(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Huh? Cos my reading is high? But aft stop prednisolones it is under control unless took sweet stuffs or eat too many bread den reading will go slightly high but still not until 7.5
ya cos of the reading and the fact tt u r on steroids (pardon me, but it seems that u were being treated for another condition)..

then now how is ur reading assuming u eat white rice (cos sometimes when u eat out, u cant have brown rice mixed w white rice )

For Dr Tham you will see him for your regular appointment in between the two hours. So after drinking the orange drink, you will see him for the scan and the regular appointment. After the 2nd blood sample, you will go back outside his office to wait. If you fail, you will need to see him again, but if you pass, the nurse will let you know if you need to see him again or not. For me, I didn't need to see him again after the 2nd blood sample, can go straight to making my appt for 4 weeks later...
i wonder what he'd say when i see him in 2 wks'. but anyway.... i kinda guessed liao. Have also thought of how to present my case but i guess i just gotta be careful not to appear too confrontational.
M at the buffet at Parkroyal Pickering, omg it's so good but there r so many things I cannot eat! Thai mango salad, soft cheese, bobo cha cha, all kinds of cakes n nonya kuehs, durian desserts, even the mee siam n pasta station looks damn good but I'm trying to control *忍!Told my colleagues we HAVE to come back here after my maternity leave. Slurp!
huh? what is so good if you cant eat lolz
and why cant we eat the kueh ?? i jsut bought onde onde from bengawan solo leh
that is weird how come she get her result so fast

The OGTT test for Dr Tham and the other doctors at WC Cheng is done within the clinic itself. The lab tech is based in the clinic and he shows you the reading as he does the test, so you know immediately.

In fact he was using a commercially available test kit to take the blood sample, and when he was taking the test, he was even teaching you how to use the test kit in case u fail your OGTT and need to take test everyday....
huh? what is so good if you cant eat lolz
and why cant we eat the kueh ?? i jsut bought onde onde from bengawan solo leh
I love ondeh ondeh and kueh dadar all these coconut based nonya kueh, but I also don't dare to take so much.

Even though I pass my GD test, my bb is still fat... still above the 90th percentile. At 27 weeks 5 days he is between 1.10kg and 1.28kg, so I still need to control my intake, make sure he doesn't grow too big and become too difficult for me to give birth naturally.
lolz... something like that but given that the result is quite fast chin cai lah
just pretend u having another sprike in the clinic
Eh no fun leh... i waste 2 hrs nia~~~ and goodness knows how much the OGTT costs there.. i paid 9.90 at the polyclinic lor
I love ondeh ondeh and kueh dadar all these coconut based nonya kueh, but I also don't dare to take so much.

Even though I pass my GD test, my bb is still fat... still above the 90th percentile. At 27 weeks 5 days he is between 1.10kg and 1.28kg, so I still need to control my intake, make sure he doesn't grow too big and become too difficult for me to give birth naturally.
agreed..cos macrosomia is associated with shoulder dystocia...more tearing for u and so on
precisely. i'd do the smae also. :D :Deat first talk later

Haha scared already mah, bb big scared got problem. The other dishes were good too! I whack soup, fish n meat lor. Oh, one thing I couldn't resist was the kueh pai ti. I whacked a few, even though I was told turnip high in sugar too.
I love ondeh ondeh and kueh dadar all these coconut based nonya kueh, but I also don't dare to take so much.

Even though I pass my GD test, my bb is still fat... still above the 90th percentile. At 27 weeks 5 days he is between 1.10kg and 1.28kg, so I still need to control my intake, make sure he doesn't grow too big and become too difficult for me to give birth naturally.

Babe if u think yours is bad, I'm much worse - at 27 wks 6 days, my bb is 1.7kg! Scary right!
agreed..cos macrosomia is associated with shoulder dystocia...more tearing for u and so on

Ask you something OT... how come u know all these medical terms?? I know ur hubby is doctor... but you don't converse in medical terms wat...

I dunno how to control bb's weight though other than controlling my diet. I gained 0.5kg the past 4 weeks, bb also gain 0.5kg... In between appointments, I also dunno his fetal weight, so by controlling my weight, I also dunno how fast he is growing.....

