(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

Congrats and rest well!! :)
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

Congrats lovexuan.. have a gd rest...
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

Congrats babe! Rest well!
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Congrats babe! I'm having probs latching baby..no milk yet and I'm not even sure if I've colostrum :( she could latch a while this morn but not just now. So frustrating. Any tips mummies?
Congrats babe! I'm having probs latching baby..no milk yet and I'm not even sure if I've colostrum :( she could latch a while this morn but not just now. So frustrating. Any tips mummies?

u need join the breastfeeding group haha
by e way what's ur name ?
C sect with still anesthesia will also give u the shivering n nausea hor...
Ya lor...c-sec also epi = got side effect...

My elder sis very fast leh in her delivery...her water bag burst liao den went she feel the pain n otw to mt a her bb already came out once reaching the a&e entrance lor...just the distance from jurong west to mt a...save her dr time also but still charge the same for the dr fees lol easy job for the dr...how I wish can be fast n furious too...haha
Doc just broke my waterbag and did a membrane sweep. Dilate at 3cm

Later put drip to hasten contractions.. if can lun then no epidural, if cannot tahan then will use epid...
Im curious too. My cousin said when she first gave birth, there isnt any breast milk to give. Experience mummies can share? Not that i dont want join other grps to ask, but im comfortable with u ladies here. Hope you all dont turn us away...
Thank you everyone for the kind wishes! :D

@Give a hope, because even when we are fully dilated, baby's head may not have descended low enough. So my gynae felt it's good to wait in order to shorten the pushing time. Provided baby not in distress too! :)

@ciakes, congrats to you too!! Our waiting game finally ended. Keep trying! Don't be dismayed even when baby cannot latch well. They are still very sleepy learners at this stage. Give it some time. The milk will come. Slowly but surely. Keep the feeds short and frequent.

I accidentally fell asleep while breastfeeding baby yesterday and woke up with sore bleeding nipples. Now I am having a hard time feeding too. It's so painful on both sides though the lactation consultation feels baby is latching on properly. So glad to finally meet sister kang in person!! Gotta persevere!
Im curious too. My cousin said when she first gave birth, there isnt any breast milk to give. Experience mummies can share? Not that i dont want join other grps to ask, but im comfortable with u ladies here. Hope you all dont turn us away...

It's true that the milk comes slower for #1. Latch frequently and it should come within a week. Before that colostrum is enough to sustain baby. If we give up too soon, we are not giving our milk supply a chance to come in.

For #2 my milk supply kicked in from 3rd day. I was pumping 240ml every 1.5 hourly when baby was sent for phototherapy. But it may not work the same for everyone's #2. Mainly dependant on our own body hormones.

For #3 she's drinking the colostrum at the moment. I am latching every 1.5 to 2 hours because she's still very sleepy. Waiting for the milk to come. :)
Congrats @ciakes & @lovexuan!!!
Have a good rest!!

@ciakes, don't stress!! The more you stress then it will work against your milk production too. Keep on latching Bb and you can also use your pump your stimulate milk production... Got 1 mummy I know who have birth on 1/1 only got her colostrum today. I was lucky to have my milk supply running the same evening after I gave birth but cuz Bb was in NICU, he couldn't latch so have to pump for him...

Right now I am both latching and pumping. My Bb is already 11 days old but still v sleepy, so hv to coax him awake to feed. My hubby always remind me that our Bb will teach us patience and we will need to work on his timing, not ours... Jiayou okay?? :)
Re Epidural. I think it rocks!! :) I was only 3-4cm dilated and having really painful contractions which required me to hold onto the bed railing so hard that my knuckles turned white...

After the epidural I felt I was relaxed enough to actually sleep for 2 hours during while my cervix dilated from 4-7cm, and that rest probably gave me enough energy to push the Bb out.

I did have shivering and vomiting but it wasn't too severe. My shivering was not bad enough to prevent me from holding the phone to whatsapp etc, and the vomiting, according to the nurses in the delivery suite, will help to push Bb down the birth canal, so I was more than happy to puke it out...
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Thanks for sharing. I pray I can tahan without epidural. Dont think I will like the vomitting part. and I really hope to latch baby immediately.
Im curious too. My cousin said when she first gave birth, there isnt any breast milk to give. Experience mummies can share? Not that i dont want join other grps to ask, but im comfortable with u ladies here. Hope you all dont turn us away...

For me i got problem latching as nipple shape is not that suitable for bb to suck. So i just pump n pump to circulate my breast. After few days finally got milk liao... :) so dun be disappointed. EVeryone sure will.have milk, just try ur best ya.
Ya lor...c-sec also epi = got side effect...

