(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

huh? wont the milk still be cold not slight chilled temp even after swirl gently for 2 mins ... wil they get stomachache.. BB stomach very delicate during that stage leh ...i dun want to feed cold BM and then they get colic and i get scolded for ke kiang leh

people LC suggest one de leh


How do I thaw frozen breast milk?

Thaw the oldest milk first. Simply place the frozen container in the refrigerator the night before you intend to use it. You can also gently warm the milk by placing it under warm running water or in a bowl of warm water. Before offering the milk to your baby, gently swirl it to evenly distribute the creamy portion of the milk that rises to the top of the container during storage. Don't vigorously shake the container or stir the milk.

Never thaw frozen breast milk at room temperature, which enables bacteria to multiply in the milk. Also, don't heat a frozen bottle in the microwave or very quickly on the stove. Some parts of the milk might be too hot, and others too cold. Some research suggests that rapid heating can affect the milk's antibodies as well.

Use thawed breast milk within 24 hours. Discard any remaining milk. Don't refreeze thawed or partially thawed breast milk.
huh? wont the milk still be cold not slight chilled temp even after swirl gently for 2 mins ... wil they get stomachache.. BB stomach very delicate during that stage leh ...i dun want to feed cold BM and then they get colic and i get scolded for ke kiang leh
Actually I read that it's okay to give bb chilled EDM leh.... though I don't think I will give my bb cold EDM from the fridge... if warmed and then slightly cooled after swirling, it should be okay??
maybe first 3 weeks wont have enough to give 1 ebm at night... but by my 3rd week, i pump every 2 hours so i managed to pump out one extra serving at night then after that my pump ebm is always for next feed.

By the way, we met up last Fri with fellow mummies, there's a LC among us. She said dun use hot water to heat ebm. Take out thaw/chilled ebm and use both palms to swirl gently to mix the fats and milk for about 2 mins.. then let bb drink at slightly chilled temp ebm

Who is the LC among the 8 of you???
Actually I read that it's okay to give bb chilled EDM leh.... though I don't think I will give my bb cold EDM from the fridge... if warmed and then slightly cooled after swirling, it should be okay??
warm and slightly cool i still ok but if take out from fridge and within 2mins become warm/slightly cool hmm...that part i am questionable about it lolz ..
to me it would still be cold cos our body heat not that strong to warm the milk in 2mins imho lolz
so i dun quite buy the idea of serving cold ebm :p

just imagine ... when we latch on they are drinking warm milk from our body ..
suddenly give them chilled ebm hmm..how will they and their body take it :p
@ecym i just got email from TMC ..they can add a children bed cot for the 4 years in the room lolz and crazy they wan to charge companion meal of $95 for the kiddo
@ecym i just got email from TMC ..they can add a baby cot for the 4 years in the room lolz and crazy they wan to charge companion meal of $95 for the kiddo

and i dun think my boy can sleep in baby cot lolz ...

companion meal?? aiyo... how much can the kiddo eat...? ok mine wont be staying over le...thanks for telling me... $95 for my hubby, serving already not enough
but u still intend to wake up to express right ? if not will engorge or your body tot no need bm and slow down supply

for me i will still wake up 3-4 hrly to express or match beanie feeding time and adjust accordingly to express ...
so long i get a straight 3hr sleep i am contented .. i dun wan a case where i am awake every 1-2hrs to latch on ... confirm i will break down and get sick.. tested and proven ...
i'd prolly wake up every 3-4 hrs to pump too. Every 1-2 hrs latch i sure die. And bo hua right, to get insufficient rest and have inadequate BM arising from inadequate rest. I firmly believe that it is only when mommy is happy that baby can be happy.
i dunno about you all... i am the kind that need alot of sleep lolz ..average min 7hrs lolz
since young already like that heheh

