(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

In hospital now coz water bag burst without warning. 35 w 4 d. A little scared. No contractions at all. More updates later.

Jia you mummy! U were the one diagnosed w placenta previa earlier on right? Has it moved out of the way?

Tomorrow is the big day for me, thought tonight I should still be able to sleep as per usual, cos whole day I was quite indifferent, going abt my usual errands. But dunno why end up peng satay. My hubby akin it to the night before going to the US - once we reach there, it's all great. But the excitement is always tempered by trepidation abt the torturous flight we have to get thru first.
I have been having contraction since this morning.. so I admitted myself to hospital.. did ctg n have irregular contraction.. gynae came n say I am 1.5cm diluted and ask me to stay for observations.. i wonder it take how long to wait..

Jia you mummy! Almost there!
Deja vu.

Exactly the same case as me, and ard the same time too. My water bag broke 35w5d. I was v nervous and scared too... Doctor may give you labour suppression drugs first and steroid jabs for your bb's lungs to mature, then induce after that... The labour suppression drugs didn't work for me though, cuz I still delivered the following day...

Keep us updated when you can. Jia you!

Still no contractions at all 9 hrs after water bag breaks. Finally fell asleep 2 hrs ago but was woken by nurse just now to scan bb hb and my blood pressure. Was just walking in ntuc normally when Thot I was peeing uncontrollably but it was waterbag burst... Morn then will see gynae and see what she decide. Ironically yday detailed scan just confirmed placenta has moved out of the way and now bag burst premature so may end up c sect anyway depending on her decision. Cos no contractions. They will give labour suppressing drugs? I thought after bag burst they will wanna get bb out in case infection?
Hi.. Im newbie here.. My EDD: 18 jan 2015.. My gynea gave me option to go for c- section next week or wait until the baby come out himself as now im on 38wks pregnancy my baby weight estimated about 3.5 kgs.. Any similar case? Any forum like fb or whatsapp group for jan baby?

There is a mummy whose Bb is ard the same weight. She chose to induce instead and manage to give birth naturally. So depending on individual cases bah, if she didn't manage to push Bb out will hv to emergency c sec.

Is that means got to wait bb head is descended low enough den only dr or midwife will ask u push?

Ya lor ur waiting game finally ended...enjoy w ur bb n have a good rest :)

Yup, if your Bb now low enough also no point pushing cuz you will tire yourself.

I also waited 1 hour even though I was fully dilated before the nurses ask me up start pushing cuz they wanted to wait for the Bb to come down lower.
Still no contractions at all 9 hrs after water bag breaks. Finally fell asleep 2 hrs ago but was woken by nurse just now to scan bb hb and my blood pressure. Was just walking in ntuc normally when Thot I was peeing uncontrollably but it was waterbag burst... Morn then will see gynae and see what she decide. Ironically yday detailed scan just confirmed placenta has moved out of the way and now bag burst premature so may end up c sect anyway depending on her decision. Cos no contractions. They will give labour suppressing drugs? I thought after bag burst they will wanna get bb out in case infection?

The labour suppression drugs was given to hold off labour for the next 48 hours so that the steroid drugs can take effect and lungs can mature...

Doc actually gave me 2 options then had the drugs worked - induce or wait it out with some potential risk of infection... We would have induced for a Christmas baby but my Bb thought otherwise and came 1 day earlier.
Jia you mummy! U were the one diagnosed w placenta previa earlier on right? Has it moved out of the way?

Tomorrow is the big day for me, thought tonight I should still be able to sleep as per usual, cos whole day I was quite indifferent, going abt my usual errands. But dunno why end up peng satay. My hubby akin it to the night before going to the US - once we reach there, it's all great. But the excitement is always tempered by trepidation abt the torturous flight we have to get thru first.

Oh yes! Your c-section is today! Jiayou!! You'll be seeing your baby real soon. Have a smooth surgery. :D
Jia you mummy! U were the one diagnosed w placenta previa earlier on right? Has it moved out of the way?

Tomorrow is the big day for me, thought tonight I should still be able to sleep as per usual, cos whole day I was quite indifferent, going abt my usual errands. But dunno why end up peng satay. My hubby akin it to the night before going to the US - once we reach there, it's all great. But the excitement is always tempered by trepidation abt the torturous flight we have to get thru first.
Jiayou @bbcripps!!!!! You can do it! Soon you'll be holding your little one in your arms :)
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg


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After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg
Morning!!! Rest well and glad everything is fine.:)

Congrats @sunflower307
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg

Congrats!!! Baby looks so alert. Rest well and take care. :D
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg
congrats ! beautiful bb
There is a mummy whose Bb is ard the same weight. She chose to induce instead and manage to give birth naturally. So depending on individual cases bah, if she didn't manage to push Bb out will hv to emergency c sec.

