(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Like that shld we tell them uh? If GD kena reject den we got protein s deficiency confirmed reject also leh. How ar? Are u going to tell ur history to insurance agent?
be truthful and at most pay more premium for peace of mind

if they found out and reject claims then all the premium paid for the "coverage" will be gone ...bo hua
borderline only... on diet control nia...

oh ya and my son has his testicles not down during birth.. but he was cleared by the polyclinic few weeks later... this also one of the reason also i think ... coz stated in his health booklet... if nv state still nvm ... LOL
if borderline same as me ..no reason for them to reject .. my guess the testicles reason too ..anyway since got ntuc liao better than nothing
be truthful and at most pay more premium for peace of mind

if they found out and reject claims then all the premium paid for the "coverage" will be gone ...bo hua

Pay higher amt I don't mind.. I mind is they totally reject our application. Like got diebetes cannot buy hospital plan..
I check with my agent once I give birth and did my protein s and ogtt tests.
Pay higher amt I don't mind.. I mind is they totally reject our application. Like got diebetes cannot buy hospital plan..
I check with my agent once I give birth and did my protein s and ogtt tests.
why are you buying hospital plan now shouldnt that be done early lolz .
anyway some insurance company are changing directly .. they are slowing pushing out plan that cover pre existing condition ..so just need to read their fine print in details only lolz
Went to Isetan sale today, omg, told myself not to spend more than 2 hrs here, but in the end got here at 2, n I'm still in the building! Grrrrr. First of all, the road leading to the carpark already kena jammed 1/2 hr. Then even though I don't have much to buy, can still take here take there until $500. Best of all, my hubby wants to buy a bag but the silly man forgot his Isetan card, so now I gotta sit in the car n wait for him to walk over from his office in Killiney Rd after 6pm. My legs literally want to break into a hundred pieces already. N I'm so freaking hungry cos I had a big packet of bee hoon for breakfast n so I only ate fruits for lunch. Grrrrrrr.
Sounds like Isetan sale is good!

Ate curry puffs for breakfast this morning, and have been puking it out. Think my baby dun like curry puff lor. Felt so terrible, came back and toke a long nap.. but the nausea still not cleared.. :(
why are you buying hospital plan now shouldnt that be done early lolz .
anyway some insurance company are changing directly .. they are slowing pushing out plan that cover pre existing condition ..so just need to read their fine print in details only lolz

O nonoo.. I talking abt adding my bb into my hospital plan after she is born.
I already brought my insurance le.. :)
Just worried bb will kena reject haha
Went to Isetan sale today, omg, told myself not to spend more than 2 hrs here, but in the end got here at 2, n I'm still in the building! Grrrrr. First of all, the road leading to the carpark already kena jammed 1/2 hr. Then even though I don't have much to buy, can still take here take there until $500. Best of all, my hubby wants to buy a bag but the silly man forgot his Isetan card, so now I gotta sit in the car n wait for him to walk over from his office in Killiney Rd after 6pm. My legs literally want to break into a hundred pieces already. N I'm so freaking hungry cos I had a big packet of bee hoon for breakfast n so I only ate fruits for lunch. Grrrrrrr.

I'm going later after work! *Excited*
Went to Isetan sale today, omg, told myself not to spend more than 2 hrs here, but in the end got here at 2, n I'm still in the building! Grrrrr. First of all, the road leading to the carpark already kena jammed 1/2 hr. Then even though I don't have much to buy, can still take here take there until $500. Best of all, my hubby wants to buy a bag but the silly man forgot his Isetan card, so now I gotta sit in the car n wait for him to walk over from his office in Killiney Rd after 6pm. My legs literally want to break into a hundred pieces already. N I'm so freaking hungry cos I had a big packet of bee hoon for breakfast n so I only ate fruits for lunch. Grrrrrrr.
I was there just now as well. Hahah
I headache also... hahaaa I think I will pray and hope that my protein s is due to pregnancy not a pre-condition tt I have... will think abt it after I give birth... keep Thinking abt it very stress... Hopefully my agent will help me...
Will be redoing my ogtt and protein s after birth...
Actually both GD n protein s is only happen during pregnancy leh. B4 pregnant everyrhing okie eh. Ya we will need to do these two test aft birth according to dr. My agent b4 got bf very fast now need to ask status only update sibeh nua...beh tahan
They ask then tell. They nv ask then we keep quiet. Coz they nv ask ma
They shld based on bb health not mummy leh cos we buying for bb. So siao leh the insurance co. If bb discharge from hospital means nth liao what den they still need to c mummy health condition uh? Funny
Yes I did for my 2 kids in hospital with their birth certificate. ..