My elder sis very fast leh in her delivery...her water bag burst liao den went she feel the pain n otw to mt a her bb already came out once reaching the a&e entrance lor...just the distance from jurong west to mt a...save her dr time also but still charge the same for the dr fees lol easy job for the dr...how I wish can be fast n furious too...haha
wah...fast and furious is good.
paying the same amt is not good. lol
Thank you everyone for the kind wishes! :D

@Give a hope, because even when we are fully dilated, baby's head may not have descended low enough. So my gynae felt it's good to wait in order to shorten the pushing time. Provided baby not in distress too! :)

@ciakes, congrats to you too!! Our waiting game finally ended. Keep trying! Don't be dismayed even when baby cannot latch well. They are still very sleepy learners at this stage. Give it some time. The milk will come. Slowly but surely. Keep the feeds short and frequent.

I accidentally fell asleep while breastfeeding baby yesterday and woke up with sore bleeding nipples. Now I am having a hard time feeding too. It's so painful on both sides though the lactation consultation feels baby is latching on properly. So glad to finally meet sister kang in person!! Gotta persevere!

ur gynae is right, no point pushing early. esp when u have no urge to push.

better to ask hubby to watch u when u breastfeeding so that he can take baby away if u fall asleep. safer too.

I hope I meet Sister Kang too!
ur gynae is right, no point pushing early. esp when u have no urge to push.

better to ask hubby to watch u when u breastfeeding so that he can take baby away if u fall asleep. safer too.

I hope I meet Sister Kang too!

who is sister kang?
Thank you everyone for the kind wishes! :D

@Give a hope, because even when we are fully dilated, baby's head may not have descended low enough. So my gynae felt it's good to wait in order to shorten the pushing time. Provided baby not in distress too! :)

@ciakes, congrats to you too!! Our waiting game finally ended. Keep trying! Don't be dismayed even when baby cannot latch well. They are still very sleepy learners at this stage. Give it some time. The milk will come. Slowly but surely. Keep the feeds short and frequent.

I accidentally fell asleep while breastfeeding baby yesterday and woke up with sore bleeding nipples. Now I am having a hard time feeding too. It's so painful on both sides though the lactation consultation feels baby is latching on properly. So glad to finally meet sister kang in person!! Gotta persevere!
Is that means got to wait bb head is descended low enough den only dr or midwife will ask u push?

Ya lor ur waiting game finally ended...enjoy w ur bb n have a good rest :)
wah...fast and furious is good.
paying the same amt is not good. lol
Haha ya only fast n furious part is good but my gynae doesn't not like leh he said if emergency need help still otw without proper support how?

Ya lor her dr smart also when the nurse there calling to asked her dr whether duty in charge dr can help to do the cleaning her dr immediately reject n say he otw liao...of course la paying the same just for doing the cleaning part...err cos dr said he reserved his time liao so still got to pay same amt of dr fees...
Is that means got to wait bb head is descended low enough den only dr or midwife will ask u push?

Ya lor ur waiting game finally ended...enjoy w ur bb n have a good rest :)
For me, I was alr fully dilated but baby was still high. Had two nurses help me with pushing for abt an hour before they called the gynae down for assisted delivery cos the pushing didn't really help much. Within 20 min of gynae's arrival and some more pushing, baby was out. Still feels so surreal..
Congrats @ciakes & @lovexuan!!!
Have a good rest!!

@ciakes, don't stress!! The more you stress then it will work against your milk production too. Keep on latching Bb and you can also use your pump your stimulate milk production... Got 1 mummy I know who have birth on 1/1 only got her colostrum today. I was lucky to have my milk supply running the same evening after I gave birth but cuz Bb was in NICU, he couldn't latch so have to pump for him...

Right now I am both latching and pumping. My Bb is already 11 days old but still v sleepy, so hv to coax him awake to feed. My hubby always remind me that our Bb will teach us patience and we will need to work on his timing, not ours... Jiayou okay?? :)
Thanks!! We jiayou tgtr!! :)
Thanks for sharing. I pray I can tahan without epidural. Dont think I will like the vomitting part. and I really hope to latch baby immediately.
I think everyone will react differently to the epidural. I didn't have vomiting but instead got a fever and the shivering. But still, I think epidural rocks cos I managed to rest quite a bit while waiting to fully dilate.
I think everyone will react differently to the epidural. I didn't have vomiting but instead got a fever and the shivering. But still, I think epidural rocks cos I managed to rest quite a bit while waiting to fully dilate.

For #1 i only vomit n shiver towards the end of the delivery...

For #2 I fainted after awhile on epidural doc have to close the epidural awhile for me to recover... then after give birth then vomit n shiver
Congrats to those who hv already given birth :)

Have you all decided where to order your full month package?
Hi everyone!
So long nv in forum.
My birth story:
On 20 dec 14
-went gynea see regular appt.
- check urine indicates protein ++
- bp shows 160/90++
- both legs very swollen( swollen since 2 weeks ago)
-->> dr suspect pre eclampsia hence ask me to admit myself directly to mount A .
On 20-21 dec 14
- admit myself for observation.
- gave me anti hypertensive twice a day hopefully my bp will subside
- urine test sent for lab investigation and still shows protein positive ++

On 21 dec 14, 10 am.
- my gynea came see me in mount A.
- bp still 160/100 mmhg upon checking.
- disagree to discharge me. Gave me two option: 1) stay for one more day to observe again.
2) go cecesran to deliver. After he ponder for a while, he tell me better go for cecesran to deliver the baby.
- given fleet enema to pass all stool out.
- put up on iv drip and nothing by mouth.

