(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Not sure if it's contractions but I can feel tightening of my tummy more regularly today. But still no pain. Was at ion having dinner just now. Lol
For my #1 n #2 I was also told I am having irregular Contractions. .. but I got no feeling abt it.... can still go shopping. ...

But soon after that I gave birth... do take care n standby
38weeks. Next appt will be on thurs.

Hahah! That's one of the way induce labour without using drugs.
Anyway I read that it's like a ve, but just that the dr will rotate his finger inside the cervix to remove the membrane
Sounds painful n scary.... I would rather they insert the pills ...
had my apt today, baby is 34 weeks, weighing 2.3 to 2.5kg ..
my doctor say baby weight is good .
he mention that for natural, weight of 3.2 like that is just nice
Well takin epi sure cause shivering.and some.might vomit but all side effects are normal. But without it, the pain is so unbearable. i will still take it. Lol
Ok. Yes I think I will most likely take it cause my pin threshold is damn low hahaha
Ya lo! I also think so. But everyone keep telling me about the side effects in future like backaches etc
Actually backaches sometimes.not cause by epidural. ...

Maybe our posture during pregnancy. .. our baby too heavy.. our baby sit on our nerves... mis alignment coz our bone had to expand to accommodate baby ...

Didn't had a good confinement. Or carry heavy stuff during pregnancy n after birth...

Lack of calcium as baby took most of our nutrients to grow...

Lots of reason but most ppl juz conveniently blame it on epidural....

I had seen lots of mummies who nv take epidural also having back aches... n lots of mummies who took epidural but no backaches...
Hello mummies, this is my first post here.
I'm in my 35 weeks now and very likely will due in end January. I'm still yet to decide whether to choose Mt E novena or Mt A. My gynae is from Mt E and he recommend Mt E but I read some rocket high billing at Mt E , any mummies going to deliver at Mt E or already delivered mummies can share about the total billing?

Hello mummies, this is my first post here.
I'm in my 35 weeks now and very likely will due in end January. I'm still yet to decide whether to choose Mt E novena or Mt A. My gynae is from Mt E and he recommend Mt E but I read some rocket high billing at Mt E , any mummies going to deliver at Mt E or already delivered mummies can share about the total billing?

I am going to mount e novena haha.
Update you again. should be due next week or next next week:)
I am going to mount e novena haha.
Update you again. should be due next week or next next week:)

Oh thanks, actually already booked Mt E but read some rocket high bill online that why thinking of going back to Mt A..

Btw, I tot 3rd trimester will start to get tired and sleepy again but don know why still not sleepy at this hour. My hubby and daughter already in their dream land long ago...lol
Mummies I gave birth this morn after almost 20 hrs of labour via assisted natural delivery. Was having a high fever n couldn't push towards the end plus baby turned out bigger than expected at 3.54kg. Gynae said my birth canal was too narrow so baby couldn't come down. Had to use forceps..and she had to cut me below. Totally didn't expect that.. now the wound is so raw and painful..
Congrats ciakes! Hope u are feeling better now. Rest well and take care!!
Aft taking the epidural and suffering from its side effects, I will still take it in future..without the side effects, I must say that labour is really quite easy.. can't feel the painful contractions at all.
Yes I would take it too if given a choice again...I also shiver uncontrollably..ask hubby took video cos come to think of it, quite funny cos it was shaking so badly...I also puked out my milo but felt so much better after the puke!
Haha I will see how it goes. Cause don't know how labour pain feels like. Gynae say he will ask me when I am about 3-4cm dilated
Yup u will know by then whether u can take the pain...I requested for it when I was 3-4 cm..took a while for doc to come, prepare n administer...after that my right side still felt very Suan...have to lie on right side but still not right, so adjust medicine...this time round Epi was done very well according to my Gynae..no pain while pushing but I still can push with every instruction given.
Getting frustrated.. haha my cervix seem to be against me. Only 2cm dilate and since my 3rd pill not much contractions..

I very relaxed lei.. but dunno y cervix not cooperating. I think I should ask my doc can c sect anot.. felt defeated le. Haha
Getting frustrated.. haha my cervix seem to be against me. Only 2cm dilate and since my 3rd pill not much contractions..

