you definitely got time to get to hospital lolz
if your company culture are ok then mia tu liao lolz ...

wah u stay jurong work serangoon !! .. this is your 1st born right :p you know what they say ..it will take long to pop so you definitely got time to get to hospital lolz

Yupz, everyday take mrt like zombie go work and return home. Yes, 1st child.

Ahhhh, u telling me that make me so excited and nervous already. Can't wait to see the little one. Becoming so real. This talk about ML and giving birth. We are like so near to the end!!!
Yupz, everyday take mrt like zombie go work and return home. Yes, 1st child.

Ahhhh, u telling me that make me so excited and nervous already. Can't wait to see the little one. Becoming so real. This talk about ML and giving birth. We are like so near to the end!!!
Yup we are so near it almost feels surreal..recently had some of my hubs friends over at our place and they were asking when I'm due..so strange saying "anytime now"..haha. They were all shocked cos apparently I don't look like I'm due anytime soon :/
Anyway off topic, is it normal for the stretch marks to turn darker?
yes !! for some pple only
Yupz, everyday take mrt like zombie go work and return home. Yes, 1st child.

Ahhhh, u telling me that make me so excited and nervous already. Can't wait to see the little one. Becoming so real. This talk about ML and giving birth. We are like so near to the end!!!
we are reaching the end of the race .. didnt you see muscical chair has begin ... FB updates lolz
35-36wks u wan to pop ...abit early leh

lolz you have it all planned ...

for me i confirmed my ML after christmas .. and will take 16 wks straight ... and clear some carried forward leave as well ..but still not enuff to drag my "SAHM" status to may 2015 haiz

Ya Gynae say will be best after 12 Jan. But i got a feeling it will pop early....so stressful
Anyway off topic, is it normal for the stretch marks to turn darker?

Yes...i think so
When I preggy with no 1... not much stretch marks...
This pregnancy suddenly has a number of purplish stretch marks on my belly appeared out of nowhere just on SAT... despite my diligence in applying anti stretch mark oil... sigh...what to do!
Lol same as me... so sng n heavy now. N sometimes how I wish I can give birth right away...

Edd 1st Feb
Gynae hope me to keep the baby in until at least 37 weeks due to previous preterm labour. Thus order lots of rest for me ...

But I feel so heavy n so "handicapped" do small things also hard these days...

N although I took the injection to stop contractions but this 2nd inject which I juz took dun seem to work for me... the contractions getting stronger but still irregular.. once I rest it stops n once I start do things or walk again it will start... so moody abt it... still got so many things haven't settle.. n hubby's standard of doing stuff not up to my standard so I rather I do on my own haha ...

Conflicting thoughts... 1 moment hope baby can come out right now at this moment ... the next moment ask him hang on coz it's not time yet. Only 33weeks now too early...

Yap...now we only about wk 33 is really too early. But at least wk 36 will be safer. For my prev, i give birth on the wk 39 so is about 1 week early. But for this round i really dont wish to crash with CNY. Hahaha but of course i cant choose my own date. Shall depends my BB now. lol

So our date are quite close ya. :)
Yes...i think so
When I preggy with no 1... not much stretch marks...
This pregnancy suddenly has a number of purplish stretch marks on my belly appeared out of nowhere just on SAT... despite my diligence in applying anti stretch mark oil... sigh...what to do!

Nothing can be done. Haha I tried applying crem/oil every few hours but it seems to have gotten darker and longer over the past 4 weeks.

I was so upset that I cried in the middle of the night cause despite applying so much it still worsen.
Yes...i think so
When I preggy with no 1... not much stretch marks...
This pregnancy suddenly has a number of purplish stretch marks on my belly appeared out of nowhere just on SAT... despite my diligence in applying anti stretch mark oil... sigh...what to do!

Mine alot stretch marks. Arm, Back, belly, Leg....omg is super ugly. Hopefully after birth, all disappear....:(
Do you all feel those ''pop pop'' feeling at the lower stomach? isit my "heartbeat" or baby's?
yah yah ...me too... i assumed it is baby 's heartbeat cos as they grow bigger they are nearer to our skin so maybe can feel lolz...
doesnt make sense to be ours cos our heart not there and how come previously cant feel...
i also rule out hiccup cos too regular for too long lolz
Nothing can be done. Haha I tried applying crem/oil every few hours but it seems to have gotten darker and longer over the past 4 weeks.

I was so upset that I cried in the middle of the night cause despite applying so much it still worsen.
aiyo dun cry over such trivial things..

this is part of pregnancy ...
Hahha! My hubby keep telling baby to Pop on 1st jan!
tell your hubby only 1st 3 bb of the year got special privilege aka gift .. and if attend school thnk 1st jan still follow 2014 baby enrollment leh
Oh me too...jurong west but i give birth in mt A
aiyo..u all scary leh ..shouldnt you choose hospital taht is near you ?
Yes...i think so
When I preggy with no 1... not much stretch marks...
This pregnancy suddenly has a number of purplish stretch marks on my belly appeared out of nowhere just on SAT... despite my diligence in applying anti stretch mark oil... sigh...what to do!
u all cute leh..really go search see got stretch mark bo lolz ...
i cant even blend down to see lozl
I so far no stretch mark, but my nipples r a mangled mess, sigh, so super itchy all the time, then I scratch then the skin breaks, then when it heals it gets itchy again n the whole vicious cycle starts again. Haiz.
just to share

I bgt these 2 gowns to give birth in and for my hospital stay.


I so far no stretch mark, but my nipples r a mangled mess, sigh, so super itchy all the time, then I scratch then the skin breaks, then when it heals it gets itchy again n the whole vicious cycle starts again. Haiz.
then why dont you try using those nipple cream ..maybe it will help ?