21 dec 14, 11:20 am
- push to operating theatre and put to GA.
- wake up at 1 pm and already deliver baby son at 36 weeks , 3 days at 2.54kg.
Luckily baby ok. Jus got g6pd and slight jaundice hence stay in mount a for another 3 more days under lamp.

That's why I was so shocked and so last min. I didn't even wash all baby clothes yet. Thus Pls prepare baby things ready coz baby can popped anytime.

For the 20 days , I had been trying to understand my son"s baby crying ques and trying to adapt his feeding timings. I would say it's not easy.
I had tried doing breastfeeding but my son only latch on 5-10 mins max then he cries, so I got to make formula for him coz he not enough and he also lazy to sux my milk.

Hereby, I wish every mummies out there all the best and try to destress whenever you could.
Bcoz initially when I dlc post deliver, I was so stress out until I tot I almost got depression coz baby still in hospital and my whole baby seem so weak. So mummies out there, relax when can ok ..
Hi.. Im newbie here.. My EDD: 18 jan 2015.. My gynea gave me option to go for c- section next week or wait until the baby come out himself as now im on 38wks pregnancy my baby weight estimated about 3.5 kgs.. Any similar case? Any forum like fb or whatsapp group for jan baby?
I have been having contraction since this morning.. so I admitted myself to hospital.. did ctg n have irregular contraction.. gynae came n say I am 1.5cm diluted and ask me to stay for observations.. i wonder it take how long to wait..
In hospital now coz water bag burst without warning. 35 w 4 d. A little scared. No contractions at all. More updates later.
Hi jan mummies,

Congrats to all whom have given birth :) I'm new here and am at my 39 weeks!

Ive chosen to give birth in Mt Elizabeth Novena anyone has any feedback to share about the hospital so far?

have not experienced any signs of labour .. any experience mummies have tips on how to get contractions? I've been drinking coconut water every other day n I hope the dr doesn't have to induce me
In hospital now coz water bag burst without warning. 35 w 4 d. A little scared. No contractions at all. More updates later.
Jiayou Jiayou. How come suddenly burst? I am still waiting at home for signs for labour lol. Keep having shooting pain at the bottom):
Hi winnie, I'm also experiencing shooting pains n pressure down below.. Been having it for a week but no other labour symptoms besides that.. How many weeks r u?
For me, I was alr fully dilated but baby was still high. Had two nurses help me with pushing for abt an hour before they called the gynae down for assisted delivery cos the pushing didn't really help much. Within 20 min of gynae's arrival and some more pushing, baby was out. Still feels so surreal..
Wah pushing for abt an hr? Lol mbe ur bb like ur gynae waiting for him to arrive b4 ur bb is out...
I have been having contraction since this morning.. so I admitted myself to hospital.. did ctg n have irregular contraction.. gynae came n say I am 1.5cm diluted and ask me to stay for observations.. i wonder it take how long to wait..
Mummy jiayou n u can do it...try to rest n relax. Just think everything for the bb u can sure tahan till end of the labour :)
In hospital now coz water bag burst without warning. 35 w 4 d. A little scared. No contractions at all. More updates later.
Deja vu.

Exactly the same case as me, and ard the same time too. My water bag broke 35w5d. I was v nervous and scared too... Doctor may give you labour suppression drugs first and steroid jabs for your bb's lungs to mature, then induce after that... The labour suppression drugs didn't work for me though, cuz I still delivered the following day...

Keep us updated when you can. Jia you!
Thanks for sharing. I pray I can tahan without epidural. Dont think I will like the vomitting part. and I really hope to latch baby immediately.

Try your best!! At least you're already well prepared and your gynae knows what's in your birth plan. :)

I managed to latch #1 and #2 immediately but not #3. Partly due to the super busy early January period too. Some mummies were giving birth along the corridor of the labour ward. Though I was vomiting badly, I asked to latch but the midwife turned me down saying there's always formula available. And they hurried off to the next mummy in labour. A bit sad..
Is that means got to wait bb head is descended low enough den only dr or midwife will ask u push?

Ya lor ur waiting game finally ended...enjoy w ur bb n have a good rest :)

I think it depends on situation. For my #1 I was in labour for 18 hours and baby was still stucked high up despite being fully dilated for many hours. So it ended up with a vacuum delivery. :)

I have been having contraction since this morning.. so I admitted myself to hospital.. did ctg n have irregular contraction.. gynae came n say I am 1.5cm diluted and ask me to stay for observations.. i wonder it take how long to wait..

I think your gynae can advise you better! But if your cervix is already soft, gynae may suggest to break water bag and put you on drip to regulate the contractions. Is baby full term yet? Jiayou!!