Babe if u think yours is bad, I'm much worse - at 27 wks 6 days, my bb is 1.7kg! Scary right!

But you most likely going to C-Sec right??
I haven't drank any, will wait till breast feedin then drink cos my gynae discourage drinking maternal milk.

I suggest u don't start!! Hahaha it was a free sample that's why I tried.. Else I wldnt spend money on it..

My gynae says ok to drink fresh milk instead so I'm happy with my fresh milk else yoghurt or cheese :)
Ask you something OT... how come u know all these medical terms?? I know ur hubby is doctor... but you don't converse in medical terms wat...

I dunno how to control bb's weight though other than controlling my diet. I gained 0.5kg the past 4 weeks, bb also gain 0.5kg... In between appointments, I also dunno his fetal weight, so by controlling my weight, I also dunno how fast he is growing.....

But you most likely going to C-Sec right??
Well sometimes he and i do... like he'd teach me lor.

And acty after I saw my OGTT result, I could not help but go and do some research on it. And that's how i found out that there is actually no consensus worldwide on how to test for and diagnose GDM. It's not like say, a biopsy result done on a tissue mass. The outcome is the same regardless of whether u do it in the UK, the US or in Indonesia.
Ask you something OT... how come u know all these medical terms?? I know ur hubby is doctor... but you don't converse in medical terms wat...

I dunno how to control bb's weight though other than controlling my diet. I gained 0.5kg the past 4 weeks, bb also gain 0.5kg... In between appointments, I also dunno his fetal weight, so by controlling my weight, I also dunno how fast he is growing.....

But you most likely going to C-Sec right??

Ya if the placenta don't move I don't have much of a choice. But bb too big I'm worried is indicative of potential health problems, so I'm trying to feed him better nutrients.
I love ondeh ondeh and kueh dadar all these coconut based nonya kueh, but I also don't dare to take so much.

Even though I pass my GD test, my bb is still fat... still above the 90th percentile. At 27 weeks 5 days he is between 1.10kg and 1.28kg, so I still need to control my intake, make sure he doesn't grow too big and become too difficult for me to give birth naturally.
u eat healthily all along right..how come bb still big?
Hello mummies
Do you all still feel giddy?
I at week 24 but this week I keep having giddy spell on and off

Periodically I still get abit light headed at times, esp at night, or when I get out of bed. Keep some candy close by n suck on them when u feel giddy.
u have to see your case differently ..
you have risk of being early due to stubborn placenta position hence the more you can pump up bb weight the better ... as least this is what premiee mummy always aim for ...

I wish we had this conversation before I left the buffet, I would have held back a lot less, lol. Ok la I know, but just in case it's really GD, I don't want him to be born w sugar dependency, so I try to load up on more good nutrients like protein, n cut back on what I really want to eat, which is carbo n sugar. Try my best la, while I can control I try, cos I know there will be days when I will slip up.
Well sometimes he and i do... like he'd teach me lor.

And acty after I saw my OGTT result, I could not help but go and do some research on it. And that's how i found out that there is actually no consensus worldwide on how to test for and diagnose GDM. It's not like say, a biopsy result done on a tissue mass. The outcome is the same regardless of whether u do it in the UK, the US or in Indonesia.
serious ... teach you the medical terms :eek:

lolz ...typical us ..when soemthing happen then go research .. cyber world is gateway to information lolz
I wish we had this conversation before I left the buffet, I would have held back a lot less, lol. Ok la I know, but just in case it's really GD, I don't want him to be born w sugar dependency, so I try to load up on more good nutrients like protein, n cut back on what I really want to eat, which is carbo n sugar. Try my best la, while I can control I try, cos I know there will be days when I will slip up.

i said pump up weight ..but i din say pump up with sugar lolz ...
just kidding ...