and during my #1 time ..even the 3hrs sleep and wake up to express... was quite tough at the beginning for me ..
i remembered one night .. after feeding #1 and was burping him and i wasnt holdng him tightly that kind but loosely holding ......he suddenly kicked and i actually dropped him cos i was drowsing due to lack of sleep .. but lucky my thick comforter and pillow was infront of me and he actually fall backward onto them :p i felt soooo guilty for a very long time...even now sometime think about it i still feel guilty lolz ... so my advice is know your body ..dun force yourself too much cos in the end who will suffer ...perseverance is good but always know the limit :)
i am also the sort who needs at least 7 hrs of sleep to function properly. else.... haha. be prepared to see lotsa mistakes in my work.
tomorrow Gynae check up ...wonder how much does my beanie weigh now? And i am so looking forward for my pre natal massage tomorrow evening... lower back sng sng sng
companion meal?? aiyo... how much can the kiddo eat...? ok mine wont be staying over le...thanks for telling me... $95 for my hubby, serving already not enough
the room rate inclusive of companion meal already

i'd prolly wake up every 3-4 hrs to pump too. Every 1-2 hrs latch i sure die. And bo hua right, to get insufficient rest and have inadequate BM arising from inadequate rest. I firmly believe that it is only when mommy is happy that baby can be happy.
totally agreed ... inadequate sleep = bad temper = get frustrated easily = prone to post natal depression :p
i am also the sort who needs at least 7 hrs of sleep to function properly. else.... haha. be prepared to see lotsa mistakes in my work.
^5 lolz dun worry,..u have 16 wks to adjust to limited sleep ..wont affect alot when go back work

tomorrow Gynae check up ...wonder how much does my beanie weigh now? And i am so looking forward for my pre natal massage tomorrow evening... lower back sng sng sng

i stopped having the sng feel esp after mid of 2nd trim so no excuse go prenatal massage anymore haiz ...
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.
lol that i totally agreed with you

1 time ok lah.. and as pregnancy progress our self discipline become weaker lolz ... but look on bright side ..at least we managed to have self discipline for around 8 months out of the 10 months ...not a bad acomplishment leh hehehe

give yourself and helper time to get use to each other ...
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.

good timing to get a helper...can use this time to coach her before bb pops ... its best to treat her as a new hand so its easier for you to teach and her to learn!
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.
Errr... I eat fried bee hoon w fish fillet and veg( either cabbage, eggplant or potato) for breakfast almost daily. Limited healthy Breakfast choices when u eat out. Either wantan mee, fishball noodle or Eco been hoon. So I figured bee hoon at least better than yellow noodle... No?
Errr... I eat fried bee hoon w fish fillet and veg( either cabbage, eggplant or potato) for breakfast almost daily. Limited healthy Breakfast choices when u eat out. Either wantan mee, fishball noodle or Eco been hoon. So I figured bee hoon at least better than yellow noodle... No?

Haha, both sounds v sinful to me, cos pure carbo. But that said, I ate that almost everyday for my first trimester. :p A healthy breakfast w be wheat bread toast I guess. But I have zero craving for that, haha.
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.

You got Filipino ?

New in Sg?

Haha .. I very poor thing now ... Gotta control my diet badly ... Cos beanie's weight too big... Then I can't shop anymore .. I go shopping mall , will sort like feel contraction ( if the feeling is ? I still can't figure out contraction feeling .. Only remember the feeling that I want to poooo badly in delivery ward lol )

Once reach home no more pain lol ... Till now still haven't buy my bb cot ...

Remember to set some rules for the helper
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

This afternoon I'm going to pick up my new helper, mixed feelings really. On one hand I'm damn glad n relief that my house will not be a pig sty anymore, n we will have some home cooked food for once (if she can really cook like she claims). On the other hand, nervous that there will be a stranger in the house, n worried if she will chu pattern, whether she will get along w my dog etc. Haiz.
Me taking the same nonsense foods yesterday after disciplined for few mths,a packet of kuoy teow w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet. I't like cravings for chicken wing aft that. Normally, if not eating restaurant food, I also choose the healtier mix rice. I also same EDD date with u if not wrong.
Today very tired .. Woke up 7am read forum chat , till ko , then 10am woke up again read forum chat again and ko again .. Now just wake up again ... Lol but cannot ko anymore ... Need to start packing again lol .. Shag... Been packing for one week ...
Morning mummies! Today I had a super sinful un-nutritious lunch of a gigantic packet of bee hoon w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet, otah... topped off w one equally gigantic cup of soya bean ... I know I know, not supposed to, but I have deprived myself for weeks already, one time won't hurt I figured. I realised as my pregnancy progress, my self discipline become weaker n weaker, jia lat.