I very relaxed lei.. but dunno y cervix not cooperating. I think I should ask my doc can c sect anot.. felt defeated le. Haha

Don't feel defeated mummy! U r trying your best, just go with the flow, ultimately do what's best for u n your baby, jia you jia you!!
Getting frustrated.. haha my cervix seem to be against me. Only 2cm dilate and since my 3rd pill not much contractions..

I very relaxed lei.. but dunno y cervix not cooperating. I think I should ask my doc can c sect anot.. felt defeated le. Haha
dun worry, i also stuck at 3cm very long last time... then doc tell me 3cm can break waterbag liao, after break waterbag its very fast liao ....

believe in urself !
Getting frustrated.. haha my cervix seem to be against me. Only 2cm dilate and since my 3rd pill not much contractions..

I very relaxed lei.. but dunno y cervix not cooperating. I think I should ask my doc can c sect anot.. felt defeated le. Haha
Lol u ar...I think u don't have to ask dr cos she will sure offer u aft 4th pill like she told u max 4 pills...

Jiayou :)
Hi all mummies, this is my first official post in this chat group :) I would like to consult all shifus how exactly do you prepare for baby's arrival, apart from packing hospital bag. I think I have this "nesting syndrome"....after washing all her clothing and packing it, i am now tempted to take out all the new bottles to try out sterilizing them. Am i overdoing it? I am already 38 weeks and 2 days today
Hi all mummies, this is my first official post in this chat group :) I would like to consult all shifus how exactly do you prepare for baby's arrival, apart from packing hospital bag. I think I have this "nesting syndrome"....after washing all her clothing and packing it, i am now tempted to take out all the new bottles to try out sterilizing them. Am i overdoing it? I am already 38 weeks and 2 days today

Hi there! I checked the hospital website what to pack.. Mine is at PWE.

Hahaha not over doing, it's time already. But after sterilizing got to keep somewhere also to ensure its still clean? Maybe just sterilize for the first time and put it aside.

Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Well done mummy lovexuan...wow 2am only 4cm when 4am already 9cm but how come started to push only 3 hrs later when 9cm dilated already?
U r finally holding ur princess in ur arm...take good care of urself n have good confinement to bu ur body back :)
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Congrats! Take care and rest well. :)
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
Congrats wendy!! Rest well
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)

Congratz...finally.. have a gd rest k.
Hi mummies! I have given birth to my girl on 3rd January. :)

I had been having irregular but intense and painful contractions since 37 weeks but baby was still comfy in me as per gynae. But on the 2nd January evening I started having lower backache and could feel baby pushing downwards so after monitoring for a few hours, I admitted into hospital at 11pm. Gynae came soon after to do a VE. Cervix was very soft and 3cm dilated. CTG showed regular contractions so he broke my water bag. I asked for epidural shortly after. Cervix was still 4cm at 2am but all of a sudden the contractions became close and intense with such a strong urge to push. I asked to increase the epidural. And the midwife did another VE at 4am, I was already 9cm. I started pushing after the midwife called the gynae at 7am. Only 30 minutes of pushing but very exhausted. Almost gave up but all of a sudden baby popped out. Such a sense of relief! And I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy upon hearing my baby cry for the first time. Shortly after the side effects of epidural kicked in and I started vomiting violently. No chance to latch on baby because I was given a jab to stop the vomiting and put to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible and still sleepy. Thankfully when I finally latched on baby she was ok to breastfeed. Felt so much better today and started eating without feeling nausea. Going to be discharged tomorrow! :)
congrats !!!
u all start drinking the coconuts ? what kind of coconuts ? buy from where. ?

young coconut from ntuc... drank alot liao.. especially now i am heaty and having gums infection... all sorts of liang stuff i also eat and drink liao... bo bian... coz gynae expect me to be giving birth any day from now. and i can't push with the pain at my gums/ head/ ear/neck area so i have to solve my heatiness first
hi mummies

i'm letting go the following preloved items at a very low price ( below $50 each item ). many are still in good condition. you can watsapp me at 96630011.

1 fridge to go
2 lucky bb high chair
3 maxi cosi infant car seat
4 fisher price bb play gym
5 mclaren rocker chair
6 mclaren sling
7 sarong sling used only 3 times
8 exersaucer leap frog
9 infant toys

I'm interested in item 1 fridge. Can let me know the details?

I have read so many mummies giving birth already when its 1cm to 3 cm diliated. mine dilated for 3cm since 1 week ago but till now still dont want to come out. abit tired playing the waiting game.