just do your best ..take nutritious food ... dun eat sugary stuff to pump up beanie weight
serious ... teach you the medical terms :eek:

lolz ...typical us ..when soemthing happen then go research .. cyber world is gateway to information lolz
Yup.... Like that HbA1c thingy is he teach me one. Long time ago...when he wanna kpkb abt ppl who still eat char kway teow every day tho they have diabetes...end up the HbA1c count is damn high... but for me to understand what he is trying to say he must teach me mah..else i catch no ball also
I wish we had this conversation before I left the buffet, I would have held back a lot less, lol. Ok la I know, but just in case it's really GD, I don't want him to be born w sugar dependency, so I try to load up on more good nutrients like protein, n cut back on what I really want to eat, which is carbo n sugar. Try my best la, while I can control I try, cos I know there will be days when I will slip up.

Actually I am quite like you... I also enjoy my carbo and sugar and find it difficult to control at times...

Do u keep a food diary??? Maybe that will help u monitor ur intake as well...
Actually I am quite like you... I also enjoy my carbo and sugar and find it difficult to control at times...

Do u keep a food diary??? Maybe that will help u monitor ur intake as well...

Hmmm ya if I fail the OGTT I think I have to do that. In the meantime I just try to be sensible abt my food choices. Cannot completely cut out carb n sugar but will try to steer away from the obvious culprits like big bowls of rice, desserts, chocolates etc.
Even though I pass my GD test, my bb is still fat... still above the 90th percentile. At 27 weeks 5 days he is between 1.10kg and 1.28kg, so I still need to control my intake, make sure he doesn't grow too big and become too difficult for me to give birth naturally.

aiyoh, please stop calling your bb fat la... :p
Hi mummies..didn't have a good night's sleep yesterday. Suddnely had chest pain and couldn't find a comfortable position to lie on..felt breathless and like something weighing down on my chest. Anyone felt this before? I'm almost 31 weeks and this is the first time I'm feeling this chest pain..not sure if its pregnancy related or flu related as I'm having a cold.. :(
If you have Low placenta, does that mean can't do natural birth? Must give birth earlier?

my last visit to gynae at 29wks says my placenta still low, but she didn't says that will need C-sect or early delivery...
If you have Low placenta, does that mean can't do natural birth? Must give birth earlier?

my last visit to gynae at 29wks says my placenta still low, but she didn't says that will need C-sect or early delivery...

Depending on how low I think... if it's directly over the cervix, then cannot natural birth, but low placenta can also move up....
Hi mummies..didn't have a good night's sleep yesterday. Suddnely had chest pain and couldn't find a comfortable position to lie on..felt breathless and like something weighing down on my chest. Anyone felt this before? I'm almost 31 weeks and this is the first time I'm feeling this chest pain..not sure if its pregnancy related or flu related as I'm having a cold.. :(

Could it be heartburn?? Sometimes heartburn feels like chest tightness for me....
Hi mummies..didn't have a good night's sleep yesterday. Suddnely had chest pain and couldn't find a comfortable position to lie on..felt breathless and like something weighing down on my chest. Anyone felt this before? I'm almost 31 weeks and this is the first time I'm feeling this chest pain..not sure if its pregnancy related or flu related as I'm having a cold.. :(

Oh dear maybe check w your gynae? I did read somewhere that it could be due to the uterus stretching up n pressing on your ribs though. Maybe in the meantime try to sleep in a semi recline position?
Could it be heartburn?? Sometimes heartburn feels like chest tightness for me....
Thought of that but I didn't have much appetite for dinner and only ate some mee sua..definitely nth could have triggered heartburn so I ruled that out..It was so bad I thought I was gonna have a heart attack lol..woke my hubs and in the end both of us were kept awake the whole night. Feel so bad :(
If you have Low placenta, does that mean can't do natural birth? Must give birth earlier?

my last visit to gynae at 29wks says my placenta still low, but she didn't says that will need C-sect or early delivery...

Depending on how low. If it's just near the cervix but not covering, with a minimum distance of 2cm apart, can still try natural. N such placentas have a much higher chance of moving up as the uterus grows n stretches. Mine is squarely over the cervix, known as grade 4 complete placenta previa, this kind unlikely to move, n cannot natural birth cos it's in the way.