Bring marriage cert.. bank book (for baby bonus to be deposit inside)

Then they will open a acc for u.. few weeks later u will receive a am card which u need go activate at bank. Quite convenient

Bank book under joint hubby and wife names is it?
Thanks! I brought the black Fri sales. Save quite abit cost spend $50 above got additional 20% if not wrong and free shipment in us (save $6).
Me n my sis combined. We use commgateway. Us$19 for 2kg of clothes. They use dhl to ship back.
Vpost slightly more ex if without discount code. I think commgateway faster.
Which web did u go? I wanna go c c look look leh.
They shld based on bb health not mummy leh cos we buying for bb. So siao leh the insurance co. If bb discharge from hospital means nth liao what den they still need to c mummy health condition uh? Funny
Cos mummy is the trustee and they usually have rider If anything happen to mummy the premium for bb until 21 years waived so must ensure mummy is healthy mah
thanks ... Blumiz just posted the name

here's the link


Hi Esther,
The 6R bifold package can only fit in a pair of footprints while 8R bifold for both handprints & footprints.

The package is inclusive of a pair of footprints, baby's name & particulars frame up with our default frame as attached. You can insert your baby photo on the other side later. Of course, we have a 5% off package price for our repeat customer but as we are celebrating X'mas, there will be a 10% off package price till 31 dec 2014.

You can call us to TMC once you deliver ($20 call charge). May I have your contact nos or you can call us at 62922619/63386181 for any clarification or details discussion.

Do visit our Facebook at www.facebook.com/handsandfootprints.

Very clever .. Give 10% but take back $20 as call charge .

Btw I never pay the call charge for #1
Thinks need to enquire on the one at TMc Liao
Wah biang, if I had chosen Dr Tham as my Gynae (he was my other choice, but by the time I called him his appts r pretty full already), I sure kena big time! My chunky monkey is 2.35kg at 32 wks!
Different la, u have ang mo hubby, typically bigger size?!
Pay higher amt I don't mind.. I mind is they totally reject our application. Like got diebetes cannot buy hospital plan..
I check with my agent once I give birth and did my protein s and ogtt tests.
Haha update me update me aft that. Cui leh why c mummy pregnancy history? Is buying for bb leh.
Actually I haven ask the agent abt it yet. Haha above are just my speculation. Haha. I thought it's tag to us. Haha. If it's not then should be ok ba as long as not premie.
My bubs turns 37 weeks tmr! Been having cramping again today..somehow feel like it might be soon :/ my gynae did a CTG that day but no contractions and cervix also closed. Today just feel out of sorts plus suddenly got a cough.. :(
How is bb's weight??

My hubby always kenna from me before the appt, because I will be so worried before my appt that either myself or the baby gained too much weight....

I have to wait one more week though... cuz my appt won't be until next Friday. =.=
she is a bit overwt at 1.9 kg lol
hope it will get better RIGHT after giving birth ..else i cannot imagine how to handle baby with numb fingers
Did you wash your hands with tap water during your previous confinement? Some mummies told me if they do that, they have pain in the fingers after confinement.
Did you wash your hands with tap water during your previous confinement? Some mummies told me if they do that, they have pain in the fingers after confinement.
wash with hot water beside The pain only come during pregnancy after reaching 3rd trim
Hi Esther,
The 6R bifold package can only fit in a pair of footprints while 8R bifold for both handprints & footprints.

The package is inclusive of a pair of footprints, baby's name & particulars frame up with our default frame as attached. You can insert your baby photo on the other side later. Of course, we have a 5% off package price for our repeat customer but as we are celebrating X'mas, there will be a 10% off package price till 31 dec 2014.

You can call us to TMC once you deliver ($20 call charge). May I have your contact nos or you can call us at 62922619/63386181 for any clarification or details discussion.

Do visit our Facebook at www.facebook.com/handsandfootprints.

Very clever .. Give 10% but take back $20 as call charge .

Btw I never pay the call charge for #1
Thinks need to enquire on the one at TMc Liao
Are there other companies? I find their design very old-fashioned.

Currently I had bought this insurance.
Cover both mummy and baby.
I paid abt $100+ per mth only.
My agent told me will be covered to my baby after he is born in future. I will be his trustee.
I bought this when I was week 28 like that. I had given all tests that I had done to them. So far no issues.
U can have a look. If u hav any qn, u can pm me , I can refer ur my agent to explain ur if ur wan..