Hi Junkie, thanks for replying.
My gynea said my cerviks not good.. Not open at all...so she said if induce maybe hard for me to give birth naturally. As my bishop score is 2.
Since saturday i pushed myself to walk and?yesterday my pelvis pain.. Really confused now.. Should i go by c sec or just wait naturally
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg
congrats @sunflower307
The shooting pain is normal ma? I felt the hardening of tummy and shooting pain at the pelvic area for awhile the whole of last night... didn't really manage to sleep, feel zombie now.
Think it's normal. I also feel like zombie now. Lol. Woke up at 6 plus. Yawns
Try your best!! At least you're already well prepared and your gynae knows what's in your birth plan. :)

I managed to latch #1 and #2 immediately but not #3. Partly due to the super busy early January period too. Some mummies were giving birth along the corridor of the labour ward. Though I was vomiting badly, I asked to latch but the midwife turned me down saying there's always formula available. And they hurried off to the next mummy in labour. A bit sad..
Huh? Corridor? Cos too many mummies admitted for delivery? Omg...

Tsk tsk midwife shld not say that lor...
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg

Congrats @sunflower307 !!

Oohhh... i am getting very anxious too.... counting down

Dun know its bb movements or BH, since Sat, the tummy kinda get tightened a few times over the weekend, made me very kan cheong liao! My hosp bag not packed!
There is a mummy whose Bb is ard the same weight. She chose to induce instead and manage to give birth naturally. So depending on individual cases bah, if she didn't manage to push Bb out will hv to emergency c sec.

Yup, if your Bb now low enough also no point pushing cuz you will tire yourself.

I also waited 1 hour even though I was fully dilated before the nurses ask me up start pushing cuz they wanted to wait for the Bb to come down lower.
Oh...cos attending antenatal class only mentioning dilated 9cm can start to push no talk abt bb head need to be low enough b4 we can push...
Jia you mummy! U were the one diagnosed w placenta previa earlier on right? Has it moved out of the way?

Tomorrow is the big day for me, thought tonight I should still be able to sleep as per usual, cos whole day I was quite indifferent, going abt my usual errands. But dunno why end up peng satay. My hubby akin it to the night before going to the US - once we reach there, it's all great. But the excitement is always tempered by trepidation abt the torturous flight we have to get thru first.
Jiayou for ur later c-sec...can c ur bb real soon...happy for u :)
After enduring 2 days and 3 induce pills, countless VE, I pop just after.midnight with the help of epidural.

I managed to last to 5cm with the help of laughing gas. Then raise white flag and ask for epidural before it's too late. Glad to take epidural Cox I went from 5 to 10cm from 8.30pm to 11pm then they tune down my epidural so I can feel contractions. I started pushing after midnight and bb is out in any 1/2 hr..
Bb.weight 2.815kg
Finally finally...well done n have a good rest :)

I ytd night having hard time to fall asleep den midnight 1am plus waking up to pee aft that quickly check forum for ur news cos our situation are same n dunno u successfully induce n give birth or not n how are u already...aft that peng satay for 1 hr hour b4 get back to sleep...

I really happy for u... :)
Try your best!! At least you're already well prepared and your gynae knows what's in your birth plan. :)

I managed to latch #1 and #2 immediately but not #3. Partly due to the super busy early January period too. Some mummies were giving birth along the corridor of the labour ward. Though I was vomiting badly, I asked to latch but the midwife turned me down saying there's always formula available. And they hurried off to the next mummy in labour. A bit sad..
My gynae doesnt know my birth plan. He just does what he thinks is best for me. I will just have to trust him.
U gave birth in which hospital? I thought they say not supposed to promote formula?
Huh? Corridor? Cos too many mummies admitted for delivery? Omg...

Tsk tsk midwife shld not say that lor...

Yes. Too many deliveries. They had curtains around the beds so still not too bad. But I can hear the mummies screaming. Quite frightening for me. Lol
Vacuum delivery painful? Bb okie w that?

Assisted deliveries are definitely more painful so painkillers are usually given. For #1 my episiotomy wound was about 2 inches long. Baby had a small hump on her scalp after birth. But baby was safe and sound. My labour for #2 was much smoother. Your gynae will be able to advise you when time comes! Don't worry. Just go with the flow!
My gynae doesnt know my birth plan. He just does what he thinks is best for me. I will just have to trust him.
U gave birth in which hospital? I thought they say not supposed to promote formula?

Sorry, I keep mixing you up with archie. Yes, always trust our gynae when in doubt.

Mount Alvernia hospital. Some of the older midwives are still more old school with their thinking. They didn't promote on purpose, just blurt out I guess. But I definitely was not too happy since it wasn't a practice of Mount Alvernia. My past two experiences were way better.
if trying for natural, whats a good weight for baby so that its easier to come out?

I think it's difficult to gauge since baby is in our belly and the weight is just as estimation. Different gynaes have different views too. My gynae is definitely pro natural and won't suggest c section unless absolutely necessary.

Mine were all natural with epi. #1 3.3kg, #2 3.5kg and #3 3.3kg. And I am not very tall. Only 157cm, 50kg.
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

This is so wonderful, @lovexuan!!! Congratulations!!! And thanks for sharing! :)

Hi.. Im newbie here.. My EDD: 18 jan 2015.. My gynea gave me option to go for c- section next week or wait until the baby come out himself as now im on 38wks pregnancy my baby weight estimated about 3.5 kgs.. Any similar case? Any forum like fb or whatsapp group for jan baby?

Hi @riagarfield, you can PM me your email address linked to your FB account, or a direct link to your FB account. I will add you to the Jan 2015 FB group but you have to wait till the admin approves you, and the admin just gave birth lol. From there, you can request the admin to add you to the WA group as well.