Me taking the same nonsense foods yesterday after disciplined for few mths,a packet of kuoy teow w nonsense like fried chicken wing, fish fillet. I't like cravings for chicken wing aft that. Normally, if not eating restaurant food, I also choose the healtier mix rice. I also same EDD date with u if not wrong.
Today very tired .. Woke up 7am read forum chat , till ko , then 10am woke up again read forum chat again and ko again .. Now just wake up again ... Lol but cannot ko anymore ... Need to start packing again lol .. Shag... Been packing for one week ...
wah so easy to KO lolz ...nowaday if i wake up ..very hard to ko one
ecym said:

I found a compiled list of ML for your ladies' reference... I find massage very subjective.. why dont you girls go choose a few to start with prenatal massage then ask about their post natal massage method and costs...and you get to know if you like the ML's style, strength and prices.

Mdm Eja 84394351
Mdm Emma 91822373
Mdm Esah 81778092
Mdm Ida 94249829 (no whatsapp )
Mdm Idah 94361463
Mdm Ita 90510005
Mdm Khatijah 98001394
Mdm Liza 96412314
Mdm Mas 90068026
Mdm Mas 96821091
Mdm Rahayu 91294446
Mdm Saadiah 97724579 (no whatsapp)
Mdm Siti 92200862
Mdm Zie Aziz 84812811
Thai massage lady, Nit9390 6921 or 9060 5255
Julia 91528737 [\quote]
Today very tired .. Woke up 7am read forum chat , till ko , then 10am woke up again read forum chat again and ko again .. Now just wake up again ... Lol but cannot ko anymore ... Need to start packing again lol .. Shag... Been packing for one week ...
What u packing? Getting room ready for baby? I've been packing whole day today also..For moving house in early Dec. Sigh..never ending packing to do. Taking a break now..backache liao.
wah so easy to KO lolz ...nowaday if i wake up ..very hard to ko one
Oh ... Too tired can ko super easily ..

Ya that's the Ida I'm msg .. Lol maybe I asked her post natal for nov and dec and she says she full lol ... I used her for my past 2 times .. But both different addresses lol

Actually I can still sleep .. Only in the middle of the night need to wake up for pee a few times ... And feel very heavy .. Luckily the toilet just beside my bed ..
What u packing? Getting room ready for baby? I've been packing whole day today also..For moving house in early Dec. Sigh..never ending packing to do. Taking a break now..backache liao.
Hahah throw rubbish time lol ... Unwanted stuff ... Clearing of my 3 elder girls clothes , wash all the bb clothes ... Clear my cannot wear clothes - sigh .. Keep thinking if I can wear back the clothes after birth ... Stack and stack till wardrobe full .. Finally awake from reality lol time to throw lol ..

I'm consider moving house too ... Cos it's a major throwing stuff .. Storeroom cleared half .. All those new electrical appliances give .. I terrible ... Love to buy during sale then feel the design not nice will buy nicer one lol so a lot of duplicate things at home

Clearing the rocking chair in my room to create space for bb cot lol .. Told Hb that no need bb cot , just let bb sleep at bay window lol he dun want
Oh ... Too tired can ko super easily ..

Ya that's the Ida I'm msg .. Lol maybe I asked her post natal for nov and dec and she says she full lol ... I used her for my past 2 times .. But both different addresses lol

Actually I can still sleep .. Only in the middle of the night need to wake up for pee a few times ... And feel very heavy .. Luckily the toilet just beside my bed ..
so envy ... sometime i just cant go back sleep after waking up to pee ... heng it is sometime only
What u packing? Getting room ready for baby? I've been packing whole day today also..For moving house in early Dec. Sigh..never ending packing to do. Taking a break now..backache liao.
wah moving house in dec ..that is major project somemore you are due early jan and your hubby travelling in dec

Hahah throw rubbish time lol ... Unwanted stuff ... Clearing of my 3 elder girls clothes , wash all the bb clothes ... Clear my cannot wear clothes - sigh .. Keep thinking if I can wear back the clothes after birth ... Stack and stack till wardrobe full .. Finally awake from reality lol time to throw lol ..

I'm consider moving house too ... Cos it's a major throwing stuff .. Storeroom cleared half .. All those new electrical appliances give .. I terrible ... Love to buy during sale then feel the design not nice will buy nicer one lol so a lot of duplicate things at home

Clearing the rocking chair in my room to create space for bb cot lol .. Told Hb that no need bb cot , just let bb sleep at bay window lol he dun want
huh? you got 4 kids including this one :eek:

wah u very bad ...sleep bay window :s i also keep alot of things ...just dunno when to start clearing lolz... still very lazy leh ...i also haben buy cot lolz ..and make room in my boy's room for cot lolz
so envy ... sometime i just cant go back sleep after waking up to pee ... heng it is sometime only
Maybe all the while I'm a sleepy pig ... Sure can sleep .. As long I see the sky dark will ko type . So I can go any country for holiday without the need to adjust to their timing . No jet lag ..

The last time in Perth , shops close so early ... Everyday 5pm reach back home, cook dinner , after dinner straight away back to bed . Lol till the next morning then go out again

Even in USA also .. Shopped till dropped then reach hotel back to sleep and shop again once morning lol
Think I saw someone posting the bra from taobao .. Looks nice .. Even the panty ... Anyone ordering? Can tonbang to order ? :p

if u talking abt ushade panty that should be @sunflower307

Maybe all the while I'm a sleepy pig ... Sure can sleep .. As long I see the sky dark will ko type . So I can go any country for holiday without the need to adjust to their timing . No jet lag ..

The last time in Perth , shops close so early ... Everyday 5pm reach back home, cook dinner , after dinner straight away back to bed . Lol till the next morning then go out again

Even in USA also .. Shopped till dropped then reach hotel back to sleep and shop again once morning lol

wah you power... your zodiac is pig har :p

just kidding :p
wah moving house in dec ..that is major project somemore you are due early jan and your hubby travelling in dec

huh? you got 4 kids including this one :eek:

wah u very bad ...sleep bay window :s i also keep alot of things ...just dunno when to start clearing lolz... still very lazy leh ...i also haben buy cot lolz ..and make room in my boy's room for cot lolz
No la 3 kids including this one .. Not 4. I think my Hb will be very stressed with no 4 ... I asked him if he wants to try no 4 and see got boy or not .. He says no . All fate!!! Yeah ... But I wish he can go and tell his folks to stop pester me .. It's all fate .. I already very fortunate to get pregnant Liao , stop asking for the sky ...

Bay window just next to my bed ma .. Lol I'm only kidding him .. Cos the bb cot I want to buy he's been thinking very long .. So now he's asking if I want stroller or bed ...

If you see my house you will see a lot unwanted stuff
wah moving house in dec ..that is major project somemore you are due early jan and your hubby travelling in dec

huh? you got 4 kids including this one :eek:

wah u very bad ...sleep bay window :s i also keep alot of things ...just dunno when to start clearing lolz... still very lazy leh ...i also haben buy cot lolz ..and make room in my boy's room for cot lolz
Ikr..We plan to move once he comes back. These 2 weeks he on leave so we plan to shift all our stuff over. So now packing like mad. Then when he returns, we will officially move over. I can only help to pack and unpack..He need to do the moving and carrying..
